jkjkjk lololol — looking for bugs

𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ ⠀ melted snow still mars the ground around ginger - toned paws, muddled slush of brown - white muck. a large copper tail is curled high and fluffy over the length of her back, flicking curiously at the tufted tip while a short muzzle noses near the base of large, round rocks dotting the edges of camp. leaves cling to the loose coils of her sunburst coat, dirt clinging to their wispy ends. beneath the topsoil sinks short claws, packed with bits of grass and mud — she is looking for something, for anything, for the click click click of tiny, tittering legs against stone. the air around them was sullen, quiet with recent tragedy and thought frecklepaw herself had not been close to emberstar, many were. so despite the eyes that settle on her from those milling about camp, the mottled apprentice keeps her rear high in the air, arms stretched and scuttling beneath a small boulder — busying herself with digging for grubs, for beetles and bugs. there were crawlies around here, dug deep into the ground.. rabbitnose had told her so, and he wasn’t usually wrong.

as if on cue, a cream - striped paw knocks over a rock and there, big and fat, lie a beetle. it panics upon being revealed to the light, limbs bunching until a single, thick - knuckled paw slaps onto the round shell of its back, “ gotcha!

it squirms, buzzes loudly beneath her toes and she spread them, sheathes her claws to avoid squishing her newest beetle - racing prospect. her hind paws bap the ground excitedly and.. starclan, were they still staring at her? frecklepaw huffs suddenly, clenches her teeth gently around the bug’s fluttering torso — only to whip her head around, ears peeking towards her apparent audience, “ ummm.. “ the beetle is buzzing violently against her speckled nose, pale brown wings splaying to either side of her face but she does not loosen her grip, seaglass eyes hard upon them despite the loud, flailing insect in her mouth, “ don’t you know it’s rude to stare? “ at least that’s what dad told her. what a weirdo.

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— perky goth.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1436.png

( ) "Ah!" Lichenpaw startles as Frecklepaw speaks. "My--my apologies," he says, a little too loud, apologetic grin plastered on his face. Still, though, his gaze remains locked on the beetle grasped in Frecklepaw's jaws. He blinks a few times, watching it buzz and flail its legs. It seems she has no interest in letting it go. Well, that makes sense, he supposes, since she seemed to be working very hard to find it. She is covered in dirt and mud, a fate Lichenpaw has been attempting to avoid, but the molly doesn't seem to mind.

He doesn't quite understand this cat, but no matter. They're both apprentices, it would do him well to make an ally here. When he speaks again, he finds himself surprised by how genuine it is. "It's a good catch. Very uh," He pauses, considers. What's an appropriate compliment for a caught beetle? "Big" feels inadequate, anyone could see that, he thinks as he attempts to peek around the wings to see her eyes. "...Shiny."
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"don't tell me you're eating that thing," sandpaw sneered with a wrinkled nose. the girl trotted up to the others, giving them both a concerned glance. were they both gonna eat this bug? it sure did not look like it wanted that, flailing around in frecklepaw's grasp. the way it writhed made her skin crawl, was the tortie not bothered at all? a golden gaze nervously fluttered between lichenpaw and the bug catcher, waiting for some explanation as to why they were capturing insects. "what're you doing with it?" she asked tentatively when one never came. she sat down, short tail landing roughly on the ground, inviting herself to whatever was going on.
[ 𖤓 ]


Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose's children were....something. Despite being raised together she didn't feel any real fondness for them outside casual friendliness and Frecklepaw was displaying one of the many reasons why; insects. She didn't like them, didn't like how the moved and the too shiny carapace they bore upon their backs. If it was just insects she could ignore it, but that litter was also obscenely loud. Sparkpaw shouted constantly, Mousepaw was always in some cats face, Frecklepaw was...not as bad but still. The tortie point kept her distance, grimacing as she listened to the buzzing of the beetle's wings violently fluttering to give it escape from the fiery tortie's maw. That she was holding it in her mouth was disgusting, Moonpaw wanted to gag just watching but she was also eerily fascinated as well in a way she didn't really like. Lichenpaw stutters an apology for staring but REALLY who wouldn't stare at this nonsense? Her ears flick in annoyance as Sandpaw voices the question she had been thinking the entire time and dreading knowing the answer to. If the other she-cat ate that bug in front of her she was going to leave.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Well, he thought bugs were neat. It wasn't like they did anything but waddle around or get stuck on their backs or fly into things. They were really dumb. Plus, some of them looked cool.

Slipping past the less-than-thrilled cluster of apprentices to lean in and get a better look at the catch, Lightpaw let out a noise that could only be assumed to be impressed. "It's just a bug. What's there to be afraid of? They're dumb and funny looking." It was moreso directed to Sandpaw, as well as Moonpaw, looked about two seconds from bolting.

The golden tom turned back to Frecklepaw. "You should name it," he suggested casually. "Where'd you find it? I haven't seen any bugs in a while. Were there others?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Pebblepaw would admit to playing with bugs before, though, seldom were they ones that could fly about. He had a somewhat irrational fear of one big one landing on his face while he slept, indeed, the lilac tom preferred pillbugs and worms for that very reason. Watching the insect kick up a fuss beneath Freckle's splotched paws, he offered a sympathetic smile to the beetle, his ears shooting forwards in surprise at Sandpaw's first inquiry. Eugh, he couldn't imagine anyone wanting to eat a bug. Pebblepaw had tried before in the safety of a Twoleg house, but its shell had tasted acrid to his tongue, enough for him to spit out the crushed, spear-head-shaped little guy. "I imagine it must be too cold for them." They suggested as Lightpaw noted the lack of bugs, bringing a single paw closer to themselves for comfort. "They don't have fur... I don't know how they'd keep warm for very long." Did the rocks and forest floor truly provide enough shelter for them? It must have if bugs reappeared after every leafbare. It was a question he wanted to pose to the adults, but with none present, Pebblepaw went back to focusing on the beetle.


"Hey now, don't go bugging her about her interests." Shiningpaw had his usual shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he opened up on the puns already. The apprentice was curious however about what Frecklepaw was planning with the insect. Was she gonna eat it? Play with it? Keep it? The prospects were endless, but her plans were still a mystery to him. Though if one beetle could be found then surely that meant more could be found too. "That's pretty neat though. Wish I had a beetle."