sensitive topics JOHNNY WE HARDLY KNEW YA // nightmare, sad old man

TW: mentions of blood, death

"What about that one? She's kinda cute."
"Oh shuddup! Jeez, you are insistent about getting me paired off." Sunny huffed as he shot the russet coloured tom beside him a playful scowl. Was his friend ever going to just give it a rest? "You should be worrying about your own mate. Poor Finch must be feeling so neglected!" He shot back with a purr as he rose to his paws so he could weave his way through the heart of the crowd of gathered cats so he could head out to complete his hunting duties. Naturally Red Fox followed along with a bounce in his step, never missing an opportunity to nip and pull at the larger golden tom's tail.

It was meant to be a straight forward hunt.

But it wasn't.

The metallic stench of blood flooded Sunny's senses as he saw his friend cut down by the large white tom. Slow... he had been too slow about rushing to the scene after hearing the cries for help. He had thought it was another prank, but it wasn't! His friend was dead and it was all his fault! Sunny let out a bloodcurdling shriek as he leapt at the rogue, tangling himself with the other in a battle that would only end once one lay dead. Driven by fury he began to gain the upper hand, but then it was all twisted on its head when his legs were swept out from beneath him causing him to land hard on his side. Before he could get up the rogue was upon him, then the brute sank teeth into his side and tore him open like freshkill, ripping a scream from Sunny's lungs-...

The scream had manifested into the waking world and Sunnyday sprang to his paws in a panic. Every heaving breath was sheer agony as the scar on his side throbbed painfully, reminding him that it was there. Always there. The warrior gave his head a shake in a bid to clear away the final fleeting images that lingered in his mind before he picked his way past the other nests in the den in order to step out into the heart of the camp. He needed to clear his head, and after such a nightmare he doubted he would be capable of sleeping further that night.

It had been a long time since he had last endured such awful memories and it seemed that they never ceased to remain so vivid. The warrior longed to lose himself out in the forest, to just wander aimlessly for as long as it took in order to clear his head. Maybe he just should, was anyone else really awake to stop him? The tom cast a wary glance back towards the warriors den and he waited to see if there was any movement, and once he believed that the coast was clear he moved to head out towards the dirtplace as a final ruse to fool anyone potentially watching him.

He carried himself away into the night, his paws light as he picked his way across the leaf strewn forest floor. The tom wasn't sure how long he had been wandering about but he knew that his legs burned with the tell-tale signs of exhaustion, so he came to stop in a clearing. Craning his head skyward he was then able to take in the majesty that hung above, the great carpet of stars twinkling above. "Red... I hope you're up there, my old friend. I wish you were still here... I could use your guidance now more than ever." Mistakes. He was making far too many, and he was haunted by feelings of frustration that continued to mar his ability to think clearly. He just didn't know what to do with himself.

tldr: Sunnyday had a nightmare, snuck out the camp in the middle of the night, wandered around for a bit, and now is sitting down talking to the sky.
Here's to the next 50 posts! -raises glass-​


It's late and Flycatcher does not expect many of his clanmates to still be awake at this hour. In truth, he was planning on retiring to his nest soon, but the sight of Sunnyday hastily leaving camp gave him pause. For all Flycatcher knew, he could have been heading to the dirtplace, but the wary glance back at the warrior's den makes him curious. He follows the older warrior silently, holding back from revealing himself when he hears Sunnyday talking. He can't see or smell any nearby cats so he assumes the warrior is talking to himself. "Suunyday?" He calls out. "Are you alright?"
Thunderclan offered her a home, safety, food, a chance for redemption. She'd protect this place with as much as she could, and if that meant night patrols, then she'd do so. Nighttime is always more pleasant than the day, with less eye-shattering brightness and everything is much more quiet. She prowls, moving like a shadow throughout the forest (its not the same as her old home) with the intent to survey.

She doesn't expect voices, nonetheless conversational, and her head tilts in curiosity, paws lead her gently to the small group of two. One of them looks slightly distraught and one thats calling out. "Hello." her voice is soft, something she hopes is akin to comforting. "Is something bothering you?" she echoes Flycatcher in her own words, seating herself and flicking her tail over her paws for warmth.

She finds it hard to sleep here. These nests as they call them so rough and unforgiving on her body. The molly thinks that perhaps she has grown very accustomed to her light and soft bedding that this feels so terrible. It sometimes makes her weep silently for the home that she has lost, but also makes her think and know that it had not been her choice. She needs to get used to it and she needs to do so quickly. Pushing some of the rough nest material around she sighs before the sounds of a sudden scream make her jolt. For a moment she just stays there quietly and then a figure walks by her, leaves out of the den. Telling by scent alone she knows it is Sunny, one of the souls that helped her and she wonders what happened.

Shifting she pushes to her paws and thinks about where he is going. Is he okay? So after a moment of thinking and listening she finally leaves the camp. Letting her strong sense of smell lead the way and she soon picks up others. The pure ivory woman blinks her pinkish blue hues, attempting to see who is there but smells help her more. Especially in the dark. It's almost as if she can't see right now and she tilts her head up some. "Is Sunny okay? I heard him cry out he?" She asks again with worry in her hushed tones.

He had expected to be alone throughout that night, so when a voice broke through the gentle whispers of the late forest the tom sprang up like a spooked cricket with an indignant squeak. Sunnyday was fully bushed up which made him look twice his normal size, though upon realising that he wasn't in danger he began to frantically lick his fur flat again. "O-oh... hello! I... er... I'm fine, juuuuust... um... needed a walk." Lying wasn't one of his main skills, that much was obvious.

A feeling of shame and uncertainty swept through him and he found himself shrinking back. No, he shouldn't lie and try to brush it off, that wasn't going to help him or make things easier for the trio who had come out looking for him. A low exhale passed as he sat on his haunches again with his head hung low. "That... that was a lie. Though I did come out here to help clear my mind. The nightmares are back..." They came and went like the rolling of a tide, hitting hard when they invaded his realm of slumber. "I lost a good friend around this time last leaf-bare." He explained whilst thumping his tail against the ground next to him, not out of frustration but rather as an invite for Ariella to come closer if she wished. "Poor dear shouldn't be out here, she'll catch the sniffles. Then Tybalt will kill me."

"Though I must ask, why are you all out here?" Sunnyday knew that Angela had been on the night patrol so that made sense, but Flycatcher and Ariella? Clearly he hadn't done a good job at sneaking out.​


Alongside his own query, Angela and Ariella also come and ask after Sunnyday. At first, the tom claims he needed a walk, but under the watchful gaze of three other cats, he takes back his initial comment and confesses he had really come out here to clear his mind, revealing that a friend of his had passed away this time last leaf-bare.

Flycatcher gives him a sympathetic look. "I am sorry about your friend, Sunnyday," He tells the tom. "And I am sorry about the nightmares too. If they persist, perhaps you could ask Berryheart if there is anything he could give you to give you a more restful sleep." At the following question, he laughs sheepishly. "I cannot speak for Ariella or Angela, but I was actually about to retire to my nest for the night when I saw you," Flycatcher admitted. "The look you had on your face made me curious and I wanted to ensure you were okay."