JOINER !!!!! let me in let me in


reedflower's daughter
Dec 30, 2022
she clears her throat.

"ahem. hello."

she's sat primly on the border, almost exactly where the scent mark lies. she is four moons old and only just, decently-sized for her age, more healthy fat on her bones than most ferals could manage. sweet little white cat, every bit of her snow-colored. there's no collar on her neck, but twoleg scent indicates her kittypet status.

"my name is benzodiazepine." the little girl speaks slowly, enunciates intentionally, clearly the result of a few minutes' practice.

she tilts her head curiously, eyeing the border patrol she's encountered. "i have heard that you train cats to hunt and fight," she says with an air of formality, "and that you'd let me stay with my twolegs at night. i will hunt and fight for you. may i speak with your — "

ah, what do they call them again? rulers? sovereigns? no, it must have been —

" — overlord?"

eveningpaw just sends a slow blink across the border. this cat couldn't be older than her, but spoke so concisely. even the way the white furred kittypet held herself showed elegance. "benzodiazepine," she echoes confidently, the name felt foreign on her tongue. there were many with odd names around, never as tongue twisting as this. a side glance is tossed to the rest of the patrol. everything else is relatively normal, promising to hunt and fight for the clan. but, when the joiner asked to speak with their overlord, eve had to stifle a giggle, even going as far as to cover her growing grin with a paw. finally, she could not withhold it any longer. "overlord!"came her outburst, her head tossing back in lighthearted chuckles. "i'm sorry, really. we don't have an overlord, we do have a leader though, she didn't want the newcomer to feel bad for her mistake, her correction was gentle and delivered with a genuine smile. she would be silent after that, someone would be sent to fetch blazestar, but that wasn't her call to make. instead she would just sit patiently, warm gaze bestowed upon the pale kittypet.

"Your name is what?" Halt everything. Ignore the kid at the border, ignore the way she somehow manages to say that with elegance. It was something they could hold above the heads of clan cats– that they didn't have to stick to names like dirt and mud or whatever. They were exotic– don't concern yourselves with what the names actually mean. (He sure doesn't, as he's currently cackling like a madman). Who cares, when this guy was carrying a name bigger than themself with them. Talk about shiny and new.

They ask to see an overlord, and Wyrm regards them with a lilt of his chin. "Well, miss, Ben-zo-den..." He knew he was gonna butcher it the moment it left his mouth. Though, he feels like it was butchered the moment it was given to her. He brings a blackened paw to rub beneath his nose. "Far as I'm concerned, you're in. Though, it's not up to me, unfortunately." He's nod to the apprentice at his side, affirming her words. "Yeah, we can get 'em." With this, he would glance expectantly to the rest of the patrol. He sure wasn't doing it.​
the first speaks firmly. confidently. correctly. benzodiazepine is pleased. the second... not so much.


she holds back a sigh.


she corrects wyrm, curt but not unkind. she speaks more slowly this time. it is a bit of a mouthful, she knows. she's sure they will adjust in time.

these cats... they live together? she'll live with them, part-time? they seem nice... this won't be so bad. she isn't sure she'll stick around, but she hopes her time here is tolerable. (she knows nothing of loyalty, of codes, knows not what they'll expect, or that a clan is more than a truce of convenience — she knows nothing of war, of devotion, of the stars. yet.)

she's put off by the laughter. little pink nose wrinkles, sugar-white fur ruffles. "overlord!" the other girl chokes out through her cackling. ah ... got it wrong, then.

"my apologies," she says softly, carefully cloaking her embarrassment. poise. she sits up straighter. "your leader, then. assure them that i will work hard. i accept any trials i should face to earn my place here."

... she's surprised by how casual they seem, how kind. "far as i'm concerned, you're in." so odd to hear. isn't it rigorous, their training, their standard? aren't they suspicious, hostile creatures? that's what she's heard, in the whispers that reach twolegplace. ​

"Benzo... what...?"

Greenpaw is just as lost as Wyrm is on this one, bright eyes greeting the newcomer with a look of confusion. The kit's name is long-winded, and, while many new faces have come and gone with their own strange names, this might be the strangest, longest one yet!

"Did you choose that?" he asks with a tilt of the head, "Benzodiapozinopine?" Though it doesn't sound as exact as Eveningpaw's attempt, Greenpaw thinks he's done pretty good trying to pronounce the kid's name this time.

Right, right. She's looking for Blazestar, their overlord. Greenpaw grins in amusement at that - how funny it is, that all these newcomers never know SkyClan's words, while carrying their own strange words as names. The kid seems quite adamant in joining, a promise that they'll work hard. He's certain this one will be let in - she doesn't really need to promise them she'll work hard, does she? Some of the daylight warriors hardly do that!

"Trials? Like... a warrior assessment?" he questions the kit. His impending assessment sounds even scarier, when labeled as a trial. "I think you have a while before you have to do one of those!"
"We don't do big assessments, or trials, until you're much older. How old are you, anyway?" Orangeblossom questions on her approach, ears pricked and a small frown on her scarred maw. She looked barely the age of an apprentice, maybe younger - but Orangeblossom knows looks can be deceiving. The deputy sits down next to Eveningpaw, taking in a small steadying breath at the twinge in her bad leg, but fixes Ben... - I'm calling her Benny. Congrats to Blazestar who gets to name her - with an even ochre stare. "And will you be joining us full-time, or as a daylight warrior to go back to your twolegs at night? SkyClan is the only Clan which allows that."

// mobile post go brr
Much like Wyrm, the calico that approaches as this newcomer corrects her name has his mind reeling. He stares at her pointedly, maw slacked with his mouth agape. Ben-zo-die— Auburnflame is shaking his head, clearing his whirling thoughts to focus more upon her. "Is there a—uh, a more casual name we can call you? Like—Benzo?" He speaks to her, erring on the side of caution as to not offend the little one. "You're a small squirt for such a long name!" The tom couldn't help but smile at the child, lowering himself to her level. "Why did 'yer Two-Legs call you that, hm?" His thoughts push and pull, like the lapping of river waves as he tries to decipher the name and exactly what possessed them to name her such a thing. Ben-zo-die-as-a-peen. There it was. He'd have to say it slowly to pronounce it, but perhaps it'd come to him quicker the more he said it. The familiar voice of Orangeblossom pipes in, explaining the way their trials run and how the young molly decides to join. He sits back onto his haunches, curling a plumed tail around him to let her speak.
Sheep blinks in dumbfounded curiosity as the new cat speaks her name, Benzo-di-pen or something. A very... long name, but Sheep was once a kittypet too and knew some crazy names out there. Theres a fleeting thought about how her friends back in her other place were and if they were doing anything fun or nice. Sometimes she really missed them, she hadn't even gotten to say goodbye.

Back to the topic on hand... "Well, its nice to meet you-" she stifles a yawn with a paw. Shes... Honestly not sure if Orange would bring the other in fully, but knowing Blazestar, Benzo would be in. Auburnflame asks if they could call her Benzo and Sheep blinks once more, tilting her head sideways as she sends a glance to her apprentice. Benzodiazepinepaw, if she was as young as Sheep thought she looked. A whole mouthful, but at least she doesn't adorn some of the jingly collars around her neck. Churro brings a paw to her bow necktie. She doesn't think she'd ever have the heart to get rid of it, even if it jingled.