IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE IS UNSURE OF WHERE HE IS. The forest beyond his two-legs' yard had always been tempting, too tempting. Angus would spend hours sitting on the fence, his tail swishing to and fro while his eyes were focused on the animals skittering through the forest floor, seemingly unaware — or uncaring — of his presence. Longing for more, but hesitant to take the step forward; not until the nudge of the cat next-door, Beau, with a smile to rival the warmth of the sun, that Angus had taken the leap of faith.

But now here he was, lost, which he would adamantly deny if asked, with the setting sun making the experience a tad creepier. To go back wasn't an option — he'd tried, and walked in circles all the same. There are rocks everywhere, and hissing. . . Part of him wonders if the sound is simply his mind playing tricks on him, or if a threat looms in the shadows, waiting.

The bell in his collar jingles, and something jumps at him. Angus barely has time to react by leaping out of the way. The snake misses its target, but doesn't give up; slithering after the prey that waltzed into its territory. The tomcat screeches in a panic, blood roaring in his ears and heart in his throat. I'm going to die. I'm going to die alone, in the woods! His claws hook on the first sturdy-looking tree he sees, looking above at a big enough branch to hold him. The adder is relentless, however, and begins climbing the tree as well — Angus' eyes are blown wide, and he contemplates jumping off the branch; only to realize he's too high off the ground, and would surely hurt himself in the process.

The tortoiseshell paws at his bell nervously, before remembering he can speak. He'd heard of wild cats that live in the forest, but would any of them hear his call? Angus takes a deep breath. "HELP!"

[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
Softpaw had never even considered life as a kittypet - really, she'd never given much consideration to kittypets in general. Her life was perfectly fine in ThunderClan, and even after a stint in ShadowClan, she had no desire to live anywhere but the forest where she'd been born. The forest that she was now able to properly explore, now that she was old enough and the wolves had been driven to their demise. She hadn't wanted to come across as overly-eager in getting out, but in comparison to what Vixenpaw had done in her eagerness, Softpaw supposed she could let herself be a bit excited about going out into the forest.

She'd been practicing her hunting crouch on an unsuspecting vole that was feasting on Newleaf sprouts when a cry rang out through the trees, and the vole startled; Softpaw startled as well, wide eyes blinking in confusion as she got back to her paws and twisted her ears about to figure out where the cry had come from, and from who - it wasn't likely that it was a ThunderClanner who had been so loud as to scare off every piece of prey in the area, but that meant that something other that a ThunderClanner was in the territory.

Frowning, Softpaw hesitated. She was just barely an apprentice - would it be alright for her to go in search of strangers on ThunderClan territory? What if she wasn't big or strong enough to face a confrontational intruder? It sounded like a cat, but what were the chances that it was another terrifying creature like the wolves had been? A shiver went down Softpaw's spine, and she glanced back towards camp. Would she be better off going back to camp to retrieve one of the warriors?

Deciding to go with that, Softpaw turned, ready to head back to camp, when she caught sight of a familiar figure not far away.

"Badgerstripe!" Softpaw called, running up to the older she-cat - she could remember when they had been apprentices together, briefly, before Badgerstripe had received her warrior name recently. She had mixed feelings about how she felt about Badgerstripe not being at her post during the wolf invasion, but now wasn't the time to air grievances. "Badgerstripe, did you hear that?"

ooc: grabbing @badgerstripe !

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Badgerstripe had been on a solo hunt that day, though with little luck as her mind remained pre-occupied, playing over the same old scenarios again and again - the wolves that hunted their warriors, her decision to leave camp unguarded, the deaths that followed as a consequence of her own actions. With how much her mind ran, it was a wonder that she managed to hear a nearby yell at all.

If Softpaw was bounding over for company on her own outing, she would be sorely disappointed. But the white-furred apprentice was inquiring about the yell, confirming that it wasn't simply imagined, or a left-over memory of the shouts that came from ThunderClan's camp on the night of the invasion. Badgerstripe freezes in her tracks and gives Softpaw a nod, all the while her fur begins to bristle. "I don't recognize that voice," she mumbled, swiveling her ears to catch a direction. Sure enough, she could pinpoint where the yell was coming from: towards the border they shared with ShadowClan. Snakerocks.

With a beckoning flick of her tail, Badgerstripe disappears into the undergrowth, taking off for the voice she had heard. Soon enough, snakerocks were in view, and in a nearby tree was a cinnamon tortoiseshell grasping for dear life onto a branch, trailed after by a snake. Badgerstripe's pupils thin and without a moments' hesitation, she is running for the tree. The blue tortoiseshell prepares to dig her claws into the bark and worms her way up the tree, swiping the snake away with a sharp whack, and then jumping down after it. Stunned from the swipe and shocked by the fall, the snake is still for just a moment before beginning to move through the grass - but a moment too long, long enough for Badgerstripe to nip it dead.

But the snake wouldn't hold her attention for long. She abandons it amongst the grass promptly, returning towards the tree to stare up at the kittypet with contempt. StarClan knew they did not need anymore kits - or any more death within their territory. His timing was impeccable, and he was lucky enough to show up after the wolves that recently inhabited their territory have been defeated. In a situation where Badgerstripe may have greeted the stranger with curiosity and outgoing kindness, a mere few weeks ago, her patience is now limited, and she greets him with anger. Kindness and leniencely would teach a cat no lessons, she decides in that moment - after all, it didn't teach her until it was too late.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to be out here? On your own, no less?" the young warrior demands. Her tail whips behind her and her green eyes are wide - angry, yet immensely fearful. She is acutely aware of his collar, of where he's from - she wonders how he got this far without SkyClan getting their paws on him first. "If that snake were an adder, you'd be dead where you stand."
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
A BLUE FLASH APPEARS, AND TIME STOPS. Angus hardly processes what is going on before the snake is no longer about to pounce, now flailing on the forest floor pathetically. As if that was his own doing, the kittypet pokes his tongue out at it, a final fuck you before the reptile is killed by the tortoiseshell she-cat. He stands triumphantly, before the unknown warrior's glare has him cowering, claws dug into the branch for support.

I'm next... she's gonna kill me next! A shiver runs down his spine, his neck fur raised and eyes blown wide with fear. The wild was so terrifying, so absurdly different from the two-leg den he'd grown up in. But amidst his fright, Angus also felt a ting of excitement bubbling. Life confined to a comfortable home had always been dull. . .

"But I didn't! I'm alive!" He yells giddily, still holding onto the branch for dear life, afraid of injuring himself with the fall. "All thanks to you!" Angus smiles despite the scolding, fear of the she-cat long forgotten. "You - you live in these woods, right?" He asks like an overly-enthusiastic puppy on its first walk, tail wag and all. "How do I join?" He was young, with an incredible lack of impulse control; but being rational be damned, living in the wild sounded fun.

"By the way, I. . . don't know how to get down."
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
  • Love
Reactions: ixora

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm had been walking through the woods in search of herbs or feathers that he could give to the kittens back home though his nose lifts from the foliage he had briefly parted in search of poppy seeds and frowns hearing the cry that rang out in the territory. He can feel the fur on his spine prickling as he immediately bolts in that direction hoping that none of his clanmates had gotten hurt especially with the recent event of the wolves, the thought alone makes his body shiver. Gentlestorm arrives with heavy paws slamming onto the ground noting that Badgerstrike and Softpaw were out, the faint smell of copper makes his nose wrinkle, and he realizes it was an adder. The bite alone one of those serpants could kill a cat so immediately turning to his clanmates does he ask "It didn't bite any of you?" His honey gaze looking their bodies up and down from where he stood only to realize another scent before the voice of the trespasser caused the giant healer's head to turn in his direction. This stranger didn't belong here and the faint jingling of his bell is enough to make his pupils grow with slight bewilderment. How had Skyclan not noticed this kittypet passing through their territory?

His hackles lower themselves as he relaxes his body and draws a low breath from his jaws, he's not very amused by this. The strange cat could've gotten killed or worse, one of his clanmates killed. "We do live in these woods. It's best if you go back home. It's not safe here for you and you already saw that for yourself," He motions to the dead snake that lay limp on the forest floor and has to hold in an exaperated sigh when Angus mentions how he doesn't know how to get down. If only Howlingstar hadn't been injured or Flamewhisker stuck in the nursery, the both of them would've handled this a lot better than him. Any of his other clanmates would be a lot more prickly towards this stranger than him too. Gentlestorm was the least agile cat when it came to climbing, he's surprised that Bobbie had managed to help him up that cliffside during the journey when they had.

"When we get you down, you're to go home." The medicine cat states rather bluntly not using his usual warm tone that he offered to his clanmates on a daily most likely due to the exhaustion he had felt pulling at his body this moon.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
Palefire had no respect for kittypets, or their way of life; in fact, she despised them almost as much as rogues. There were few examples that came to mind of former kittypets who had actually earned her respect and kindness; Sunfreckle, though it hurt now to think of him, was one of the bravest cats she'd ever known. She wasn't sure whether Dustpaw had been a kittypet before or just a loner, but the young apprentice had always followed after her and she'd grown a soft spot for the ginger molly. But she was a hypocrite and took them as examples of the exceptions, not the rule. Her father had been killed by rogues. Her clanmates had been attacked by them on numerous occasions. And kittypets were largely the same, outsiders to their way of life, but maybe worse in the fact that they took their safety for granted and were raised to be soft.

Palefire had been trailing quietly after Gentlestorm as he looked for trinkets to give the kittens, not particularly of any use to him right now but feeling like she needed to be doing something. Even if that just meant walking with him, making sure that he was okay until they returned to camp. She knew that the medicine cat was among those who were incredibly disappointed in her now, in light of recent events, but she was okay with shouldering the burden of his ill-opinion if it meant she could help keep him safe. He was all they had left to tend to the clan now, and with how many deaths and injuries there had been of late, that meant a great deal. Aside from that, she liked being out of camp and in the woods, where the air felt less suffocating, and Gentlestorm was good company.

She saw Gentlestorm take off before she heard the cry for help, her fur standing on end as she sprinted after him. Stars, please don't let it be another predator. The wolves were gone, and realistically it was unlikely that any more would come. But her heart pounded with sickening fear all the same, traumatized by all that had been lost already. She caught up to the larger tomcat quickly, and they both slowed when they neared the tree, where Badgerstripe and Softpaw stood looking up at a treed kittypet. A breath of relief pushed out of her lungs at the realization that none of them were hurt, which left her room to turn an angry blue-eyed glare up at the stranger. She cast a sidelong glance at Badgerstripe's harsh words, whose thoughts seemed to mirror her own.

One might think that Palefire's own recent mistakes would have softened her heart to be more tolerant of others, but in fact the opposite was true. It had made her weary of the world, and given her a fierce complex about maintaining the safety of her clan from here on, no matter the cost. One could make the argument that a young kittypet like Angus could pose no real threat to a clan full of trained warriors, but the anger and bitterness that tainted her mind made her see things differently. He was weak, and incapable of even taking care of himself; which meant he would only ever be able to get someone else hurt, if they ever had to rely on him for anything.

Her lip curled furiously at his flippant inquiry about joining, her claws unsheathing into the ground beneath her paws. His tone was light as a feather, excited even, at the idea of leaving his twoleg nest behind to join them in the forest. As if it were some kind of adventure, as if they hadn't all just been through hell these last few weeks. Being a part of a clan wasn't a game, and as she'd learned the hard way, it often meant that the lives of those you care about are thrust harshly into your own paws. This twoleg pet couldn't handle it, she was sure of that. "You don't" she snapped, ears folding back against her skull and tail lashing behind her. Howlingstar would never allow it. Subconsciously she took a step closer to Gentlestorm, though whether it was for his peace of mind or her own, she didn't know. "We should just leave him there. He got himself up, he can get himself down." Honestly, he wanted to be a warrior when he didn't even know how to climb a tree?

[ ic opinions only!! she's grumpy <3 ]
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There's a certain sense of relief that floods through Softpaw when Badgerstripe takes out the snake, and then Gentlestorm and Palefire arrive within moments. She doesn't regret falling back to get Badgerstripe's help, now that she knows the situation - really, it had been for the best that she had gotten a warrior's help, however new they were to the title. Softpaw stays quiet as the older cats address the kittypet, who has the mind to ask to join ThunderClan. It was surprising to hear - most kittypets were content to stay in their twoleg nests, or with SkyClan.

"Palefire," Softpaw chides when the warrior snaps that they should simply leave the kittypet in the tree, even if she did share Palefire's thought process - what kind of warrior would a cat that doesn't know how to get down from a tree make? There's a moment of hesitation, and Softpaw looks over to Gentlestorm, arguably the one most in charge of those gathered. "Hey, you just have to use your claws. Like this." As she speaks to the stranger, Softpaw pulls herself up the same tree, looking over at the tom.

"Come down with me. All you have to do is keep your hold, and push yourself with your back legs." Softpaw explained. She made her way down the tree, slipping a bit despite her previous confidence, before landing on the ground with a small thud. Climbing trees was still something that she hadn't altogether mastered either.

Softpaw wouldn't consider herself soft, as ironic as it was - but there was an aspect of her that held a certain curiosity for cats outside of ThunderClan, a remnant of her time as a kit in ShadowClan. She had no authority here, but it was tempting to consider what the kittypet could offer, aside from not being able to climb.
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
MORE CATS APPEAR, AND HE SUDDENLY FEELS CORNERED. Angus' ears drop as he hears the words go home and leave him there. He shook his head violently, frustrated at the wild-cats for not listening to him in the slightest. "Do you hold me in contempt because of this?" The kittypet paws at his bell, the jingle echoing through the darkening woods. He glares at the particularly aggressive she-cat that suggested they leave him stranded up the tree. "Were you born knowing how to climb, or were you taught?" Angus asks again, his question not directed at anyone in particular; rhetoric at most.

In his agitation, he fails to notice Softpaw's approach. Skittish, Angus nearly jumps out of his skin at the albino apprentice's sudden appearance beside him, but listens to her instructions despite his heartbeat muffling most of it. Push yourself down with your back legs, he echoes, and attempts to copy as best as he can. It is far less graceful than Softpaw, but it gets the job done. The kittypet lights up at that, offering the ThunderClan apprentice a smile in appreciation.

He turns toward Gentlestorm, recalling the tom saying it wasn't safe. The tortoiseshell's ears perk up, and he tilts his head to the side. "If it's not safe, then why do you stay?"
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
Gray-Black tabby fur emerged from the bushes behind the warriors as Cormorantswoop made her way forward, muscles rippling beneath her pelt. The newcomer flashed a glare at Badgerstripe. ''Take a breath and calm yourself. You'll only stress yourself out more if you continue to yowl and scare away all the prey in the territory.'' The gray-black tabby turned her gaze to Softpaw and gave her a nod. ''That was more like it, Softpaw,'' Cormorantswoop meowed with a wave of her tail, turning her expression back to Badgerstripe. ''You have to be gentle when it comes to kittypets, Badgerstripe. You'll only scare them more if you yell at them. I agree, it was dangerous for this one to come into our territory and put himself in danger, but at least he's safe.''

Softening her tone as well as her gaze, Cormorantswoop turned to Angus. Her ear twitched and she narrowed her eyes, taking in the kittypet's soft and plump appearance. ''What made you think to come into ThunderClan's territory, anyway?'' The ThunderClanner inquired, a whisk of her tail showing her irritation. ''Don't you know that it's dangerous? That adder could have bit you, and you would've died. Adders are poisonous, you know.''

Cormorantswoop gave a nod to Gentlestorm. ''Will you make sure he's alright, Gentlestorm? That adder may not have bit him, but it would have gave him quite the shock. The least you could do is make sure this kittypet is really okay.'' The warrior then turned her sharp, green eyes to Softpaw. ''I'll let Flamewhisker and Howlingstar know of your save as soon as I can.'' The gray-black tabby Scottish Fold - American Curl mix narrowed her eyes as she realized that Palefire was here, too, and gave her fellow warrior a nod of acknowledgement, as she had no words for her Clanmate. But then, she heard the warrior's words.

We should just leave him there. He got himself up, he can get himself down.

Ears flattening, Cormorantswoop aimed a sharp hiss at Palefire.
''Would you like it if you got stuck in a tree - not knowing how to get down - and your Clanmates left you there, Palefire? ThunderClan is known for showing compassion and mercy to others that need help, whether or not they are inside the Clans or outside of them. If I hear you say another negative word about this kittypet, I'll take you to Howlingstar myself,'' She snapped. No, Cormorantswoop wasn't taking Angus' side. She was only making her point clear to Palefire. ''It isn't this kittypet's fault he got stuck in a tree. He didn't expect the adder to come out of the rocks and try to bite him. He was probably scared out of his fur and hadn't known what to do, and so he panicked. We all know that feeling.'' The ThunderClanner purposely put an emphasis on the word all.
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'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The blue tom turns to acknowledge the warrior that had become his shadow for the day when she speaks harshly about leaving the kittypet up in the tree then focuses his gaze on Angus as he makes the bell jingle with a paw. He watches as Softpaw helps the kittypet down from the tree, he let's his muscles relax as he nods gratefully in the direction of the pale molly then twitches his whiskers seeing another warrior approach. "We live here. We were born and raised here. Thunderclan knows the forest a lot better than you, where you have lived in a twoleg nest most your life." Gentlestorm explains carefully as he tries to keep his cool knowing that this young cat believed that he could find a more thrilling life out here and the large medicine cat takes a bold step forward as his shadow towers over Angus, "You've never gone up a mountain. You've never starved or gotten an illness strong enough to kill you. So tell me... Why do you want to join?" Both of his ears prick forward awaiting the answer from the fiery pelted tom though he listens to how Cormorantswoop begins to squabble with her own clanmates and the healer shoots her a glare that demanded that she shut her maw, he had little patience right now.

"If it's for mere adventure this isn't the life for you. It's not fun out here." He states bluntly keeping his dark gaze focused on the bell wearing kittypet, he didn't doubt that Angus could live out here considering that Blazestar had been able to do it and had led Skyclan successfully but the reason he came to the forest had been different than Angus.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

When it came to situations like this, Copperfang was torn. Although he didn't personally really have anything against kittypets, particularly ones that were able to partake in clan life and strove to live the way that they did, giving up their previous life in order to live the life of a forest cat as many had in the past (and many would in the future, undoubtedly), it was an understatement to say that the cats of Thunderclan had been through a lot as of late. The last thing that they needed was a too-bold kittypet wandering about in their woods getting himself hurt and causing more trouble for cats who had already had far more than their share for many moons to come. He watches Softpaw help the kittypet down with a quiet sigh of relief, though the tom was still rather on edge, amber eyes narrowed as the conversation continues. Whiskers twitching, he frowns at Cormorantswoop's words, one ear flicking.

"Gentlestorm is right. You come here not knowing what you're getting yourself into, or what life here truly entails. What you have just seen is the least of it," His expression is grave -- serious, his jaw set and brows somewhat furrowed as if troubled, "you are very lucky that anyone was around to help you at all. It would be safest for you to return to where you came from and remain there. The last thing that Thunderclan needs is a kittypet wandering into these woods getting hurt." Still, he waits for Angus' answer to the question the healer had posed. Despite his mood -- all of their moods, most likely -- he was admittedly curious.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ANGUS HUFFS IN ANNOYANCE. "And I could've run away the second I got off that tree! But I am still here - talking to you!" He argues with a lash of his tail, maintaining eye contact with Gentlestorm. The kittypet pouts like a spoiled child, gritting his teeth as more and more warriors chime in on what he should and shouldn't do, when that was for him to decide. His claws unsheathe reflexively, which he notes could be seen as a threat - if it came from anyone other than a housecat.

With his ears pinned to his head, Angus suddenly feels embarrassed. This intervention of sorts was humiliating. "I know there's more to life than being in a twoleg nest!" The cinnamon cat cries out, keeping his amber gaze on Gentlestorm's stern copper eyes. The tom appeared to be the one with the most authority here, it only felt right to speak directly to him. Angus even narrows his eyes a bit, to make his resolve seem tougher.

"You have so much freedom. And there's never a dull moment in your life. Even at the cost of your safety, you stay." The young tom muses, his tone starkly different from seconds prior. Truthfully, he was doing it because it sounded fun, but white lies have never hurt anyone - and if it happened in this case, they would only hurt him. "Please."
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the chatter at snakerocks had fled her prey, whoever was causing it sure knew how to pick a great time. her clanmates are crowded around some soft pawed stranger and by the time nightbird arrives she is lucky enough to hear a pleading speech.

a kittypet begging to join, why hadn't they sent him off to skyclan yet instead of entertaining this. the lead warrior glanced across the fiery young tom, he was only slightly older than fallowpaw's littermates who had been welcomed and healed without a second thought. besides, after the actions of the new warriors it was nearly impossible to do anything worse.

everyone worried about how he would fit in, how his life would change beyond recognition. obviously if he had ventured all the way here, it was something he wanted. it would be satisfying to see the look on the kid's face after he begged for entry and failed to find success in clan life, and if he prospered they had another hard headed warrior. either way, the kid obviously was not leaving on his own volition. "quite a tenacious one," she muttered to her clanmates, tone neutral. "you'll need to speak to howlingstar if this is truly what you want. if i take you to her, will you shut up?"
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ I'm alive, all thanks to you! The words might have aided Badgerstripe's grieving heart, if not said so soon since the recent tragedies. If she had earned it.

"We do live here," Badgerstripe answers. It was no place for a kittypet, a fact that Gentlestorm and Palefire seem to hammer in when they arrive. Softpaw and Cormorantswoop seem kinder to the kittypet, something she won't really scorn, but the latter's comments towards Badgerstripe earn pinned ears and a sideways glance. Don't speak to me like I'm a kit, she thinks, but her expression gradually softens with defeat. Loathed as she was to admit it, the other warrior was right. The kittypet was alive, and perhaps that matters more than the risk. If only the same could have been said for Badgerstripe and her friends the night they left camp unguarded to a pack of wolves.

The kittypet's retorts regarding skills are.. clever. She'll give him that. On the contrast, Gentlestorm's response to this is lost on her. I didn't climb a mountain, Badgerstripe thinks. Or starve. Or die of sickness. I just.. happened to be born in the right place. The thought sheds a little bit of perspective into her mind, but still not much - not enough to be as confidently defensive of the kittypet as Cormorantswoop is. She is still, somewhat, in agreeance with the others.

"Why do we stay?" Badgerstripe echoes. It's a good question, and for a moment she isn't sure how to answer. What did it mean to her, to be a ThunderClan cat? Why does she stay? What does it mean to be a warrior, She finds she can't really answer, and lets the medicine cat and other warriors answer for her.

"Look," she finally begins, once she has the chance to speak. "Forest life is far different than the life you know. It's more than.. than freedom and fun. There will be dull moments. You need to be prepared for this, if that is what you want. I would hate for you to find this out the hard way." Like I did, Badgerstripe thinks. Was she really fit to give this kind of advice?

Finally, Nightbird arrives, and the conversation may seem to go somewhere now. Badgerstripe feels that if she brought the poor scrap to Howlingstar first, they could have avoided all this back-and-forth - but she had no chance before everyone else showed up. "He's young," she comments, to whoever would have her opinion. "Maybe apprentice age, if we take into account the new code. Do you think there may be time for him to learn?"
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Softpaw was the first to chide her, though she honestly liked the young apprentice so she said nothing, just cast her a sideways glance before turning back to the kittypet. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his dramatic questions. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do hold you in contempt for your little collar, and everything it represents. Of course I wasn't born knowing how to climb, but by the time I was your age, I could do that and a lot more." Really, he was making quite a fuss about the whole thing. He just needed to take the break they were offering him and go home, before something far worse than a snake got ahold of him.

But Cormorantswoop's hissed threats towards her had her spinning to face the other warrior, hackles raised and blue eyes alight with anger. "I wouldn't need my clanmates to help me down because I wouldn't have gotten stuck. Thunderclan doesn't take in kittypets, if he wants to join a clan then we should send him to Skyclan, where they look more kindly on twoleg pets. Howlingstar would agree, so your threats are useless." Her tail lashed furiously behind her and she lifted her head to glare down at the older molly. "It absolutely is his fault that he got stuck up there, and it only proves that he's not meant for this life." She was done wasting her breath on such a pointless argument, so she turned back to Gentlestorm, who was trying to explain the difference in their situations to the young tom.

For the most part she agreed with everything that the medicine cat said, and he certainly handled it nicer than she could have. But others arrived, including Nightbird, and apparently everyone had lost all their common sense because for some reason, they were actually entertaining the idea of letting the kid stay. When her former mentor offered to bring him back to Howlingstar, she couldn't help but scoff in disbelief, ears pinning back against her head. "Are you joking? There's no reason for us deal with this kittypet. We don't need him. There's another clan just on the other side of the forest that would happily take him in, if that's what he wants." She shook her head in frustration, digging her claws into the ground as she realized that for some reason, she was on her own here. "This is ridiculous."

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    [color=[COLOR=rgb(216, 201, 200)]#d8c9c8[/COLOR]]⭃[/color] currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm feels grateful that Copperfang arrives to agree with him about the dangers that lurk within the forest though it doesn't seem to be enough to sway the kittypet's decision that seems to already have been made. A frown tugs at the corners of his mouth when Angus says please and the blue tom shifts his gaze briefly to his clanmates but before he can utter another word, Nightbird arrives and he huffs at her low comment about the stranger being tenacious. What somewhat surprises him is Nightbird offering to take the tom to Howlingstar so he could shut up this amuses him slightly but he let's out an exhausted sigh examining the smoke molly for a heartbeat "I hope this goes well. I trust your judgement, Nightbird." He muses dryly to his friend though there's not a single bone in his body that doubts Nightbird, his copper gaze focuses onto the fire pelted tom that stood in front of him. Both of his ears prick forward analyzing him for a heartbeat or two then speaks "Come along. I warn you now that you won't be welcomed warmly by others and Howlingstar may not even let you in." He turns briefly to Badgerstripe taking in her opinion and nods "There should be time for him learn and prove himself to the clan. If not, well, he can always go back to being a twoleg pet." His tone tired yet not harsh as he says this, this was Angus' choice and he would learn that the thrills he sought out were at a horrifying cost.

His ears twitch when Palefire hisses back at Cormorantsweep's threat though he does nothing to stop her considering that he would not take to threats lightly either and the lilac molly doesn't seem thrilled about their newest "patrol buddy". Gentlestorm doesn't blame her in the slightest though he glances over to Nightbird once more then motions for the group to follow him back to camp, his attention turns to Badgerstrike and speaks to her "Could you alert Howlingstar of our... visitor? Tell her to stay within her den but if she refuses help her, please." They were only a little ways from camp now but he wanted for Howlingstar to be aware of Angus before he brought him back to camp.

/ telling badgerstrike to alert @HOWLINGSTAR


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
  • Like
Reactions: ixora
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HEARING GENTLESTORM'S WORDS, THE KITTYPET SMILES: ALL TEETH. "You're still giving me a chance, thank you! Angus beams, trotting after the medicine cat. He got past the first hurdle: convincing them to at the very least take him to their camp - but Howlingstar, as Nightbird had called - might be another difficult step in his journey of becoming a Clan cat and leaving his housefolk behind. Palefire's words were heard, and throughtly ignored.

His housefolk. . . He wonders how they will feel when he doesn't return, when he doesn't say goodbye. If they'll mourn his loss, or move on to the next pet like he'd never been there in the first place. The sepia tortie sneaks a glance over his shoulder at the thought, feeling a surge of anxiety forming in his stomach. Angus gulps dryly, nervous of what the future holds if he even got welcomed into the Clan. The tom shakes his head, his bell collar jingling once more. A reminder.

Angus looks at the white she-cat that taught him how to get down from the tree, @Softpaw. Falling into a step beside her, the kittypet offers her another smile. "Thank you for teaching me how to get down the tree." The kittypet mutters, amber eyes glinting with appreciation. "You made it look so easy."
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ At last, it seems the conversation has finally taken a constructive turn. Badgerstripe, now seemingly lumped in with the cats considering the kittypet's joining, feels inclined to ignore Palefire's chiding remarks - part of her still agrees that they didn't need a kittypet amongst her ranks, but the volatility of her own attitude these days reacts only with annoyance and exasperation, something she feels guilty about equally as she feels stubborn. She doesn't know how to feel about her friends lately and can't seem to help the frustration, but if she pretends her feelings are deliberate, then she has more control - and control over her own feelings is the only thing she has left.

Gentlestorm's instruction gives Badgerstripe just the out she needs, now with all the scrutinizing cats around her. She merely nods in acknowledgement before making her fast-paced walk back to camp.

Soon enough, or so she hopes, the striped tortoiseshell ducks into the ravine, ignoring whatever glares may come her way from lounging Clanmates. She'll get used to it, she thinks, but each day brings another pain. On her way to the leader's den, Badgerstripe wonders what awaits her when she's alone with Howlingstar, just the two of them: would the leader take kindly to her presence, or send her away with scorn just like anyone else?

That is why she enters the den with caution, clearing her throat as she blinks to adjust to the darkness of her den. "Howlingstar, uh, ahem.." she clears her throat again, a tribute to her nervousness. "Softpaw and I - we found a kittypet at Snakerocks. Nightbird vouched to bring him home, he seems.. confident that he would like to join us." Her words, though wary and fumbling, become more clear as she speaks - annoyance begins to subtly slip in. Why hadn't SkyClan been burdened with this? "Gentlestorm sent me to notify you. B-but.. not to leave your den, though.. if-if you shall, I will help." And, in comes the fumbling again. Will Badgerstripe ever deem herself trustworthy to her leader again, offering help with the same confidence she once had?
  • ooc - fetching howlingstar
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

I wouldn't need my clanmates to help me down because I wouldn't have gotten stuck. Thunderclan doesn't take in kittypets, if he wants to join a clan then we should send him to Skyclan, where they look more kindly on twoleg pets. Howlingstar would agree, so your threats are useless.

With a lash of her tail, Cormorantswoop ignored Gentlestorm's glare, her huge paws carrying her forward and having her loom over Palefire. ''You don't know what Holwingstar thinks about taking in the kittypet, and as far as I'm concerned, you'll never know, Palefire,'' The warrior bared her teeth in the beginnings of a snarl, glaring at the smaller she-cat through sharp green eyes. ''Howlingstar's thoughts on this situation are Howlingstar's thoughts, not yours. Not any other cat's. Don't act like you know what she is and isn't going to say, or how she is going to feel.''

''Besides, if Howlingstar does accept this kittypet into ThunderClan, then I am more than willing to take him on as my apprentice, and that is our Clan Leader's decision, not yours. Howlingstar makes these decisions, so unless you become ThunderClan's leader one day, you'll never get to.''
Cormorantswoop gave a wave of her tail, ears flattening. ''I'm not thinking about threats, Palefire. I'm thinking about the good of the Clan, and ThunderClan needs as many warriors as we can get. We cannot let any of the other four Clans have an idea that we have been weakened and are dealing with... other situations,'' The gray-black tabby had to search for the right word. She didn't want to say death in front of the watching kittypet.

It absolutely is his fault that he got stuck up there, and it only proves that he's not meant for this life.

''Just because that tom is a kittypet does not mean he cannot learn the ways of ThunderClan, and I am willing to prove that to you. I'm willing to give him a chance, but you're clearly not,'' Cormorantswoop let her tail drop to the ground and softened her voice and gaze. ''I understand the fact you are scared to lose more Clanmates. We all are. But every loss comes with a gain, Palefire. We may have lost two of our Clanmates, yet we are gaining one in return. Think of it as an apology from StarClan.'' Without giving Palefire the chance to respond, Cormorantswoop whipped around and followed Gentlestorm, Badgerstripe, Softpaw, and Angus back toward the camp.


[ @nightbird - feel free to have night interact with cormorant at sometime since they're basically twins {in appearance, anyway} (and the same age in moons lolz)]

[ @HOWLINGSTAR - nightbird isn't the only cat who vouched to bring back the kittypet, as Cormorantswoop technically agreed, too. she's willing to give Angus a chance. ]
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Howlingstar lifts her head as Badgerstripe enters, a bit of surprise to see the scorned young warrior in her den. She studies her, noting the apprehension that seems to roll off her in waves, if it hadn't already been obvious in her body language. The injured leader pricks her ears and tries her best to straighten herself, curiosity now taking the place of surprise in her gaze. A kittypet? The tabby frowns and narrows her eyes, expecting to hear that they'd successfully chased the twoleg pet off and this was merely her letting her know the patrol report, but that is not so. "What?" Her voice is clipped with shock, annoyance beginning to creep into her features. Nightbird of all cats vouched to have him brought back?

Then comes the next sentiment, that Gentlestorm wants her in her den. Her gaze is narrowed as she glowers back at the young warrior. She is already heaving herself to her paws. "If Gentlestorm wanted me to stay in my den, no kittypet would be brought into my camp," She growls, though her frustration is not exactly aimed at Badgerstripe herself. "Come on then. I need your shoulder."
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