private JOKE'S ON ME // Chilledstar

Nov 14, 2023

So it was time for him to return back to his daily apprentice duties again now when he officially had a new mentor again. The problem was he did not want to. Didn't matter to him that it was Chilledstar their very own leader who had decided to take him on. It was only temporarily anyway so why should he care?. Soon he would have a new mentor again, and who knew how long that would last. Basilpaw had decided to not play along in fact, he find it alot more fun to play his own game for once!. So instead of meeting Chilledstar at the camp entrance he would sneak himself around to the back of the camp and hide himself behind the big tree that was being placed there. Lets see how long it would take for Chilledstar to find him!. Or better yet they would give up on the hunt to find them and leave without them instead!. Basilpaw placed his paw above his mouth as he giggled, thinking this game was so much fun already!. Already he was starting to plot out what he should do in camp today while Chilledstar was away. Maybe he could find Snowpaw and spend time with him for a bit?, or work on one of his first pranks he wanted to use!. There was so many opportunities....if only Chilledstar could leave soon so he could get started with his day!.


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"oh no. I do so wonder where my newest apprentice could have gone. maybe I will find him outside of camp. where he is not supposed to be."

their tone is drenched with sarcasm. they did not truly think that basilpaw thought they were this stupid. their tail lashed back and forth as they grumbled something under their breath before they made their way outside of camp. they tried the normal entrance first but he scent did not come through here. so, the back entrance it was. they made their way over, nose twitching as they rolled their eyes.

"get out here basilpaw. my nose and my ears work just fine. I know you're over there. we are to be training and you're wasting my time hiding."

if he thought that chilledstar would go easy on him, he was mistaken. he would not be in harms way, but chilledstar took training very seriously and if they had to, they'd made basilpaw train until his body ached. it would be good for him, anyways.

"these are kit games. I thought you wished to be a warrior."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Oh dang! he had been found out!. Basilpaw was a bit disappointed it had worked so well on Spiderwing but tricking the leader themselves would turn out to be a bit more tricky. With a defeated sigh the apprentice jumped out from his hiding place and flashed a wide grin to his mentor. " Aw come on Chilly!, i was just playing around with ya, there's no harm in that!." he brushed it of like it was nothing, taking this absolutely not seriou. In fact he didn't care much if he was wasting Chilledstar's time!. Basilpaw had no intention to be cooperative...most of the times anyway!.

Wished to be a warrior huh?. That was true, or it had been. That was until he had discovered that he was gonna end up to become a warrior anyway, everyone did in the end. So he had decided to take more of his time to enjoy his youth while he still had one!. In the first place he did not wish to think about the future anymore not when there were missing pieces that he never could put back together, what was the point?.

" Yeah, well one day!!. But i'm still young so gotta enjoy my youth while i still have it!. Before i know it i'm gonna grow up all old and boring!." kinda like you Chilly!. that part he left out not thinking he should push too many buttons, at least not today!.

" But since you find me i guess i gotta have to submit myself to your will!." he suppose he had to admit defeat for now. But the game was far from over. Chilledstar would literally put Basilpaw down as the worst apprentice they had evertemporary trained for sure!.