private Jon, take me with you ☄ Pipitclaw


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "With a mentor like me, you'll be leaving your litter-mates in the dust. "

Big words for a guy who only just became a warrior.
Singepaw is boiling in his foul mood - from Chilledstar's strict rule announce,ent, to his fight with Snowpaw - things just weren't going his way. The boy would approach Pipitclaw with a pinched face and stomping steps, determined it seems to make Pipitclaw's first day of mentorship just as bad as his first day of apprenticehood. "So, what're you gonna teach me? Not like there's anything we can do in this stupid camp" Sin couldn't contain his moping as he plopped down before the chimera tom. He hoped his promise wasn't a falsehood - so far it was the only thing keeping Singepaw from blowing up the place!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


Well... he would've hoped his apprentice wouldn't be so sour-faced about the fact he's literally not even grown enough to leave camp safely. How many kids older than him had to die to prove the point? Shrugging off the foul-mouthed frustrations, he answers with a fanged grin, "Don't need to leave camp to fight me," he says in probably the worst-worded explanation possible.

Sparring was going to be a great practice and one necessary to make sure this little fur-ball didn't get himself offed in the first few months after gaining his freedom to leave the thorn-lined camp. "Not gonna waste your time with dumb stuff like catching leaves... you're a kid but you're not dumb," he meows, raising his brow as if asking Singepaw to argue against that observation.

"Come on then spitfire... come at me," he takes a few steps back from the pouting puddle on the ground, lowering himself into a tail-whipping crouch.​
*+:。.。 Sharp teeth puncture throw a surprisingly easy, almost patient smile as the young warrior greets Singepaw was an immovable wall to his unstoppable force. Singepaw only snorts. But he does manage to catch Sin's interest as he mentions fighting, even within the confines of camp. It's not enough to ease his temper - as the death of his hopes and dreams to explore a wider world was still something to mourn...or avenge, in his stubborn case. Still, Pipitclaw at least is leaning into Sin's interests instead of trying to mold Sin instantly into the perfect, compliant 'paw'. Maybe he's not so bad...

The compliment is enough to ease down more of Singepaw's guard. Puffing out his chest, the little tyke takes in the praise with not a little smugness. Yeah, he ISN'T dumb! And by knowing what dumb things to avoid teaching a smart guy like Singepaw, Pipitclaw could consider himself smart, too - at least by association! "I'm here to learn from a warrior, not a bunch of dead leaves" Sin agrees with a bobbing nod, getting to his feet as the promise of a more interesting lesson finally starts to reach him.

At the nick-name spitfire, Singepaw really gets amped up. He drops into a clumsy crouch, butt wiggling with excitement as he watches Pipitclaw take his pawful of steps back, making way for Sin's inevitably impressive attack. Now this is what he's talking about! Though he still would have preferred this first lesson take place outside, in the actual designated area for apprentice training, he at least finds that his disappointment has been replaced with a newfound keenness for what Pipitclaw has in store for him.

His mentor is taking him seriously! As he should be!
But just as he's about to pounce, Sin suddenly recalls his recent confrontation with Snowpaw. Sitting back up, the boy stares cautiously at his mentor, his excitable smile replaced with his glowering stare yet again. "You're not gonna shove my face in the dirt, are you?" he asks, tail lashing at the memory. This wasn't some kinda trick, to lull Sin into a false sense of security, was it? "'Cus I am smart! And ill bite you if you do!" he establishes with a hiss, dropping back into a crouch again and bounding back and forth.

But if he wants to know for sure what kind of cat Pipitclaw is - he'll just have to take the risk, won't he?

So with an impressively ear-splitting caterwaul, Singepaw attacks!
It's a very clumsy display, all aimless bats and quick, almost comical leaps and spins away to avoid invisible blow-backs - despite not actually being fast enough to avoid a true retaliation. The boy is already exerting so much energy peacocking he's practically already puffing and wheezing!
"Take that! And that! And a little of these! You can't touch me!"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


There is an amusement in the way his whiskers twitch in response to this prideful apprentice. A bunch of dead leaves huh? If only this kid understood just how much the foundations of skills meant the complete success or failure when applied to a real target. Pipitclaw does not perceive himself as a some great source of wisdom but he is an expert in combat. He wears the scars on his body like they are medals of his victories... and though they grow tense and uncomfortable when tightened in cold and frost, he is young enough to be able to ignore it.

The brown and black chimera waits in patient consideration, watching the confident stomps of the younger boy with careful observation. The rearing of hesitation is something of a surprise, a shrill demanded question. It is immediately followed with a threat that spreads a grin across his face; a spitfire indeed.... Brave little fledgling of the shadows. Pipitclaw wasn't terribly concerned by it, that bite might hurt a little but he'd already experienced the sensation of his age-group chomping on his tail. It was hardly more than an alarming surprise.

"I will have to go easy on you... you won't be a master in a day," he answers, thinking it a bit cruel to go straight for disarming the poor kid by shoving him into the dirt. Hopefully he would not mistake the tom's leniency for infantilization. Singepaw was plenty headstrong enough to fight... but his sheer diminutive size meant his mentor could easily hurt him if he really tried.

A battle cry fit for a hawk diving towards unsuspecting prey is all the forewarning he needs to know the onslaught has begun. It isn't the best tactic... to shout and yell and waste your breath with taunts. He dips and hops and barely does more than politely smack at his legs and Pipitclaw struggles not to gape in disappointment. That was it? All that drama for this?

He wants until the little crow is done doing his asinine dance before deftly, and gently, slapping a paw at his little legs to knock him over.

"You were so busy talking I don't think you actually remembered to hit me," he mews, a concerned frown settling on his face. Maybe... it really was a good thing these tiny ones were not yet allowed to leave camp... if this is how they thought to defend themselves from attackers.​