Mar 14, 2024

༻ ♥༺ The rain was icky, it covered the sky in a boring shade of ash and made the air all thick with moisture- which somehow made everything hotter than it would be on a sunny day. The phenomenon pinches juvenile features together as Littlekit peers from the safety of the nursery, watching the light drizzle slowly begin to wane with her brows impatiently knitted. The child’s annoyance was silence, but made very much apparent by her lashing tail and restlessly tapping forepaw. Sometimes, Littlekit thinks if she glares at the rain clouds long enough, it would be enough to scare them away. The rounded she-kit wasn’t the scariest in camp, but last time she had tried to get mama to help her, she only got the same gentle reminder that technically, the weather was out of their control.
It takes a moment, but finally the soft pitter-patter of rain has ceased, and bright cracks of golden have begun to part at the clumps of ashen clouds. Reveling in her new-found super power, Littlekit tumbles from the nursery with rejoice, blinking in the blossoming sunlight. What the kitten never could have expected when she looks back up however, was the sudden stripe of rainbow that now cut through the pool of blue sky. Littlekit had heard plenty of stories about rainbows, sure- but those had all seemed so mythical until now. Wide eyes are glued to the sky, dazzling in wonder. Did I do that…? Someone is approaching, and the kitten jabs a forepaw to the sky. Look!

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Just as the storm let up, the nursery was once again rowdy. The pointed she-cat had yet to move herself into a proper nest, but the plan was surely on the horizon. The commotion was enough to stir the expectant mother to alertness. Slowly, she sat up from her nap, as a blur of brown fur flashes by. Surprised, she quickly heaved herself onto all fours and followed them out.

"Hey, let's not run out without grabbing one of us first, okay?" There was hardly any chastise in Honeydapple's retort as she shuffled from the den. Catching the kitten's flabbergasted look, she trailed after their paws' direction. It seemed something in the sky had amazed the scrappy kit. Smile soft and warm, her gentle blue eyes peered upwards.

A beautiful rainbow greeted the warrior back. Shape shimmering through rays of sunshine, and Honeydapple could only stare, taking a moment to soak in the pretty sight. Peering down at her rounding sides, her smile grew bittersweet. I wonder if your father would take this as a sign, hm?The thought in itself was comforting. Maybe he's looking at the same one as we are.A pained ache strangled the splotched feline, but she held it together. No point in spoiling such a nice day.

"Great find Littlekit, that's a lovely rainbow isn't it?" Putting on a brave face, she aimed to nudge the kit forward with a pale paw to their side. "I say go splash around in some puddles before it's all dried up!" Honeydapple knew there was no need to always be a sour flower. She could encourage a little bit of horseplay while resting up her achy haunches.
Rowdy it was. Beetlekit had been non-stop complaining, even through nap time, that he wanted to be outside and playing in the mud that the rain always made, and had probably been chewed at by den-mates that mud was nasty. Which, probably, in response, he had stuck his tongue out and blew what the queens called a 'raspberry', which was apparently inappropriate and rude. Or so he was told.

He had tried to bother Littlekit, but found his advances futile as she was very focused on the clouds, which Beetlekit scoffed at lightly and moved away. One when she tumbled out and Honeydapple when after her did Beetlekit shout and clambor after them, scampering into camp. Green eyes followed the pointed paw, and he inhaled sharply. "That's... that's nuts! That's weird!" He called, because Beetlekit wasn't going to let himself be swayed into calling it bea.. bea... pretty! That wasn't very tom-like!

"Honeydapple is right. We should jump in some puddles, Littlekit." His chin lifted in decision, and he turned to find the perfect puddle (and maybe some mud.)

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    3 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It’s been a long, gray morning. Raccoonstripe returns from a hunt with a squirrel clamped in his jaws. Rain streams in rivulets down his thick dark pelt, and mud squelches between his toes with every step. Ruefully, he thinks of the marsh he’d been born in, and how this occurrence had been daily for him at one time. StarClan has blessed ThunderClan—this is a fluke of the newleaf season, nothing more, nothing less.

He spies a cluster of black-furred kits huddled near the mouth of the nursery, gaping up at something skyward. Raccoonstripe deposits his squirrel in the soggy fresh-kill pile and lifts his eyes toward the sun. There is a slice of color, rich and inviting, reds blending into yellows into blues into greens and violets. A smile trembles on his muzzle, and he turns toward Honeydapple with a smile. “It’s nice to see after the storms,” he meows.

To his surprise, Honeydapple encourages his nephew’s kits to splash about in some mud puddles. Mischief colors his expression. Raccoonstripe leans toward the closest puddle and attempts to splash both Littlekit and Beetlekit with a white-dipped paw.Here, I’ll get you started,” he snickers.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


Boldkit didn't like the rain. It reminded him of his mom and how she had died on a rainy day. It always made him sad to think about it and how she had died. So he was glad the bad weather was finally over so he didn't need to think about her anymore. As he moved himself over towards the nursery exit spotted two warriors playing in a puddle with two of the nursery kits, names he not yet remembered. But he did know the two of them where siblings as they always nursed at the side of the same mother. At times he found himself staring at them from a distance as he wondered how it would have felt like to grow up with a sibling or two. Boldkit knew better then to let this bother him all too much but for sure they looked to be having fun together alongside the two warriors.

This was not something he understood how it could be so much fun to splash water on one another. It was a game he was unfamiliar with and never had played. Rather then joining them Boldkit sat at a safe distance by the nursery to watch the four as he was left puzzled by their behavior he did not quite understand.


Though the sun was a blessed thing, Thundergleam could not deny her- apparently unpopular- affection for the rain. It was weather that did not limit her to the shade as a blue sky did... refreshing after bludgeoning heat, a sign indeed that the world moved as it should. She found relief flooding through her whenever the sky wept. It was a sign from the heavens that they watched them...

This bright splash of colour, admired by kits and warriors alike, was too a display from their warrior ancestors. From the welkin, in their perfect plane, painless and joyful! They wished that same joy upon everyone below... "Rainbows are a surefire sign that StarClan watches us, even when we cannot see them," she purred, certainty ringing like birdsong through her tone.

It was not long before the rain was of more interest, though... politely and subtly, Thundergleam inched away a little. Mud-stains were difficult to get out of any shade of fur, let alone the ghostly sheen of her own.
penned by pin ☾