joy and misery [moss gathering]

Dual-toned eyes blink slowly, carefully, as Falconpaw stares at the entrance to the den that lies only pawsteps away. His mentor came down with the illness a few days ago, and she thought she could push through it, but the symptoms have only been getting worse, a spark that's grown into a flame. He's found himself in a difficult situation, an apprentice temporarily with no mentor well enough to take him out on his usual training sessions. But the sickness winding its way from cat to cat doesn't give anyone the right to laze about. In fact, their under-the-weather clanmates being unable to work or hunt means that the burden of keeping the clan fed falls even more heavily upon the shoulders of every cat. He may not have someone to train with today, but surely either his mentor or some other warrior has something for him to do. So he slips into the den to, bracing himself against the scent of undeniable sickness. It's a risk, being so close to his ill clanmates, but he'll be fine, he thinks. As long as he doesn't touch anyone, he won't get sick, so he isn't terribly worried for his own safety. He finds the cat he seeks within moments, eyes darkening at the pitiful sight that she makes. He greets the cat with a murmur of her name, and settles onto his haunches before the nest that she lies in.

His mentor, looking for the first time like something less than a powerful, unstoppable warrior, coughs out a hacking breath and asks him if he could fetch her some more moss for her new sick-nest. His chest aches with sympathy for her, surely having had a terrible night attempting to sleep on her nest of scratchy, thinning moss. "Yes, of course," he agrees, dipping his head in deference to the older ThunderClanner. Gut-wrenching concern has dug its claws into his shoulders, forcing them tense and aching even as he stands still, gaze dropping to his own paws. "Is there anything else I can do for you? I could fetch some wet moss, as well." His offer is denied with a strained voice and a flick of her tail, and Falconpaw nods once, stiffly. "Got it." Feeling off-kilter, though he thinks his nerves are quite warranted, he turns and flees the den just as quickly as he'd entered.

The early morning sun has only just begun to peek over the horizon, the beginnings of its light filtering weakly through the trees. Exhaustion pulls at his paws, feeling heavy and awkward even as he sets off in the direction of the camp's entrance. Somewhere in the distance, a bird warbles cheerily, but where normally the young tom would crack a subdued smile at the sound, now it only feels out of place. The world is not right, in ways that he can explain and ways that he can't even begin to put into words. It feels wrong, the idea of leaving camp without his mentor at his side. He tells himself that this is what must be done to help her recover quicker, to ensure that their training sessions resume as soon as possible—but he's heard the hushed discussions of the plague around camp. Cats are dying, have died, and Berryheart may have discovered a cure but that doesn't mean the sick aren't suffering. She's only been sick for a few days now, and already she seems so feeble. What if she can't recover? Not a possibility. He grits his teeth together, wincing at the ache that it causes.

As he approaches the exit that will take him out into the forest, Falconpaw comes to a sharp stop, twisting on his paws to face the camp once more. A few cats are awake already as well, milling about or going about their own morning duties. "Would anyone... uh," his mouth snaps shut and cuts off his soft voice, words jumbling themselves together on his tongue, "hm, does... does anyone want to come with me to help find moss?" His face feels unbearably warm, embarrassment creeping up his spine. Why did you say it like that, he chastises himself, frowning deeply. It's a strange occurrence, one that seems simultaneously both disconnected from and deeply intertwined with the illness that's made its way into the clan. He never had this much trouble talking to his clanmates before, did he? But nobody really liked him very much, before the sickness, so maybe it's a fair trade. Straightening his short frame to its fullest height, the young tom rolls his shoulders absently, gaze casting around camp in seek of any clanmates who might accompany him on his task.
[ find me way out there ]
The sickness was bringing everyone's spirit down. The lives lost held heavy in the air, the grief, the worry. There was the light coming from the horizon, but Barleypaws exhausted from would not have slept. She was finding little things to do. Tying brambles into the den walls, bringing queens food, anything to occupy her mind in place of Sleekpaws sickness.

The stress pulled and tugged at her, her stomach flipped in anxiety, and her body looked worn. As Falconpaw called to have someone assist in gathering moss, her head lifted, and immediately began to move towards the other apprentice. She was unfamiliar with him, but was unfamiliar with many of them, drowning the ability to form relationships with learning.

"I will come! Maybe @KILLDEERCRY ; could come with us?" she asked, her eyes glancing around for the chocolate form of the other. She knew Falconpaws mentor was sick, but she was eager for anything to help do something. She didn't feel her efforts were enough, but she had helped tell Windclan of the cure, even if they didn't deserve it. Hopefully, Berryheart had enough of it for his mentor to get well.
Her ears prick as she hears her son's voice. She had noticed his mentor's absence the past couple days. At first she had hoped that perhaps she had simply injured herself, but now the rumor had spread throughout the camp that his mentor was down with Yellowcough. When she had heard the news, she had run straight to her mate. First Owlear, Stormpaw's mentor had fallen ill, and now Falconpaw's mentor was sick too. What if their kits caught it as well? She was distraught just thinking about the possibility.

She trots over to meet him, attempting to draw a quick tongue over his forehead. "Acornpaw and I would love to help you as well. How is your mentor doing this morning?" Yellowcough was not something to mess with. She truly hoped that the other warrior would pull out of it with help from Berryheart. For the time being, she had no qualms with tagging along with her son on his expedition to search for moss. He didn't need to be out and about all alone...there were more dangers than just Yellowcough in the forest.

  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​


⋆✦⋆ His capering about his own mentor ceased when he heard the offer from Falconpaw. It’s early, but his energy isn’t stifled from the dregs of sleep. An inquisitive and radiant glare is shot at his mentor, who nods curtly, and taking that silent exchange as permission, Dreampaw is off toward the camp entrance.

Falconpaw was more than alright in his eyes. Despite what others may have thought and may still think, he looked back to the slightly older apprentice’s hyperactivity in the early moons of apprenticeship with fondness. Dreampaw would always be glad to have cats around who could match his energy. Though, perhaps for a reason, he couldn’t help but think Falconpaw had become more serious? Polite? He wasn’t sure how to place his peer’s developing attitude. But now that his mentor had come down with the sickness they were calling Yellowcough he couldn’t shake a sense of worry for them both.

As the tortie approached, he never once had the thought of coming into contact with those who were sick or around the sick would increase his chances of catching the illness. No, Dreampaw wasn’t like that. The idea that he could possibly be one of the ones who’d fall ill was never on his mind. It seemed like an impossible fate for someone as powerful as the Dark Warrior.

He wears a mask of a smile as he stops among the rapidly-forming group, taking note of the lick of affection Flamewhisker offers her son. The Dark Warrior will accompany you. With my assistance we’ll leave no moss undisturbed ‘til only the finest is delivered to….,” Dreampaw’s voice quivered mid-way, unsure for a moment in its commanding tone and forced tenor pitch, ”to wherever it is required!” He finish out his words with a comeback of confidence but he would tilt his head quizzically toward the cream apprentice as if to ask the unspoken question. For what was this scour for moss for?

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, somewhat easily-going and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

Mousenose’s newfound freedom post-warrior ceremony had quickly been dampened by yellowcough. Her Clanmates are withering around her, and even though Berryheart has discovered that lungwort works, cats keep getting sick. The longhaired warrior frowns in Falconpaw’s direction, noting the worry tugging his shoulders downward. The poor apprentice looks hesitant, though Mousenose certainly does not want to be doing apprentice tasks like collecting moss. Hadn’t she been doing that for moons already??

She’s relieved when Flamewhisker and Barleysight offer to help, and can’t help but snort with contempt when Dreampaw speaks up. There’s no hint of self-awareness as she mutters, “The Dark Warrior, my tail!” She springs to her paws, suddenly itching to get out of camp. “If you need a real skilled warrior to accompany you, I could, I suppose…” She’s certainly more experienced than Barleysight (by one moon) and Flamewhisker hardly counts; she’s a lead, after all.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
For a moment he thinks that the worst will happen—no one will respond to his invitation, and when he finally gives up and turns to leave they will laugh behind his back. But a brown and white clanmate approaches, and while he doesn’t know Barleypaw that well, she seems enthusiastic. She doesn’t seem hesitant at all, and even offers to bring an older warrior along with them. The cream tabby nods along, words getting caught as he tries to express his agreement with an appreciative smile.

His mother is next to join them, and in her presence a bit of his nervousness fades away. Falconpaw accepts her affection without a hint of embarrassment, welcoming the rasp of her tongue across his head as she offers for herself and her apprentice to come along. The more cats, the better, he thinks—the more moss they can get, the more comfortable his mentor will be. Flamewhisker asks after her, though, and the young tom shrugs. "She’s really sick. She asked me to, uh, get her more moss." He can’t say for certain how she’s doing, only that he is afraid. He’s never seen his mentor so weakened, so different from the brash she-cat he’s grown to know.

Dreampaw joins in to offer his help, and Falconpaw straightens a bit at the other apprentice’s tone. "Thank you, uh, Dark Warrior…" he murmurs, sounding a bit awestruck as he glances at Dreampaw. Mousenose snorts, expressing her disbelief, but Falconpaw is willing to accept the other apprentice’s title. As intimidating as a dark warrior sounds, it isn’t so bad when attached to the small tortoiseshell. Appearances aren’t everything, after all. "With you and the Dark Warrior, we’ll definitely get enough moss." A real skilled warrior and a professional moss-gatherer like the Dark Warrior; his mentor’s nest will be full of only the best, freshest moss in no time. And she will recover quickly, and they’ll get to return to training as soon as possible. It will all work out.

If only his thoughts actually offered any comfort.

Shaking himself from his daze, blue-green eyes blink rapidly as he turns on his heel to stride out of camp. "Let’s… uh, let’s go, then!" He isn’t certain where exactly he’s going, so before they reach the nearest tree, the young tom looks back over his shoulder at the others. "Do any of you know the best place to find moss?"
[ find me way out there ]

⋆✦⋆ "The Dark Warrior, my tail!"

Dreampaw stops at the voice and he turns his attention from Falconpaw to Mousenose in an instant. His spirit is not dampened by her blasphemy. Not the slightest. He gets made fun of, laughed at, ignored, or offered nothing but eye-rolls from cats everyday. And yet he was the same Dark Warrior everyday.

Nonbelievers were the least of his worries. They'd either be blind forever or come around one day. It wasn't his problem if a cat, clanmate or not, was unable to process the overwhelming power of the Dark Warrior. In fact, he couldn't blame them if they couldn't.

Finally he offers Mousenose a mischievous grin, "Oh? The Dark Warrior is overjoyed that you have also offered your skilled assistance. Not that it will be necessary." Though there is no way he is letting her show him up in this task now, even if it was only something as measly as finding moss.

When Falconpaw addressed him by his self-given title, his flashes his teeth in a fierce smile practically purring with a powerful rumble in pride. Dreampaw was a fine thing to call him, it was his name after all, but he much preferred his nickname be used among friends. Which as far as Dreampaw was concerned, Falconpaw was. "You are very welcome! I may even be feeling kind enough use my abilities to summon a whole mountain of moss if I desire it," he'd quickly boom in response.

At the cream tabby's order to go, he follows the group out of camp and into the dense forest. Though it is not long before they pause to stop and, when they do, Dreampaw looks to Falconpaw with narrowed eyes that are in between judgement and inquisitiveness. "Bah, we've got to go someplace darker, damper, and more dangerous. If you all dare," his tone is chilling and animated but he would add a little more helpfully, "The Dark Warrior suggests along the stream near Owl Tree." Ah well, damper yes and darker maybe, but dangerous was a little subjective unless any poor swimmer were to perhaps tumble into said stream.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it's mostly for show because he doesn't mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet but only for short distances, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his 'Dark Warrior' persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!