private JOY, JOY, JOY // fallowpaw


It’s the morning after a storm that had hit the forest only the night before, leaving the trees and undergrowth soaked with droplets. It’s the perfect time to test how Fallowpaw is coming along on its agility, a skill Stormywing excels in and wants so desperately to pass along to her apprentice. What she has in mind is more of a game: all Fallowpaw has to do is make it to the river before Stormywing can catch her, and she’ll get the rest of the day off. If not…they’ll probably just hunt or something.

The young warrior gave the other a head-start and watched as she disappears through the slippery foliage. She waits…and waits…and waits…before finally, she releases herself and scurries up a tree. From there, the tabby dives through branches, paws slipping on wet limbs and claws slicing through soft, damp bark. It’s exhilarating and she doesn’t slow, not until her apprentice is in sight. A competitive smirk finds its way onto her face as she continues forward with as much speed as she can muster, hoping to catch up to her within the next few moments.

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Rain-scent lingers amidst the towering oaks, ground turned marshy in memory of yesterday's storm. Fallowpaw trudges out alongside her mentor. Stormywing's promise sits in the back of her mind: outspeed her, and it gets the day off. It's like she's taunting it. It casts final a stormy glance at its mentor's significantly longer legs as she scales the tree like some kind of squirrel -

And then it's off. Racing as fast as its stumpy limbs can carry it. The thrum of adrenaline courses through Fallowpaw's body, heart thump-thump-thumping in her ears. The river, it just has to reach the river. Breaths come hard and fast from its maw, eyes focused ahead of it. It is not the most coordinated; every root and bump is a little bit of time lost, and it can feel the invisible spectre of Stormywing hot on its heels. It can't see her though, can't hear her through its own narrowed focus. It just has to wait for the inevitable conclusion.

Fallowpaw doesn't care much for being chased, it decides.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Stormywing gains slowly on her, only the occasional slip on wet bark giving her pause. Fallowpaw needs to be faster, more agile! They'll continue these drills until it gets there. Bunching her muscles, the tabby takes one final leap before plunging downward, paws outstretched towards her apprentice until they make contact. "Gotcha!" She yowls, barreling into her so that they roll for a few fox-lengths through the ferns. She releases her hold after a few tumbles and lands in a patch of clovers, chest rising and falling as she catches her breath.

"You've gotta be quicker," She finally pants out, sitting up and casting a knowing side-eye back at her charge. "You were tripping over every root you came across. Pick up your feet more, look where you're gonna place them before you get there. Got it?" She tilts her head before standing and giving her pelt a shake. Wet leaves cling to her and it's an uncomfortable feeling as she reaches a paw up to her shoulder to yank some stubborn ones away.