
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — He keeps himself busy now that there are two cats healing once more in the medicine den and he hopes that they aren't quick to complain about going outside after he had patched them up from the injuries they received from their mother. His large form slips out from the den with his main focus being getting meals to the sick and making sure that they aren't healing on empty bellies, his paws bring him to the freshkill pile where he plucks up to mice by their tails and they aren't incredibly plump like new-leaf mice but it would have to do. He offers his silent gratitude to Starclan dipping his head down for a heartbeat before he continues to walk towards the den where Antler and Doe were resting, he focuses his gaze onto the form of his mentor soon turning his attention back to the pair of former rogues setting the mice down for either of them. "How are you feeling?" He asks though his eyes lock onto Doe knowing that her injury had been more severe than her littermates and turns to grab a wad of moss nearing the pool that's in the den, he dips it into the water until he feels the moss weigh more than it had before in his jaws.

If her eyes or wounds gave her any issues and pain then he could easily fix that issue though he would need to restock on poppy seeds soon and he breathes through his nose placing the moss by her paws. He wonders if Doe and their siblings would officially join Thunderclan as apprentices when they recovered, he couldn't imagine Fallowpaw's littermates returning to the woods especially when there was so many threats that lurked and were hungrier than ever due to leaf-bare. He hopes that they had gotten some rest knowing that it isn't easy sleeping amongst so many strangers but the medicine cat apprentice hopes that they will trust him and the rest of his clan gradually with time, he offers the young molly a tired but kind grin and mumbles "It's odd isn't it? All these cats in one place with paw at the end of their name and wind, storm, heart... And star." He settles down giving both apprentice aged siblings their space while they ate and drink turning his gaze to the mouth of the medicine den letting out a soft hum "Or maybe it isn't odd at all... What do you think?"

/ please wait for @doepaw ࿔ to reply


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Every sound makes her heart leap out of her chest, swiveling her ears back and forth in an attempt to try to keep track of all the movement. Someone's paws shuffle across a dirt and moss littered floor... another cat sneezes somewhere in the distance that suggests it's outside. A soft groan from another... patient? Turning in their nest maybe... She turns blindly towards it, squinting her eyes stubbornly against the blur like they might suddenly focus, find clarity. Who else is in here?

Occasionally the soft breaths of her sister are loud enough in the stillness of the medicine cat's den to let the fur on her shoulders lie flat. Not alone, she thinks in a heavy sigh. Fallowpaw (as she'd heard from an excitable boy yelling its name in the clearing the last few days) was here too... and safe.

A calm, shambling gait has grown familiar... and even now when he approaches and drops something small but meaty in scent, she can't help but stretch her neck to reach out and press her nose against the soft fringes of his fur. He moves away too quickly, asking after how they're feeling (presumably to her... to Antler) which feels like a silly or impossible thing to answer. "Uhm... my uh... my eyes don't hurt so much anymore," she offers with a hopeful lilt to an exasperated voice. "I think maybe... that's good? Uhm... but it's still kinda... uhm... fuzzy?"

Sniffing with flaring nostrils for the tasty morsel near her feet, she reaches a hesitant paw out to touch it- flinching in surprise when she finds it but eagerly slapping her paw over the top to draw it closer. A greedy gurgle of her belly reminds her of her hunger, "Did you like.... catch this one? Or... uhhh... do the 'paw' ones do that?" The structure and rules here are elusive still... but she assumes it's a kindness that they do not overload her with all the regulations and history.

"It's odd isn't it?" And she offers a weak smile to imply her shy agreement. It is very strange. Compared to the very sheltered understanding of the world Baying Hound had permitted them. "Ah uh... a little.... sorry. Is there like... rules to it? I think Doestar sounds.... weird...."

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — When she answers him that her eyes don't hurt anymore does he turn his careful gaze to her and a thoughtful hmm slips out from his maw listening to her mention her sight being rather fuzzy, he's not certain if he would be able to do anything for the fuzziness but it makes him feel more lighter knowing that she was recovering well. "I see, I'll keep an eye on it. But if it ever starts to hurt again just let me know and I'll make it better," Hailstorm promises gently with a grin still pulling at the sides of his mouth and he's happy that they're recovering even if ones taking little longer than the other, it's enough to soothe his heart knowing that he had put his paws to work immediately and saved either of the mollies from potential infection or worse.

When she asks if he had caught the mouse does he chuckle lightly with a shake of his head "One of the paws or warriors caught it. I do hunt oftentimes especially now that my pelt hides me well in the snow..." Hailstorm trails off glancing from one side to the other only to add in a lower voice as he admits to his biggest flaw, "But I'm a bit of a poor hunter, big paws perfect for crushing twigs and alerting every mouse that I'm near... And my snowy coat that sticks out like a sore paw amongst all the green of new-leaf." If he's lucky enough does he sometimes catch a mouse or two but squirrels were a lot harder to catch, he isn't quick enough on big snowy paws but where he lacks he makes up for it in combat and healing, he chooses to not mention it seeing as he didn't want Doe to remember why she was here in the first place.

At the mention of Doestar, a warm chuckle slips from his throat and tilts his helm to the side "You'd be Doepaw if anything, star is meant for the leaders of the clans due to Starclan blessing them with nine lives. Paws are apprentices that are taught under warriors to teach them all they must know or some paws take the path of medicine cat but their training is longer. So even on their twelfth moon of training, they would still be paw... Until every apprentices ceremony do they finally get another part of their name... After their assessment and Howlingstar holds a ceremony." He says to her lightly deciding that he would teach her of the basics of clan life since she's here and listening so she could have a slight understanding of Thunderclan and the other clans that were around them, how they worked but he pauses to let her process what he had just said and not to overwhelm her.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by no one
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"Aren't you real good at blending into the snow though? My dads said that about my coat, that its good for leafbare, but you're a lot whiter than I am!" Pigeonpaw's slightly slurred voice rings out as he leans around the mouth of the den to peer inside, having been curious about the new cats who joined and only hearing about the incident secondhand. He and Sparkwing had been out hunting when Fallowpaw's siblings arrived and from what he had gathered it was a nasty bit of business involving a not too kind parent. He couldn't imagine not being loved by his parents, he was technically adopted like Emberpaw was but treated no less than his other siblings and doted upon heavily; his heart breaks for these cats and especially the ones hurt by claws that should have remained sheathed in paws meant to be gentle and loving. The blue smoke lingers hesitantly before padding in just at the edge of the den.

The medicine cat den is something of a mystery to him, he had thankfully not had to visit it since he was a kitten when Sunshinepaw was in and out of it so often he visited pretty frequently, but now that his sibling was mostly of better health and no one else he was kin with had been there since he rarely gave it much mind anymore. The herb scent always bothered him and though Berryheart was kind he was always oddly put off by how quiet the tortiseshell was - it was unnerving in a way he couldn't really explain not that he was afraid or bothered by him, he just didn't know how to handle a cat who rarely spoke when he was nothing but nonstop words. Hailstorm was a little easier to get along with, much more talkative and just as kind as his predecessor had been.
"I think Howlingstar will let you stay, she's really nice. There isn't a nicer clan leader among all five of'em!" Perhaps a little bias, he didn't know the other clan leaders personally or anything but obviously ThunderClans was the best, "I'm Pigeonpaw. I uh-sorry for interupting. I was getting some mousebile cause Birchleg said he had a tick when I was cleaning the elder's den..." He didn't necessarily want to get his paws gross but he couldn't exactly say no when an older cat demanded help.


  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.

A poor hunter... Doe couldn't very well imagine a grown up being bad at hunting though, perhaps that came from a sheltered relationship with what adulthood really was. Her mother had hunted for them, she had to be good at it. It wasn't just her own mouth to feed, after all. A very distinctly different voice chimes in from nearby... a visitor? It is not familiar to her, not in the slightest, so her ears sit forward attentively to dedicate it to memory. "Does that mean... I'd be better off in uhm... leaf-fall," she asks, flicking a pair of blurry yellow eyes over her ruddy, soft fur. Maybe it'd match the decaying leaves better? "I think... the trees are too dark to blend in with."

ThunderClan was a lot of trees in its territory composition, if her stumbling paws over roots had been an inclination.

Doepaw certainly sounds silly... in her opinion. Does didn't have paws. But then again... Fallow was also called Fallowpaw... and quickly admitted, this stranger was another paw one. Pigeonpaw. Birds didn't have paws either. She couldn't help but smile in her own self-fabricated amusement, imagining such a feathery creature with fluffy feet instead. "Hehe.... Hailpaw..." That was like... icy rain having feet. It made no sense at all... these clan cats were very silly.

"Can you maybe.. come closer? You definitely look like a white blob," she frowns at Pigeonpaw's vague, looming shape, "Why do you need a mouse's bile for ticks... that sounds really gross...."
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ delivering prey was usually the job of an apprentice, but nightbird found her paws idle and in the mood for a good deed or two. hailstorm had taken the brunt of responsibilities since berryheart had fallen ill, on top of that his den was filled by strays. she considered the cloud furred tom a friend, especially after their jaunt to the mountains. it didn't hurt to check up every now an again.

by the time she had grabbed a vole and made it to the den, chatter filtered out of it. she didn't catch much as she stepped in to the shadowed den, it wasn't cold despite it. her gaze flickered to pigeonpaw, doe, before settling on hailstorm. it looked like he'd already fed his patients, hopefully he hadn't taken something for himself or she'd look silly walking in with a mouthful of prey. nonchalantly, she flicked her head to toss it to hailstorm's paws whether he wanted it or not.

"ticks think so too, scares 'em right off a pelt." the lead warrior answered before pigeonpaw had the chance, voice mechanically even as her silver gaze raked up and down the former rogue. pulling ticks was no fun task, nightbird would choose fighting fifty windclanners over it herself, but the elders had to be tended to while recalling stories of their glory days. "you'll see for yourself soon enough if you stick around. all apprentices have to put in their time."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.