
Apr 15, 2024
Chills? In the middle of greenleaf? In the eyes of some cats, it may be simply an oddity; when contemplated by the many veterans of the plague that had ravaged their Clan not even a full turn of the seasons ago, it might seem like a bad omen. To Primrosejaw, though, it's a run - of - the - mill occurence; she is well inured to the sudden bouts of heat or cold that strike her on occasion, minor head colds she prefers to work through rather than pester Starlingheart with. She's merely grateful that, in the swamp's cloistered humidity, it's ice coating her shoulders rather than fire branding itself across her pale brow.

" Hm? " is her wordless reply to a Clanmate's questioning glance as yet another shiver wracks her body, cold sliding sinuous up her spine, a rime - slicked snake curling around hefty sinew and muscle. Too many fangs clatter together in an unconscious chattering of the teeth, hoarfrost gripping each limb despite the seepingly humid heat that bastes the entire swamp, and she curls her heavy tail around her legs in search of warmth as their patrol continues onward.

It's slightly alien, the sensation of her muscles contracting against her will, an unwanted cold paw controlling their movements, however slight. Another half - concerned set of eyes is tossed her way, and she has to admit: however routine this may be, it still isn't fun. But . . . she doesn't plan on disclosing that to her patrolmates, lest she weaken the integrity of the patrol, much less weigh them down with her complaints.

OOC : immune problems go brrrrr
It wasn't... subtle. Not like a tail wrapped around a leg or stiff shoulders. It's almost funny, how little sense the chattering of her teeth makes. Just the other day cats were practically throwing themselves into the mud to cool down, and yet today, Primrosejaw is... cold? Sharpshadow is no Medicine Cat, but that didn't seem... right. Even if it wasn't as warm to her as it was to everyone else, Sharpshadow couldn't imagine his teeth chattering in any season besides Leaf - bare. And then she's all... hm? when cats look at her funny. He's just being a good clanmate, or whatever. Paying attention to his peers and whatnot... There's a flicker of his gaze towards the woods, and then he asks, " Um... You good? "

The cinnamon tabby's coarse fur often made her chilly in the leafbare, but within the humidity and heat of greenleaf, it was a blessing to not suffer like her long-furred siblings may have done. Curious pupils settled upon Primrosejaw as her muscles twitched and shook, her mind not immediately wandering to the idea that the she-cat could be cold. Ferndance looked away, her emerald eyes trying to find discrepancies within the humid brush. Everything seemed normal, almost boringly so. Bugs chittered and grasses remained painfully undisturbed, in the distance, there was a frog call. Sharpshadow's voice caused her ears to twitch, turning her head back towards him and Primrosejaw. Her pace slowed until they had caught up with her, the she-cat's tail aiming to settle upon Primrosejaw's spine in a comforting gesture. "Don't be scared..." She whispered. Missing daughters and missing eyes made for a terrifying territory, but Ferndance did not fear meeting those who had hurt the clan, she only feared what they would do if her kittens' loyalty got them hurt. Life made it seem like a painful inevitability, but she'd always advocated for the weird - maybe, just maybe, fate would be strange enough to spare her kin anymore suffering.

"The foxes'll only come out at night..." She promised breathily.
The warm weather was a blessing to the Clan. Although her longer fur made it nearly unbearable at times, even Ochrewing could appreciate the good Greenleaf could do.

And every now and then, even she could enjoy a nap in the sun.

So to see a cat shivering, that was something. She couldn't help but stare at Primrosejaw, quirking a brow. And everytime the molly seemed to notice her looks, she would quickly avert her gaze, muttering apologies, before going right back to staring.

It was just so odd.

Finally cats began to speak up, and Ferndance seemed to be able to make sense of it. Of course, how did she not even think of fear being a factor? There was no way a cat would be cold in this weather! It made perfect sense now!

Picking up her pace to pad beside the molly, Ochrewing gave her a grin. "Don't worry! If something does come out, I'll protect you!"


  • a lh chocolate colorpoint with blue eyes and a bobbed tail
    22 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    poly pan. ; currently looking
    easy to befriend; will fear closeness
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The warm weather was a blessing in disguise, glad he doesn't have longer fur like some of his clanmate. But, in leafbare his curly fur made it unbearable to be in the chilly winds. Hidden eyes peer over at Primrosejaw, observing as the other warrior shook. An oddity. She seems cold but he wonders, how could she be cold in the middle of Greenleaf? Batchaser isn't a Medicine cat by any means… but that didn't seem right. By any means. He doesn't see his teeth chattering in any other season besides leafbare.

A brow raised at Ochrewing's words, he was quite amused. The lanky tom hums in agreement. "Yes, Do not fret." He nods, as a lazy smile grows on his maw, as he saunters over to stand next to his clanmates. Ferndance seems to be handling it just fine, able to make sense of it.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 32 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone