Hello again everyone! This is something I do periodically as a little pet project of mine, and I figured it was high time to give it another shot since I haven't done one since waaaaaaay back in March. This one will run all the way through July! Other HPs can totally jump in as they see fit, but this is mostly something I'm going to be doing so please give me a bit of grace with timing.

These prompts will be focused on development and relationship building through actions. Some prompts may require you to reach out OOCly to plot with another roleplayer, but in general you are free to choose how you complete your prompt! If you guys are interested, just go ahead and drop a reply, I'll get to you soon!
Will get to Clouded, Silk, and Scorch Jr. (AND MOUSE YOU BEAT ME) in a bit!! Brain ran out of juice.

@WEASELCLAW Things have seemed grim as of late. Between the state of your family and the state of your clan, it must be hard to stay grounded in WindClan. Was your life before WindClan any easier? Do you wish you could go back to the way things were, at times? Is there anything you carry with you, a habit, game, or memory, from that time?

@BLUEPAW Though your siblings may not always be your favorite cats in the world, they are still your siblings. Do something nice for one of them– even if it may not seem all that nice at first. (If it's not in character to do something like this on her own, feel free to have it be with another cat's intervention! Would anyone force her to play nice?)

@Bluepool Blue is a respected lead warrior of WindClan– sometimes, however, even lead warriors make questionable decisions. How does Bluepool react to making a poor decision? Even if it is nothing grand or detrimental, in what sort of situations would her judgement be off? What are the consequences? Do they miss their prey, get lost on patrol? How does she react to her mistake?

@GRAVELSNAP Being a first time mentor is hard, especially when you've only just graduated yourself! How does Gravelsnap manage his anxiety relating to Thriftpaw's training? Is there anyone he would reach out to for advice? Do they even give good advice? Write a thread revolving around what Gravel is worried about happening, and the basis of these fears! Maybe try and resolve them some, if the thread goes that way!

@SCORCHSTREAK Though this litter is not your first, there are similarities that hover over your head at times. What is different? What is the same? If you so desire, pick a kitten– they do something that reminds you of Dapple. But worst of all, it reminds you in a positive way and spurs a good memory. How does it feel? What do you do about it?

@SOOTSPOT Your family is great and storied. Between your mother, your aunts, and your siblings, there's a lot of pressure around you to succeed. Do you worry about failing at all? What sort of situations are you extra confident because of your bloodline, or extra uncertain? Do you believe that you can rely on your family in all things? Do you want to?

@cygnetstare Most of Cygnet's clanmates see her as a little...strange. To be fair, it seems that most of WindClan's tunnelers are. There is simply something extra unsettling about her. What is her weirdest habit? Write a thread showcasing it, or perhaps another character's reaction to it. You could reach out OOC and find a character who would cause some conflict over it, if you so desire...

@SNAKEPAW Family around you seems to shatter. It's been hinted that your own is less than ideal, and any stability you've found with Badgermoon was heavily shaken by his newfound family. Who can you rely on, really and truly? Write a thread where he seeks them out for whatever reason. If there isn't, well... maybe he should try to find someone? But what would even bother him to the extent of seeking out another?
@Cloudedsky With a mother like Sootstar, maybe you're proud of your heritage. But doesn't it bug you, sometimes? Not knowing who your dad is? Does the thought of him cross your mind at all? Scorchstreak's litter has Badgermoon; even Spider's litter had Juniperfrost. Stories of him, if nothing else. What do you have? Who do you have? Do you ever want to ask your mom about who he was?

@silkspin What good is a life lived without remembering all that you've been through? The issue here is that...well, not all memories are good. Something is said or done to remind you of a bad part of your life. Whether it's an argument with an old friend, the loss of someone you cared about, or even just a place you weren't that fond of. What was it? How do you handle the memory?

@SCORCHKIT Your mother is everything to you. From your appearance to your name, your clanmates have no doubt about whose child they are looking at when they see you. Even in your rather short life so far, that has been made amply clear. But your dad is another thing entirely– what have you learned from Badgermoon? In what ways do you take after your father? (If nothing comes to mind, write instead about how it makes her feel to notice that!)

@MOUSEPAW. Your ears are frankly enormous, hence the name– more often than not, that's a good thing! But other times, it is... very much not. In this case, you overhear something you very much should not have. Whether it's an argument between warriors, or fellow apprentices planning to do something against the rules (or whatever else you find interesting!), how do you react to what you've heard? Does it end up causing trouble, or helping you out of a tough situation?

@whitepaw As much as Ambertail may try to accommodate her difficulty with the daytime, life as a warrior is not always so forgiving. One of their training sessions leads them to a period of time aboveground. It's a struggle. Being albino, the light hurts; her skin hurts. By the time the sun fully sets, Whitepaw has really and truly been run through the wringer. How does she begin to feel better?

@SOOTSTAR It's such a simple thing that does it. A toad, caught near the sun-warmed pool. But more than that, it's a memory. One of your favorite foods from your time in the marshes– do you miss them? You left it behind for WindClan, but was it even worth it? With all the struggles along the way, all the pain. StarClan chose you, and StarClan abandoned you. And now there's a toad in front of you. What goes through your head?

@Adderpaw Your life has fallen on its head. From your place as WindClan's prince, it would seem that you've become almost on par with the kittypets and traitor-blooded warriors. And at this point you must know it. You've taken to training harder, proving yourself– isn't it stressful? Isn't it terrible? What do you feel about the tag itself, really and truly? What do you plan to do with your future? And is there anyone you can talk to about it? Maybe it's time to.

@PEONYPAW Despite your reputation as a hard worker, that daydreaming look causes more trouble than one might think. After WindClan's time with Snailstride, the council seems....a little more wary of cats who get lost in their heads. One of his clanmates (plot out who, if you so desire!) catches him in a moment of faraway thought and call him out on slacking– whether or not he really deserves it. Does Peonypaw take the moment to exercise his growing mean streak? Or does he hold himself together?

@cottonpaw It's funny, really– this request is from Sunstride himself. The tom loves a story; to hear it, to be part of it. He was there, but he didn't see the whole picture. Not the way that you did. He requests a retelling of the RiverClan patrol story for all those who did not have the chance to participate. How does Cottonpaw go about sharing these details? Is it matter of fact? Exaggerated? Does she make herself look good, or speak out viciously against the RiverClanners? There's a glimmer in Sun's eye– you can tell he's curious to see what kind of cat Cottonpaw really is. (Please tag Sunstride in this prompt, if you write it!)

@nightingalecry Your mother left her mark upon you in more ways than imaginable. Time alone will never be enough to soothe the worries of your clanmates. Will you turn out like Hyacinthbreath? Like Periwinkle? It comes to a head– if comfortable, seek out a character that would antagonize Nightingalecry or speak out against her bloodline, and write a thread about her reaction.

@RATTLEHEART Kindness in the clans is a difficult burden to bear. Though Rattleheart did not speak out directly against the way some of their clanmates spoke to Adderpaw, it was still felt. How do you cope with the harshness of your clanmates when it becomes too much? Do you reach out to them, try to offer kindness? Do you bury it within yourself and try to ignore it? Write Rattle's reaction to what seems a simple daily cruelty.

@Periwinklebreeze. Recovery in WindClan isn't a wonderful affair. You have a while to go still, but you're alive. How has this experience changed you? What does it mean for you, both as a warrior and yourself. Knowing what happened in that battle, forced to stand on the opposite side of your mother– it's sure to leave an impression. One you have plenty of time to reflect on as you heal. Let it out somehow, if you can.

@" BUNNYPOUNCE " Being a tunneler, and one of the odder ones for certain, means that Bunny doesn't often get to interact with WindClan's moor runner half. A period of rest in camp allows conversation, and the flow of it leads to you. Your clanmates are curious– what was life like for you, before WindClan? Is it something you care to share? Everyone has a story, but how they tell it is up to them. (Please tag Sunstride in this thread, if you make it!)
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