jumped in for the ride | soma

When SkyClan conducted their daring rescue escape at the Shelter, it was not just their missing clanmates that had returned with them. There were many cats young and old, kittypets and rogues, who had now come to call SkyClan their home. It had been a bit of an adjustment at first but the cats seemed to be settling in well for the most part though it was hard for Howlpaw to judge for certain as she had been busy catching up with her training and various other things within the clan.

Today though she did have an opportunity to learn more. She found herself accompanying one of the former shelter cats, gathering some supplies for the nursery. His name was Soma if Howlpaw recalled correctly. A bit of an odd name to her but then a lot of them were. "I'm thinking we should try and find some softer materials for the nursery," Howlpaw mused as they went about searching for materials. "Don't want the kittens to bite a stick and hurt their teeth." It was a light-hearted jab but she could only imagine the gripes she'd get if one of Orangeblossom's kits wound up eating something they shouldn't. "How are you settling in to SkyClan?"



Since Soma and his brother had first joined, the pair had done a good job blending into the background. For Junco, it was because he hated being there, but for Soma it was more because the entire thing left him feeling kind of awkward if he was honest. He'd never been great with crowds, too easily overwhelmed and always of the mindset that he was being judged. For what? Who knew. His failures. The scars, The overall weirdness. A cat could take their pick.

It seemed his days of hiding out in the background were over though. He was being called on more regularly now for patrols and chores, and he was pretty sure that he was going to have to start getting used to being an active member of the clan. Which was fine, really- it's why he'd joined. Soma had no intentions of being some laze, free loading bum who sat around doing nothing all day. It was just.. a little hard for him to get comfortable with everything as quickly as he'd like.

Yellow-green eyes would shift toward Howlpaw as she began speaking, silently relieved that he'd been paired with someone who at least seemed nice as far as first impressions went. If he was right, Howlpaw was the leaders kid, so maybe that had something to do with it?

"We could check for some goose feathers down by the river, if you want?" he suggested, remembering seeing a flick of the things on their side of the bank while out patrolling the day prior. "Can't imagine anyone would chip their teeth on those." the large tomcat huffed in amusement as he trod along beside the torbie shecat.

"How are you settling in to SkyClan?"

"Okay, I guess." he said, shrugging broad shoulders in what he hopes was a casual way as he glanced away. "It's a lot of cats, so it can be a lot sometimes." he admitted, though he tried not to let it sound as if it were that big of a deal, because it wasn't.

LONER - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.

Soma suggests they search for goose feathers and Howlpaw ponders it for a few moments before nodding. "Goose feathers sound like a good idea to me," Howlpaw agreed. Although SkyClan only shared a small border with the river, Howlpaw hadn't actually spent much time by the river herself. Something about those unfathomable depths beneath the water's surface put her a little on edge, though she could at least admire its beauty. "Did you see them somewhere by the river? I don't really go there unless it's on patrol so I can't remember seeing any goose feathers there but then again I wasn't really looking."

She waits for his answer before they walk on to the border that ran along the river, taking time to listen to his response to her previous question. It's a bit of a vague answer but he seems to be settling in alright from what Howlpaw can tell. "Must be a bit of an adjustment to your previous life I'd imagine," Howlpaw mused. Although the words might have come across as a bit judgemental, that was not the intention from Howlpaw's perspective, who was merely only making a minor observation. "To be honest with you, of all the clans you could have wound up in, you were fortunate to find yourself here. And I'm not just saying that because I live here!" Howlpaw guffawed. "I imagine seeing all these cats working and living together is a bit stranger to someone who wasn't raised here. But SkyClan is good and kind and some of the best cats I know live here. It might take a while to feel comfortable but you'll always be welcome here."