jumping jack flash | questions

If there was one thing SkyClan cats were known for it was climbing. Back in ThunderClan climbing wasn't such a widely practiced skill, and those who could likely wouldn't have matched what the SkyClan cats could do anyway. With ThunderClan and SkyClan blood in her veins, Howlkit wondered if she would climb trees as well as the SkyClan cats one day, jumping between branches with such ease it was almost like they were flying.

At her current age Howlkit couldn't imagine climbing to such heights though. She was so small and the trees were so big. What if she fell? "Do you really climb up those big trees?" Howlkit asked, looking at the cat unfortunate enough to have gotten caught by the torbie kit. "What's it like?"

"Do you really climb up those big trees?"

He's trying to sleep, trying to enjoy the warmth of the sun rays for as long as he can. Squallmist knows that it will soon be too cold to do so, so he wants to takes every opportunity he can to lay in the midst of sunlight.

However, Blazestar's kits are here once again, and Squallmist is the unfortunate victim of Howlkit's question.

The tom opens his eyes to meet the little one, the patchwork kit staring up at him. He'll have to nap later, it seems. The kit's likely to not leave him alone now that he's awake. He stretches into a sitting position before looking up at the trees himself.

"What, those?" he asks, lifting a paw, so as to point at them. "I could climb those any day. My father taught me how, after all." A pang of grief hits him at the mention of Rain, but he doesn't dwell on it. Squallmist doesn't have time to, because almost immediately after, the kit asks what it's like. He hums, staring up at the pine-laden canopy above them.

"It's like you're touching the sky when you get up high enough. A little scary, but once you see the view from up there, that fear goes away." He remembers how scary it was, the first time he'd gotten up so high. He'd been trying for so long to get up so far, with so many failed attempts. The view was rewarding, a forest free of borders. But, he was older than Howlkit was at that point. Quite a few moons older. Perhaps it wasn't the greatest idea to be encouraging Blazestar's child with tales of the treetops? Squallmist blinks, before looking back down at the kit.

"Maybe once you're an apprentice, you'll be taught how to climb, yeah? Kits, however, should stay on the ground."

It was... weird having these kits here. Hard to get used to there faces- sometimes shown, sometimes not. It was as if they appeared out of nowhere, whisked into their camp by virtue of nothing but the night.He knew, he knew that was stupid- Little Wolf just brought them here- but he found it alarming whenever one of them showed up where they had not been before. More names to learn, but only sometimes... why did everything have to be so confusing!

Forcing down his worrying, mismatched eyes flickered to where Howlkit stood, smack in front of Squallmist, whose fur was lit by warm daylight. Oh, that was the problem- the bother of it. Not that Twitchpaw often attempted to relax, but he could not imagine how annoyed he'd be if it was interrupted. Fortunately, Squallmist seemed a calmer face- his tone was calm, pleasant as he spoke to the child, and Twitchpaw could hardly understand how he maintained it. A point embedded in his words made the wild-furred tom's attention perk up, however, eyes shifting to the kitten.

"The view is the best part," he added, the beginnings of an uncharacteristic smile set upon his lips. For him, looking over the pine forest that was theirs, climbing high enough to peer into the Twolegplace- that was worth all the worry.
penned by pin ✧
He'd wanted to climb a tree the moment he first spotted them, often known to stare at them unblinkingly at night when the sun didn't hurt his eyes. Sure, he looked a little odd, but could you blame him? Would he be able to climb them when he's big enough? His sister's questions draw him close to the group, Twitchpaw's statement the last thing he heard. The view? He was more worried about the risks.

"What'll happen if you fall?" He asks in turn, tail flicking behind him. He makes his way over to his little sister, accidentally stepping on her tail in the process. "Sorry-" He blurts out with a hum, closed eyes turning towards the group as he adjusts himself so he isn't sitting on her tail, but sitting right beside her instead. He liked staying close, after all.

She listens with rapt attention as Squallmist and Twitchpaw answer her questions. It seems they are both of the shared opinion that the view is one of the best things about climbing, which in turn makes Howlkit wonder what it must be like. "I bet the view is really nice," She agreed with a nod. "I bet you could see all the way to ShadowClan!" That likely wasn't true but to someone like Howlkit, to whom all trees looked impossibly tall, it seemed a possibility.

She winces when Fireflykit approaches, stepping on her tail as he joins them and asks what happened if you fell. Howlkit gave him a playful bump for standing on her tail. "You go splat, duh," She answered his question with a very matter-of-fact tone.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Memories of his own tree climbing adventure played within the forefront of his mind as he approached the small bundle of cats all conversing amongst themselves. The view had been amazing, absolutely breathtaking but fear threatened to choke him out the moment he looked down as saw just how high he'd climbed. Had it not been for Churrodream the boy probably would have never gotten down. Coyotepaw takes a seat upon the ground and tips his head. "You can see pretty far, but not that far." The spotted tabby chuckles, moving to wrap his tail around his paws. "I'll tall ya one thing, if you climb high enough everyone looks like ants." He murmurs, turning his minty gaze in the direction of one of the camps tallest trees.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

"Maybe not that far, but you have the wind in your fur and the world at your paws...so perhaps you do not need to see all the way to Shadowclan for it to be worth it." An aged voice pipes up, Burr limping along after it. It was obvious that the old tom's days of climbing may soon be behind him, though perhaps all the memories he had from then made up for it. He peers over those assembled, noting names from overheard conversations and summons, trying to keep it all in order as he smiles down at the two kits. "I'm sure that your father would teach you all about climbing the trees here when you're older."

Anyone with even a single light on upstairs could tell that Blazestar would hang the moon and paint the stars for his family, and that they rose the sun for him each morning. Burr gets a grin on his face as he settles down, folding his paws neatly under him. "However....there is a tree, far, far from here, where Leopardclan-your ancestors- once climbed high enough to be able to see where the sun met the earth." He was not raised a wildcat, but many who grew up in this land knew the stories of the great old ones. He need only alter the names a bit, so as to not confuse the young ones.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​