Hello and welcome to another round of WindClan prompts! Rev was nice enough to let me try my hand at this project they tend to do periodically, and considering it's been quite a bit since the last one, we thought this is the perfect time to get another one going! I will try my best to get to everyone myself in a timely manner.

Just like before, these prompts will focus on character development and exploring, and in some cases, building (or destroying, you never know) relationships between your fellow Clanmates. There is absolutely no requirement or rule on how you can complete these; just have fun!

You have until the end of June to drop a reply below for the character(s) of your choice, and I'll give you something entertaining in turn!
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@slateheart Do you not feel guilt? Something unsaid lies beneath your tongue, details of your time away from your Clan a mystery to everybody around you. Do you not feel watched? Perhaps someone out there knows, your body language betraying everything for you, and suspicious glares dig into the back of your skull... can you bear it? The past is not far behind you; only a border away, actually, but recent events make it difficult to peer past the invisible line in the sand.

@CELANDINEPAW Already you've been feeling the disconnect between yourself and your Clanmates. You are different, and whether that's said in a good or bad way... well, that depends entirely on you, does it not? Restlessness is an itch that doesn't go away; you feel it's necessary to prove yourself, to show everyone you are not softened by the barn life that spat you out. Actions do speak louder than words after all.

@Firefang It's taken a while, but you've finally recovered enough to get out from the medicine cats' den. Your muscles ache with inaction, and it will take time to get yourself back into tip-top shape, but you cannot overexert yourself this soon - even if you like to pretend otherwise, flinging yourself straight at ShadowClan's leader. You're so much stronger than the little physical things that threaten to hold you back; you survived, even the guilt that came after, but- the mind remembers. A dog howls on the horizon.

@Dustkit You truly do define expecations; you are not the typical, fragile little girl who yelps too loud when someone steps on your tail. You will not step back down when someone's stare threatens to shred you into pieces... even when sometimes, you should. The adults and recent events act as inspiration for your newest game with the other kits, and it's only a matter of time until you get way too rough with them.

@FEATHERSPINE Warrior life is not what you thought it would be, not when a certain someone's absence is felt this strongly. Most days, you are almost robotic in the way you carry out your tasks, instinct and duty carrying you forward. You had believed a day of peace would never come... but when you race after a swift hare and let the wind comb through your fur, your mind wanders. For just a moment, there is nothing out of the ordinary about your life. For a moment, you're able to forget... does that make you a bad sibling?

@cottonpaw Three pieces of cobweb, two stems of thyme, one piece of marigold — medicine cat duty can be dull enough to silence your mind, but today, you find your mind wandering even while you count. Your mentor has been struggling and the distance between him and Sunstar is clear as day; the former lets everything go inward, while the latter focuses on leading the Clan to the best of his abilities. You wish you were strong enough to deal with it all.

@Periwinklebreeze. Greenleaf has arrived, and although the moor is not quite what it should be thanks to the scorching flames, it's possible to find life blooming once again. Your pelt yearns to be decorated once more like you usually do. You've got your kits to help you — such fragile stems need to be woven into tufts of fur with much care and precision though —, and despite everything... you notice the reason for your heart's fluttering has been glancing your way. Gravelsnap watches.

@Puddlekit. You are so much more than what some of the older cats around you seem to think. There is curiosity within your belly that can never be satisfied; it turns your days from boring to entertaining, and surely this is a good trait to have, but evidently... not everybody feels the same way. Despite everything, you're so small still- easy to get in the way of hurried steps, even easier for your voice to cut through important conversations because you just want to know what everybody is talking about. You grow frustrated — but the others get even more agitated by your antics...

@kitepaw. Devotion to the starry ancestors who mutely blink at you from the night sky is a good thing to have; at least, that's what you've held close to your heart even when others' faith shook with an eclipse and a fire. You're painfully aware of what Sunstar's words suggested last meeting... is breaking StarClan's code worth it for the well-being of your Clan? Your eyes climb skyward in search of answers, but the stars remain eerily quiet.

@RATTLEHEART Life as an acting queen is even more confining than in the strictly physical sense. You hadn't given it much thought before, too overwhelmed with the joy that parenthood brings to really consider the details... but now, you understand. Life goes on; the council goes on making decisions without you; and did Sunstar make the right decision by bringing everybody's attention to the prey shortage? Would you have tried to steer his mind from it if it weren't for the kits tangling beside your belly?

@SOOTSPOT You are so much better than all of them, aren't you? You watch impulsive decisions being made; you watch mistakes with their consequences, mistakes that wouldn't have happened if you got to make all the calls. It's frustratingly unfair... but it gives you an edge, a point of inspiration, and you gathering a makeshift patrol goes unnoticed in all the chaos. You make the calls then. Perhaps you could boast about bringing back a bunch of prey without the need to shed another Clan's blood, hm?

@SCORCHSTORM It wouldn't be unfitting to call you a wayward leaf tossed around in the wind; you're shredded and the edges, and your journey never really stops, not against the currents of life. You're even as scattered, with all the kin that shares your blood strewn across the territories, all in varying stages. At least you still have Scorchstreak, but with recent events... she is most unlike herself. You like to take on a guardian role — the no-nonsense attitude and cold exterior certainly help —, but you cannot protect anyone against what fate dictates for them. How do you cope with that?

@Frightkit A name matches the appearance, if you're lucky. You certainly are in that aspect — those pale eyes of yours easily stare into another's soul, a sharp contrast against the black markings you possess. It can be quite scary, regardless if you try or not, so it's no surprise when you accidentally scare another cat in the dead of night. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you end up sticking your nose where it doesn't belong... quite literally, because you should be in the nursery. How does the few seconds of terror within another's gaze affect you? Are you more scared of them than they are of you, or will you take complete advantage of it?

@GRAVELSNAP So many things have slipped out of your grasp and from your control lately. It never feels nice to be thrown around like that, forced to catch up before you can even truly process your feelings, but here you are. Nothing feels right — your home was almost devoured by fire, your higher-ups are all in differing stages of grief, and the love of your life... well, that might as well be the worst part. It all keeps building up and there is no proper way to let off steam. Your day goes wrong, again, and someone says the wrong thing. You can't keep your anger leashed anymore.

@sheeppaw Does WindClan still seem dull? Will your curiosity ever be sated? They do say it kills the cat, and whether satisfaction will bring you back or not is up to debate still. Regardless, nobody should hold you accountable when you decide to break away from a nearby patrol to do some investigating on your own; you're just being proactive in your training after all. Something catches your nose though — an odd, bitter tang whafts over the horizon... and your fur stands on end when you recognize fire. It must be a Twoleg-made thing for greenleaf, contained and small- right?

@Brackenpaw Your distaste for most of the Clan's warriors is nothing new or surprising to anyone who spent a bit of time by your side. Honesty is a tricky thing, and maybe you're overdoing it if you were to ask someone's opinion (highly hypothetical, of course)... but you're the boss of your own world, so it doesn't matter. Maybe that will change when you decide to be as disobedient as you are in front of the wrong cat — such displays of disrespect will one day get its consequences, and it seems today will be the day. It was only a matter of time. Will you learn from it or sharpen your knife with it?
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