just a city boy | intro


New member
Sep 23, 2023

₊˚✧ . Being a kitten was tough work. Playing, sleeping, eating, playing some more, learning how to swim, and all that growing they have to do. Reedkit decided to add one more thing to his very long list of duties as a kit. Fetching pretty stones and other miscellaneous objects (sticks and leaves, really) for his father, because he thought Coalheart might appreciate the little gifts he collected. This particular stone he had was a large one, too large for the kitten to even grab comfortably in his little teeth. There wasn't anything spectacular about it, just the average smoothed river stone that he found hopping around the nursery.

He nudged it forward with his little nose, a small trail in the dirt from the path it had taken so far. His tail quivered as he pushed it forward again. Boy was this taking a while! He huffed, wishing he could just grow bigger already. On to plan B. He looked up and searched the area for his father. Maybe he could just fetch the large cat and bring him to the stone! Then he could take it himself and rid Reedkit of this difficult task, and the kitten could go back to his other tasks. Probably pestering his siblings to play more.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. He hadn't expected Reedkit to be so... active. Don't get him wrong, he understood that kittens seemed to have a lot of boundless, pent-up energy. It had to go somewhere. But there were admittedly times where the father did just want to be left alone, sometimes to the point where he just went hunting by himself or managed to get a patrol to let him go with. He loved his kits, but kits could be a hassle.

Today, though, he had more energy himself. Coalheart could actually spend a decent amount of time near the nursery without getting exhausted. He made his way over, carrying himself as tall before reaching the nursery, where he didn't exactly want to scare the kittens, so he lowered his stance, making himself look more relaxed. "Reedkit?" He asked, popping his head in. He had even heard that the kitten was looking for him. Did his coat make him blend into the area? Ah. No, Coalheart simply couldn't see him at first. "Ah, there you are. Do you need help with the stone?" He asked, his voice gentle and calm as he looked down at his son. He really had a thought to show off the stone, as a way to help boost Reedkit's ego. For example, "Look what my son found!" or something along those lines.

Where eyes cannot see, the ears can hear, and the nose can smell. Reedkit is betrayed by other senses, but Nettlekit does not speak, does not address the other youth in the den. No, he merely stares, milky eyes of green piercing a veil of light and shadow. The sound of the stone is a conundrum, at first. He isn't sure what the other kit is dragging, and so, he can only guess. It's not fresh-kill. It lacks the smell. It's too heavy for a leaf, or even a shell. At the very least, it makes Reedkit's location easy to track, easy to watch with sightless eyes.

Then, paw-steps approach the den. A voice. It's Coalheart, arriving with an answer to the mystery. Reedkit had a stone. That was what the other child was shoving around. Nettlekit simply continues to stare. As usual, he is listening.

  • ooc : — ​

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    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to ???

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ genetics here

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted


carawaykit was a girl who appreciated the finer things, be it rocks, shells, feathers, whatever. as long as it had the ability to catch an eye, it had a place in her heart as well as a corner of the nursery where she housed her things. it wasn't like there was much else to do as a kit, once she was an apprentice they would have to be pushed to the side. it was best to get a good hoard going now so that later all she had to do was look at it!

reedkit had found something, and the tabby kitten's mossy stare instantly shot over at coalheart's remark. long legs carried her flying past nettlekit to get a glance of her own. except, she wasn't super impressed. it looked like every other rock nestled under the current of the river. smooth, yet a rather uninteresting color. still, for the sake of reedkit, black ears pricked upwards. she supposed it was rather impressive that he had brought it all the way here with no help, it was certainly larger than his mouth. "reedkit, woah!" her excited chirp rang out, grin on her face. "where'd you find this one? it's bigger than any of mine," she noted, only kinda prying so that she could find one of her own, in a less drab color probably.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


₊˚✧ . And his dilemma was over! The kitten's face completely lit up at hearing his father's voice calling for him, then seeing the large tom. "Papa!" He bolted toward Coalheart, weaving between his front legs a couple times before gently headbutting him and then jumping back over toward his stone. His head bobbed up and down, "Yes, pretty please! I got this one for you! So, you can take it now, Papa. Where were you?"

His small ears swiveled and twitched, glancing in Nettlekit's direction for a moment. Reedkit wasn't entirely familiar with the concept of blind cats. He understood the other kit couldn't see very well, at least, but it was probably his first exposure to the condition. The milky eyes staring made him a bit wary, unsure of what to do for a moment. His little tail quivered again. It was still rude for him to stare back, so he tried to include the other kit. "Um, Nettlekit you can check out the stone before I give it to Papa, if you want." With a great effort, he bent down and pushed the stone the tiniest of bit towards him.

When Carawaykit expressed her amazement with his latest find, his attention flew to her. He stood taller, chin held high like Papa did around the older cats, looking absolutely pleased with himself once again. "Right! It's really heavy. I founded it at the back of the nursery, it was hiding away under all those plants." He paused for a moment, the copy-cat demeaner of his father falling away as he had an idea. He bounced a bit on his paws. "We can look for more! If you want to. It's really fun. I bet there are even more outside."
Never far behind when fun was the idea Bumblekit popped in beside her sister. Aiming to lovingly nudge her sister's side as she settled beside the tabby. Curiosity widened her gaze as she looked over the rock. "Ooh." The wiry kit muttered aloud her agreement of intrigue about the stone. At the mention of 'outside' her head shot up to attention. Any chance of leaving the confined of camp or the nursery and Bumblekit was in.

Eagerly, she nodded and mewed with added delight. "Yeah! Can I come with?" Unintentionally, she mirrored Reedkit's little bouncing motion as she cast pleading eyes towards her sibling.
( ) "my stars, that's a hefty rock, reedkit!" willowroot's eyes widen to verify her amazement as the child heaves the stone across camp grounds. coalheart approaches, addresses his son and offers aid, as more kittens begin to gather. the queen sits in the entrance to the nursery, ever an overseer of all things kit-related. she'll listen absently to the conversation, one paw smoothing the fur across her head as the kittens speak.

"the rocks outside camp are something you'll have to wait for apprenticeship to enjoy, i'm afraid," a motherly purr rumbles from willowroot's chest as hope gleams in bumblekit's eyes. "but all the more reason to look forward to it!" her own gaze softens as she watches the children interact, glancing at coalheart as he rumbles gently. it's not that the tom is entirely unkind, but he has a reputation, is a bit arrogant, if she's honest. it's always a surprise to see him being such an attentive father, but this fact endears him more to her. "however i'm certain we have not searched all of the stream bank in camp," she'll point out, well aware of every riverclanner's affinity for shiny, sparkly objects. "coalheart, would you care to join us nursery dwellers for a trip to the stream?" teasing eyes meet the dark tom's own, an eyebrow raised. "what do you think ducklings?" she now addresses the kittens. long legs quiver as she stands, stretching, before she glances amongst the group.
Ratkit never really collected things as a kit, waiting for the time she was able to go outside of the nursery and into the territory as an apprentice to gather things that weren't normally seen from within camp. For a while she had collected flowers, having learned about the different meanings from each of them from her mother, loose descriptions guiding her to the few flowers that bloomed at the end of greenleaf and the beginnings of leaffall. When she saw the large rock that Reedkit was pushing she thought it was for the kit's own collection - it was a nice prize after all, many other kits wouldn't have a rock as big as this, how could they - until she heard the softer sound of talking, of the rock being for Coalheart.

It was when more kits began to gather asking about rocks and where to find them when Ratpaw found herself walking over, making it in time to hear Willowroot speak of potentially finding more in the stream that were by the camp. "I can help find some too Willowroot, if you're okay with that?" She liked playing with the kits, still so close to their age she still had that same energy they had, as useful as it was for training she found herself getting used to that routine now and wanting more things to do.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki