camp just a dream - sick


I used to rule the world / 8-20-23
Feb 25, 2023

"I gotta head back." He hadn't made it very far on the patrol. His paws had been selected to head to the Shadowclan border this morning, but something felt wrong...There was no way he could make it that far. He had felt a little off when he had woken up this morning, but the farther he walked, the more light headed he got. His limbs felt weak, the forest around him seemed to be spinning. Frostglare hadn't stuck around to see if his patrol mates had heard him depart or not, he had simply mumbled the words and started stumbling back to retrace his path.

The walk back to the camp felt like hours, but in reality he wasn't sure how long it had taken him. Everything was a blur. His chest ached...he felt as if he were trying to breathe underwater. The senior warrior pushed through the camp's tunnel. He could feel several sets of eyes staring at him, but as they approached he waved his tail at them. "Stay...away from me..." he breathed, his stance wavering. "I see....Berryheart..."

Frostglare is sick! Feel free to have had your character be on patrol with him if you want your character exposed (:

lucky enough to be looked over for a dawn patrol, nightbird was enjoying a quiet morning. she had already eaten, groomed out her dark coat, and was on her way to fetch duskpaw for a training session. however, a staggering form making it's way through the tunnel entrance was just enough to throw a wrench in her plans.

at first, her ears pricked, senses heightened by the sight of the senior warrior. frostglare looked awful, and that was putting it kindly. heaving for air, shaky steps on black paws, her first thought was that his patrol had been under some kind of attack. yet, no strange scents followed his entry.

silver eyes narrowed, the lead warrior began a swift approach, but halted as the tom warned prying eyes to stay away. he demanded to see berryheart, instinctually nightbird glanced around to catch a glimpse of the mottled medicine cat or his protegee. her mild search came up empty, a silver-tinged tail flicking to a nearby thunderclanner signaling them to find him.

"he'll be here soon, frostglare," she noted, concern tightening her tone despite any efforts to dismiss it. usually, she would lend a shoulder to guide him to the den, but nightbird was smarter than to ignore such a direct instruction. the molly remained just close enough to offer assistance if he were to go down on wavering legs. "can you make it to his den?"

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  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Of course in her life Little Wolf had been sick. She was not immune to the colds and the fevers, though back in her day there was no medicine cat to heal, no stars to pray to for good health. When getting sick you relied on your family, your loved ones, to take care of you while you were down and they would hope that you got better. She is happy they are here now, that her brother was learning the way of medicine and that, for the most part, there were cures for ailments that before you would just have to tough out. Still, it makes her uncomfortable to see sickness before her like this.

When Frostglare stumbles about camp she recoils. He did not look in good health, not even in the slightest. She did not want to catch whatever he had so when he demands cats to stay away she happily obliges. Nightbird is brave, she draws nearer and asks the tom if he can make it to Berryhearts den. "I'll go and get him" she says quietly before she scrambles off to her brothers den to retrieve him.
( ) Hailstorm had been within camp and was preparing to head out with a hunting patrol, the snowy warrior having been grooming down his coat though his eyes snapped up at the sight of Frostglare shakily walking into camp. A frown present on his maw as he set down his paw hearing the senior warrior instruct for warriors to stay away and needing to see Berryheart, Hailstorm would've offered to go but Little Wolf had beat him to it. The snowy tom rose to his paws slowly approaching but keeping his distance, he would rather not end up catching anything that Frostglare had seeing as he appeared... Awful.

Hailstorm mumbles in reassurance "Berryheart should be here with you soon, Frostglare." He offers a soft smile and he silently hopes that the medicine cat does have something to fight against this, it wouldn't be good if this spread and there was no cure for it but that small worried is shoved aside, he trusts Berryheart to know.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Admittedly, Roeflame hadn’t even noticed something was awry as they followed a semi-trodden path, not until Frostglares almost breathless admission stole her attention back from her thoughts.
Doe eyes blink curiously towards the warrior, but he is already stumbling backwards, his movements concerning as they moved sluggishly, like his mind had been detached from his body.
"Woah there-" The warning is cut off as she follows in suite, wanting to make sure the poor warrior did not collapse on his way back.
She’d enter camp on his heels, almost stumbling on his staggering paws.
Still, they both make it out, and are luckily met with several concerned clanmates, Berryheart already being called upon.
Still, he staggers, and against Roeflames better judgement or his plead for space, she is beside him with her shoulder placed against his, an awakened support beam given their height difference.
"Just take a seat while we wait for Berryheart" She urges softly, unmoving for a moment to see if the seasoned warrior would heed her advice, sure the other would either collapse where he stood or on the way to the medicine den- Berryheart or Lichenpaw would be a much better guide.
Whether it’d be Berryhearts arrival or the tom finally sitting down, Roeflame would be able to step away after a moment. While she did not think she was immune to sickness, she had only been around him for a moment- just to keep him upright.
Perhaps it was just a bad cough anyways.


His sister's concern-cloaked face glanced at him through the gap of daylight and, disturbed, Berryheart glanced toward his apprentice. "Can you prepare a nest for me?" he asked Freckles, before following Shady out into the open. Fawny and Cloudy watched on- Inky too, all offering the tom a little bit of distance. Peepers' words rang in Berryheart's head, a memory that twisted his gut. Someone collapsed. The woozy blue-eyed warrior seemed on the verge of that fate.

His face was as always stony, expression vague and neutral- only those who knew him very closely would recognise the slightest wideness of worry in his eyes, aswim in the swamp-water depths. "Lean on me," he instructed the tom, drawing to his side as swiftly as his limping gait could manage. From there... he would have to wing it, if this was the unprecedented, feverfew-immune illness that Peepers had spoke of. How had it sprawled its way to ThunderClan?

\ speaking to @LICHENPAW at the beginning B)
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw takes only a moment to register the concern on Little Wolf's face before he's in motion. "Can you prepare a nest for me?" asks Berryheart, and he hums a simple "Mhm," before setting to work. It's routine, rote, the same as he would for any other patient. Pull out one of the old nests, some of the fresher moss an apprentice had brought recently, replace the old and the dried with something new and comfortable.

He casts a glance out of the den. Frostglare, limping and swaying, gasping for breath, with Berryheart by his side. Frostglare looks like he'd crumple without the support. Lichenpaw swallows, Dawnglare's words ringing in his ears just as they do Berryheart's. He puts on a smile, beckons them into the den. "Here, uh, lay - lay down. You need to rest." It's the best he can do for now; if this is what he fears it is, there may not be much more that can help.
————— ❁ —————

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  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
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Her gaze shifts towards the gorse tunnel as she hears what sounds like a badger stumbling through. It wasn't a badger, just Frostglare...but something didn't look right about him. He looked ghostly...sickly...Her fur rose in alarm, and she started towards him, but he demanded for everyone to stay away. Despite his plea, Roeflame was there supporting his side. Is this the sickness from Skyclan? she wonders, her blood turning cold. This was almost as nerve wracking as having the dogs in their territory...but instead of being hunted by dogs, they were being hunted by a sickness. Everything in her wanted to help the older warrior, but Berryheart and Lichenpaw were here now. She had no healing knowledge...and she wouldn't be any use to her clan if she got sick.
