just a fantasy ;; amanita


Sep 7, 2022


Visitors were frequent these days, she'd noticed- ever since she came to the Elder's den, she was kept company by cats of retired ages and difficult circumstances. They were kind, though- even the grumpy ones. She was given a nest near the mouth of the elder's den, allowing her to watch her kits run around with their mentors. The days passed, and she remembered what it was like to be loved by someone. She didn't remember her parents well, but she remembered her mate better than anything. He was a charming tom when she'd first met him, led her right into his trap until she was pregnant with his kits. Something changed, around that time- he scared her. And so she had to escape.

The smell of frost was on her nose, and she coughed as cold snuck down her throat. Days like this reminded her of the aching in her bones, her scrawny form refusing to eat much more than small mice on a good day. Sleep circles rounded beneath beautiful grassy hues, fur ragged with her illness' effects. She didn't have the energy to groom herself, but she didn't mind. If she wasn't beautiful to others, that wasn't her problem. Beauty was internal, always.

She spots the familiar fur of Amanita, and grins tiredly at the femme. "How are your eyes, Amanita?"

Amanita helped the elders when she could, namely removing ticks and keeping them company. She liked to listen to their stories, sometimes sharing her own.

Today, she was once again in the elders den, this time just checking in. Leopardcloud seemed to be comfortably resting by the mouth of the den. She knew she was sick, but with what, she didn't know.

When the Molly asked her about her eyes, she smiled. "My eyes are as sharp as ever." She said, taking a seat next to her, noting her messy fur. The color reminded her of rays of sun peaking through the leaves.

She studied Leopordclouds face for a moment she looked tired. Weary. "You look tired, why don't you take a nap?" She said.

Amanita remarks that her eyes are just fine, sharp, even, and Leopardcloud chuckles at that. They truly were, weren't they? Though, she's quickly asked if she wanted a nap, and Leopardcloud shakes her head in response. "If I sleep so much, I might just rot away in my sleep, yeah?" She responds with a giggle, soon interrupted by the rough coughing that burst from her lungs. The moss a bit away from her, blood dribbles down her chin instead, and she quickly wipes it away with a soft "Oops.." before sending an apologetic look to the other femme.

"I prefer to sleep with the others. I'm afraid to rest in fear I may not wake up. What kind of sister would I be if I died on my little brother now?" She chuckles to herself sadly, gesturing for the other molly to lay with her. "I'm not contagious. Spare some time for a dying molly, yeah?" She jokes awkwardly, turning emerald gaze towards the others.

But you look exhausted....

Amanita smiled softly. She seemed oddly calm about her fate, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. In the end, she figured it was a good thing, to be at peace when you go.....

But....To go so young....life was cruel to deal her such a hand.

When the blood dribbled from her mouth, she almost assumed the worst. "Are you okay-"

Without thinking, she had placed a paw on her shoulder in concern. She was relieved to see that she was okay.

"You've still got some juice in you, I'd say." She said, trying to be reassuring. But who reassures people like that. Juice? Really? They weren't fruits!

Amanita laid next to her, paws tucked neatly at her chest. Eye contact was hard, so when she met her gaze, she felt..... Something. She didn't know what it was, but it was something.

"Of course!" She said. She found herself avoiding the truth of Leopardclouds fate. She knew her condition would take her, and yet....She realized she wasn't ready to accept it.

She took a breath of the crisp autumn air. "The leaves this time of year are so vibrant, aren't they beautiful? Your pelt reminds me of the yellow ones." She said.

Her voice like a sweet melody, so worrying yet gentle in a way that she could listen to it for hours if need be. The molly's worries are met with a smile, the look in her eyes one of reassurance for the other girl. Perhaps it was better this way, in the company of others. She'd seen many rot away alone on their last days, she didn't want to be the one to die by herself either. So even in this moment, where it was possible she could keel over and die as it was, she was happy Amanita stayed by her side for now. Her talk about juice makes her giggle, the molly giving a jolly grin towards the other before she retorted. "Surprisingly so, am I right? Well, I suppose it's a good thing. I can't move around much, so talking seems to be my best feature right now."

Amanita chooses to lay next to her, and Leopardcloud welcomes the company by leaning her head onto Amanita's own. It's comforting, having such touch. When she was younger, she'd wished she would grow old and retire into the elder's den with her mate next to her, saggy and grey but yet still beautiful with time. Her circumstances are different now, though, and she realizes then that this is as good as she will get in this lifetime. Amanita speaks of the leaves, and Leopardcloud snorts at her comparison to her pelt. Beautiful, she says. She's reminded of the yellowing leaves. "I've never heard that one before. Thank you. You're pretty too, Amanita." She praises the molly in return bashfully, paw brushing over her cheek to smooth down imaginary flyaways. Her cheeks are burning, but not from the usual fever. This felt.. Odd.

"Tell me about yourself, then. Where do you come from? What was your life like before you joined SkyClan?"

This was a strange feeling indeed, the warmth, the prickling of her pelt, the funny feeling inside. She didn't know what to make of it. She felt red under her fur in a way she never felt before.

She was pretty. She knew she was, but to hear it from someone else was new.

"Thank you!" She said. It was all she could manage, she was going insane inside. In a good way. "I could also say your pelt reminds me of the morning light." She added, draping her tail across Leopardclouds back

The next question left her with many answers, the easiest of which was just to say she was a traveler.

"I come from the nearby Twolegplace, originally." She began. "After a a while I decided to leave, and started traveling. Exploring the land beyond the fences and this forest."

"It was a life of adventure, but eventually I came back. There's no place like home, after all." She finished with a smile.

She did leave out a few points, such as her twolegs dying in a fire and believing her adopted son to be dead too, but that was too sad for the conversation. Good things only here.