camp just a little bit; returning hunting patrol

Aug 14, 2022

Her paws trembled as she walked back into camp. Whether it was from the cold or rage she felt, she wasn’t sure. Hollow Tree glanced behind her at the cats that followed her back. The hunting patrol could have gone better. She had only managed to catch a skinny mouse. Feeling like she failed on top of grief was something she experienced before but forgot how bad it stung.

Dropping off her kill in the pile, she felt disgusted with how small it looked. Hoping the other patrols would have better luck. She stared at the pile as she began to get lost in her thoughts. Some would probably think she was trying to make it grow. Stars above she didn’t want anyone to starve. Taking in a deep breath, she willed herself to relax. Her eyes glued on the pile. Maybe she should join one of the other patrols.

// feel free to say your character was on her patrol
[ well i didn't tell anyone, but a bird flew by . tags ]

A shadow of a tom followed the warm-hued molly into the camp, his paws light on the cold and chilled forest floor, the barest hint of fur clinging to bone in his maw – a mouse, a scraggly, skinny thing, no bigger than the one Hollow Tree had managed to catch. He wanted to breathe a sigh, but – think positive thoughts! – he had to stay on top of his emotions, should grief suddenly strike him again, rendering him both clumsy and useless in future hunting patrols... no, there was little to do, and he sidled over to his older sister's right, standing, gazing intently at the measly pile. "At - at least we caught something," he spoke, voice just loud enough for Hollow Tree's ears. "If StarClan could only make the pile grow..."

That wasn't possible though. His shoulders sagged, and a smile twisted its way onto his face as he regarded the rest of the patrol. "Should we try again? Anyone else want to give it another go? Maybe we'll catch something big..." One could hope.

( ☄. *. ⋆ ) Raccoonstripe is kneading his paws into the frozen earth, eyes sharpening as the last patrol re-enters camp through the gorse tunnel. His oldest sister bears her kill like a pitiful sacrifice on a starving altar; Hollow Tree's slumped shoulders and burning golden eyes betray her feelings, that the fresh-kill isn't enough.

He flicks his gaze to his littermate, little Jackdawflight, who aspires for optimism. Raccoonstripe pads over to the two of them, sniffing the mice they've added to the pile and grinning up at them both. "Get some rest. I'm about to go out and I'll outshine both of you, mark my words." Hunger stings behind his dark eyes, the charming flash of his smile, but he does his best to conceal it with optimism and arrogance.

nightbird followed far behind hollow tree and jackdawflight, a thrush hanging loosely from her jaws. it was a pitiful thing. tiny and frail, likely sick too based on the way it barely tried to escape her hungry claws. a dark tail twitched with irritation in her wake. a whole patrol, and a few tiny scraps of prey to show for it.

she tossed the small bird onto the pile, absently listening to raccoonstripe's claim to outshine his siblings. "careful, racconstripe," she began, shaking some snow free from her fur. "mice are more scared of vast egos than they are claws."
[ ☾✩ ]


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Green eyes would flick towards the entrance as the patrol returned from their hunt. She didn't even have to look at their catches to know it hadn't been very successful...the look on Hollow Tree's face told it all. Her heart dropped momentarily before she rose to her paws. Carried by alabaster paws, she would trot over to meet the cats that were depositing their catches. She tried to think of something reassuring that their deputy would say...she always seemed to know the right thing to say. "Good job guys...Jackdawflight is right, something is better than nothing." she would say firmly. Even if something is just a couple mice. "One of the apprentices can bring one to Howling Wind."

She was about to offer to take out another patrol, but Raccoonstripe's words interrupt her. Her eyes narrow slightly, and her ear flicks irritatedly. Maybe it was a mixture of hunger and hormones, but she didn't believe now was the time to be boasting over who could catch more prey. Nightbird warns him about his ego, and she couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I'll tag along with you Raccoonstripe. I can still hunt."

Her eyes left the pile to look at Jackdawflight. Guilt washed over her as she processed his words. She was the older sister, she should be the one being optimistic. Hollow Tree lets out a soft sigh. With her body visibly relaxing. Aiming to gently lean against her younger sibling for just a moment. Straightening up, she turns to face the other cats that had begun to gather around the pathetic pile.

“Nightbird is right, you may end up scaring what’s out there.” she teases slightly, though she hopes this just adds to their wish to prove themselves. Maybe Raccoonstripe would be the one to feed Thunderclan. Looking at Flamewhisker, she gives them a respectful nod. “Thank you, I just wish we could have brought more back. This leaf-bare seems to be unforgiving.” the warrior contains another sigh.

Ignoring the slight sting in her paws from the cold. Hollow Tree was tired from hunger but she knew she could still do more. “I’d like to go back out too. If anything, I’d like to watch Raccoonstripe become a master mouse hunter.” and to prove that she could bring back more than a skinny mouse.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Burnpaw watches as his aunt drops her measly catch on the fresh-kill pile. Was that it? She was out all morning and that's all she had managed to bring back? Truly gone are the days that he has known a full belly. He finds himself missing when he was but a kit, when food came as easily as just crawling a few feet. But he had Crescentpaw to think about, his mother. He needed to protect them now that Fireflypaw was gone, now that his older brother was not around to do it. He was more than ready to step into the role of his family's protector, albeit a more abrasive one.

His lips turn up in a smile followed by a soft laugh at Nightbird's comment about his uncle's ego. It's true. If Raccoonstripe's ego had a physical form it would probably be as big as a two-leg monster. He leans over to the black cat and softly, so that his uncle cannot hear, he mutters "The only thing he's a master at catching is his own tail" he says conspiratorily. "I'll come too, could use the practice" this time his voice is louder, addressing the whole group.

He stretches his paws out in front of him, long limbs reaching for an unknown spot on the ground as his jaws open in a yawn and he arches his back. When he rights himself he moves to follow the others out of the camp.

A grin - albeit a tired one - graced his features as he heard Raccoonstripe's words. Outshine both him and Hollow Tree? If hedgehogs could fly... Eyes shining, he hummed in agreement to Nightbird's words, is that a challenge I hear? How boastful a claim! Although such a catch would make the whole clan proud...!" The dark furred warrior chuckled into Hollow Tree's fur as she gently leaned against him, sending her an encouraging smile. "I agree, let's go out again, perhaps our dear brother will be able to provide evidence of his bold words!"
As the patrol gathered around, Jackdawflight shouldered the oncoming cold and followed the others out into the forest once more.