pafp Just A Little Spice In Your Life | Adventure


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023
With the sun at it's peak, golden rays caressed the earth below with a warm embrace. A cool breeze billows through the waving curls of white and calico of a tom who sprawled a top of the large stump in tne middle of camp. His tail splay lazily behind him, draping off the end of the warm wood with a curled tip. New-Leaf had made no hesitation to make it's way to the pine forest, revitalizing life around them with new budding flowers and green leaves. It's as if the forest was able to breath again, finally free from the frosted prison it was once a captive of. Auburnflame enjoyed the early morning sun, till it hung sky in the azure colored sky. His eyes had been closed for a bit now, a genuine smile resting upon his patched face as he absorbed the warmth that kissed his disheveled fur down to his skin. Hard times seem to melt away like the very snow that once plagued their land, now dissipated into the soil to support new life.
While Auburnflame had enjoyed his little siesta, the calico tom now was growing bored. He wanted to go out and explore, wanted to roll in the newly fragrent flowers or climb tall trees to grasp a better view of the forest below him. If he was feeling frisky, perhaps a small swim within the river. Most SkyClan cats despised the very idea of getting their fur wet, but Auburnflame reveled in it. Mint hues peered open lazily into a half narrowed expression, scanning the area for a victim to drag along with him. Perhaps Orangeblossom? No, not today. She seemed upset and rather busy—and the warrior had been on her bad side before; he'd rather not travel through that path again.
A dark hue of charcoal gray flits into his peripheral, fierce amber eyes looking—far off of something. Slate. A perfect counterpart, was he not? He's already sliding off his perch before a second thought has time to prick at doubtfulness, sauntering over towards the brutish ex-rougue with a gleaming smile aligning his face. "Hey, Slate!" The calico exclaims, aiming to nudge the larger tom. "Let's go for a walk, c'mon! Adventure awaits!" He barely gives Slate a chance to answer before beginning to move towards the entrance with a sweeping plumed tail, taking a few strides before looking back over his shoulder to the man. "Don't just be sittin' there like a lump! C'mon!"

❪ TAGS ❫ — The onset of new-leaf seemed to lift the spirits of clan cats, as the dreadful sleet and icy temperatures melt away and yield to sprouting flowers and greenery. Slate supposes that the warmer days are nice, but he doesn't have spring fever, so to speak.

Unfortunately for Slate, he catches the eye of the ever-upbeat Auburnflame, who is determined to drag him along for whatever ride he's going on. "What—?" He grunts in surprise, drawing back when the other warrior nudges him. "Why me?"

His amber stare lingered on the fleeting calico form, utterly puzzled as to why anyone would choose to hang out with him. Auburnflame had way too much energy, so much so that it was beginning to drain his own. However, when he was called back to, Slate heaved a sigh.

The Maine Coon trudged out of camp reluctantly, ears slightly folding back as he grunted, "So... is there a purpose behind this 'adventure' or are you just planning on wandering around?" He needed to know if this little outing would truly be a waste of his time or not. Slate was no Silversmoke when it came to being a workaholic, but he certainly wasn't someone who liked to goof off.
"I, personally, love wandering around!" The tom chirps, seamlessly easing himself (inserting himself, injecting himself) into the conversation, since it's what he did! Someone needed to be here to water down Slate's broody-ness. (He thinks that's his name, anyways.) Moodiness, broodiness, whatever you wanna call it. Basically, he's a 4/10, only the twolegs (or the stars, as they say around here) would know why such a strapping young man saught out this piece of junk for an 'adventure'.

No, he would not acknowledge that nobody asked him. Wyrm smiles sweetly at the charcoal tom as he can. Sweetly, but too-wide, all sharp teeth and blackened gums. "Would you rather share ghost stories? Or play truth or dare?" Suddenly, he would perk up, as if the best idea to ever exist had just come to him. Then, like a flustered young molly (Or what he thinks they act like??) he would sheepishly turn away, pausing so that he could hold a paw over his mouth. "Or t-talk about our crushes?!"​
Come on, Slate, Wyrms right! Wandering around isn’t all that bad!” comes Sheeps purr as she teeters over, having spotted the three chattering about and leaving as she did a glance-round around camp. Though long in the past, she still worries about the camp walls, seeing cats pour from them makes her eyes flutter shut as she listens to what else Wyrm has to say. She cannot help the giggle that comes from her mouth when Wyrm does a… quick turn around with a gasp. Imitation of something, she’s not exactly sure.

Sheep doesn’t have a crush, she has a mate, and if thats what they’re talking about then she’s afraid she could talk their ears off about him. She gives them each a small smile, deciding to stick her eyes upon Auburnflame. “Where to, captain? I think the tall pine tree would be most suitable if you’d like to stretch those legs, amigo.” she blinks warmly, hoping the three don’t mind her quick interject in. Oh well if they do, she thinks their company would be fun!