private JUST A PLAYDATE TO YOU — fox & cotton

Oh, this place is utterly dreadful! Sharing a cramped space with all of WindClan, no comfy nests, the clearing stinking of oak, and the worst part — sand was everywhere! The constant feeling of tiny granules stuck in between his toes was enough to put Snakehiss in a sour mood, but seeing the medicine cat apprentice alone having a talk with a certain white and golden tom was even more of a sore sight.

Irritation makes his jaw tighten. A pit of jealousy and an unwelcome mediocrity simmers in his gut as he's reminded of his cowardice during the rogue invasion. No one had noticed, at least to his knowledge, which was a good thing at least. Still, Foxglare had been Cottonpaw's savior and not him. The other tom was a threat, pure and simple, and would surely replace him if he didn't step in.

Having quickly grabbed a mouse from the small, makeshift fresh-kill pile, Snakehiss trotted over toward the two and commenced his plan, "Cottonpaw, my flower — come share a mouse with me." The young warrior addresses her, aiming to leave no room for further debate.

A brief albeit icy glance is directed toward Foxglare now, the meaning behind it crystal clear — Back off.

  • i felt like this would work better as a pt ngl, that being said there's no pressure here!!! i'm expecting this interaction to be p brief but it'll still be good >:3
    @FOXGLARE @cottonpaw

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
"... So, yeah, I just wanted to thank you," Cottonpaw's blue gaze doesn't waver far from Foxglare, her paw tapping the side of his to punctuate her gratitude. It's been a good many days since they've been driven out by rogues and she hasn't the chance to properly thank him until now, though she hopes that he receives it well regardless. Yes - it did hurt that Snakehiss hadn't been the one to protect her, but she didn't dwell. Getting out of there alive, much more woundless (to an extent,) is more important. "Without you, I've would've been nothing more than fresh-kill -"

Her conversation with the predominantly white tom is interrupted by Snakehiss, and the young grey she-cat finds her heart stuttering when he calls her his 'flower'. How sweet! And he wants to share prey with her, even with a piece so meager. A purr rumbles in her chest and she bumps her shoulder against Foxglare briefly, flashing him a smile and promising him, "I'll talk with you later, okay?" She's oblivious to the way Snakehiss looks at her friend, simply excited for a spot of normalcy between herself and the black furred tom. She presses her side against his more purposefully, her tail lingering alongside his, "Where'd you want to sit?" she leaves him the power, unintentionally but happily.​
⁀➷ "...It's nothin', really. M'just glad you weren't roughed up too badly," Foxglare evenly met her pale gaze with his own. He himself hadn't given his actions that day much of a thought since they were driven out of Windclan camp, besides the still-stinging scratches and bruises littered beneath his pelt. Coming to Cottonpaw's aid didn't require a second thought in the same way that making a path through camp to escape with the kittens didn't require one either. If pressed, Foxglare was sure he would be able to say that he would have gladly helped any member of the clan from swarming rogues, if they had been in her place. It was only a happy accident that he happened to be near enough to someone as easy to want to save as Cottonpaw.

"Nah I..." His eyes shifted downward to the light taps she did upon his paw, feeling puzzled enough at the unfamiliar gesture that there would be a slight hesitation before he responded, "...I saw you holdin' your own out there. Ya woulda been just fine, I say." Foxglare knew he wasn't the touchy sort, and chalked up her flippant intimacy as a matter of personal preference, though he still didn't know exactly how to react to it.

Another voice would jab into their conversation, the usually jeering tenor of one lanky moor-runner was drenched in something saccharine, and though by now Fox was aware enough of the nature of Cottonpaw's relationship with Snakehiss, the foreign sound of his sweet words made his ears itch. He would meet the other tom's glare with a quizzical brow-twitch of his own. Why was he looking at him like he'd stolen his prey from between his paws? Was he seriously jealous enough that he got his tail in a twist over the molly he was sweet on talking to a cat that wasn't himself? Snake's possessiveness made him want to roll his eyes. Were all couples like this?

"Right, I'll leave y'all to it then, Cottonpaw," He offered the small blue smoke the rare ghost of a smile as she turned to leave before stretching and padding off to find some work to do.

And good luck with that piece of work. Yeeesh...

  • OOC:
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 11mo moor-runner of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — a large, scarred, longhaired light ginger tabby with high white and grey eyes
    — smells like wet oak wood and dewy sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. stalwart and resilient, he is not easily shaken and lives by a very strict personal code of honor.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — hs by mercurial, fullbody by antiigone
    — penned by eezy
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