just a step from the edge || riverclan patrol

Sep 11, 2022

➵ He's instructed @GILLPAW to keep close.

The way Clearsight moves is best described as prowling, ears pricked and pawsteps careful as they make the trek along the riverbank. For Weaselclaw to fling himself over the border like that, and two full-grown warriors to follow without question—WindClan has proven themselves an active threat, and he and his charge have healing wounds to prove it. He is not afraid of a fight, but not stupid enough to let his guard down, either.

He's leaving border markings at much closer intervals than usual, with the intent to communicate that RiverClan will be having none of WindClan's bullshit. Their borders are as firm as ever and they will defend them.

(At least they have a goddamned patrol this time. Smokethroat was alone, for fuck's sake, with only a child for backup.)

With the river icing over and frozen trees shedding their branches, adding to the existing stones that break the water's surface, more and more crossings have come into being—a few strategic leaps could put any reckless WindClanner across. So Clearsight prowls, golden gaze tracking the moor's horizon, occasionally flicking toward @Snakeblink and @HOUNDSNARL. and the rest of the patrol. Keeping tabs. With Smokethroat's fate still in StarClan's paws, the tension is thick and the atmosphere solemn.

If someone breaks the heavy silence, it certainly won't be him.

& we've all got battle scars ✗

// takes place AFTER the border skirmish.
clearsight will NOT instigate, but if any windclan warrior shows an actual threat toward the patrol (attempting to cross the border, displaying immediate intent to harm, etc) he will not hesitate to defend with violence.​


—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
To put it plainly, Coalfoot was afraid.

From what he knew, it had been a large, uncontrolled fight over a petty matter, and now the stakes were higher than ever. Any time he got near the RiverClan border, his fur prickled with unease. It was now a very real possibility that their Clans would go to war. The marled tom could only pray that either StarClan would keep them safe, or their leaders would keep them apart until the weather warmed. At this point, he had low hopes in at least one of those possibilities.

As Coalfoot trailed the border, he was on high alert for any potential threat that lie beyond. Maybe it was too much to ask for that he finish his business quietly and return to camp. An even stronger scent of RiverClan hit his nose, and the lithe tom stiffened, if only for a moment. There, a warrior, followed by an apprentice and the rest of the patrol. Mismatched ears cocked backward, a blatant sign of unease. When he met their eyes, it only grew.

Mouth dry, his thoughts fled him at that moment, head twisting to check for those he had been with before looking back across the river. "For..." he began pathetically, voice barely heard over the murmur of the water. He tried again. "For what it's worth, Soot- we're- I'm sorry."

He felt locked in place, torn between wanting to apologize and wanting to leave. Sootstar had been angry with Weaselclaw, even more so for potentially shattering their already rocky relationship with their neighbor. If he could begin putting it on the mend, he would at least try. "Is... is everyone okay?" he managed nervously.

[penned by its_oliverr].

The air is heavy. Snakeblink knows he isn’t imagining the tension: they’re all on edge, even those of them who did not take part in the initial skirmish. Silently, they’re all anticipating conflict — and dreading it, at least in Snakeblink’s case. They have apprentices around: if a fight were to break out… but it might not, he reassures himself. They might not cross paths with anyone at all.

He hangs back a little, tucking himself and his apprentice (his apprentice! What a concept!) behind the bulk of Clearsight and Houndsnarl. One can never be too safe. He explains the process of a border patrol quietly, pointing out helpful landscape elements to orient oneself by or place scent markers. It keeps his mind off the threat hanging over them, and hopefully Fogpaw will get something useful out of it as well.

He’s halfway through a sentence when a young Windclan warrior appears. Falling silent, he watches with narrowed eyes as he comes up to their patrol to apologize — stumbling over his leader’s name as he does. Hm. Sootstar’s not feeling very apologetic, is she?

”Apologies won’t unspill the blood,” he hums, ”And there was a lot of it spilled. You're fortunate we are much less eager to run into other's territories than your clanmates.”

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 35 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Sootstar was furious about the incident, but even so she was too stubborn to mutter the words sorry. At the end of the day, the RiverClan patrol had known what they were doing by snatching that rabbit in front of the WindClan patrol. She did not have any mercy for them neither and it causes her to give a look to Coaltfoot. Do not speak for me, she was not sorry, just sorry that the incident would now likely cost WindClan.

"Next time a hunted vole retreats over the twoleg bridge onto our side of the territory, WindClan will be sure to recognize it as our own prey. I hope RiverClan will have the same attitude they believed they should've received from WindClan when the day comes." She warns with a growl. Sootstar was not here to argue at the end of the day, what was done was done and they were no longer friendly with each other. She moves to brush her fur along nearby foliage.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
♚ Hyacinthbreath paces a few tail-lengths behind Sootstar on this patrol, violet-tinted eyes harsh with emotion. Had Weaselclaw not been so stupid, so impulsive, her child might not have been hurt in that skirmish. Apprentice or not, that was a child- to bring Aspenpaw into the fray was irresponsible.

And that tom was her Leader's mate.

There's a fuming anger in every step, though. Her friend had been hurt in this skirmish, as well.

"It should have never happened in the first place." Accented tune curses, fury in her voice as her eyes flick to Sootstar. She should have exiled him just as they exiled Honeytwist for attacking another cat. Weaselclaw put too many cats in harms way with that stupid fucking skirmish, and now they were putting more unneeded stress on Dandelionwish to make up for it. Did he even have the herbs to treat all those wounds? "My condolences for those who were hurt. Truly." She musters, avoiding eye contact with the RiverClan cats present.

She wondered if Smokethroat was okay..​
❝  His relationship with Soot'd always been somethin' complicated. Suppose that went for most of the Pine Group, truth be told. He was never the most social of creatures. Those that'd been in his heart stayed there. Most of them came to RiverClan with him– not all, though. Suppose they each had to live with that. Maybe it's why he hates these patrols as he does. Each one was a sore reminder. They were no longer friends or companions. Neither were they truly his enemy. More often than not, he preferred to stick deeper inside the river's breadth, further away from all this nonsense. Darkpaw would have to learn, and that's the only reason he'd complied without those inklings of disdain when his name came up. Perhaps he could pass this on, if nothing else: you can care for any and all, but at the end of the day it was you and your clan against the world. Whether you like it or not.

Sharp bitter-green eyes flicker between all of the WindClanners. Undisguised reproach sours his attention even further than the vibrant green typically would. Some of 'em apologize, but the one who matters says nothing of the sort. He should've expected as much. "If only your clanmates really shared the sentiment," he intones blandly, looking mostly to Coalfoot. Soot wasn't sorry. She'd never truly cared for much but herself. (That was unfair, cruel, but anger tinges history a bloody red.) Hyacinthbreath gets a quick nod of acknowledgement, though she does not look at them. At least these ones mean it. Not all of them did. "Can't help but think they'd deserve it," Hound mutters to Snakeblink, though his anger's contained enough that he hopes it doesn't bleed onto their apprentices. They'd deserve a battle, they'd deserve violence and hatred. But they cannot afford the loss. Already leafbare's leaving them in a precarious way. He'd just hope StarClan would give Sootstar what she deserved, one'f these days.

  • hound_outline.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

His blue eyes narrow as he paces along behind the border patrol, to Coalfoot's whimpering apology like he's begging forgiveness for a crime he committed. Juniperfrost could not look more annoyed if he tried and he didn't care to try; the one look said enough.
"You're all acting like kittens in a scuffle over hurt feelings. Prey is life or death in leaf-bare." The tabby comes to a stop just behind Sootstar, peering over at the RiverClanner's with a sneer and disgusted expression, there is no compassion nor kindness in his voice or gestures and he views the river cats as nothing but obstructions to his clan's livelihood. They had a queen soon to be having kits, plenty injured from a previous coyote attack and now this nonsense. He wished Weaselclaw had more cats with him, he wished they'd killed every RiverClanner that dared try to face them. He hopes they choked on that rabbit.
He turns from Coalfoot to Hyacinthbreath who is just as weak-hearted as the stuttering fool of a tom and he resists the urge to stick his claws in her for being so insolent in front of their leader. "Why don't you join them if you feel so truly sorry for their lot."
With a lashing tail he made it a point to make sure the border was marked directly in front of them, a warning and a challenge. If any of them wanted to have another go right here he'd put them in their place. Drown them in their own wretched river.
Spirit doesn't know who to truly think was the good guy in this situation, perhaps neither but her brain so desperately wants to scramble for fault. At first she thought it was Windclan, because her best friend had gotten hurt, and then things happened and... Fuck, she doesn't know what to think as she slinks besides her mentor. The tension was thick enough to choke her but she does not let it.

Not until Juniper speaks up and her fur prickles with unadulterated anger. "Can you just shut the fuck up for a second?" she scowls quietly, knowing full well that Hyacinth would likely punish her later. They, Windclan, were already hurting with Weaselclaw being shredded, with leaf-bare staving them. She does not care about Hyacinths punishment, but rather the fact that this man was insinuating her mentor, the closest thing she had to a mother figure, was disloyal enough to go join the fish-faces AND possibly causing a fight in the meantime. Except Spirit thought Iciclepaw was cool, yeesh, she forgot about Icicle, she'll... Have to... Apologize, say sorry the next time she sees her. Hopefully Icicle wouldn't avoid her; her anger spikes up once more because these cats probably just wasted a good friendship! Part of her wishes Riverclan would lunge and kill the blue-furred tom in the patrol (though with horror she realizes she has become just like her actual mother).

"Come on, ma- Hya, lets go hunt or something." her voice is soft as she tilts her head up to the warrior, ears flattened as she tries to draw her away from the crowd. She doesn't want to stand here any longer.

Redpath had to be honest with herself, she did come hoping for another fight. She hadn't been too injured in the earlier scuffle, but she was still burning hot. So she wasted no time joining her fellow clanmates on checking the border.

"Ah..... Windclan." She greeted venomously as she eyed each one.

She then chuckled darkly. "Apologies won't change anything.....though I will remember them."

" Just here to mark the border....Since you moor rats seem to have forgotten where it lies." She says, slowly walking along the border and giving a rock and their side of the bridge a quick spray, all while making eye contact with the Windclan patrol.

There was nothing but bloodlust and stone cold wrath in her mismatched gaze.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotepaw favors his leg as he trails in behind Juniperfrost, finally finding the tom after someone back at camp tipped him off. He was late to the parade, cool eyes of mint sweeping over the gathered cats there and effectively stiffening once he realizes riverclan is here. Was another fight about to break out so soon after the last? Were they here to seek proper punishment for the ones involved. He had been involved after all. There are idle threats tossed back and forth. But more so on the side of frosted grasses, making windclan look akin to a circus of clowns in front of the river dwelling clan. And he was only about to add fuel to the fire.

Snapping his attention in the direction of Spiritpaw the cream furred tabby sneers. "Don't talk to him like that." The boy quips, voice sharp and commanding. While he was not close to Juniper as of right now, the tom was the only living biological parent he had left. Emotionally he was caught between a confusing tug of war to defend his father or to stay out of it entirely. In the end, it was evident to see which side won. He would fight tooth and nail for those he considered family. Mint hued eyes bore into the younger apprentice, challenging her to say something else.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
Why don't you join them if you feel so truly sorry for their lot.

Hyacinthbreath glares heatedly towards the tom as he grunts out the insult towards herself and Coalfoot, has half the mind to smack him across his stupid face right then and there. And yet, Spiritpaw says the words she's been meaning to say all along. She resists the urge to snort in amusement, proud of her apprentice standing up for herself and those who couldn't defend themselves. Though, Hyacinth is quick to brush her tail against Spiritpaw's lips to silence her.

That doesn't stop Coyotepaw from having his own words. Hyacinthbreath narrows her eyes towards the tom, reminding herself that they were in front of RiverClan in this moment- and simmers her own temper in favor of being the bigger person for once. "Yes, hunting. Excellent idea." She mutters softly, ushering her apprentice in front of her and away from Juniperfrost before she spins his head herself. Naive, that child was. He should have stayed in SkyClan.

Her eyes grace Coalfoot's own, and Hyacinth leans in to bump heads with the tom. "Come with?" She offers softly, barely a whisper to the tom. Though, she doesn't wait for an answer- leading Spiritpaw back into the snow-burnt heather.

// out!​

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Apologies won't unspill the blood. Coalfoot grimaced at that, gaze flickering down to the earth at his paws. He knew that much. The same could be said for WindClan. Yet even if it didn't fix what had already happened, he wanted to at least try to ensure that it didn't repeat itself.

Perhaps it was too much to ask for.

Just as he looked up, Sootstar met his eyes with a hard stare, the marbled warrior nearly shrinking into himself and biting his tongue while she spoke firmly and unapologetically. She had been so angry at Weaselclaw. Did she no longer care? Was WindClan really on the verge of war? The comment from another RiverClanner wasn't enough to raise his eyes.

From there, things seemed to only get worse, especially amongst themselves as his Clanmates bickered and snapped, himself taking steps backward so that he wasn't in the middle of it. Hyacinthbreath- at least she shared his feelings somewhat. Her and Spiritpaw were going to leave, the pale queen murmuring an invitation to him as she passed, leaning into the affectionate gesture as a means of return. Upon looking over to Sootstar and Juniperfrost, he longed to go with her. Would he be punished for abandoning post? What if things got worse between the patrols?

With a heavy swallow, he nodded quietly, regardless of whether she saw it or not, and hastily trailed after her.

// out

[penned by its_oliverr].

Sootstar is lost for words, if you paid attention you would've noticed the hackles on her fur bristle but nothing else. Underneath the stoic expression she was furious for how these fools were acting, in front of the clan they just quarreled with no less! Could they not at least pretend solidarity? Did they not think by doing this they not only put themselves but their kin too on the line?

Sootstar sniffs to conceal her runny nose, symptom of the cold surely. As her warriors retreat from her own side she turns her gaze to Coyotepaw, stay, it'll be fine. She tries to tell him with just a look, moving to stand closer to his side in a protective manner. "WindClan has better things to do then exchange playground insults back and forth. If Cicadastar would like to speak to me, leader to leader, I am more than happy to arrange a meeting." She wants to insult them just as badly, but she cannot for the survival of her clan.

Sootstar quickly reinforces the border the best she can regardless of whether Coyotepaw and Juniperfrost do the same. Then without a word she flicks her tail for the two to hopefully follow her. If they did as they abandoned the scene she'd whisper in their ears, "I don't know what's gotten into Hyacinithbreath's head! Loyal warrior through and through that she-cat was... Now I'm being abandoned in front of a clan we are quarreling with!" She almost shrieks the last part, but she keeps her tone down as she vanishes over the hills.



( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

He does as he's told, black and white sticking close to blue.

Their patrol assignment is untimely, a return to an area he'd rather not see for a while. The WindClan border, in all it's glory - a blur of blood and claws, still a memory that's fresh in his mind. He glances down at his shoulder, at the wound that originated here - still healing but no longer fresh.

They pop up, one by one. Condolences shared first, only to be shot down. He spots a familiar face on the other side, almost feels his claws sinking into him at the recognition. The apprentice from the battle, the one who wounded him. The one who Gillpaw wounded.

It escalates into harsh words so quickly, Gillpaw fears he'll have to fight again - have to try to protect his clan once more, far too soon.

But, just as quick as it escalates, it begins to die down, as Sootstar spats about playground insults and the ever limited time WindClan seems to have - Gillpaw would rather it be insults than another fight - as others begin to leave. But his eyes remain locked on the apprentice, his ears on his sharp tone, his mind on his pleads for WindClan to just go away.