just a stranger / eerie

Nov 12, 2022
And yet another day of howling winds, and Specter isn't even sure they'll get anything done today as a green gaze is cast towards the sky. But he trudges onwards, towards the apprentice den, where his apprentice has most likely taken shelter. He puffs his fur out but theres nothing to help buffer from biting wind, teeth grind in frustration as he draws closer to the bramble bush.

He hesitates, though, before he pokes his head in. I should give him the day off, but the winds would be perfect for hunting and sparring, right? The more Eerie learns, the less Specter has to worry, and finally will he be able to let that skirmish go. But as he closes his eyes to turn away, he sees the boys figure, he sees it beneath the lilac apprentice and there is claws, teeth- Specter shoves his head in to the entrance to call out. "Eerie, kiddo, we're going to train. Meet me by the entrance, i'll let you off early today." and with that Specter withdraws, fuming beneath his expressionless facade, padding towards the camp entrance and promptly seating himself.


It wasn't all too long ago that Eeriepaw had proclaimed that rain was a good thing - that he'd decided he liked stormy weather and the gloomy nature that came with it.

Nowadays, he's not all too certain, with the sudden gusts of wind that have inhabited the marshes recently. Strong winds, enough to knock the ever-growing boy over, loud and howling against large ears.

If it weren't for the wind, perhaps he'd be lounging outside of the apprentice den, but instead, he takes shelter inside it with cramped limbs and an over-awareness of Friend at the side of his nest. Eeriepaw doesn't want to be unaware of the whereabouts of the bird skull as he rested in his nest - he wouldn't Friend to shatter into pieces, after all.

Though, his time to shelter away from the blasts of wind is short-lived, as Spectermask pokes his head into the den and calls for him to meet him by the camp's entrance. Eeriepaw blinks at that. Now? Why now?

Still, he rises, stepping out of the den to be greeted by another gust whistling through his ears. The tom braces himself for its impact as he trudges along, ears flat against his head as he meets his mentor with an expectant gaze.

At least he'll be done early today.
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"We'll do a brief once-over of a spar," eyes trail Eerie's movements, a huff as a particularly strong wind batters against his back. He doesn't want to do this, and he wants to let the kid rest, his face is irritable despite his struggle to keep it calm. "I want you to be able to fight, even with winds like these. It's crucial." sometimes he's not sure why he was entrusted with an apprentice, but he'd rather die before seeing Eerie get hurt.

Grinding jaws, theres a pinch at his cheek and he realizes he's chomped right on it in his stupor. He lets the tension snap, his jaws relax in to a resting position. "Lets go, kiddo." his voice is slightly less harsh, fond, even as he sets out in to the marsh that lays beyond camp. He constantly glances back, makes sure that Eerie follows. "Find anything cool lately?" he'd ask over the howls of wind, and its only then he realizes how much Eerie has grown. You've gotten taller since the last i've seen you, he wants to joke, but his lips stay sealed.

Specter stops walking. Ah... They're already here. He turns his head to fully look at Eerie, tilting as he waits for the kids response.

I want you to be able to fight, Spectermask says as the two of them walk through the whistling wind. It's really a wonder that Eeriepaw can hear his mentor, that he's able to blink in response, his head turning to look up at the black-and-white warrior.

"I know how," he informs him. Didn't he? He's been an apprentice for... how many moons, now? He's been through the lessons over and over - mimicked moves he grew tired of, adjusted for growing limbs. He's even fought a real battle before, and caught his first catch only moments before that. Did Spectermask think otherwise? That he didn't truly know how to fight?

It's crucial, his mentor informs him. But, does a shadow like him even need to know how to defend himself, when StarClan only seeks those freckled in star-gifted markings?

Never mind that. They're nearing their training grounds anyway, and Spectermask is instead asking him about the oddities he's found as of late. The void-furred tom thinks for a moment, tries to imagine all that he's seen lately.

"Bugs," he simply answers. Beetles, butterflies, worms. The warm weather has brought them out, has made finding them easier than ever. "Spiders." Spindly limbed and shadow-bodied like him, Eeriepaw thinks he likes spiders the most out of the rest of the bugs crawling around these days.