camp just because we can &. mini meeting


this wasn't how this was supposed to be. pitchstar was supposed to lose his final life to old age. or maybe... something else that wasn't so brutal. he wasn't supposed to be gone, yet, and still he was. they couldn't do anything to change that. they just hoped that he was finally able to rest.

upon finding his body, they freaked out. it was a very normal response, seeing as it was a brutal scene. their leader and one of their closest friends, dead in a puddle of his own blood. unmoving. they would never be able to get that out of their head. yet they could feel eyes on them, the disappointment and sneers because now chilledgaze was their leader. they didn't dwell. they actually did not care what others thought about them in that very moment. they knew what they could do for shadowclan and if they didn't like it, they could float their way to riverclan and live with the other traitors.

they climbed up clanrock, clearing their throat before they spoke up very loudly and clear.

"everyone gather under clanrock. it is time for a quick meeting. young and old, just make your way here."

they waiting for their clan to gather before they continued.

"it is with a heavy heart that i have to say that pitchstar has joined his mother within starclan. his life was taken by a rogue who continued to strip him of his lives until he lay unmoving for a final time. we will talk about how we will handle this situation in a moment. we also will be holding a vigil for him."

chilledgaze's eyes swept over the crowd, pinning their ears back. they didn't care how the fuck they felt about pitchstar. they would sit quiet for the vigil, even if chilledgaze had to hold them down to do so.

"before the sun next rises, i will be headed to moonstone and taking starlingheart with me. i've also asked smogmaw to join, as clearly there is some threat within our territory. sure, i can handle myself but i would rather not have any accidents."

chilledgaze furrowed their brows. they didn't know what else to say right now. with a small growl they tried to gather themself.

"we will find try and find the rogue. that is a given. but for now, try not to leave camp by yourself. I don't give a fuck if you're only going three mouse lengths from the entrance. if you end up dying because of your foolishness... tch. just don't fucking do that. we've lost enough. but still, we will stand strong because we are shadowclan. don't forget that. got it? dismissed."

they climbed down the rock, shaking their pelt out and giving it a few swift licks. they needed to get some rest for the journey.


they called out to their only remaining lead warrior, before nodding off to the side so they could speak to her. they fidgeted their paws nervously before rolling their eyes at themself.

"you're in charge until we get back, okay? i trust you."

What an uninspiring speech. Halfshade sincerely hopes nothing happens in the interim because newleaf was here and ShadowClan could truly not afford to handle another mess so immediately.
The torbie wanders forward to bump into Smogmaw's side and lean her head into brush against his cheek in a quick gesture of affection before he was stolen away to play bodyguard for their new leader who probably needed it a lot more than they would openly admit. Especially with dear Starlingheart there, the girl needed rest and Halfshade felt for her so terribly; the stars seemed to be plucking members of her family one by one before her very eyes if they weren't removing themselves. She idly thinks back to Bonejaw, hopes she's drowned in that river by now.
Chilledgaze's instructions and closing comments have her sit back down in irritation. They were going to have Pitchstar's body in camp until they got back? How unnerving, she hopes they moved it somewhere else so the kits and younger apprentices don't have to see it.
"Try not to lose them will you, dear." She comments to the blue tom, smiling. ShadowClan was on their third leader while most the clans still had their first. Their weakness was glaring and obvious now and moving swiftly to a fourth would love even more pathetic.

A paw raises her her muzzle, touches the scar Pitchstar had left on her when she had tried to drag him from beneath the writhing mass of rats only for him to die several times over to a mere rogue of all things. Mismatched eyes scan the crowd for Granitepaw briefly, wondering if he's thinking anything similar; he had no such sympathy then so its a wonder he cared now-walking into camp shellshocked and alarmingly subdued. Before the dark ex-deputy leaves they decree Geckoscreech in charge and Halfshade pulls away from Smogmaw with a final nuzzle to the ear to make her way to the apprentice den to count the little buggers; they didn't need anyone playing hero after all and running off after the rogue.
confirmation of pitchstar's passing would hardly change the blank expression worn upon the older woman's face, that wet-behind the ears fool had what was coming to him and geckoscreech held no guilt for having such a thought especially when so many of his friends and family are suffering over his loss. pitchstar did not deserve her grief. her mourning. not when he publically berated her and howled profanities like she was some lowly insect for even trying to make this clan function, something he refused to do for his wallowing was far more important. she was no monster though as these grudgeful feelings will remain locked away to never see the light of day, geckoscreech will still share her condolences with others and a mummer of false prayers at the vigil but nothing more.

taupe tinted ears would twitch as chilledgaze continued to speak, announcing that they will be heading to the moonstone with starlingheart and smogmaw which vaguely caused the bridge of her nose to scrunch but she supposed it makes sense to have an extra pair of paws to avoid another traitor situation. stars forbid they run into more trouble or else geckoscreech will truly believe that there's some sort of curse that plagues these marshes.

the meeting comes to a close with the soon-to-be leader addressing everyone to not stray a whisker away from camp until they return and with that they are descending from their perch but not without calling for her, beckoning with a toss of their head to follow which she naturally does. aquamarine meets an icy blue as shadowclan's saftey is placed into her paws for the duration of their absence.

geckoscreech does not comment on chilledgaze's fidgeting and instead presses a chestnut nose to their ear but the moment only lasts a few seconds before she's pulling away with somewhat softened gaze.

"i'll ensure everyone stays safe while you're gone."
siltpaw | 09 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf
Siltpaw does not... regret. At least, not in so many words. She would do the same thing over again should or could she. She'd do it a thousand times over. But her chest still aches uncomfortably at the thought of Nettlepaw, of the thought of all that could have gone wrong had they made even one misstep. She will mourn pitchstar as the leader he was - pitiful but dutiful. Utterly unotable in the monotony of her life. She nods at the deputy- no, leaders words, for even without yet receiving the coveted blessing of the stars chilledgaze is already having to take on the role. It does not matter, she thinks, who's paws were stained by that last little detail. That rogue had still done enough damage to kill a normal cat many times over - she would heed the warnings and never be alone. It's better that way anyways.

Starlingheart, though she had put on a brave face before now sits with her head hanging low, ears pinned to the back of her head. Everything feels like its happening too fast, it feels wrong. In her grief, the world spins around her. It is hard to breathe let alone imagine a world without her older brother in it. Her mother, her father, her brother. Was there not an end to the things that would be stolen from her? Maybe if she was a better medicine cat she could've found a way to heal his aching heart and he wouldn't have gone off alone that day. Silently, she blames herself just as much as Chilledgaze did for being the one to suggest it in the first place.

She looks up only momentarily, refusing to meet anyone's eyes lest they see the tears pooling in her own. She only snaps out of it when her own name is spoken from the black and white cats lips, stating that she and Smogmaw were going to accompany them on their journey to the moonstone. She is glad another warrior is coming, she would not be able to protect them if they were ambushed, after all. Her battle training had been brief and silently she curses herself for her ineptness, making a promise to learn more than just medicine if ever she found the time.


Overpowered by an emotional numbness since chancing upon Pitchstar's remains, the tom finds relief in his sweetheart's company. Halfshade's gentle touch imbues him with a welcome sense of ease, giving him the strength to force a serious expression, despite the emptiness tugging at his core. Internally, he still struggles to fully process what has happened, and what the implications mean. Chilledgaze no longer stands as second-in-command, but commander-to-be, and whilst they stand atop Clanrock and summarise what is to come, Smogmaw can only watch on in uncertainty.

Chilledgaze wraps up their address, entrusting the remaining lead warrior with the clan's supervision. Ideally, they shan't be gone long enough for Geckoscreech to go mad with power. He gives his torbie queen an affectionate tail flick before reluctantly leaving her side. Grey paws traverse the ground in indisposed strides, eventually seating himself near the medicine cat. His attention is then conferred to wee Starlingheart, head dipped to be on par with her eye level.

"Our journey will be sound," he assures, envisioning the night ahead. She showed brilliant resolve in the immediate face of her brother's death, but he can only imagine the newfound fear instilled within her. Rogues, ballsy ones, powerful enough to deliver the same bloody fate as the dogs that did Emberstar in. It'd be a lie to say he wasn't concerned, too.