just brush it off .. hawkshiver


hit me with your kill shot
Apr 30, 2023
WE'RE GETTING LOST! She didn't want this to become an entire spectacle for the other apprentice's. As much as she would love to encourage Barleypaw not to get afraid of getting some dirt in her eye and roll around in the sand, she didn't want to influence any ideas to the little ones. Sparring as an apprentice was harmless wrestling, firm rules and if anyone got hurt all sparring stopped until any potential injuries were cleared. Her and Hawkshiver were... poor at demonstrating following those rules.

Not that she would ever intentionally hurt her brother. They were ThunderClans best warriors, they had to maintain in good condition to hop into a battle, a war, a skirmish whenever needed. The line of going too far between them just... fainted, over time. The more their spars occurred the more they pushed each other to go further, to endure more, to hit harder. Killdeercry hardly entertained the idea of going against her other Clanmates for the sake of not wanting to accidentally overstep their limits. But also because Hawkshiver was a challenge to go against!

"Ready to lose? I woke up in a good mood this morning. I might be in too good of a mood to get beat!" Her claws dug into one of the roots beneath the Great Sycamore, stretching her legs before the two of them dove into it. — tags

❪ TAGS ❫ — Hawkshiver had a penchant for competition and his siblings knew this well. Sparring was a favored pastime of his; while he had to demonstrate self-discipline and control around his clanmates, practices were a means of releasing his pent-up energy and frustrations. He wanted to tear into a RiverClanner as bad as anybody else did, but as long as the two clans weren't actively fighting, taking on Killdeercry was the next best option.

"I might be in too good of a mood to get beat!" This causes the typically stony-faced warrior to smirk in a playfully cocky manner. "Hopefully you'll keep that good mood when you do. The ground isn't wet enough to help you this time." He teases his littermate, referring to their last spar where a recent night's rain had wet the soil and caused Hawkshiver to slip mid-attack. Being drenched in sopping mud hadn't been a great look for him.

After a roll of the shoulders and a stretch of his neck from side to side in order to release any kinks, his icy stare now stares ahead at a pair of golden pools. "Ladies first." He prompts, a raise of his eyebrows following. Killdeercry ought to consider herself lucky for witnessing such a rare occurrence — Hawkshiver didn't act playful with just anyone.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Her eyes narrowed at him with a mocking smile. "You can keep using that excuse, I was just fine in the rain." She teased back. Killdeercry was far too prideful to have claimed victory due to weather mishaps. Of course she had won fair in square! She would gladly take any opportunity given to rise on top, if they had been faced against a ShadowClanner she knew they wouldn't hesitate to do the same to her.

She flexed her wrists and her paws in preparation for their fight. "How kind of you." She meets his gaze with delight, claws flexing into the soil before darting forward. She goes head-on at Hawkshiver, paws thundering against the dirt. When she's a few whisker's length from colliding into him she feigns diving underneath him before veering left in attempt to swing her entire body into his side.— tags