just guys bein dudes.


Nov 6, 2022

Badgermoon as deputy, was it? It had promise. Juniperfrost remembers when Duskfire was made deputy, a new warrior with no experience who had not even come from the marshland like the majority of the clan at the time had. He'd had his uncertainty about it, trusted Sootstar's judgement but otherwise kept a watchful eye on the bengal tom. He'd been mostly fine, a unsure of himself and he had never developed that sense of stature expected of his role before it was taken from him entirely. The man was still bleeding out in Dandelionwish's den as far as he knew, most likely woud not make it. Another life lost in this chilling leaf-bare already, the clan was staggering for footing above snow cloaked hills and the new deputy may either make or break it.
Fortunately, from what he'd seen Badgermoon was at least sensible; perhaps a touch naive but when it came down to it he didn't think the tom was the rebellious and outlandish sort. Time would tell. With his hunting done for the day and a final patrol send out, he welcomed the relief of unburdening himself of sharing duties with their newly restablished lead warrior; not that he minded terribly, but they were certainly the responsbilities of a deputy and not a mere warrior like himself.
Juniperfrost padded along, pausing near the warrior's den before deciding against an early bed and instead moving to the edge of the camp atop a small cropping of stones that made for excellent sunbathing in the warmer moons but would suit him fine as a perch for now.
He was not the only one not prepared for bed and merely observing the camp, spotting Weaselclaw's striped form and Sunstride's more vibrant one lounging in the area already as he claimed one of the lower flat stones to clamber onto and stretch.
"...Badgermoon, huh?" He asks, and it is with a most neutral tone; wanting to gauge the other two's opinions. They would have words worth listening to as opposed to several other clanmates. Two very dutiful toms with good sense and while he and Sunstride did not agree on the methods of teaching strength they both very certainly valued it all the same.

( ) At one time, Weaselclaw had fancied himself Sootstar's right-paw, her companion in all things, but time has shown him that the role of deputy is one he does not want. In theory, this is a cat who would succeed Sootstar, and he cannot imagine a WindClan -- a world -- without her. Even if he could fathom a world in which he'd be forced to walk with StarClan, the tabby has begrudgingly come to determine politics are not for him. He does not want to discern why it's not okay to drive a cat away just because it's another Clan leader; nor does he find himself capable of deciding which cats he can and cannot attack on what day.

His position suits him fine, he's decided.

The tabby lolls about on the warm surface of the stone, twitching at Juniperfrost's quiet remark. He blinks at the stoic blue warrior, thinking about Sootstar's newest choice. Badgermoon. "Came with her from the marshes," was his half-awake response. He yawns, displaying a fine set of white fangs and a releasing a warm gust of breath. "He seems more sure of himself, maybe. Kid'll do fine."

After all, Duskfire hadn't done too badly, had he? ... Weaselclaw pushes thoughts aside of all the cats the Bengal had lost on his various patrols and excursions. The man was dying in Dandelionwish's den right now -- he could save those uncharitable thoughts for later.
It is first with a low hum of consideration that Sunstride makes his opinion on the promotion known. There is caution in the noise, and a certain uncertainty. He has found himself here in a moment of rest, not prepared for more than idle greetings to those that passed by. Whatever thoughts he had on Badgermoon were not yet part of his mind. Weaselclaw is the first to speak them. Kid'll do fine. He laughs. "Are you so old and infirm that you see him as some kitten from the nursery?" Rather than offended, he seems quite delighted. "I do not think any other would agree; Badgermoon, most certainly not. " After a moment's thought, slowly piecing the words together upon his tongue, he speaks again: "I have known few WindClanners so careful with the lives of others. His care will see itself returned."

There are words he does not speak, of course. His life as a rogue and his born disdain for authority. The pride, which demanded leadership on its own. He did not bow well to the words of others. It as a force of respect that kept him beneath Sootstar's command. Badgermoon was no face of authority to him, but that of a growing friend's. Whether that would be enough to keep him from butting heads– such things remain to be seen. "What of you, then, Juniperfrost? You do not make much a fuss of your thoughts."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

He liked to imagine he was good with faces and names alike, that he knew every cat worth knowing but Badgermoon had been a quiet surprise. The tom had kept to himself mostly and flew off Juniperfrost's mental radar given their tendencies to be so different in approach to training and regimine; he only remembered he existed when they butted heads briefly over Yewberry's lack of a spine and his existence was emphasized further with the promotion. Sootstar was a cat worth trusting when it came to decision making, so he was not going to nitpick or make much of a fuss until proven otherwise but that did not change the fact it was a surprise all the same. "I would hope he's a little more than just sure of himself, if he's to take over when she's gone he has further growing to do." Weaselclaw's use of kid was amusing on its own giving he himself was much older than Weaselclaw as was Sunstride; Juniperfrost was fairly certain he was the oldest cat here though not be a large margin.
Sunstride's remark on WindClan's care for life was not missed on him but as the bengal tom would further observe, the blue tabby did not have much to say on the matter until he was addressed directly on it.

"Unlike several of our clanmates I feel that what I speak should not just fill the air with noise." If he ever vocalized much there was a purpose to it, he did not idle chit-chat, he wanted to spread knowledge and obtain it and talking was reserved for that. You would rarely hear him ask about the weather unless it served his hunting decisions, he would not ask how kits are doing unless there was concern that required his aid specifically and he paid much attention to the apprentices not out of any waning interest but because the future warriors of their clan being well-equipped was something he strongly believed in.
"I've been told to 'lighten up' plenty but my pelt is pale enough." It was so boldly and flatly stated that at first the mere idea of the ticked tom making such a joke could have easily been dismissed entirely; but without the humor aspect the statement made no sense and Juniperfrost's neutral expression also did not change during the delivery of it.
  • Haha
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