just how cold the wind can blow | riverclan patrol


Their patrol has only just reached the border with Thunderclan when it starts to snow, a slow, heavy snowfall that blurs the line between the ground and sky. Just what they need: less visibility. A gust of wind sends shivers through Snakeblink’s thin-furred body and he sends an irritated glare at the grey sky in return. It doesn’t look like it’ll stop in a short moment — actually, it looks like it’s going to get worse. The clouds are thick and dark, blotting out the pale daylight. They’re already cold, but if this keeps on, they’ll get buried before they make it back to camp.

They're lucky Thunderclan has no quarrel with them currently: in these conditions, barely seeing a fox-length away from your own nose, it would be child's play for anyone to sneak up on them.

”Stick close to me,” he murmurs to his apprentice, wary of losing him in the coming storm. The rapidly-diminishing light levels and mist-like flurry of snowflakes are only making his poor sight worse. Forget getting buried: if it keeps snowing like this, Snakeblink will have to hold on to someone’s tail to find his way back home. He raises his voice to address the rest of the patrol. ”Shall we hurry along? This is the kind of weather one could lose themself in and never be found again…”

  • ooc: tagging @frogpaw @HAILFROST @RAVENPAW. but you're welcome to reply before them!

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 36 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Raising his head independently, Ravenpaw followed after the patrol. However, there is less to be proud of as the snow begins to fall heavier. Why did he have to be assigned this patrol at this particular time? Now his mood would be soured for the rest of the patrol. Ravenpaw's muzzle twisted into a frown, the chilled wind buffeting his thick dark mane as he high stepped through the snow.

"Tch, why can't we turn around now?" The apprentice protested. "Will ThunderClan cats be minnow-brained enough to come out in this weather?" He hoped not.​

"It takes a minnow-brain to know a minnow-brain," Flycatcher chuckled, as he and a small ThunderClan patrol appeared from the undergrowth. Unfortunately, Ravenpaw's comment had proven true and the ThunderClan cats were indeed patrolling today. Suffering through the same sudden snow as all the other clans likely were. Flycatcher shook off some of the snow from his pelt, before looking across to the RiverClan cats who he can just about make out through the snow. "Hopefully this snow won't last for long," He mused. "I doubt any of us want to be out in it longer than we need to be."

The snowflakes finding a home on her pelt didn't bother her, but the reduced visibility brought careful fear into Hailfrost. The once-again warrior had no comment on her assignment, but she could at least get back into the thrills and excitement of a border patrol. She missed being a warrior, cautiously following behind with adrenaline pumping through her. She had little thoughts on her fellow patrol members- however, she felt safe with Snakeblink leading the charge.

She had hoped they would run into a Thunderclan patrol, so when the handsome Thunderclan tom emerged from the snow, she smirked. However, she realized how much she didn't know about Thunderclan. She had spent nearly all of the newly-founded clan's time in the nursery, caring for a son that only reminded her of what she missed. At once, the cold set into her, and she crouched lower to the ground to find some reprieve from the cold air. Not sure how to proceed, Hailfrost merely looked at Snakeblink for direction, hoping for something interesting to arise at the conversation.

———————————— .°✧


A shiver ruffles Snakeblink’s short fur, but it’s Ravenpaw’s comment that makes it stay up in irritation. He knows where the apprentice comes from, of course: none of them is enjoying this weather. But it’ll take more perseverance and maturity than that before he is ready to become a full-fledged warrior.

”Would you rather face Buckgait’s ire after we gave up our assignment halfway?” He asks mildly, glancing at Ravenpaw over his shoulder. ”We— stars!

Snakeblink nearly jumped at the sudden voice coming from the snowy fog. Despite his own words he did not much believe in the possibility that other cats would be out in this weather, and the Thunderclan warriors’ apparition comes as an unpleasant surprise. He shakes himself, both to relax his raised hackles and to rid himself of the snowflakes gathering on his back, and glances at Hailfrost. To his disappointment, the newly-returned warrior doesn’t take the head in this exchange, and he finds himself struggling to find a reply to the Thunderclan cat’s banalities, glancing at his clanmates for help all the while.

”Yes, I’m sure we all crave our warm dens,” he drawls, hesitant. Should they leave now? Thunderclan isn’t their enemy: he should at least try to be polite. Awkwardly, he adds, ”How are things on your side of the river? Staying dry? ”

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 36 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Not expecting his retort to be reprimanded—albeit mildly, Ravenpaw stared at Snakeblink with the false innocence of a kit. "Surely Buckgait would understand," He murmured, trying to put a woundedness in his voice. He recalled how their deputy had fallen face first into a snowdrift. This weather was not for cats.

However, to his surprise, a ThunderClan cat did approach. His ears lay flat against his head with red embarrassment, but Flycatcher's friendliness had assured him that there was nothing to fear. Being new to border patrols, Ravenpaw was struck dumb, looking to the warriors for guidance. This led to a slightly awkward greeting from Snakeblink. Gathering more confidence, the dark-furred apprentice's chest puffed out. He remembered something Buckgait asked them to do. "Our deputy Buckgait wishes to send a "hello" to your deputy." The apprentice mewed.​

The fog was thick and winding and she found she felt more comfortable in its shroud than outside of it, point spotted paws poised politely alongside the lead warrior as she stepped forward to regard the RiverClanners present with a cautious smile and curious eyes.
One of the cats had strange eyes, she felt they were both too big and too small; piercing yet unfocused-what a strange tom. The other was a pretty silver molly and the final one present was a sleek black apprentice much larger than she was. A rude cat, apparently, but Flycatcher took the remark in stride. She guessed that if he had to get mad at every apprentice making barbed remarks he'd always be furious.
Moonpaw was preparing to leave when the rude black tom spoke up once again and she heard mention of their clans deputy and hers.
Buckgait...she didn't know a Buckgait. RiverClan were a mysterious sort and she only ever really knew their leader from his long-limbed and eerie appearance at the gatherings. Did he think that because they were deputies there was some kinship or did her grandmother actually know this cat? No matter, she'd carry the message all the same later when she visited. "I'll make sure she gets the message." The apprentice gave a faint nod of her head.
"I'm sure grandmother will be happy to hear you're all doing well." Of the clans, RiverClan was probably the one that had slightest them the least.
There was no mention of Howling Wind's injury and her stay in the medicine cat den. Frankly it was none of their business, friendly or not.