pafp Just keep swimming || Swimming lesson


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022
((This takes place shortly after the meeting before it gets too cold to swim!))

She has much to teach her little minion and this time, she will not fall victim to her nemesis, the entire crab species. This was an important lesson, one that every Riverclanner must know to be a true Riverclanner. Swimming was what made them who they are, after all! And she was a very good swimmer, in her expert opinion. Trotting along the river with Valepaw in tow, she was excited to get to their first lesson.

"We're going to do some swimming lessons before the water gets too cold!" She explains. "It might still be pretty cold now, but not anywhere near as bad as when leafbare really sets in...." She adds, remembering the various times cats have fallen into the freezing river and either died or nearly died. She herself fell in during a scuffle with a rogue and it was so, so cold. She felt numb, almost. But this isn't about the terrors of freezing water, this is about getting in the basics before it starts!

She stops by a good spot along the shore, not too far from camp. It wasn't too deep, so drowning wouldn't be an issue. "Okay! Lets get started. You'll want to try just floating, first. I'll go in with you!" She says, standing beside Valepaw to be Emotional Support.

@valepaw ➶ SWIMMY TIME))​
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

If it weren't for the fact that swimming seems like the opposite of a cat's nature, Valepaw might be willing to entertain this silly idea. But he thinks it borderline insanity, even if he clan-mates do it regularly- he is not the only that preferred to keep their coats dry, which just encouraged him he was not unreasonable.

And she talks about the cold.. and he feels the ice in his bones before he ever touches a droplet of it. The fur on his spine stands on end in alarm before the lesson has even begun. I want Rookfang, he thinks childishly, knowing somehow his big brother could save him from this... He can do anything.

"I have... too much fur... to float," he responds softly, thinking about just how much of the frigid liquid would be absorbed by dusty curls... Like a coffin waiting to weigh him down into the deep dark.

He takes a single step forward, toes gripped by the lapping waves and he is quick to pull away, flicking his toes to free them. "You're... trying to kill me..." Ignoring the drama of it, he is only a three-month old boy... with a flair for theatrics and imaginative thinking. He doesn't say it with any fear in his voice... more like a confused question.​
*+:。.。 "The one time I don't envy you long-coats" Silverbreath would purr, padding his way over with a flick of his serpentine tail. He brushes comfortingly against Valepaw as he passes him by, slipping himself into the frigid water as silkily as an eel. "You're in no way in danger Valepaw, your mentor is very capable and won't push you past what you're ready fur" starclan it was cold! he observed, fighting the urge to let his teeth chatter as he focused his goal on making the water look as inviting as possible. "If you're alright with it Reddy m'dear, mind if I hover nearby? Just to show Valepaw he's covered on all avenues of the river?" the hardest part was getting in, but after that it was smooth swimming from henceforth! He'd learned quickly that once you got your muscle memory into the groove you could dance the river's waves better than love birds pirouetting through the skies! Hoping to show that potential path to Valepaw, Silverbreath would dive into the water, ensuring he remained close to the surface so his pale coat remained visible to the young tom as he swam like an otter against the current and through the rocks, slick and fun-loving! And it certainly was fun! Whether cats were made for the water or not, Silverbreath always felt like he was. Even before the River Colony the man had adored swimming, taking every chance he could to dip under the water, even if it was just to float.

Rolling onto his back, he comically spit out a fountain of water - away from the other two, of course. "You'll swim better than that in no-time Valepaw, but the first step is letting yourself relax" he purrs, letting the current gently tug him along, comfortable on his back despite the water getting into his long ears.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
She recalled her first time stepping into the waters. Her heart racing to life as she blended into the inky depths. Would she willingly swim in the frigid waters now? Definitely not. Unless of course her mentor requested it of her but today was not her day to train. Instead she had been given time off to galavant and play. Having completed her daily tasks and hopped off a recent hunting patrol.

Instead she had decided to follow along with the other paw's today and see what they were up to. Leaving her to sit near the bank and watch with amusement as Valepaw fretted. She herself was had a luxuriously long coat and it had taken some time to adjust to the rapids. It was worse getting out and feeling the weight of her locks drag her along.

Bemusedly she eyed Silverbreath as they splashed into the waves. Cooing words of encouragement at her hesitant denmate. Eagerly, she joined in adding her own voice. "You've got this! Long fur or no fur you can swim!" A small chuckle bubbled from her chest. She was thankful not to be floundering in the icy waters today.
Leafbare has laid its frost-crusted body at RiverClan’s camp entrance, but their hardy warriors slip around it, determined to continue teaching and extending their way of life. Redpath encourages little Valepaw to enter the river so he can learn to swim before the water becomes too cold. Iciclefang dips an experimental paw into the water now. It’s icy, sucking at her paw and licking up toward her chest, threatening to steal the heat from her body. She withdraws the foot and shakes it languidly in Silverbreath’s direction. “The long fur must be nice when you’re staying dry, though,” she purrs, the sound like ice cracking under a cat’s weight.

She watches the pale tom slip into the water in a show of encouragement for the dramatic young apprentice. Bumblepaw, too, her thick fur fluffed up around her small, slim body, enters the river, letting Valepaw know the length of his fur will not prevent him from becoming a true RiverClan warrior. Iciclefang turns toward the dubious young feline and says, “The more you swim and the more fish you eat, the better your fur will repel the water.” It takes time, and she does not understand it herself, but even the thickest-furred RiverClanners have glossy, water-repellent pelts that deflect the water as they clamber from the river’s currents. “And Redpath is right. You should learn to swim before leafbare comes in earnest.

Frost-blue eyes flick to where @CICADAPAW sits, almost always hovering by her side. She says, her voice low and whiplike, “Show Valepaw he will not sink.” She slips deftly into the water, keeping her expression carefully neutral so as not to alarm Valepaw. Her legs churn through the frigid depths, and she feels the breath nearly knocked out of her—but she keeps herself stoic for his sake.

, ”
Redpath chuckles at Valepaw. "You won't die, you'll be fine!" She tries to encourage him. She steps into the water first, certain her paws are going to feel numb after they're done today. Now was their last chance though, so she would endure.

They are soon joined by their clanmates, and redpath is overjoyed. They'll certainly be able to help Valepaw into the water. "Long coats are great for keeping warm, though, certainly." She says to Silverbreath, agreeing with Iciclefang. When he says she's capable, she cant help but beam a little at the compliment. Yes! She is very capable!!

"Of course you can! The more the merrier!"
She chirps to Silverbreath.

Bumblepaw cheers Valepaw on and she idly wonders if the peer pressure will start to bother him. She doesn't know, but she guesses she will find out. "Why don't you join us, Bumblepaw?" She asks.

She nods at Iciclebreaths advice. "It will take some time, so no slacking!" She teases her apprentice.

She steps deeper into the water, making sure there are no surprise holes that would catch Valepaw off guard should he slip into one. She looks back to him with an encouraging smile, eager to see him step into the water.​