just kissed a girl named maria | feeling giddy

I want you. I want you. I want you.

Those three words kept echoing over and over in her head. Words that she had longed to say were now out in the open and not only were they out in the open they were reciprocated too. She loved Lakemoon and Lakemoon loved her back. Ever since the words had come out, Lilybloom had been on cloud nine, giddy and madly in love. There was a notable spring in a step where there hadn't been for a while. Whilst on a patrol that morning, Lilybloom's thoughts were admittedly on other things - namely Lakemoon - and as such missed out on the words of one of her patrol mates. She only heard them when they shouted her name, piercing her thoughts. "Hmm?" Lilybloom mused, turning in the direction of the speaker. "Did you say something?"
Lilybloom seems in a particularly good mood this morning, if not a bit distracted. He’s been talking to his niece—or rather, at her—for a few moments now, and only just realized that she isn’t paying any attention. Like, at all. Head in the clouds, the whole nine yards. So he calls her name, blinks at her when she responds after a moment, asking whether he’d said anything.

He brushes off her distractedness, unbothered. Sometimes when he gets to talking he just doesn’t stop and… yeah, he doesn’t blame her for zoning out. "I was talking about the new fishing strategy I came up with. What’re you zoning out about?" He tilts his head to look the tortoiseshell up and down, the spring in her step and the general happy air about her. "Do you have a crush or something?" It’s the lightest of teases, a fond smile across his maw despite the cheeky question.

Coming back down to reality, Lilybloom meets her uncle's gaze. Thank StarClan it was him who had spoken to her and not one of the other warriors who would have likely chewed her ear off for getting distracted. He asks what she is zoning out about before making a teasing remark about her having a crush. Lilybloom laughs nervously. "Something like that," She confirms with a smile, a knowing look exchanged with her uncle. A part of her wanted to blurt out what her mind was really on but she was concerned it would only have come out in a nonsensical jumble.

Shaking her pelt out, she pads ahead a little before turning back to her uncle. "So, what's this new fishing strategy of yours?" She inquires.

Clayfur and Lilybloom had trotted a little bit ahead of the patrol, and Fernpaw hadn't particularly been paying attention to what they were talking about- rather, he was letting his mind wander off into labyrinths of thought about pretty stones he might be able to find, or new strategies he should employ in order to make a smidgen of process in his training, currently seemingly forever in stasis. It was only when Clayfur mentioned a crush that the little ginger tom's interest was piqued, and he trotted over to the two with his ears swivelled to attention, abyssal pupils staring upon his sister, painted with awestruck expanse.

"Hey, don't- change the subject, whaddaya mean- something like that?" he cocked his head, tone almost accusatory- though the genuine confusion he felt was written rather obviously across his face. Fernpaw had never been one for subtlety, after all. "What's like a crush that isn't one?" She'd mention if she had a mate, wouldn't she?
penned by pin
The tortoiseshell asks more about his new fishing stretchy, and Clayfur’s smile grows even broader. He doesn’t even think twice about her response—an enigmatic something like that. His mouth drops open, ready to start explaining what he’d learned from the birds again, but Fernpaw speaks up before he gets the chance.

His orange-furred nephew looks intrigued by his sister’s phrasing, poking further at her response. "Yeah, what he said! Don’t change the subject!" Clay laughs, doubling down on the apprentice’s questioning. "What’s going on with your love life, Lily?" He asks it with a hint of teasing, but he is genuinely interested. His family is important to him, and if they have significant cats in their lives, he wants to know them as well.

Perhaps had it just been her uncle, Lilybloom might have been able to avoid this situation. Alas, just as he is about to go into further detail, her brother speaks up. Fernpaw had been intrigued by the discussion of a crush, and pressed her for more information, not wanting her to change the subject. Clayfur in turn decided to go back to asking her about her love life, clearly spurred by her brother.

"Okay, okay, you've got me," Lilybloom conceded with a chuckle. She cleared her throat before continuing. "Lakemoon and I...we have decided...we have chosen. We have become mates." She wasn't sure why that was so hard to say. But, there it was, out in the open for her family to process.
The chocolate tabby hangs onto Lily’s very word with wide eyes, nodding vigorously each time she pauses. She seems nervous, but she shouldn’t be, because Clay is very easy to please. He gives a little hop as she delivers her news, excitement coursing through every inch of his body. He’s so happy for her, and he’s not afraid to say it. All his nieces and nephews deserve romantic love, deserve to have someone with whom to share their nests, their hearts—but Lilybloom is the oldest. It just makes sense that she’s the first of her siblings to fall in love, to have a mate of her own.

"Oh, Lily, that’s amazing," he breathes, tail flickering happily behind him. "I’m so happy for you! I’m glad that you and Lakemoon found one another." He thinks of his own mate, likely either out fishing or training his apprentice. He wonders whether there was any confusion between Lakemoon and Lilybloom, or whether they’d both mutually known where their interests laid. "So… did you ask her, or did she ask you? Or was it, like, at the same time?" His mouth moves faster than his mind, words coming out in a bit of a mess when he speaks just a bit too fast.
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