pafp JUST LIKE A WALTZ || nest decorating


Well, it seems like Sunflowerpaw is going to be stuck here for a while. Vulturemask hasn't made any progress in healing their paw, and it doesn't seem to be fixing itself. They still can't move it, can't walk more than a few limping steps. It still hurts, despite the herbs he's given them. So they remain nest-bound, a newly permanent fixture of the medicine den watching the raid-cats move in and out. They're trying not to focus on it, trying to think of other things.

For example: their nest is boring.

Sunflowerpaw loves collecting trinkets, loves hiding things in nooks and crannies. Their nursery nest, once they'd moved out of their nursing mother's, had been a shining spectable of this, a hodgepode of sticks and stones and feathers and leaves. Their apprentice den they'd had less time to decorate, but a modicum more of aesthetic sensibilities. It remains woven with newleaf flowers, surely wilting now. Their medicine den nest is a standard array of moss.

A few friends have offered to help make it a bit more hospitable, bringing decorations that Sunflowerpaw has become unable to reach. They lie in their nest now, weaving a wildflower in, waiting on the return of their helpers. If they're going to stay here, they can at least make it a bit nicer.


  • // @Goldenpaw @whitekit @cottonkit pls wait for any one of them to post, then it's open ^^​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
In truth, Cottonkit's a little frustrated with herself. The idea isn't initially her own, however she wishes it was. It makes sense - to help Sunflowerpaw feel more comfortable in their new (hopefully temporary) bed, they should be allowed to decorate it however they would want. And since they can't really walk about right now, their close friends should help out! Cottonkit doesn't even need to logic her way back into the concept. Sunflowerpaw means a lot to her and she simply wishes she could've done more before to show that.

Regardless, the idea is put out there, and Cottonkit has no issue following through and helping out. She's unsure initially what to bring - feathers seem to be more Whitekit's speed, and stones aren't exactly the most comfortable to sleep on. She considers moss, too, before shaking her head. The nest is already made of moss! Why would she bring more? Trotting around camp for a few moments, Cottonkit finally garners an idea of her own and with the help of a nearby apprentice, she locates Sunflower's former nest. She extracts (as carefully as she can) some of the prettier things left behind in it - the wilting petals and flowers, a feather or two, even the stones (although Cottonkit still thinks they're too uncomfortable to sleep on.)

She carries the feathers and wilting petals in to the medicine den, using her paws to knock around the few stones she brought, too. It takes a bit, but eventually she adds her contributions to whatever's been brought to Sunflower thus far. "I pulled these from your nest," Cottonkit says, tail twitching. "I figured - y'liked them before, so why not keep them with you?" it's sound logic to her, at least.​