camp just like the rest of us // apprentices only

May 22, 2023

eggpaw & 06 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Wow, there sure are a lot of riverclanners here now - not that there wasn't already a lot of skyclanners too, but of course that was only a given since it was skyclans camp. But really - it's nice to see familiar faces up close, instead of across a river. Actually, he doesn't even know some of their faces - only names and raised voices. Long limbs move about awkwardly as he pokes his way into the apprentices den, his frame quickly outgrowing the space even now, but lue-grey gaze is wide and searching. "Hello! Welcome to skyclans camp, I think? I'm eggpaw. Sorry the rogues chased you out, sounds like that sucked real bad, wasn't very nice of them. Um - has anyone seen, um Flutterpaw or- Chircorypaw... or maybe Beepaw?" those were three he sort-of knew after all, it'd be a shame not to at least say hello while he had the chance, right? Friendship rules and all that. Fluffy tail flicks slowly as his head tips to the side, blinking as he waits.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: takes place in the apprentices den, apprentices only please <3 He's currently looking for the few cats he knows but the thread is open to anyone
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

It wasn't the comfort of reeds and roses he was used to, but Otterpaw supposed this would simply have to do. Something about the moss here made him itch and shift uncomfortably, impossible to get comfortable in. He would've thrown it on the fact that he was allergic to kittypets, but Otterpaw had been warned maybe too many times about being on his best of behavior here that it actually made him hesitate to say.

A pale-eyed apprentice greeted him and some of the others as they were taking their places in the apprentices den. He glanced over at Eggpaw, assessing if this was one of those kittypet warriors or not. The tip of his tail twitched as he asked about Chicorypaw, jealousy creeping around his throat. "Eggpaw, yeah? Well, my names Otterpaw, and you don't need to worry about Chicorypaw." His paws shifted a bit awkwardly at what he said next. "Flutterpaw... got yellowcough."
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He wondered if he could sleep somewhere else, crowded by new smells and bodies he barely recognized, Littlepaw settled further away, watching. He turned to the older apprentice, blinking languidly as the other looked for familiar faces. I doubt you’ll find them. If they weren’t here, then surely they’re dead.

Littlepaw shifted an eerie gaze to Otterpaw, tail wrapped tight around his paws, almost barricading himself from everyone else. His skin prickled with unease, feeling claustrophobic. “Dead?” He inquired bluntly, helm tilted.
thought speech
Why was he here? Wait, he knows why. Eggpaw had called for an apprentice meeting, which he didn't bother to hear much about. Originally he had thought it was going to be for Skyclan apprentices only and the reason why he even bothered to come was simply because he was curious. After all, what did Eggpaw have to say to them? It turned out this meeting included Riverclan apprentices who made his nose scrunch slightly from their scent, but he wouldn't complain. They were actually nice to him during his first gathering and back then their coats shimmered. To be honest he was stunned by their beauty and even now, after the rogues had attacked them, they still retained that air of beauty. How are they so pretty? Nevertheless, now Skyclan had more apprentices and the good news was that they were friends. Sort of. Riverclan and Skyclan were friends from what he had learned, so this just meant that Riverclan apprentices were friends who got invited to a sleep over. He doesn't try and to think about the fact that if they grew close with them, it will be hard not to want to train or play with them when Riverclan went back home (if they ever did).

One introduces himself as Otterpaw and he is curious about the name. A lot of Riverclanners have strange names and he's not dumb by the way. He knows that some are named after fish, but he doesn't think an Otter is a fish. Then, before he can open his maw, Littlepaw. Dreaded Littlepaw peaks up with the worst possible thing. He immediately scoffs "Way to go. Ruin everything." Then he turns his attention to Otterpaw. "Crowpaw. Nice meet Otterpaw. Silversmoke mentor. Sister Lupinepaw, brother Drowsypaw. Mama is on journey. Why name Otter? What Otter?"

Moons before most of SkyClan's youngest apprentices had even come into existence, Snappaw had been new to the apprentice den, to SkyClan's camp in general. A shelter cat who'd had to settle into the pine forest, he feels like he can feel for the river cats who now seek refuge in their camp, who find themselves in a different living situation than they had just days before.

Their sleeping grounds now grow more confined, a lack of space reminiscent of his days before SkyClan as the river's apprentices settle into new nests under the fern bush. But, so long as RiverClan was safe from rogues, Snappaw supposes it's fine. They can deal with less legroom at night.

A teal gaze flickers towards Eggpaw as he bursts into a welcome to newcomers, and asks after others. He doesn't recognize any of the names the younger apprentice seeks, but there's no doubt that RiverClan's own know who the kid is talking about. A dark-furred apprentice speaks, and Snappaw turns to look at him.

No need to worry about Chicorypaw, the apprentice - Otterpaw - informs him. Flutterpaw, however, has a fate left to worry about. Yellowcough, Snappaw doesn't need any more of an explanation than that, even if Littlepaw searches for it. They didn't send cats off to the mountain for nothing, after all.

"I'm sorry about your... Flutterpaw," the golden-furred apprentice says. He can only hope the unknown face is safe among the stars - or, getting treated with herbs to quell their symptoms while the cure is delivered, on the off chance they are alive.

"I'm Snappaw," he introduces himself to the RiverClan apprentices that stand before them. Crowpaw seems to list off his family in his own introduction, and the older feline knows informing the new faces of his own won't matter much. They aren't here for them to look out for, to connect back to Snappaw. "My family aren't around but... Flowercloud is my mentor." he offers instead.
Brookpaw hates that she's here. In truth she doesn't have too much attachment to RiverClan's camp - she had been born outside of it, and though she spent the last several moons within it, this abrupt shift in scenery hardly changes a thing. What she finds distasteful is that they've had to ask for help at all, and much more that she must be separate from her father in a land she knows too little about. Her pelt flexes with unseen wounds and scars gained from the brawl, and for as long as the other cats talk, she remains silent.

"Yes," she eventually speaks, tail twitching closer to her form, "He walks with StarClan." There's no need to be quaint about it - surely SkyClan, the origin of the illness, has lost several young cats too. She's not sure if she despises them enough to blame them for the death of her Clanmates, however. In any case, she remains close to Otterpaw (at least, until Robinpaw or Dipperpaw arrive - only then does she pull away.)

Brookpaw recognizes Crowpaw briefly - the other spoke to her at a gathering or two ago, though she neglected to have much to say in return, before the leaders began their drawls. She offers him a short nod of acknowledgement, before turning towards Snappaw. A half grin flits to her face, "My mentor is Lichentail; look out for them, they're the sour sort." She'd never admit that she likes her mentor, though she would defend the blue point if she had to.​
Man way to just put an entire huge damper on what is essentially, the clans' biggest party. Edenpaw rolls their eyes quite dramatically as Littlepaw-- tactless-- suggests the idea that someone died. The RiverClanners, for their part, are gracious enough not to shred him to ribbons on the spot (though... Edenpaw wouldn't blame them honestly)... and detail very flatly that they've lost one of their den-mates.

The still, berry-stained paws of a lost friend come to mind and the bicolor SkyClanner suddenly feels their stomach turn... Nauseous, they sit down beside Crowpaw with a sullen expression, not having nearly as much fun as they'd planned, given the current topic. "You can't just ask if someone died, Littlepaw," they complain, glowering at the younger apprentice with an uncharacteristic frustration.

But it seems no one else is half so bothered as they are, leaving the bob-tail to tuck their feet close to their body and cope on their own time. Mentors are discussed, families identified, these are really just formalities and Edenpaw finds them boring more than anything. "I'm Edenpaw," they waste no time in depositing their name in the conversation, "My mentor is Tawnystripe, he's no spring hatchling but he's real nice... taught me to climb trees!" Did any of these water-lovers even know what it was like, to experience standing so high up off the ground? They'd probably pee themselves in fear being so far away from the depths of their watery homes!!

"Did Eggpaw tell you guys about Mallowlark? He puts hexes on apprentices in his spare time so watch out," they offer informatively, remembering the incident too well. They'd told Orangeblossom just before the journey not to die- they didn't want that bad luck on their paws! "Hazelbeam has some cool little rituals she could show you, might help you sleep better- just don't be rude about the thing she wears on her head sometimes, she's got sharper claws than it may seem!"

(im so sorry the town gossip is here..)​

XXXXXDoompaw swaggers toward the group of mixed-Clan apprentices, settling with a noisy yawn beside Edenpaw. His black and white denmate runs their mouth, as usual, and he blinks, taking in the RiverClan cats who are stuck training like the rest of them. There’s a mouthy tom, blue-gray with a dark muzzle, who mentions a Clanmate getting sick with yellowcough. Doompaw’s mouth twitches at tiny Littlepaw’s response—“Dead?” he asks, blunt as only a kit could be.

XXXXXThe tortoiseshell puts a paw over his mouth, cackling wildly and unable to contain it. “Ehehe—WHEW, don’t mind him, he just says what’s on his mind, is all.” The other cats reprimand Littlepaw, but Doompaw finds the little guy funny and therefore, he’s earned himself some cool points with the older tom. “My mentor is Twitchbolt. He’s that—uh—twitchy guy who met y’all at the river. I had to play fetch Blazestar for him again.” He rolls his eyes, fastening their pale green on the gray she-cat who says Lichentail mentors her. He doesn’t know much, but he does know Lichentail is a lead warrior. “Hey! Twitchbolt is a lead warrior too. Who d’ya think would win in a fight?

“Considering we are allies, neither would be fighting,” Robinpaw murmurs to Doompaw as she joins the small gathering of apprentices, citrine gaze briefly lingering on Brookpaw before turning to the others. “Robinpaw. My mentor is Willowroot, though she is in the nursery until her kits become apprentices. She’s very talented and kind, so I’m excited to be training under her guidance soon.” The tortoiseshell apprentice recites with a small smile, though nervousness prickles at her toes as she wonders how many SkyClan apprentices may recognize her as the RiverClan apprentice who had tried to join SkyClan after being captured by twolegs. Hopefully that part of her history can stay on the down low and she can focus on getting acquainted with everyone.

When Edenpaw sits to him he is mildly surprised given the fact that he used to his siblings or Cherrypaw sitting beside him. It's different, but he tries not to show his surprise by waving his paw in greeting. Edenpaw is proving to be someone he thinks can be a good friend. Not as good as Cherrypaw but a good friend nonetheless given how much he agrees with her. Littlepaw... Let's not even unpack that actually. He checks out of the conversation from this point because it really does seem like this is introduce yourself day and he already knows his clanmates that he doesn't have to listen to them say who their mentors are or other things. Although, his ears flick when Edenpaw begins her gossip. A small smile replaces his typical deadpanned expression as she goes on. It's amusing to hear what things she can come up with.

Doompaw's presence is expected. As well as his cackle and demeanor, for that reason he pays no heed to it. Simply offering Doompaw a glance and nod of his head in greeting. This was Plaguepaw's best friend after all. At his comment towards Littlepaw being blunt, he hums in silent pleasure that Doompaw understands stupid Littlepaw. He knows that the other apprentice is not stupid despite Edenpaw and him trying to trick him. The scolding he received was something he remembers, but he doesn't care. Doompaw's introduction makes him recall the fact that he told Cherrypaw whom he misses that he would want Twitchbolt as his mentor. Of course, that didn't happen for obvious reasons. He can't complain about Silversmoke much because in truth he loves his mentor. He is quite happy with his arrangement.

"Doom, I say Twitchbolt win. Only 'cause Lichentail hurt now. I think." It's then that he remembers another aspect which Doompaw failed to bring up. He has no doubts that Riverclan warriors are fierce, but they are in their home now. Meaning, Twitchbolt has the upperhand here if the two lead warriors duke it out here and now. He's also not entirely sure swimming can be done here unless Riverclan can just somehow swim. Basically a fair fight would be for Twitchbolt not to use trees considering Riverclan was out of their element here. He turns to look at Brookpaw whom he is pleased to see again and hopes they'll chat and train together. "Does Riverclan mostly fight in water?" The key word here is mostly. He didn't say that Riverclan is unable to fight above water, but this is Riverclan they're talking about. They're a clan of cats that excel in water more than any of them can dream of.

Ah, going back to Robinpaw. She was not forgotten and she would be pleased to know he had no idea she attempted joining Skyclan once upon a time ago. Her comment struck her as stupid because no one was fighting or what Doompaw was saying didn't mean anything bad. He stares at her for a long while. A blink. "Not fighting. Think Doom saying is want to see mentors spar. Don't think it fighting? It's like training. Like how now we can all battle train together. All of us apprentices after all."
Narrowed eyes snap to Littlepaw as he blundered through the word he was trying to avoid. Dead. He didn't want to think about it, didn't want to reimagine his denmate being pulled from her nest as he smelled thick of sickness and cold death. It was eerie how silent Flutterpaw's passing had been, how sudden. It was like the stars had swept him up in the night and snuck away with his spirit.

A lazy paw pressed down the scruffy fur at his chest while another apprentice leapt to admonish Littlepaw's bluntness, and he couldn't hold back the smug smile working its away across his maw. Crowpaw, he would introduce himself as. His speech was a similar manner to how Otterpaw had spoken moons ago, when he was still stuck in the nursery at night. While it might be easy to assume maybe Crowpaw really was just a kit earning his -paw rank, but Otterpaw had seen him at a Gathering before... Maybe he was just stuck this way.

"Silversmoke is your mentor?" The tom that wanted to boot them into the housecat infested waters of twolegplace? Good luck to this kid. He made Coyotecreek look like a perfect mentor in comparison, but the chimera was careful not to bring up his own mentor at all. They would figure it out soon enough anyway. "Otters are... Well, I've never seen one. But they're long brown animals, about as big as a cat. They gotta nasty bite though, Pa- uh, my dad Pikesplash says that's where I got my name from." He still did well to live up to the name.

Otterpaw leaned close when he realized Brookpaw was beside him, holding his breath as he felt plush blue fur against his own sleek coat. He glanced around, making sure to sit up straight and keep his chin tilted up in a confident pose. But alas, Robinpaw had appeared and the warmth of her fur is gone. At least he felt air in his lungs again. Edenpaw quickly took their place for the attention among what was now quickly becoming a cramped little den. How many apprentices did SkyClan have? "We don't climb trees in RiverClan." As if he had to remind them, but what value was climbing trees in their presence?

"Lichentail." Otterpaw's answer is quicker than he meant. However, he's seen Twitchbolt briefly enough to feel the pointed molly could easily throw down that twitchy tom with a single swipe. Anyways, he wasn't going to pretend all of RiverClan's warriors were the strongest in the forest, even if they had cats like Coyotecreek in it. "She could flay Twitchbolt in a heartbeat, show him his own pelt before he's even thrown a paw."
There is a wash of embarrassment over Robinpaw as Crowpaw corrects her, speaking to her as if she were a kit and not an equal. Her ears momentarily flick back and she drops her gaze to her paws. “My apologies. Sparring and fighting have different meanings to me, and probably some other RiverClanners, after what we just witnessed with the rogues,” the multicolored apprentice corrected. It was all too easy to hear the word ‘fight’ and think of the chaos in RiverClan’s camp - the way warriors and apprentices tried to fight off the rogues and defend the territory only to be defeated. A sore topic and Robinpaw grimaces at even being reminded of it, especially at a time where she should be unwinding and making friends. “But, uh, I don’t know who would win in a spar between Twitchbolt and Lichentail. Both would stand a likely chance if they were in perfect health and sparring on neutral grounds, I think?” She adds quietly in an awkward attempt to keep the conversation moving and somewhat lighthearted.

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He knew it was a bad idea to stay in the apprentice’s den, surrounded by cats he didn’t like, but he could leave any time if he wanted. His nose crinkled, knowing it would give the other apprentices the satisfaction he didn’t care for. He huffed, letting a deadpan gaze scour the apprentices, both RiverClan and SkyClan.

Littlepaw felt annoyance rise at Crowpaw’s remark. If you can’t handle it, then why are you even here? He didn’t bother, instead letting out a silent hiss, staring at the other who thought he was stupid enough to fall for their tricks as a kit. He didn’t understand why everyone was touchy about the subject. We’re all going to die. He wanted to say. If they can’t bounce back, then why bother?

He raised an eyebrow, staring at Edenpaw with deadpan hues, muzzle wrinkling in annoyance. “Why not?” He bluntly stated, uncaring if Edenpaw was scolding him because really he wasn’t here to sugarcoat things. His mama didn’t raise him like that and he sure wouldn’t tuck his tail and hide from the obvious truth.

His ears nearly burned from the other’s clan gossip, until Doompaw’s voice broke through the haze of anger, snorting. He wouldn’t deny it until they brought up who would win in a fight. Littlepaw sighed, wondering if he should be out training then listening to cats talk his ear off. He figured none of them would care if he slipped out, letting his smaller frame vanish within the freckled darkness, visible by the brief flashes of white.

/ out !
thought speech
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