pafp JUST LIKE YOU ♕ trying to play

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit's out hunting for treasures today. Crinkly leaves, twoleg oddities, snail's shells... Feathers. She's hunting alone, but she thinks she knows the perfect cat to help. Her head perks up at the sight of him returning from patrol, and the kit scampers across the expanse of camp, nearly tripping over her own legs in eagerness. "There! There! My brother with the feathers in his mane," she announces, heralding her pursuit of him. Mane, sounds better than neck, after all.

And he is her brother, that much she knows - though barely. Her family seems disinclined to talk about the smoke-pelted tom, and he seems just as keen to avoid them. But he is Lupinepaw and Drowsypaw's brother, and he looks the part too. Which makes them family. Hollykit loves his family. "Will you help my quest?" He asks the apprentice eagerly, bouncing on his toes. He's got to know where the best treasures are, since he already keeps some in his fur.

  • pls wait for @CROWPAW!
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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
I wonder what Oddpaw and Owlpaw are up to... He isn't given anymore time to ponder when a small fluffy mottled kit approaches him. At the word brother his nose and whiskers twitch from annoyance. He should be happy about being an older brother, but he is not. He refuses to pretend to be happy about it. Of course, this means he won't be cruel towards them. At the very least he'll be civil. Would it be wrong to pretend I didn't hear you? Hhhh, knowing my luck I'll get ratted out. Internally sighing, he stands still and looks down at Hollykit. There is no warmth he feels towards Hollykit, no matter how much he looks at her. "My name is Crowpaw," he starts with the intent to correct her. Although, it could easily be mistaken for the tom trying to tell him his name (which she most likely knows).

The poor mottled kit is met with "Is Lupinepaw or Drowsypaw too busy or something?" Isn't there anyone else to play with? Like your littermates? The fur from his mane prickles and he's suddenly reminded this is a kit he's speaking to. Most of all Bobbie's kits. Thus, he was going to be cuffed for this. As a result he quickly corrects himself. "Whatever, that's not important. What's the quest? Looking for... Something?" The sooner we do this the sooner we can leave Crowpaw. Just don't lose it on this kit and we should be good. Push comes to shove we're sending them to Drowsypaw.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Hollykit's dramatic announcement of his half-brother's presence manages to catch Ekat's attention as well, especially with such an adorable, excited voice. The older she-cat pauses where she's seated beneath the shade along the edge of the hollow, in the process of rasping her tongue along her paw and dragging it over her head. But after a moment, Ekat resumes grooming her pelt — not wanting to appear as though she's prying into their conversation too much. She's never spoken to Crowpaw before, but she can see the thinly-veiled annoyance in the tom's expression as he responds to Hollykit, and Ekat gets the sense that she'd be snapped at for eavesdropping. The midnight-furred she-cat does ponder to herself why Crowpaw would be so seemingly angered while speaking to his half-sibling. She knows nothing of their family situation, of the tensions that run between the irritable apprentice and the rest of his kin, and so she doesn't dwell on searching for answers long.

Sure, the she-cat has her curiosities, but she's also far too anxious to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. Instead, Ekat's thoughts turn to her own siblings. During her time in SkyClan, she's heard her Clanmates mention their idea of StarClan — that their loved ones who have passed away remain watching over them from the skies above. She wonders if Vesna and Vladimir could be watching over her from StarClan, and decides they likely aren't. They were loners along with her when they'd died at Hollykit's age. Surely they wouldn't have followed her into the realm of the Clan cats' afterlife when she and their father had come here. But Ekat almost wishes they did, longs to believe in StarClan like some of her Clanmates do. It would mean her siblings wouldn't be gone forever. As she watches Crowpaw and little Hollykit interact in front of her, she wishes she had the chance to be alongside her siblings one last time.​
Where there is a qu est to be had, Candorkit is determined to be there to have it! He seeks not to be controlling... no, if this was a quest to be lead by Hollykit, it would remain so! He would merely remain her loyal warrior. Crowpaw and Ekat clearly did not share the same enthusiasm... Their family was a vast one, so much so that he did not really understand... but their sort-of-siblings were certainly not like them, Crowpaw especially. " You are in the here. And the now! It is a win - win... stipulation! " He thinks he's using that phrase right.

In response to Crowpaw's question, he nods. " Quests are when you look for things! But said things are not always... real things... some of the times they are fake things! But they are real in our hearts. Such as: Our friends! " he explains, giving Hollykit a friendly bump against the shouulder as he does so. The dark she - cat sitting on the sidelines... seemed to have none! Therefore, she should certainly join them on their quest! While he could seek to find her eye and gesture for her to join more subtly... That is not how a call to adventure ought to be! " You, lonely cat! Join us, instantly! " he commands. Augh, or maybe he should have said at once... Maybe it wasn't too late to? " At once! Join us on our quest for... "

He pauses to look toward his sister, all flourish gone from his voice. " What're we questing for, Hollykit? "

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.
Fluffykit has noticed that Hollykit, Lionkit, and Candorkit have a big family. They are Bobbie’s kits, and therefore they are siblings to Lupinepaw, Drowsypaw, and Crowpaw. But since they are also Blazestar’s children, they are also related to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, and all of Howlfire’s kits. It’s enough to make her head hurt when she thinks about it for too long—she can’t imagine how rough it is on the little ones themselves to think about their big, big family. She watches Crowpaw’s expression remain unimpressed as Hollykit inquires about her quest—she frowns, thinking that her feelings would be hurt if one of her brothers had reacted that way toward her.

Candorkit comes to his sibling’s rescue, though, bouncing beside his littermate and rallying Ekat for their quest. Fluffykit’s frown trembles into a hesitant smile, and she lingers on the group’s periphery, her eyes wavering from cat to cat. “Um… well… friends are real things, Candorkit,” she explains. Perhaps he doesn’t know. He’s still only a few moons old, after all. “But, uh… if you want to search for real things…” Green eyes fasten onto the feathers bound by Crowpaw’s neck fur. “Maybe w-we can look for more bird feathers?” Her ears flick with embarrassment; she’s now accidentally invited herself to this quest, and she isn’t sure if she really wants to be here…

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Wow
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