just like you | small change


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
Angry at all the things I can't change
If there was one cat he admired most in all the world, it was Thistleback. Outside of his mother, the urchin spiked lead had been among the first to care for him and even during his wayward misadventure had never given up on him. Had given Coyotepaw more chances than he probably deserved. He owed a lot to the bicolored tom and hoped to one day repay that debt in full. Early morning dew still covered the ground as a flaxen paw ran across a smooth stone surface covered in glistening snail trails and moisture. It was a tedious project, working the concoction through his fur to appear more like his bristle backed father figure. Coyote managed to the best of his ability, shaking out his pelt for good measure, splitting creamy fur into rigid points. Striding toward a small rippling puddle he peered into its depths, tipping his head from one side to the other to assess his work. "Not too bad..." He murmurs softly to himself though he knows it could be better. He might not have been Thistleback's by blood, but the minor visual change helped him to feel closer to the fierce warrior and less like the monster of his biological father. Drawing his attention away from the puddle he glances down at the leaves and porcupine quills previously adorning his pelt, wondering where they should be placed now.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith


"What are you doing?"

The low, monotonous drawl of a question was offered up without no warning, the words bluntly tossed into the air between them as Quillpaw made his way over. Mismatched eyes shifted from the spikey-furred kid to the stone covered in slime and water before returning to Coyotepaw with a quirk of his invisible brow.

"Gross." he said, the word lacking any inflection that would insinuate it actually was. "Cool that it works though." he added, mismatched eyes of amber and blue glancing over the newly formed spikes in the others coat.

Quill wasn't stupid, knew exactly why the younger apprentice had done it, and again there's a sick curl in his stomach, something green an unhappy.

But like always, it doesn't show.

"Just don't touch Twitchpaw. He'll freak out if he gets that on him." And again, there's nothing in his tone or expression that suggest he cares, all of it drenched in apathy, but the fact that he's saying it is probably enough of a warning in itself.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

"You look like your dad." Mushroompaw quips, coming up beside Quillpaw, noticing her minor blunder as soon as the grey phrase leaves her mouth. "Your real dad I mean, not your birth father."

She had always been told that she looked like her mother, like her aunt, those comments were few and far inbetween now. She missed them, but how could anyone tell her she looked like someone they had never seen? No, instead she kept her coat clean, kept to the way her grandfather had directed it to go, simply so she would have the confirmation that she still did look like those she had lost. Perhaps it was not the exact same for the tom, but there was a shared pride in looking like one's loved ones.

She looks at where his eyes are directed, glancing between the items and Coyotepaw. Quirking a brow, she seems to be deep in thought before taking a smaller step forward. "Would you mind if I?-" The flame point gestures with a claw towards the quills, clearly having some sort of understanding of his contemplation.

  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​

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Reactions: ThistleBack

Did Quillpaw think he was deaf...? Or rather... so unwilling to go near a display of grossness, as the chimera had put it, that he would have fled beyond earshot? The verdict elicited a laugh almost- hoarse, and even slightly flattered. It was nice he was being thought of, but... just a bit wouldn't be the end of the world. "Slander," he joked, nudging Quillpaw playfully as he drew up beside the other tom. Wide, inquisitive eyes studied the mixture for a few moments- and then, what it had managed to do to Coyotepaw's fur. "Besides, I don't even- nah-need it," a twitch of the eyelid punctuated his stammer, and he flicked his tail to accentuate his own tangled, straying tresses. A small, ever-wavering smile occupied his maw- some attempt at a joke had been made.

He... still didn't know what to think of the suddenness of the tom's return, the uncertainty of whether he might flee again... but he could not deny, there was something about him that made Twitchpaw feel like he meant it this time. That he had no intentions of leaving again. He'd... been sensitive in the face of Fierypaw's sharp criticism, rather than suspiciously defensive.

Noticing the snail-trail nearby, Twitchpaw could not help but backpedal a little on his refute of Quillpaw's judgement. "...Just... not near my mouth. Please."
penned by pin ✧
Angry at all the things I can't change
The suddenness of a voice coupled with looming shadow caused the boy to exhibit a minor jolt. His previously calm demeanor dashed as the tom begins questioning him behind his back. It was had to decipher whether or not Quillpaw actually cared, though he doubted it and began to believe that there was some intention to mock instead. After all, those interactions were the vast majority he received, genuine happiness or positivity were practically nonexistant unless coming from Thistleback himself. With his back still facing Quillpaw he wrestles with actually answering, debating to remain silent lest the older tom possibly chastise him over something. Besides, Quill was smart. Coyote hoped that he understood he was adjusting his fur to a certain look. He decides to play it safe and with sealed lips quietly dips a paw in the now rippling puddle to smooth out an imperfection. Gross, he calls it.

The air around him is already tense enough before Quillpaw finally ends his monologue with a warning not to touch Twitchpaw. And there is a minor twinge of irritation that Quill insinuates Coyote would even consider doing so. "And why would I do that...?" The question was rhetorical as his head finally turns a smidgen. Mint colored eyes cast just far enough beyond his shoulder to look at multicolored paws, rather than his face. The clan made their boundaries very clear with him. Not only that, but he was not the type to cause an uproar on purpose, he wouldn't dream of touching Twitchpaw or anyone for that matter.

His mind is racing again as he glances back at the quills and leaves scattered at his paws, tempted to collect them and search for another place of solitude. Growing uncomfortable and not fully understanding Quillpaw's motive, a single paw does begin to rake together his materials in order to leave. But Mushroompaw's sudden words slow the clustering of natural medium. His ear flicks in the direction of the complement, searching for the right words to speak but they never come. For his thoughts are intercepted by her new close proximity. "U-um...sure." He voices low, soft, managing to look up and see her musing over the quills and leaves. A cautious glance over his opposing shoulder puts Twitchpaw into view, watching bicolored tail flip to accentuate his own preferred fur type. His expression softens to some degree at the attempted joke before pulling his attention away again, leery of letting his gaze linger too long.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Fireflypaw still can't understand why they would let Coyotepaw roam around the camp. Not being allowed in the medicine den wasn't enough- he should be banished to the twolegplace so he can mooch off of twolegs or something. The thought that passes through his mind makes him cringe, guilt eating at him. This wasn't like him.

Pushing his way out of some bushes, Fireflypaw makes his way over with a blank expression on his face, hearing Mushie offer to do something for the tom and Coyotepaw agrees. Jealousy eats at him, then- to the point where he turns around and seats himself with his back to the others. "If you aren't careful with those quills, it's going to poke you hard enough to scar you. Take it from me." Firefly unhelpfully quips up, his face aching idly in the moment.

Stars, he was so pitiful...

"Your real dad I mean, not your birth father."

Thistleback’s chin raises a little higher at these words, pride surges through him and he finally fills some part of the ever-churning tempest of his mind settle. So young, yet- so wise, unknowing of the rare emotion she had caused for the lead warrior.

Juniperfrost was a bug needing squashing, a pest needing pesticide. Thistleback wore his vengeance on his shoulders with deadly patience, and like burrs in the spikes of his fur it wasn’t so easily shaken.

Small victories though, such as the state of Coyotepaw’s coat. A design patterned in purposefully, one that reflected his own by genetics. Permanent cowlicks all over and particularly around the hackles. It wasn’t a desired look, but if you’re going for unapproachable at the sake of attractiveness it does well.

A memory hits him, sitting under the open sky with the uncertainty of the future ringing in like the chimes of doom. A much younger Coyotepaw, and a man who didn’t know how to be a father, never even had a father himself. Somehow becoming one, somehow defying odds the universe had sewn so strangely for him. Thistleback’s naturally stern muzzle cracks like a garden stone, a wavering tree on wilted roots. He was not made of stone, merely skin and bones like the rest of them. He had a hard time showing it sometimes, but a light and rare tone takes over him and he smiles and laughs. Whiskers twitching as he approaches the boy with the slicked up barbed fur.

A sudden flame boils in the pit of his belly, as he sees his wayward child surrounded by clanmates. Sure, the wounds of his life would take long to heal. At least, this was something Thistleback could say he felt proud of. Something that which, inspired the best out of him. Pure loyalty if not a willingness to thrown down his life for the extension of theirs. As sin ridden as his past had been, perhaps for Coyotepaw- he could pave toward the light. Even if he may never walk it himself.

" my, what a handsome lad. " Thistleback smells wet stone and something strange like plant stems on the kid’s pelt. He pulls his sights to Quillpaw and Twitchpaw with a upwards subtle wag of his chin in greeting. " I like it- but, perhaps i’m biased " Thistleback jokes and observes his own pelt with a twist of his arm and light shrug.

  • — this is so damn wholesome omg.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Angry at all the things I can't change
Coyote waits patiently for Mushroompaw to initiate whatever she intended to do with the materials seated at his paws. In the meantime Coyote's attention shifts towards the rustling bushes, watching as Dawnglare's protege steps out. Clearly the tom is annoyed by his presence to some varying degree as he witnesses the dual toned boy turn about and sit with his back towards them all. Coyotepaw could hardly feel bothered by the display. If anything he felt comfort in the fact that Fireflypaw was not facing him. It meant less eyes on him and he found peace in that alone. Coyotepaw's gaze pulls away from the medic trainee to look elsewhere, watching the comings and goings of camp when he hears the quip.

"They're relatively dull..." He drawls, tone flat. Before he can fret over any possible ill intent behind Fireflypaw's words, Thistleback approaches. The boy's demeanor shifts into a more pleasant one, visibly melting underneath the bristle backed warrior's shadow. A faint smile pulls upon the corners of cream colored lips, basking in his father's compliment. It was moments like these between father and son that kept him from slipping into a dark place, despite the periodic whispers and glances from his clanmates. "I tried to get all the points just right." He voices, turning to look himself over once more. Thankfully everything seemed to be staying upright and in place,
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith