just move along || geckoscreech

There had been a time when Betonyfrost had considered loneliness to be the soft underbelly of love. She had erroneously believed them to the two parts of a greater whole; that one could not be felt without the other. Now, crouched and waiting and wanting, Betonyfrost understands her error. She knows better now, she knows that there isn't any part of love that is delicate.

Love has teeth — it must, because otherwise it would have never been meant for Betonyfrost.

Grass sways and Betonyfrost jerks, halting a pounce before it can start. She isn't delicate, Betonyfrost knows that now, but neither is she a brute. She wishes someone could have seen her restraint. She wishes someone could look at her and see all of the things she could do — all of the things she chooses not to. All of the times Betonyfrost has acted out have been born from being choiceless. Instead, Betonyfrost stands from her hiding spot and steps into Geckoscreech's path in the hopes of blocking her.

"Geckoscreech," The sight of her is enough to curl something green and ugly in Betonyfrost's gut, "I was waiting for you. I think we need to talk."

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 21 moons | tags

geckoscreech quietly travels along a well-worn trail that has been carved out by the paws of different generations, it is a path she often finds herself taking when she needs time to sort out her thoughts that have recently been a little too loud. see, when she stepped down from her postion as lead warrior she expected to fall back into her regular duties with ease and for the most part she has but she's been left behind with this feeling that goes without a name and it sits uncomfortably in her chest.

the sound of rustling drags the she-cat back to the present, flinching backwards when out of the blue suddenly appears betonyfrost who now acts as an obstruction in her footpath with no signs of moving anytime soon because apparently they needed to 'talk'. geckoscreech's muzzle scrunches a little "i hope whatever it is that comes out your mouth next is an apology, especially after that stunt you pulled infront of my mate and emberkit because if it's not then we have nothing to discuss." while each word is threaded with disdain she makes sure to accentuate that chilledstar was her significant other and hopes it rubs dirt further into betony's festering and wounded heart that clings onto delusion.

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It's disgusting of Geckoscreech to mock Betonyfrost for her jealousy, for her love. She'll never understand what Chilledstar sees in Geckoscreech, will never get what it was that made Geckoscreech worthy and not her. Betonyfrost is better than Geckoscreech in every way — standing before Geckoscreech, Betonyfrost sees that now.

"Oh? Oh? You want me to apologize?" Her skin feels hot; love is a fever, "You want me to apologize but, but where is my apology? I'm being put through torment and you want me to apologize for—!" The longer Betonyfrost speaks, the louder she becomes, until her soft voice is cracking around a strained shout, "For being a little snippy!?"

This is restraint, and Geckoscreech can't even see that. This is as calm as Betonyfrost could possibly be, given the circumstances. Had anyone else felt what Betonyfrost feels, as strongly as she feels it, they wouldn't have been capable of leaving the nest.

"Apologize to me for pulling my life out from beneath my paws and tell Chilledstar to apologize to me for — for lying to me when I've always been honest and tell that thing at their heels to die," Betonyfrost doesn't realize her tail is lashing until after she feels it briefly brush against her own flank, "This was going to be a calm discussion before you opened your hideous mouth and ruined that too."​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 21 moons | tags

there was no stopping the exaggerated scoff of disbelief from crawling out of her throat as betonyfrost barrels into a heated spiel that honestly has the older molly looking appalled that the blue tabby infront of her even had a shred of audacity to be making demands for an apology, one she frankly doesn't even deserve, not now and not ever. the fur along her neck begins to prickle and rise the more she listens, ire sparking inside her chest like a stray ember catching onto a dry patch of grass and eager to spread.

laughter, clipped and strained, is forced out of her lungs. "maybe you'd be more deserving of apologies if you had the qualities of a decent cat but you don't instead you waste your time sulking from sunrise to sunset acting like a kitten throwing a tantrum for something not going their way even though it was you who put yourself in that position in the first place!" each word is spit out with a lip curled just barely revealing teeth that ached to snap, a calm discussion, what a joke, this interaction was never going to end up civil. the rosette tabby began to circle betonyfrost, almost as if she were sizing up the other she-cat. "oh but poor little betonyfrost isn't to be blamed for her indignant behavior! no, no not at all! surely it's everyone else's fault for her misgivings, right?" geckoscreech mockingly sneers, eyes narrowed sharply as she finds herself coming back around to face her properly once more. if there was one thing pitchstar did right in his short-reign, it was throwing betonyfrost out into the blizzard and honestly the cold should've done more than just take those hideous ears of hers.

"it's no wonder no one in this clan can stand you, you're insufferable to be around. stars, not to mention you're delusional enough to think chilledstar would've wanted to be with you in the first place. they would've been miserable, good thing they have taste and chose someone who actually makes them happy." a icy smile finds itself curling at the corner of her lips as illusionary claws only serve to dig deeper into betonyfrost with the intent to ruin.

  • ✎ im not a whole month late i swear—

    also you don't have to respond if you don't want to i just suddenly had a burst of energy to do this ; w ;
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Betonyfrost has seen, however rarely, twolegs with their dogs. The twoleg tipped backwards, countering the weight of the dog pulling forwards. Between the two of them, their only connecting point, hangs a stress-made rigid leash. They strain against one another and yet they move with the ease of a single unit.

That is Betonyfrost. She's on both sides; the twoleg and the dog, straining against herself in both directions. Remembering the times when Betonyfrost has lost herself to her rage, truly lost herself, it had felt less like a loss of control and more like the relaxation of something previously clenched. Had that twoleg ever wondered what would've happened had it unfurled its grip from the lead and let the dog run free?

This isn't a loss of control, even if when pressed later Betonyfrost will say differently.

"I'll kill you," Betonyfrost says it soft and quiet, more like a revelation than a threat. Then, louder: "I'll kill you!"

In the moment, she means it. Betonyfrost has never meant anything more. As Geckoscreech rounds on her, Betonyfrost turns on her heel and lashes out her claws, aiming to scratch Geckoscreech over her cheek.
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 24 moons | tags
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pain, sharp and stinging, blooms across a tabby cheek as claws successfully tear into delicate flesh causing crimson ichor to rise to the surface and spill over filling the air with its harsh coppery scent. it would've been so easy for geckoscreech to just turn tail in that very moment and run back to camp to throw betonyfrost to the wolves for raising her talons upon a clanmate, the leader's mate no less, and watch the punishment get dealt out whilst sitting on the sidelines but there was no diginity in that and geckoscreech would be damned if she let this snake-heart think this would go without equal retaliation.

"i'd like to see you try!"

with bared teeth and tensed muscles, geckoscreech springs at betonyfrost with the intentions to bowl the younger she-cat over and if proven successful would aim to rip her claws across her chest. it's been quite sometime since the older warrior had gotten into a serious scuffle and although it is against a clanmate who struck first, something inside her chest churned with a twisted sort of satisfaction that she finally gets a chance to afflict some wounds.

  • ✎ . . .
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There is a bright elation as Betonyfrost makes contact. Blood spills, and Betonyfrost has missed this. She doesn't laugh, there isn't time between her initial attack and Geckoscreech's retaliation, but the feeling of it settles over her chest. Warmth, a grin that stretches over her face even as she falls backwards with a grunt, Geckoscreech's claws digging into her skin in the same way her back digs into the cold mud below her. The pain reaches her moments later, and Betonyfrost's whole body shifts as if to recoil, but there isn't the space for that.

Betonyfrost doesn't stop grinning — she is still so angry.

It had been foolish of Betonyfrost to think this conversation could have ended in anything other than blood. Someone like Geckoscreech, someone willing to steal everything from Betonyfrost, was someone who was beyond reason. Betonyfrost's own chest blooms like poppies in Newleaf, and her face splits in a wordless hiss. She aims her own clawed forepaws to Geckoscreech's shoulders and, at the same time, attempts to rabbit-kick Geckoscreech's underbelly.
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 24 moons | tags

*:・゚✶ the grin that settles upon a pale muzzle only serves to infuriate geckoscreech further, her expression morphing into a deep-set scowl but it doesn't stay for long as it's quickly replaced by a noticable cringe of pain when claws sink into the muscles of her shoulders acting almost like a snare to keep flailing prey from escaping as hind-legs kick in rapid motions against a soft underbelly. if she stays in this position for long she runs the risk of being sliced open with one well-placed blow so geckoscreech attempts to wrench free from betonyfrost's clutches and if successful would rear back herself with a raised claw and aims to score them across her snout or any accessible part that could be reached.

adrenaline pumps through her veins and blood roars in her ears, any sort of rational thinking is being pushed away as an afterthought as geckoscreech can only focus on two things and that's either winning this fight by making betonyfrost admit defeat or worse and with how everything is looking it seems like neither of them are going to back down.

  • 🟆 totally not late again 🧎
  • perhaps larger reference added here?
  • 150x150
    ━━━ geckoscreech
    ━━━ 61 moons.
    ━━━ she/her ; warrior of shadowclan.
    ━━━ bisexual ; taken by chilledstar
    ━━━ sh choco. silver rosette tabby w/ aqua eyes.
    ━━━ "speech"'thoughts'attack
    ━━━ penned by cobatic
    ━━━ art/base by ______

It isn't a matter of winning, it never was. It's about inflicting as much harm as she can before she is no longer able, either because Geckoscreech has either dropped dead or Betonyfrost has. Geckoscreech ducks out of Betonyfrost's claws, away, and for a short moment Betonyfrost moves as if Geckoscreech is still in her claws. Her hindlegs kick into the air twice, and then Betonyfrost is rolling to right herself.

Her smile shows teeth.

She's already rising to her feet when Geckoscreech scratches her, and finally having the space to allow it, Betonyfrost flinches backwards. It pauses her long enough to test her mouth — her chin. She presses a paw to it and glares when it comes back bloodied. She's mud-soaked and her chest bleeds sluggishly, but its the scratch to her face that ignites her already blazing anger. Geckoscreech is done.

"Do you still want to see me try?" She tests the cut with her tongue as she speaks, an idle motion that goes unnoticed by herself as she takes a deliberate stride forward. It was always going to end this way. Betonyfrost lashes out with claws, aiming to cut one of Geckoscreech's ears, and at the same time she snaps her teeth in the empty space directly in front of her face.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 24 moons | tags