just my luck [open/being a clumsy giant]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Most cats wouldn't have described Quillpaw as 'stupid'. Unenthusiastic? Sure. Hard to read? Definitely. But dumb? Not really. He definitely wasn't the smartest cat in camp, but he had enough common sense to keep him out of any trouble he wasn't fond of as well as a tendency to learn quickly from his mistakes when they were made. Todays fuck up hd less to do with mental capability though and more to do with the fact that he wasn't used to his growing body.

Quill had always been tall for an apprentice, but with adulthood nearing he was finding himself growing even more. His paws were massive, his legs long, his shoulders getting broader. He had enough muscle from training that he couldn't be described as 'lanky', but there was definitely some awkwardness there that would remain until he'd finished filling out.

Of course, Quillpaw couldn't put his life on hold just because this newest growth spurt had left him feeling a bit clumsier than usual, and so the young tom could be found running along the edge of camp as he batted a rolling stone around. While his expression was more so one of boredom than anything else, Quill was keeping himself entertained- that is, until he unceremoniously tripped over his own giant feet and literally face-planted while running after his little stone.

Oh, fuck off.." he groaned as he got himself up and shook out his coat, face aching along his muzzle and cheekbone. It took him a second to realize he was bleeding, the coppery tang and the vicious sting inside of his mouth taking its time in alerting him to the fact that he'd cut the inside of his lip open on his own teeth. Shit. Hopefully he hadn't knocked a tooth out.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Laying across a line branch, the piebald rests, chewing on the very limb keeping him hoisted in the air above the warrior’s den. His eyes glazed over in thought as he readied himself for a day of lesson with Coyotepaw. A relatively tall shape moved about camp in chase, you can’t mistake that blue striped pelt for anyone other than the boy with the mismatched eyes himself. Had he grown taller? probably, Thistleback recalled his growth spurt, angry child times where everything simply made him irrationally pissed.

A thump sounds off as the kid stumbles and plants himself right on the muzzle. A smirk naturally graces his maw, because there was nothing funnier than a kid face-planting, but he quickly wiped it away and let himself slide from the branch. Landing lazily on the grass and makes his way to the cursing apprentice. Offering a neutral frown and searching gaze.

" ~ouch " Thistleback’s brows pinch at the bridge as he watches the apprentice recover from the smack to the ground. " bite your tongue off? that’s a way to do it" his words are those of tough love written with genuine concern.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


One would not think an eight-moon-old apprentice would endeavour over learning how to groom, but if Twitchpaw was anything he was a profound exception. Having been left to battle against the whims of his knotty pelt since he had been nameless, the bicolour tom was only just adjusting to the fight he would have to endure every morning. The smaller clumps didn't matter, but the bigger melding of fur and dirt and whatever-the-hell-else would need to be worked through-


Hearing the noise of something hitting the floor, an expletive flitting between gritted teeth, Twitchpaw's head snapped up to attention- flown wide, mismatched eyes found where a fellow apprentice was flattened upon the floor, the tang of blood in the air. Quillpaw, crowded by a shape of snowy-charcoal. A stumbling gait carried over the dithering tom, craning his neck to get a better look at the tumble his fellow apprentice had taken. "Shit, man!" Cried shrill, a flitter of the eyelid overtook involuntarily. "You- you didn't knock any of your teeth out, right?" That would not be a fixable ailment, he would guess...
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He was annoyed. It was hard not to be when you felt like every move you made left you looking like an idiot, and had it not been an inanimate object involved with his little stumble then a fight probably would have broken out over it. As it was he had nobody but himself and the rock to blame, and with all the immaturity of a child he swatted the thing as hard as he could, sending it shooting off into brambles surrounding the camp.

Stupid rock. Stupid feet.

His attention was drawn to Thistleback as the tom spoke and made their way over, and while he frowned at their words he didn't let himself take it out on the other. Deersong had always been good to Quill, and he knew Thistle was important to her- even a blind cat could see that much. Besides, out of all the adults in camp, they happened to be among the less annoying.

"Nah. Guess I wasn't trying hard enough." he replied as he lifted a paw to wipe at the dirt on his bruising cheek.

Shit man!

Well, that was about right on cue he supposed.

At the other apprentices question Quill would run his tongue along his teeth to find them were all accounted for, and then, because he was a bit of an asshole, he flashed Twitchpaw a toothy grin knowing damn well it would be disgustingly bloody.

"Nope. All good." he confirmed, letting his his lips fall to cover his bloody mouth. "Though it's starting to piss me off that I'm the only one having this problem."

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Truly, he hadn't heard a thing until, unceremoniously, the cursed screeched his woes to the world. So adverse to attention, he seemed, and yet, the attention always came along with him. And with his question, Dawnglare would spare a glance to the victim of the fall. No, there had been no knock of teeth, not clean cut of the tongue, it seemed. No loose change left sprawled on the ground, only evidence of the fall— a dent in her sturdy skin. Near-disappointed, he lifts his head with a blink. Bleeding or no, the damage would not last, and so, he was not inclined to offer help if he would not request it.

Though, what the youth then says... true, if only looking at so precisely now. Hardly one for comfort, he does not seek to ease ego nor nerves; but rather, sticks out his nose for the chance to share stories of his friend. A paw drags across his face; and he's secure in the fact that, yes, he's never experienced such feats of clumsiness... ( an utter lie ) "Hardly. You should've seen Blaise— you should see Blaise in a tree. None could sing enough prayers for his soul."

A claret-dressed smile was flashed his way, and Twitchpaw predictably seized in a visible wince, shying away from the sight with an exclamation. "Ugh, the hell's wrong with you!?" Disgust drenched his high-pitched tone, but the knee-jerk reaction was perhaps surprisingly accompanied with the smallest fleck of amusement. It was not outwardly obvious in the spines along his spine, spiky from shock, but Twitchpaw was at least relieved that Quillpaw had not managed to permanently mutilate himself.

And upon them descended the ever peering riddler, one of many adults whom Twitchpaw found stressful and indecipherable- though what leapt from his maw was, instead of some strange jibber-jabber, an anecdote. Curiosity pulled the wide-eyed tom's attention away to settle upon Dawnglare, brow falling to a slight frown. His head twitched aside, but it was barely an interruption to the hold of his attention. Twitchpaw could not say it was particularly surprising that Blazestar was no acrobat in the trees... "I guess he's a pretty big guy as well," the boy shrugged, glancing back over to Quillpaw.
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"Ugh, the hell's wrong with you!?"

Holding back the ghost of a smirk at Twitches response, he simply shrugged, a gesture that had become synonymous with the young tomcat. Maybe busting his face open wasn't so bad if he could fuck with the green-eyed cat a little in the process. Quill had a pretty high pain tolerence anyways, so aside from being kinda pissed that he'd faceplanted in general it wasn't as if he couldn't deal with some discomfort. Grossing Twitchpaw out just made it easier to tolerate.

"Hardly. You should've seen Blaise— you should see Blaise in a tree. None could sing enough prayers for his soul."

Dawnglare. Quill had interacted with the strange tom exactly zero times and had been hoping to keep it that way, but fuck it, here they were. It was nothing entirely personal, moreso just the boys nature. He didn't make a habit of interacting with adults he didn't have to, which is exactly why he'd never bothered to go to the tom for anything, weather he was falling out of trees, biting his own tongue, or losing more sleep than could be considered 'healthy' to function. He didn't need the help, didn't want it either.

Thankfully, Dawnglare didn't seem to be coming over to fuss nor scold him, and in return Quill forced any lingering sharpness from his gaze as he shook his head. "Great. So I'm gonna be a clumsy oaf for the rest of my life." he dead-panned, clearly not looking forward to the future at hand if the parallels Dawnglare and Twitchpaw were drawing between him and Blazestar when it came to physical prowess were true. He'd fallen out of enough trees as it was.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders