"There is still no sign of what killed Sootspritespark."

SkyClan has gathered beneath the Highbranch at Orangestar's initial call, eager and waiting for their new apprentices, and Orangestar meets them with the worst of her announcements. It's hot again today, near sweltering, and a few errant cicadas make it hard for her wilting meow to be heard above the incessant buzz at times.

"The rain has made it hard to tell where she'd come from, where she was attacked, so once more I urge caution to you all. However, we do have some good news: we have killed one of the foxes that attacked us on the unclaimed border last moon." Her rasp is proud, gaze alighting upon each member of SkyClan that had been present. They rest, especially, on Howlfire for a beat. "It has once again showed me the value of striking from the trees. Mentors, please ensure you cover this in your training over the next moon."

Orangestar allows the words to settle, hoping for a mix of hope and wariness to meet her.

"Hollykit, Candorkit, and Lionkit. Step forward." They are meticulously groomed today, practically falling over themselves with excitement for the past few sunrises in hopes that today would be the day.

"Hollykit. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hollypaw. Your mentor will be Dogbite, whom I trust will pass down all they know to you." Orangestar seeks the cinnamon tom in the throng of warriors, nodding slightly to him. They'd been distant since Applefrost's death, a shared heartache for wholly different reasons ... the leader hopes that an apprentice might bring their attentions home from the Clan graveyard. Even if not, Hollypaw would be in safe paws with them.

Next, her gaze alights upon green eyes and ginger fur. "Candorkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Candorpaw. Your mentor will be Twitchbolt." Much like she had with Dogbite, Orangestar thinks that an apprentice might be good for him. It would get him out of camp, at least. Maybe Candorpaw's upbeat nature would do her former deputy some good, too.

"Lionkit. From this day on until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Lionpaw." The final of Bobbie's kits ... Brown eyes settle upon a dark-furred form: coincidentally, the youngest of their mother's first litter. Orangestar is oblivious to the tension between Crowsight and his younger half-siblings, but he is a good warrior. "Crowsight. I have judged you ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Silversmoke, and have proven yourself a diligent and resourceful warrior. As Lionpaw's mentor, I expect you to teach him all you know.

"Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw!"
Orangestar seeks to catch Bobbie's eye in the crowd as SkyClan cheers for her kits, however brief that glance may be. For the second time, this would mark the lilac tabby's emergence from the nursery. What would she do with her newfound freedom this time?

"Fangs. Lacey. Nemo. Step forward. The three of you have chosen to join SkyClan's ranks as full time apprentices. As such, you will receive new names, and mentors to guide you." It has been a few moons since they did not have any daylight apprentices to add to their ranks; the same went for new warriors. No matter.

"Nemo. From this day on, you will be known as Chivepaw. Your mentor will be Duskpool." Orangestar gestures with angled ears towards the scarred tom among the crowd. Duskpool is a sturdy, well-meaning cat despite his penchant for appearing with mystery injuries. Nemo - Chivepaw, now - would do well in learning from him.

"Lacey, until you earn your warrior name you will now be known as Cloudpaw." Despite their Clan's affinity for the space above their heads, Orangestar doesn't often see references to it among their Clanmates. The leader seeks her youngest daughter in the crowd, blinking warmly at the ginger tabby. "Owlheart, I believe you are ready to take on an apprentice. Use your sincerity and your knowledge to guide Cloudpaw ... I trust you will teach her all you know.

"Fangs, from this day on you will be known as Ashpaw."
It's upon their own request, meekly asked and comfortably granted. The albino scrap of fur has taken to Clan life like a duck to water despite their apparent wariness of such a large group of cats. "You will join Springpaw under my own guidance."

Orangestar descends to stand in front of Ashpaw, leaning down to touch her nose to theirs. When she leans back once more, her call fills the clearing: "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!"


'There is still no sign of what killed Sootspritespark.'

Figfeather's claws dig into the earth, "It was foxes, has to be!" She exclaims to whoever sat beside her in the momentary pause. All their misfortune has come from the black-pawed creatures as of late, them and ThunderClan. The red tabby was still not ready to put their thievery behind her.

Orangestar advises mentors to ensure their apprentices are trained in diving from the trees. Figfeather's heart lurches, but she reminds herself this is why she's enlisted Lupinesong to assist in training Daisypaw. Together, they'd be able to ensure her apprentice had all the skills he needed to be among the best.

Past one of the beasts dying, there was good news to be had in this meeting. Bobbie's kits were being called forward, Blazestar's final gift to SkyClan. Figfeather straightens to be able to get a good view of this ceremony, she wonders who will be honored with mentoring them. Even though she has her paws plenty full with Daisypaw her heart quickens- somehow she is both saddened and relieved not to gain another 'paw.

"Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw!" Figfeather cheers, excitement for the three evident. She wonders how Bobbie feels about them being apprenticed, is she ready to leave the nursery? The queen has been… rocky since Blazestar's death.

As for their joiners many of them are also made apprentices. She's shocked to hear Ashpaw will be trained under Orangestar, but it makes sense. The young feline had been a pawful when first brought into the clan. "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!" She cheers the other round of new apprentices.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Today, Bobbie has made sure not only her children but also herself are well - groomed; the kits for their ascension to apprenticeship, her for her return to warriorhood. It's an odd echoing feeling, to sit for the second time and watch another three children graduate from the nursery—this time, the three cats that step up are both older ( a fact she is plainly grateful for ) and a rainbow of shades instead of plain black. She remembers her first litter's apprenticeship with almost painful clarity, a memory that hurts to look at, a memory of a time when they were still a tight-knit little family.

She'd been teary - eyed and excited, both for her first kits to begin a now - completed journey to warriorhood and for herself to start the same; dreaming of the places they'd go and how she'd watch proudly. Looking back, she inadvertently bites the ragged flesh of her cheek clenching her teeth at her own naiveté. Things hadn't turned out that way—her relationship with her first litter was rocky at best; all she had to show for many moons of effort was the scars across her face—and, in retrospect, she had been silly to think they would.

This time, she listens with attention to Orangestar's first announcements—taking note in case, for some reason between her and StarClan, Orangestar ever deems her worthy for another apprentice—and then inhales sharply when her kits' names are called. The pride with which she watches them is much more subdued, her tears long spent and eyes dry, but it is present nonetheless as the trio receives their mentors. Dogbite and Twitchbolt have her tacit approval from the moment their names leave the ginger - and - white leader's muzzle; she considers the two warriors friends, certainly cats she would trust to bring up her second litter into warriors.

The third choice in mentoring, however . . . her own son sounds like a good idea in words only. She wouldn't question Orangestar's decision aloud, but . . . Crowsight hardly speaks to his younger half - siblings, and to her not at all; she's taken to quietly asking Oddgleam and Owlheart about how he's doing. He's made his feelings clear in every sense of the word.

Still, she cheers for her second litter: " Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw! " When she catches Orangestar's level gaze for a moment, she swallows hard, knowing that ( even if only in her own mind ) that brown gaze carries the expectations of much of her Clan, the questions about her readiness, what she'll do now.

Yes, she's anticipating warriorhood as she had the first time—but now it's a return rather than an introduction, and she knows now her rosy visions for this life had been . . . more than naive, stupid. She goes into this with more pragmatism now, excited not for an idyllic vision that cannot exist but to work long days, extra patrols, to support the one thing she does have left of her mate except these three kits ( and her parenting has already proven lacking ), and to serve SkyClan. Hopefully, until she dies, although she would at least like to see these three to warriorhood before that time comes.

Far be it from her to let her introspections distract her from the other new apprentices; Bobbie shakes herself from her thoughts with a guilty twinge and lends her husky voice to the calls of, " Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw! "

" speech "

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  • Love

Daisypaw wasn't sure where to sit. Was he supposed to be near his mentor at all times, sitting by her side and being as perfect of an apprentice that he could be, or was he meant to sit near his siblings who he seemed to only really see now on patrols and when they were about to sleep for now all three of them were busy constantly with training. Looking around towards those that gathered to listen to the words Orangestar spoke to the whole of the clan he noticed mixed results, so instead he'd sit by Figfeather but keep spots near him open for his siblings if they wished to sit beside him.

Eyes would look up towards Orangestar, ears pricked as he listened to the announcements during his first official full meeting as an apprentice, but it started with bad news and he couldn't help the way his heart dropped. He knew that another clanmate had died but had hoped that the warriors would be able to find out what had killed Sootspritespark so that news that they still did not know - despite Figfeather believing it to be the foxes - did not bode well for the worried apprentice. Eyes would glance towards his mentor for but a moment before they moved back to Orangestar to listen to the rest of the meeting.

When news of his former denmates were to be apprenticed he couldn't help but straighten his spine a little as he sat, eyes following the trio of kits to watch who they would each go to. "Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw!" Cheers would leave him as soon as they were given their mentors before new joiners were apprenticed as well, given new names to fit the clan that they would now swear their life to. "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!"
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The meeting opens on a rather solemn note. Another clanmate was dead. Sootspritespark had died and they were still none the wiser as to what had happened. Howlfire couldn't have claimed to be close to the she-cat, but that didn't mean she wished her ill. Nearby she hears Figfeather exclaim that the foxes had to be responsible. Given their recent attacks on the clan, it seemed plausible at least, though Howlfire noted there probably would have been a scent left over from them had they attacked. Speaking of the foxes, Orangestar proudly announces to the clan that they had successfully killed one of the foxes that had attacked Orangestar at the unclaimed border. The leader's eyes wept over all those who had been on the patrol, lingering on Howlfire for a heartbeat longer, before urging all mentors to build upon the skill of striking from the trees. It was already something Howlfire covered often with Hawkpaw, though would make sure to focus even more on them with the lead up to Hawkpaw's fast-approaching warrior ceremony.

Next come the apprentice ceremonies, and Howlfire's heart swells when she sees her younger half-siblings step forward. Like her own kits once upon a time, she marvels at how big they've all grown. She wonders if Blazestar is looking down on the ceremony from above, his warm blue gaze, watching as they get their new names and are given mentors. Are you proud of them? Howlfire wonders. Do you approve of their mentors?

"Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw!" Howlfire cheered, once the three of them had officially became apprentices. What adventures might they have now that they were old enough to leave camp? Following their ceremony, there were more apprentices to be named, though these were not kittens fresh out of the nursery, but rather new joiners who were willing to learn the ways of the clan. Nemo became Chivepaw, Lacey became Cloudpaw, and Fangs became Ashpaw. "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!"

Owlheart can't fight the frown that settles on her maw, another meeting another death. When would SkyClan find reprieve from this, she supposed it was the new normal. Maybe it had always been this bleak, either way she was determined to not let it cling to her fur. The ginger tabby finds herself nodding in agreement with Figfeather's exclamation. At least there was one less fox to worry about, if Figfeather was true in her theory then hopefully the one that was killed was what had taken Sootspritespark's life.

An amused smile is brought to her as she watches Hollykit. Candorkit, and Lionkit be called upon. They all looked painstakingly groomed, she recalls her conversation with Hollykit over being an apprentice. The warrior hoped that now Hollykit, now Hollypaw was as excited now as she was back when they spoke. Candorpaw and Lionpaw must be as equally excited, she blinked in surprise hearing Crowsight be called as his siblings mentor. She wondered how he must be feeling, was he excited? Upset? Nervous? She'd rather not dwell on that though, a beaming smile being given her partners way in encouragement.

"Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Lionpaw!" She cheers out loud and proud, it would be weird seeing Bobbie around more now that she's out of the nursery. Not weird as in bad, just weird as in she wasn't used to it yet. They had spoken a few times recently, but it would take some getting used to seeing her around outside of camp.

The new joining apprentices were a mixed crowd of faces, all friendly enough. She hadn't spoken with Fangs before so she can't comment on him but Lacey and Nemo were both friendly enough. Nemo-Chivepaws new name seemed to fit him, she thought it was kind of sweet. She began theorising who would be assigned as their mentors, only to stop her theorising at the call of her name. Oh. Oh. She was going to be Lacey-Cloudpaw's mentor? Was she really ready to mentor anyone? Despite the anxiety flooding her system she meets her mothers gaze, returning the warm blink. If her mother had faith in her then she should too.

Owlheart pushed herself up from where she was sitting, willing herself to showcase the confidence she had rather than any lingering concerns. She pads towards her new apprentice with a nervous grin, leaning down to touch noses. She hoped that Cloudpaw was as nice as she seemed, hopefully she was excited for this as well. "Hi Cloudpaw, I'll do my best to make sure you're an excellent SkyClan warrior" she whispers, staring at her kindly. "We'll start training after the meeting if you're feeling up to starting right away." She wasn't sure when was an appropriate time to start, so she wanted to go by how Cloudpaw was feeling.

She settles back down to finish the meeting, tilting her at her mother with a polite smile as announces that she will be taking on Ashpaw as her apprentice. "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!" She chants for the the other new apprentices, the nerves had slowly dissipated as she thought about it. Surely she can do a good job as a mentor.

there is a deep feeling within him that feels warm. soft. he wonders if some day he will be able to feel this again when his own kits become apprentices. he wants kits of his own, yes, but even if that cannot become a reality, he can be proud now of his little siblings. oh, they grow up so fast! his ears perked up, and he is quick to hop to his paws, beaming as his smile lights up the area around him. he's hardly someone you find frowning all the time but this time is clearly different. not forced because of comfortability but true and utter happiness.

"hollypaw, lionpaw, condorpaw!"

he scurries over to place a lick on top of each of their heads.

"i-i'm so p-proud of you all. i'm gonna m-make sure you guys g-get the best nests in the apprentice den, o-okay?"

he loves them so much he could truly burst. but the meeting is not over. he may have bias for his siblings but he is happy for his other clanmates too.

"chivepaw, cloudpaw, ashpaw!"
Another clanmate has died. Murdered by… something mysterious. For a moment she gets worried, because what if something gets her? What if something gets Coffeepaw, or their mom, or Johnnyflame? But no, that won't happen, she thinks. Somewhere else in the crowd, Figfeather's voice raises in an accusation. She says it was probably foxes who killed Sootspritespark. "Yeah, foxes…" She murmurs, tail flicking back and forth with nervousness. She wants to be a cool fox fighting warrior, but it also sounds scary. At least they can fight from the trees, since they're SkyClanners. She looks to the marmalade tabby, remembers the way she'd been so adamant about teaching Sangriapaw and Coffeepaw to climb back when they were just kits. She frowns lightly, turning her gaze back to the leader and trying to focus on the meeting.

The torbie holds her breath as the first new apprentices are called forward—including Hollykit. The little kit is her bestest friends, and she's so happy to see him become an apprentice. And unlike Coffeepaw, Hollykit-paw is assigned a really good mentor! Dogbite is a good, awesome warrior, even though he has that gnarly looking face stuff. Sangriapaw barely waits for Orangestar to take a breath before she's calling out her friend's name. "YAY, HOLLYPAW!!" The shout bursts from her chest with a force unexpected even to her—her friend is an apprentice now! She's so excited for him! He'll finally get to go out and see the territory, and now maybe she can take him to see her home…. if Orangestar and Fantastream would let him visit!

And Candorpaw and Lionpaw can also visit, she guesses. If they're quiet, then maybe they can even sneak in and stay the whole night, all of them together! Would her friends like her fuzzy inside tree, she wonders—they wouldn't judge her for her crinkly toys or her dry kibble, would they? Her mismatched brows furrow, trying to shake off the worries that linger at the back of her mind. They're friends, so of course they wouldn't judge her like some of their other clanmates do. "Candorpaw! Lionpaw! Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!" She calls out excitedly, not at all bothered by the former outsiders becoming a real part of SkyClan.

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Candorkit have never been more ready for anything in his entire life. And yes, his entire life is a little bit short right now, but it sounded quite a bit better when you said, " in all my moons, " or something, didn't it?

Bobbie groomed them all to perfection. He could groom himself, of course... but with Bobbie's help, all three of them truly had the looks of future warriors. Candorkit already had it in some aspects... (Aspects! The amazing almost - apprentice that he was, he could properly use this word, now.) He had the walk, the talk. He's been practicing such ever since he was told his first nursery tale... Life could not always be fun and games, but he made a point to look as if he was always ready for one. In fact, he believes that if he tries hard enough, he can make fiction reality. All his questions of what was real and what wasn't... the answer was usually terribly boring. But he thinks... He thinks the poor warriors of SkyClan are limiting themselves! Intentionally or not! Here, he would bring motion, he would bring perspective. He would bring poise, and bravery, and courage, and... is Bobbie watching?

She is. He can see her. Bobbie is in the crowd and she looks the best Candorkit has ever has maybe ever seen her... Would she get her warrior name too? Alongside their -paws, become Bobbiefur? That's about the only thing that could make this day even more special than it already was.

The first announcement surprises him. it isn't his, and its sad too. His practiced expression quickly blanks, taken aback by the sudden shit of such a joyous day... A mystery, then. It'd be the first that he solved as an apprentice.

Then, he may step forward. He does so on tawny paws, with a mane like a LionClan warrior's... probably. Orangestar didn't look as big as he remembered her being. Hollykit is Hollypaw, and her mentor is Dogbite. Here's the best part — not that Hollypaw's part wasn't great, and Lionkit's wouldn't be, but... he's practiced... even more than Hollypaw, he thinks. He's trained, he's prepared. When he moves into the apprentices den, he could make his nest all by himself, too.

Hark! For he is now Candorpaw, apprenticed to Twitchbolt. Twitchbolt. Once the deputy, but no longer... What did he make of this?

Well... the most, obviously! Because a warrior must be reliable! A warrior must be adaptable! He is swift to make his way to his mentor's nose, and because there has been a horrid lack of opportunity for all the cool lines he had practiced so far, he booms one of his best with the touch of their noses. " I will not let you down! " bravely, he proclaims. His tail waves straight up in the air, pleased with himself.

Perhaps cats of his caliber (That is to say, felow new apprentices) were not meant to cheer for other new apprentices, but he really wanted to! " Hollypaw! Lionpaw! Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw! " At last, he has made it!
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
I doubt we'll ever find out what happened to her. Grimly, Duskpool gathered himself with a heavy grunt, pelt prickling uneasily at the unfaltering heat bearing down on them. On days like these, he wished he was hairless, as horrifying as he'd look. The tom hadn't cared much about appearances when it came to comfort ( or as little of it as he had with painful joints ).

He settled into something more comfortable, wrapping a wooly plume around large paws, ears maneuvering forward, listening to the call of kits, soon-to-be apprentices, and thrust into a life bound to bring pain. But what did Duskpool know? He was a pessimist at heart. He doubted he'll ever change his way of thinkin' always so keen on thinkin' bitter outcomes than hopeful futures. Maybe it was the life he lived before comin' here. Or perhaps it was what he'd witnessed too over the moons.

Chuckling ruefully, the obsidian-furred tom tuned in, listenin' to the call of clanmates welcomin' their new additions to SkyClan's ranks. Not unusual, Duskpool remained silent, observin' clanmates alike, gauging reactions. It was a surprise hearin' his name bleed from Orangestar's mouth, pushin' himself up and forward, he dipped his helm in acknowledgment, gaze lingerin' on the newly named Chivepaw with a simple touch to the nose in welcome. "I'll be yer mentor for the next few moons, kiddo." He rumbled, "I'll show ya around the territory after the meetin', kid."

Not long since Drowsypaw's ceremony, Duskpool couldn't help but feel warm. He enjoyed trainin' the youth, takin' on whatever they needed to grow individually. Duskpool hoped to do the same with Chivepaw, whatever that may be. He was here to guide 'em and help 'em form their own opinions while givin' them the best chance for survival. If he was confident in one thing, it was doing his damnest to protect 'em ( unfortunately, that wasn't always the case ).
thought speech

Twitchbolt flocked to Orangestar's call, his gaze steadier than it had been for a long while. Strike from the trees, she said- and though he doubted deeply she'd look to him alone in the crowd, Twitchbolt gave a sharp nod of his head. He'd always been best in the trees, anyway- and Daisyflight had not impressed on him any lack of battle skills. Pollenclaw was a warrior now, though- his first fully-trained apprentice. Part of him could not deny a distant want to mentor the kits of a friend- and with the apprenticeship of Hollypaw, Candorpaw and Lionpaw, he seized that distant wish in mentoring one of Bobbie's children.

Candorpaw. He was an eccentric one, definitely... but by every means enthusiastic. The bar wasn't particularly high, he had to admit... and training an apprentice was always stressful, certain to turn him grey much earlier than he was supposed to. But SkyClan's future was more important- and it was an honour, and he hoped, hoped Blazestar would approve that he teach his son...

He bowed a termbling head to meet Candorpaw's nose, managing to keep himself steady enough for the ritual to go without a hitch. The fiery little kit spoke a sun-bright promise into the air, and Twitchbolt gave him a nod. "And I won't let you down.... so long as you're up bright and early tomorrow," he murmured, but there was a humour in his voice that gave away the slight amount of leeway he was prepared to give. His voice joined the chants for the other apprentices, then- this would be a formative memory, certainly. They deserved a chorus.
penned by pin ✧
Today, when Orangestar calls the meeting, Ricekit finds herself not caring about much of what she has to announce. Anticipation has her in a chokehold as she listens to Orangestars words and then... It's time.

Some cruel part of her wishes her denmates are held back, but that would never happen. Hollykit is apprenticed to Dogbite, Candorkit is apprenticed to Twitchbolt, Lionkit to Crowsight. She sharply inhales and exhales in a sigh. There it was, the parting of what once was, the passageway from sheltered to world-seeker. She at least feels a little happy for them getting to explore the world.

Camp-bound no longer, joy and happiness unbound! Paws thrum against a forest floor and they'll feel free.

The happiness quietly dies down. Her heart aches for a friend lost and yet burns in righteous fire that starts as a dull thrum (and burns out just as quickly): you left me, hurt-filled, puppy-dog eyes turn unto Hollypaw, to Candorpaw. Sangriapaw and Drowsynose cheers the loudest for the trio of siblings and Ricekit only feels herself sinking further in to an emotion unfamiliar to her. Is she sad? Is this the feeling of being sad? Is she truly, actually sad? Ricekit sniffles, chin tipping upwards as she blinks away the gloss that covers her vision.

No, of course not. Ricekit isn't sad, she never is, and she certainly would never be sad over losing a denmate. It's just a moon difference, after all.

Still... Who is there left to play with, now? Stormkit was sensitive. Dogwoodkit was loud. Honeysplash's kits are too tiny. Candorpaw, as much as he got on her nerves, could put on a good show; obviously not as well as Ricekit and Hollypaw, now, but still entertaining nonetheless. There is a certain hole in the nursery created, now, as Candorpaw and Hollypaw receive their mentors.

What about me, something selfish calls from the depths of her mind, churning waters parting just for a second. Brows scrunch up. What about me? She lacks the extra moon that her former denmates have on her. She is younger, she will always be left behind. Ricekit swallows hard, shutting her eyes, trying her best to stay angry and failing. Oh, she just feels sad, so sad. Is this her destiny, to forever be left in the dust? Left behind, racing after scraps? Is it selfish to want to stay just as important as them? Am I selfish?

A stone is lodged in her throat as she looks away. I shouldn't be upset, why am I sad? It's literally just a moon.

More cats are apprenticed but she hardly finds it in herself to care. It's just one more moon she has to wait. She suppresses another sniffle and promptly stands up after shouting each name once, lashing her tail once and shying away from the meeting to go lay down in her nest. It's only a moon... Except, Ricekit hates waiting and all she wants to do now is curl in to her moms side and sleep the day away, the growing headache away. She hates this new feeling. Being upset isn't ideal for a princess, after all.

  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff

————————Apprentice | 8 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Ashpaw as they were now known, stood tall and proud... outwardly, anyway. That seemed to be what was expected. It never quite reached their crimson eyes, however, as they clung to the shadows. They... weren't sure how to feel about it. Not yet. It was nice no longer having such a horrid name, but... they will have to see, they supposed. Where this new Clan takes them.

[penned by Delphy].[/color
Fluffypaw sits somewhere beside her mentor, instead of her mother, which admittedly still feels weird. She searches for Butterflytuft's ginger-streaked pelt in the crowd, a frown on her face when she doesn't find her. It will be like this from now on, she fears; Butterflytuft will be preoccupied with her duties as the resident nursing queen, and Fluffypaw will be busy being a SkyClan apprentice.

Her slender, tufted ears flick forward as Orangestar begins her meeting. She talks about Sootspritespark, and her eyes flicker toward her paws. She hadn't been in camp when it had happened, but she'd heard about it plenty from those who had. The warrior had staggered home with a throat wound, choking on her own blood and forsaking the living child who cared for her in her final moments. Her heart hurts for Littlepaw, who she'd looked straight through as though he were a ghost.

But today is also a day for celebration. Fluffypaw brightens as her former denmates receive their names. "Lionpaw! Hollypaw! Candorpaw! Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!" She cheers. She seeks Candorpaw's sunlit head as he goes to brush noses with Twitchbolt. After she gives them a moment, she bounds closer, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

"Candorpaw! I promised I'd save you a spot next to me," she mews, shyly. "Twitchbolt, can I go show him here he can sleep?"

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

〕Today was the day. This was easily the biggest day of his life... aside from his warrior ceremony, of course. From now on, Lionkit would have more freedoms than they'd ever had — the ability to leave camp, accompany patrols, learn to fight and hunt... He especially wondered what it would be like to scale the towering pines and look across the entire forest from above. Whoever his mentor would be, he hoped they would teach him everything that he needed to know.

The freshly-groomed chocolate torbie point sits near his littermates, his paws shifting as his nerves begin to act up. He has never been announced before the clan in any way... at least from what he could remember. Lionkit is nervous about being at the center of attention—the eyes of all of his clanmates upon him are quite daunting—but he is also anticipating whoever was chosen to train him. A part of them wishes for Bobbie, so that they would always be together. They had never seen their mother do much aside from sleeping and curling up in the corner, so they were quite eager to see her perform her warrior duties again.

Orangestar commences the meeting with rather somber news, an update on Sootspritespark's killing. Her murderer had not been caught, and while a patrol had killed one of the foxes lingering around the territory, one was still on the loose. Could a fox have killed Sootspritespark? Orangestar had lost a life to one of those creatures, as had Blazestar once. A shiver runs down their spine, causing his hair to bristle in discomfort. What if he encountered a fox during his training?

There was little time to think about the potential dangers lurking in the territory as Orangestar moved onto the apprentice ceremonies, calling his littermates forward. Hollykit is apprenticed to Dogbite and Candorkit is apprenticed to Twitchbolt — both lead warriors, both cats who have been serving on the leader's council since their father's time.

He fixes his blue eyes onto the orange and white molly above, graciously accepting his new name — Lionpaw. However, a twinge takes his chest as Crowsight's name is mentioned. His big brother was assigned to train him? Lionpaw's eyes narrow as a plethora of feelings threatens to overtake him completely — Crowsight was undoubtedly the sibling he was the most distant from. They had talked recently, at least, but he still views Crowsight as more of a respected clanmate than kin. He was a skilled warrior through and through, but would things be strange between the two?

The torbie point approaches the larger black smoke tom, lifting his head to touch noses. He was used to his older siblings like Drowsynose and Lupinesong utilizing touch as a means of showing affection, but Crowsight has never once made contact with Lionpaw. This was... new. "I... I won't let y'down." The newly-named apprentice mews, trying to muster enough sincerity to outweigh his nervous tone. I promise.

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.

———————————skyclan kit | 5mo | emptypilled——————————
Jellykit has fixed herself to scoot in beside Ricekit. The pair of them had both reached their fifth moon, just shy of joining their friends in the apprentices den. She didn't feel like she looked all too different from them! She herself had noticed how she took on her mothers frame, bulky and stout with rabbit-dense fur replacing soft, frilly fluff.

She looked across the clearing in more dour expression than a kit should have for her friends. It's inescapable, however, the tightness in her throat knowing when she returned to the nursery, Candorkit and Hollykit wouldn't be there. No, they would be playing Hollypaw and Candorpaw in another den, with other cats, making other friends!

Before the she-kit laid a scene she wished and prayed despite the greenleaf heat. Behind Orangestar, stormy clouds would move in overhead like a fog. Light crackling within them, jagged streaks over purples and greys. When the flame-tipped leader speaks her voice booms in tandem with thunder, ominously calling them forward. It's a trap! She wanted to scream, but she remained helplessly quiet.

The leader marked their names and paired them off to their mentors and the tightness in her throat twists as her Clanmates chant their names. "Nooo..." Her whine is unheard over the shouts, and she took to leaning for Ricekit to comfort her.

[penned by beatae].
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Quietly, the cinnamon and white cat settled near the tree. Trying to evade the sun's brutal rays. His scraggly pelt spiked in odd directions as they craned and peered up at Orangestar, taking note of the molly's opening announcement with a heavy heart. Another clanmate lost. Knowledge that one of the foxes had met its end did little to alleviate this ache. Nothing could wash away the memories of losing Applefrost. All the foxes surrounding them could be culled, and it still wouldn't be enough to sate his woes. Visibly, the feline drooped, and his good eye wandered from the leader. I don't want to think about this right now. Slowly, his attention resurfaced as Bobbie's kits were beckoned forth.

It's that time already? To them, it seemed like yesterday the rowdy bunch had been tucked at their mother's belly, or trying to chew on his tail.

First up was Hollykit, and the lead made sure to tune in aptly. Naturally, Dogbite pondered what mentors would be assigned to the lot. In one fell swoop, the orange splotched leader answered his curiosities with a nod. Shock fast and hot throttled the tabby. What? They had believed the last meeting to be filled with hit after hit. Today, his stomach felt like it was backwards. He is my apprentice? Even after Littlepaw? When he sought the expressions of Orangestar and Bobbie, both appeared confident in the decision, causing his gut to twist horridly. It was always a rude awakening to know his friends were in the dark. There was no way out of his new role, and they knew it.

The sweat beading under Dogbite's pelt poured as shame sunk in its dirty claws.

He was no exemplary cat, but his outward disposition and rank painted a far more colorful narrative. They were meant to be a staple of Skyclan and he couldn't bare to meet the leader's gaze for a third time. What a joke I've made of myself. There was a clear expectation set forth, and he had squandered it under the cover of night. Albeit, no cat except himself and one other knew of his adventures. Still, there were more adamant ghosts to address. He had a responsibility to protect and educate Hollypaw, to live up to his friend's standards and give him the best chance at success as a future warrior.

Would Blazestar have seen him as a fit choice, given the deceased tom's new view? Certainly not but I swear to do my best. I swear it. Dogbite couldn't speak for the dead, but his guilty conscience would surely scrounge up something nasty. Eyes felt as though they bore into his back, and shakily, he pulled himself onto all fours. Casting nervous glances at Crowsight and Twitchbolt as they split rank. Swallowing the rocks that had formed in their throat, the Skyclanner moved on command, joining his clanmates at the front. Heart squeezing remorsefully as he approached the paw' in question.

Of course, he would accept Hollypaw and train her as best he could. Yet, there were fresh sacrifices to his newfound happiness, more lies he would need to orchestrate. For now, they would ride the thrill of a happy moment and put on a convincing face. Hollypaw deserved a good ceremony, one where his mentor's sins didn't sour it. Forgive me. Sending out a quick prayer, he leans forward, pressing a cool nose to Hollypaw's.

Sitting back, he settled onto pale haunches, trying his best to keep up positive airs. Smiling down at the youth, he blinked kindly and meowed with a softened voice. "I'm proud to be your mentor." Genuine warmth bled through every word.

Dogbite had fibbed about many things these last few days, but he would never dream to in this moment. Even if his many restless nights reflected clearly in their tired eye. Surprise lit his face noting the meeting was, in fact, not over but continuing with daylight ceremonies. A pleasant event as cries broke out from all corners, and he was glad to join in. "Chivepaw! Cloudpaw! Ashpaw!" Soon enough the ceremony came to a close. He decided to stick by the younger feline and possibly discuss her future training. Tattered ears lifted high, mind begging for a good distraction from earlier troubles.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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