private just over the river | pikesplash


Apr 12, 2023
જ➶ Skyclan. A group he still doesn't feel connected to. But he is trying. He wants to stay and he wants to at least bond with the family he has never known he had. Even if he has bitter feelings towards how he found out about them he at least wants to try and talk to them. Maybe. Stepping lightly along the ground he remembers this pathway as he has been towards the river before. They share this as a border with another clan, one that calls themselves Riverclan. The smell of water is interesting and the wind is not really making it any better. To him it smells a little bitter and he shakes himself, flaring up his odd chocolate and blue tabby chimera pelt. Short tail shifts as the collared warrior pauses just before the water, honey brown eyes looking down at the brown looking waves. It's almost peaceful here and he slowly sits down, trying to be careful about how he settles himself upon the ground. His limbs ache but not as bad as they used to, the walk here hasn't made it worse. Flicking an ear he is about to take a drink when he notices sounds coming from the other side of the water. Lifting his head he lightly blinks with soft gaze before he finally speaks up.

"Uhh, good afternoon, Riverclanner." Easing to sit up properly he offers a small smile upon his muzzle, tilting his head ever so slightly. He doesn't know many of the other clan and has only ever said hello from the safety of a patrol. But the fragile youth supposes he should at least get to know another besides those in Skyclan. "I hope everything is okay on your side of the river. Oh, my name is I used to go by Damsel."

( tags ) Today he had decided on a lazy day. He had a day off from training his apprentice and already took care of border patrol earlier. Normally he would float and swim closer to the area between River and Thunder, but with all the drama between their clans he wasn't exactly in the mood for being yelled at for swimming around or being a foxheart. How it bogged down on you for simply trying to relax and for once staying within your borders only to be nagged. That's why he went further downstream this time. Normally Riverclan wouldn't come all the way down here, but these were desperate times. According to him anyway. Without a care in the world, he let himself be guided by the river.

His eyes had been closed when he heard a voice. Hmm? He jerks his head up and notices a cat with a strange chocolate and blue tabby chimera pelt. Ears and whiskers twitch in anticipation of what the cat might say. It turns out it was nothing bad, which is a massive relief at this point. "Oh. Uhm, good afternoon..." Where's he from? I'm pretty sure a Thunderclan cat would be so nice to me right now. The tom takes a second to sniff the air, smells kinda like Skyclan? The scent isn't too strong, but Skyclan has kittypets right? "Skyclanner?" It's then that he finally takes in Brambleheart's form. Wow... You're massive! Of course, he doesn't say this to the Skyclanner. It does strike him odd that a Skyclanner would come this far considering their clans weren't exactly neighbors, sort of. The farthest clan from Riverclan would have to be Shadowclan. Windclan and Thunderclan were more direct neighbors, while Skyclan was a bit tricky to see during green-leaf because of the twoleg camp around the area. Anyhow, it was even more strange that there was no one else with him. Typically there would be patrols, but he supposes just wanting to explore around the territory wasn't a crime. Not everything had to be buisness like.

At Brambleheart's statement of hoping all was well, he internally chuckled. Oh, I dunno if you count having fights with Thunderclan and Windclan as peaceful. He isn't given a chance to respond, he is finally given the name of the Skyclanner he is speaking to. However, when he is also given a kittypet name his face practically lights up. The clans, well most of them have something against kittypets. He himself is of kittypet origin but he was forced to hide those parts of himself so it is refreshing to hear something as simple as a name spoken casually and without fear. Pikesplash would much rather find somewhere to perch on than converse in the river. Don't get him wrong, the river is nice but it does get tiring after a long chat.

Quickly he scans the perimeter for a rock or branch to perch on for the moment. Green hues land on a rock that is deemed as good enough and close enough that he rushes towards. Once he's on the rock, he smiles at Brambleheart, "Sorry! I just didn't want to talk while swimming. Anyway, it's nice to meet you uhm... Brambleheart? Damsel? My name is Pikesplash, but when I was still a kittypet my name was Pike." He lets out a chuckle, "It's not that different of a name change, I know."

He hopes that the information that he was once a kittypet was enough to soothe Brambleheart. After all, being a kittypet within a clan was met with some challenges. He couldn't say how easy or hard it is for Skyclan, but he feels as though no matter where you are there's some animosity of some kind. From his perspective Skyclan is simply kinder and more understanding towards kittypets. He recalls Brambleheart's earlier question, "Thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately things are... Complicated. I'd suggest not speaking about us with Thunderclan, considering we share Thunderclan as a neighbor. I'm not sure if those at the gathering told you, but it's been almost a moon since we've returned to camp." The last thing he wants is for Skyclan to get caught up in their feud with Thunderclan. It's bad enough that they battle with Windclan and Thunderclan already, he doesn't want to fight another clan nor does he want Skyclan to be targeted for a suspected alliance with Riverclan.

"How is Skyclan? We don't really get much news from your clan, but I hope your clan is doing well. It's funny, our clans aren't enemies but we aren't friends either. I heard that there are many Kittypets in Skyclan. Are they treated nicely? Are you treated nicely in Skyclan?"