"SkyClan, gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting."

The meow comes late in the day, Sunhigh patrols delayed upon the leader's request. Orangestar had left her den only moments prior, splitting paths with Sorrelsong and looking a great deal more relaxed than she has in recent sunrises. It is strange to address her Clan with the sun shining down upon them, filtering between snow-laden pine needles and not quite melting the permanent cloak of white that muffles their part of the forest. The thought brings her nicely to her first thought:

"Warriors and apprentices. We have two unclaimed borders that we can hunt past: stop trespassing on ThunderClan land." She warns, curt, eyes resting upon her mate pointedly for a heartbeat before shifting to the others gathered. It is not just Slatesnarl, she knows, but he is the easiest to find. "I want to give them no reason to retaliate. If they trespass, tell Twitchbolt and I immediately. If I find out you are trespassing again, intentionally, I will be demoting warriors back to apprenticeship until they demonstrate that they understand the Code. Do I make myself clear?"

She does not wait for a response in the way she waits for a warrior's vow, but amidst uncomfortable shuffles in the SkyClanners below she thinks she has made her point clear. Good.

"Another lead warrior will be joining my council." She seeks chocolate fur in the crowd, mind ricocheting back to the conversation they'd just had. This might be seen as an odd choice, but despite her misgivings Orangestar does understand the other she-cat to be a capable warrior and mentor. It might have been a case of keeping your friends close and enemies closer, perhaps, if that animosity was detected by the white-and-ginger leader. An apology had been given: in turn, this opportunity would be her forgiveness. "Sorrelsong, if you will accept this honour, I look forward to working with you."

Next ... Maybe it is pity that allows her to find a young warrior of flame-and-rust among the crowd. Maybe it is something else entirely. Either way, the initial haughty irritation that had greeted the new warrior's request - her demand, her plea - is gone from Orangestar's eyes now. She does not change a warrior's name for such a baseless reason as not liking it - Tawnyclaw being the single exception - but for the horrors the daylight warrior had witnessed, Orangestar may make a compromise.

"Sangriaflame, step forward." She beckons with a curl of her tail, and turns her eyes to the midday sky. "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on she will be known as Sangriaflight. You honour your kin, Sangriaflight. Keep them with you, and do not let this slow your stride."

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A shocked 'mrrow?' is released from her throat when Orangestar calls the Clan for a meeting. It was unusual for a meeting to take place this late in the day, but not unheard of. She forces herself up from where she lay, eyes weighted from a lack of sleep shifted toward the clearing.

Fantastream and Coffeesong won't be at this one, the fact sinks claws deep into her heart. She wouldn't have sat by either of them if they were still here, she knows she wouldn't have. It had never been anything personal when it came to Coffeesong, she had always been proud of her tabby ton from afar, even if she should've gone out of her way to tell him that more. With Fantastream it had been more complicated, she loved Fantastream, she loved the memories they shared together and all of the talks they had. Though, ultimately, they were incompatible. They were not meant to be mates—maybe they never should've been.

But she never regretted Sangriaflame or Coffeesong. Never. Even if she never had done a good job of showing it.

Dragging her paws, she makes her way to the crowd of cats huddling to hear Orangestar's words. Naturally, she finds a place nearby @Howlfire , though she doesn't have it in her to greet her friend.

First, they're warned to quit trespassing. To stop breaking the code. Usually this is something Figfeather would back, she has a ferocious amount of respect when it came to StarClan and the code. However, SkyClan was hungry, this forest of theirs was not sustainable for a Clan of their size, never mind all of the young mouths they had to feed.

'We have to unclaimed borders we can hunt past,' Figfeather wrinkles her nose. She suggests for them to hunt in the Twoleg Place and loner lands? Dogs from the Twolegplace had just killed Fantastream and her son and rogues lurked in the loner lands waiting to bring their claws down on any unsuspecting SkyClanner. How was that going to be all Orangestar offered her hungry Clan as a solution?!

"Or-" She opens her mouth to speak but her leader is already moving on. She clamps her teeth around her tongue and fidgets anxiously with her paws.

Somehow, that's not the most frustrating piece of news Orangestar shares with them. A new lead warrior, Sorrelsong, the cat who just accused her of harboring a killer. "Does she have bees in her brain?!" Figfeather hisses in a hushed tone to Howlfire (though maybe nearby cats would've heard). A guilty look follows in her eyes immediately after, the insult to her leader had flown out faster than she could filter it. "I'm sorry- it's just…" She trails off, Orangestar is moving onto the next segment of the meeting already.

Sangriaflame, step forward. Figfeather grows visibly confused, why would Orangestar call Sangriaflame forward? She is shocked when she hears the words of a renaming ceremony spill from Orangestar's maw. 'Sangriaflame is a beautiful warrior name. Why is it being changed?' She doesn't understand, until the name is given.

Sangriaflight, Figfeather could almost choke up. It was graceful, powerful, a name that boasted skill. 'At last… something to celebrate this meeting.' Figfeather smiles for the first time upon hearing about the death of her former mate and son, she chants the young warrior's new name, "Sangriaflight! Sangriaflight!"

//congrats kee! <3
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[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] The call for a meeting came late, it was an odd thing to note but he figured it was due to how busy a leader could get that led to some meetings to be late. He shuffled foward, still staying close to the nursery, this was it, he'll be an apprentice soon, which made him begin nervously preening himself in attempt to make himself presentable for when he is called forth as one. Gaze flickering towards where the medicine cat stood before focusing his attention back to Orangestar.

A new member is called to Council, Sorrelsong, and Fawnkit having been blissfully unaware of what had happened brought a smile to his lips, silently congratulating the new lead warrior while bi-color eyes shuffled in confusion over hearing the murmurs of disapproval through some members of the clan. Wonder why that could be? Then, Sangriaflame is called forth once more, and at first he figured Orangestar would make her apart of the council as well but oh... she had other plans.

The newly made warrior is getting a new name, Sangriaflight which made him blink before taking in the name all together, "Sangriaflight, Sangriaflight" he softly would cheer with the group, shuffling nervously wondering when it would be his turn to start a new chapter of his life within the clan.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 6 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Jupiterpaw 12 moons demi-girl she/they skyclan apprentice
Jupiterpaw sits within the crowd, somewhere near the middle given she can hear just as well irregardless of where she's placed, anticipation coiling in her stomach. Perhaps, if she were anyone else, she'd be disappointed - to know that her own name will not be called today, that she is not going to be joining her siblings.

Instead, the colorful molly is only relieved - for all that she has put time and effort and hard work into her training, the thought of being left to her own devices so suddenly, so soon, leaves her shaken. Her disability may not keep her from warrior life, but she is not foolish or arrogant enough to think she is as skilled as her clanmates - not yet anyways. She thinks of the barking of a dog, of her clanmates cries of her name, and it settles any uncertainty that may have lingered. 'Soon' she thinks, 'but not today'. And that's okay.

For now, Jupiterpaw turns keen ears onto Orangestar, listening to her leaders warnings - Jupiterpaw had not participated in those patrols, and she frowns as she contemplates what thye must have been thinking to do so. The last thing they needed was another battle to fight - in leafbare of all times. And it's not as though they are starving - with plenty of paws who never touch the fresh kill pile, surely skyclan could get by without theft. But what does she know - she's just an apprentice. Another cat is named lead warrior, and another renamed to be more fitting. She can't help the flash of pity she feels hen she recognizes who - to lose your family like that, so suddenly, so swiftly.

" Sangriaflight! Sangriaflight! " her own call echoes.

  • Actions && " Speech, " && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • Jupiterpaw is blind, and therefore will not react or respond to visuals beyond some ability to differentiate light and shadows. Any visuals mentioned in her posts are meant for other roleplayers reference, and any events in roleplay that are disregarded are likely a purposeful choice due to her limitations.

It's unusual but not unheard of for Orangestar to call a meeting so late in the day. Even though it's happened before, there is a slightly startled expression on Howlfire's face when she hears Orangestar call the clan together for a clan meeting. She finds a quiet spot to sit and listen and is soon joined by Figfeather, who still looks a bit downtrodden after everything that had happened as of late. She does not greet Howlfire as she usually would but that doesn't stop Howlfire from flashing her a smile in greeting, before shifting to make some more room for her.

The first announcement is a reminder - or perhaps a warning depending on your view - not to trespass over the ThunderClan border. Howlfire nods her head in assent, firmly agreeing with this. They were struggling, yes, but no less worse than they had last year now that the blizzard had subsided. Perhaps the only thing Howlfire was a little irked over was that Orangestar made no mention of them defending their borders should ThunderClan trespass. Stars, they already walked all over them at the best of times, and clearly no amount of talking things over with ThunderClan would get through to them anytime soon. Their neighbours were as dense as the wooded forest they called home.

The next announcement is definitely more of a surprise - Sorrelsong is invited to join the lead warriors. Howlfire blinks in surprise. Clearly, she is not the only one taken aback if the hushed whispers echoing behind her are anything to go by. Even Figfeather blurts something out, hissing in a low voice that Howlfire can hear clearly. "It's certainly an odd choice," Howlfire mewed in quiet agreement. She personally did not mind Sorrelsong. She would not have called them close, and she certainly did not agree with her questioning of Orangestar during the last meeting, but she could tolerate her for the most part. "They must have talked things out." Howlfire suggests with a shrug. She considers saying more but Orangestar has already moved on, summoning Sangriaflame forward. Again, Howlfire's brows furrow in confusion, wondering what is going on until she hears the ceremony. A new name is bestowed and suddenly it feels all the more fitting. Sangriaflight. A name that would honour the young warrior as well as her kin. "Sangriaflight! Sangriaflight!" She cheered.
-ˋˏ🥀 ˎˊ-

"Sorrelsong, if you will accept this honour, I look forward to working with you." A chocolate head dips, her ear flicking at the murmurs that arise. Her smile - appreciative? Remorseful? - was soft. The dying sun warms her fur painting it a warm purple, her pelt a healing bruise.
"I'd be honored, thank you, Orangestar." Her paws ache, their reward granted. Nearly every den had been reinforced with her paws. Nearly every cat feed with her teeth. She had followed the code to the letter, embodying it with each beat of her heart. Her name felt her's again.
Her eyes are heavy, her bones weary. She spots Figfeather in the crowd before the tabby opens her mouth. Cherryblossom could say what she wanted - it was her actions that hurt Sorrelsong that day not her words. Her paws remain rooted to the ground, her tail flicks a silent 'sorry' to her fellow lead warrior. Some part of her aches. She used to look up to the golden-hued molly - did she still? She felt very far away from herself, not even the snow helped. Howlfire's comment did nothing more then double the weight on her shoulders. I'll make you proud. I'm worthy.
As quickly as time slowed down, it began again. Sangiraflame was called and for a second Sorrelsong thought Orangestar might be expanding her council twice - but no. It was a greater honor.
"Sangriaflight!! Sangriaflight!!" Her call joins the others, the joy she should've felt when her own name was called is tripled at the sound of the mollies name.

The calling of another meeting causes the hefty tom to rise to his paws, trudging through the crowd so he could take his place below Orangestar. He can feel the eyes on him, the nervousness in the air as a promotion to lead warrior and renaming ceremonies happen before him. He doesn't know why Figfeather was so shocked by the promotion of Sorrelsong, his own experience with the femme being quite lax and comfortable. Had something happened? His ears flick to listen to the gossip in the crowd, though it all soon blends into the femme's name being cheered in different volumes and tones. Fireflyglow sits back on his haunches, squaring his shoulders as Orangestar warned the clan to stop trespassing.

A soft wind blows against his face, ruffling the scruffy nest of fur under his chin as he idly scratched at it. Fawnkit must be watching, must be waiting for his name to be called. The time had come for the next acolyte to be chosen, and though most of his clanmates didn't even know he was searching for an apprentice to begin with, his formal arrival to the meeting instead of sitting outside of his den certainly hinted towards something.

So, patiently, the tom waits. Waits for his announcement to be made, for fates to be chosen and sealed.​
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Reactions: Fawnpaw~
The cheers for Sangriaflight eventually rise, her own among them upon taking the cue from her Clanmates, but there is no such call for Sorrelsong. The quiet stretches far too long, as if Orangestar is expecting more than surprised murmurs to greet this change of council. Eventually she gives in on waiting, and there is no mistaking the flash of annoyance across scarred muzzle.

"Candorpaw, Lionpaw, Cloudypaw and Bloody Mary. Step forward." She cleaves the hopefuls in two with a finality, remembering one such meeting moons ago where she had done the same. As they emerge, she descends to meet them, and her eyes pass over the four with haughty consideration. Blazestar's kits, before her now as near-warriors, make her heart ache. Doeblaze's two apprentices, Clan and shadowed alike, would also now be joining her in the cramped den.

"I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn." She would say this twice today, beseeching the pockets of daylight sky as if they would answer her. Her rasp shifts as her eyes drop to the four cats before her, waiting. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?"

The vows that answer her give her hope anew, twelve moons of solemn agreement to her question preceded by eighteen moons of hearing that same promise made before Blazestar. In turn, as their new names are called, she would set her chin atop their heads. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.

"Candorpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Candorflight. StarClan honours your courage and your passion."
While he shared a suffix given in this same meeting, Candorflight's naming speaks of something entirely different: the unfurling of butterfly wings, the finding of sturdy paws, the race of a SkyClanner through the trees as trained by its deputy. Twitchbolt had trained him well, and should be proud of their efforts.

Next, to his brother. Scarred and brave and ever-persevering, he had found growth under Crowsight's tutelage and would become a fine warrior in turn. His name would reflect that, to an extent: a nod to his mentor's, but his own warrior name to make a life with. "Lionpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Liongaze. StarClan honours your courage and your determination.

"Cloudypaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Cloudywhisker. StarClan honours your enthusiasm and your commitment."
Gone is the timid, half-starved kit who had joined SkyClan so long ago. The warrior who replaces him is still gentle, near wary at times, but a pleasing sense of self-worth radiates from him now.

"Bloody Mary. From this moment on, you will be known as Bloodbird. StarClan honours your perseverance and your-" the briefest pause- "optimism." Her unnerving demeanour reminds Orangestar periodically of Mallowlark, feral grin and eyes alight with a similar outward morbidity. It's a shame they had never met.

"Candorflight! Liongaze! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird!" The four would rejoin the crowd as warriors in full, seeking mentors made equal or kin or Clan, and Orangestar allows them a few heartbeats before finding new faces among the clustered cats before her.

"Magnolia, Marspaw, and Edmund. Step forward." Two daylight warriors and the kit of one of her lead warriors. Orangestar is not close with any of the three, but respects the results of their assessments and looks forward to their contributions continuing. "I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?"

She waits once more, expectant, ears pricked forward and expression severe. Then she nods. As they are named, just as before, Orangestar would set her chin atop the heads of her new warriors. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.

"Magnolia. From this moment on, you will be known as Magnoliashine. StarClan honours your spirit and your dedication."
Blazingheart's shadow had become a force to be reckoned with, her fiery determination lending itself to a quick understanding of Clan life. Orangestar is appeased by her progress, content to name Magnoliashine as a warrior to watch in upcoming moons.

"Marspaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Marshound. StarClan honours your discipline and your strategy." It is not often that Orangestar names a cat for a predator. She doesn't think she has ever done it, actually. But between Marspaw's protective nature when it comes to his kin, and the way he had turned that fierceness outwards during his apprenticeship - hound, she thinks, would make an enemy think twice before challenging him.

"Edmund. From this moment on, you will be known as Edmundsong. StarClan honours your persistence and your kindness." He had indicated that he would remain a daylight warrior, and would be welcomed as such. Orangestar wonders if that, some day, Edmundsong's presence would be a balm to some of their more temperamental warriors.

"Magnoliashine! Marshound! Edmundsong!" Orangestar's rasping cheer rings out, dispersing the trio as they return to their loved ones among the crowd.

And, finally ... "Seal, Fawnkit. Step forward.

"Seal, from now until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Sealpaw. Hawkspine will be your mentor."
The two toms are exuberant, excitable. An apprentice would, hopefully, raise Hawkspine's (in Orangestar's opinion, still lacking) confidence. Sealpaw doesn't give the impression of being a troublesome 'paw ... this pairing should rustle smoothly through this process as the breeze through pine needles.

"Fawnkit." Orangestar hesitates, rewording a ceremony in her mind, considering the small she-kit for a heartbeat. "From now until you earn your full name, you will be known as Fawnpaw. You will not, however, be following the path of a warrior. Your mentor will be Fireflyglow."

The honour of naming the medicine cat's apprentice sits atop her shoulders, humbling her into quiet; Fireflyglow had not been announced at a meeting like this, his mentor whisking the new apprentice from the warrior path without care nor interest in any other. For Fawnkit, however, Fireflyglow's request would mean that no other party would need to grapple with such a startling change. Orangestar nods to the two 'paws, signalling that they should meet their mentors, and a fine quaver enters her voice as she calls:

"Sealpaw! Fawnpaw!"

And then, when the air is buzzing with energy, "Meeting dismissed."

NEW APPRENTICES: @sealpaw @Fawnkit~

It feels odd to be fanning out around the Highbranch at a time when she'd normally be leading her apprentices out for a training session or patrol. Sun bathes her shaggy tawny shoulders as she settles in among her Clanmates, nothing Orangestar looks considerably less world-weary than she has in recent days. If only she could say the same for the face that looks back at her from every puddle of melting slush.

Doeblaze paws heavily at the ground, scraping furrows into it, with Orangestar's next words. Once she'd thought herself scrupulous enough to abhor trespassing—but perhaps her morality's degraded in recent moons. When she thinks of the scrap on the ThunderClan border, she clenches her teeth and her cheek injury smarts in turn. She's always respected Orangestar's wisdom, but should they really be pushing the unclaimed borders now of all times? At least with ThunderClan they know their enemy, rather than whatever death-jackals seem to be lurking past their furthest scent lines.

With Orangestar's next announcement, her claws drag their thickest divot yet; the roots of them ache warningly. Sorrelsong? Sorrelsong, who had questioned Orangestar's ability in front of a full patrol of her Clanmates? Who had accused her of sheltering a murderer? Incredulous as she is, she cannot even condemn Figfeather for the hissed question she hears from her nearby councilmate. How could Orangestar promote someone who didn't even trust her?

" Oh— Sangriaflight, Sangriaflight! " she chants hoarsely, fumbling her voice back in the nick of time to cheer on the spunky young warrior. Notably, Sorrelsong receives no such chant, from her or any other; an oddity for the tawny she-cat, who believes firmly in the power of tradition.

At the next four names that ring over all their heads, Doeblaze perks up considerably—her eye brightens and she shuffles, pulling herself a little taller to peer through the crowd. Crimson and white, chocolate and tawny, flame and cream—four of, arguably, some of the more memorable pelts of her life part the crowd. Her tired heart cramps in her chest, and for once, it's not at all unpleasant.

As the vows fall from their lips and the names fall from Orangestar's, her eye overflows with small, dewlike tears. Blazestar, can you see them now? Despite the day-blueness of the sky, she casts her eye momentarily skywards, wondering if his gaze reaches back. For all their struggles, for all her shortcomings, they stand before her now as warriors of their father's Clan. Harrierstripe hadn't stopped them, any of them, and neither had ThunderClan. Like a flock of fledgling birds, they soar high before her watering eye. Candorflight and Liongaze. They couldn't be more perfect.

And her apprenties—Bloodbird, who has improbably found a place in her esteem for all her oddities, and Cloudypaw, who she had watched grow from a timid young tom to a worthy warrior of SkyClan. After the prolonged difficulty that had been Blazingheart's apprenticeship, to see the both of them graduate elicits a somewhat undeserved swell of pride in her chest. Moons spent trekking around snowy ground with the two of them every day had a way of building a bond.

" Candorflight! Liongaze! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird! " There is no distracted hesitation this time as she calls their names with an obvious enthusiasm, as if she strives to be the loudest voice among the crowd. Rarely does she seem able make it clear how proud of her children she is, for all her efforts. Perhaps she can show it by force of voice alone.

The next batch flushes forward, a motley collection of two daylighters and Blazingheart's shadow. She does not know any of them as well—she has a vague idea of Edmund by proximity to Butterflytuft and Bloodbird, but little else. Still, she cheers for them as well: " Magnoliashine! Marshound! Edmundsong! "

She nearly makes to rise, expecting it to be over after so many ceremonies—but two yet remain, and so she shakes out her pelt and watches curiously as the two cats step forward. Sealpaw she does not know well, but he's assigned to Howlfire's sunniest kit. It's still hard to believe Hawkspine and his siblings are old enough to carry a warrior's name, much less mentor another, and yet here they stand.

Faintly (hopefully?) she wonders who Fawnkit will be assigned to, whether she might find Cloudywhisker fast replaced. Perhaps the gentle young cat reminds her of herself; instead, Fawnkit is awarded a greater honor than she thinks any of them may have suspected. Fireflyglow's apprentice! Yet another promising cat takes on the mantle—and if Fawnpaw is half as wise and kind as his mentor, he'll make a fine medicine cat indeed.

" Sealpaw! Fawnpaw! " she chants scratchily, her mending throat nagging warningly at her for her volume. But she'd like to cling to any trace of joy SkyClan can get this leaf-bare, throatache be damned.



[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] The next half of the meeting felt like a blurr almost. So many newly named warriors the boy felt his head spin a little. Candorpaw now named Candorflight, next to come was Lionpaw newly deemed Liongaze, and then Cloudypaw to Cloudwhisker. Bloody Merry... to Bloodbird, and ill fitting name for the eerie molly. "Candorflight, Liongaze, Cloudywhisker...Bloodbird" she softly cheered, hesitant on cheering the newly named Bloodbird among the mix of warriors. Next, were the daylighters, Mangolia newlt called Mangoliashine, then Marshound and Edmundsong, all befitting of the newly made daylighters, "Mangoliashine, Marshound, Edmundsong" he softly chanted, he hardly knew them but still felt wrong to not cheer them on.

Now, came his part alongside Seal. He felt his nerves began to pound in his chest, gaze shifting towards the Medicine Cat who stood near the high tree before refocusing his attention back onto Orangestar. Seal was called forth first, gaining an official clan name, Sealpaw before being assigned to Hawkspine, and then... Fawnkits turn bi-color eyes filled with nervousness while he checked to make sure he looked presentable and then... he was named Fawnpaw, Fireflyglow as his mentor, the boy's breath hitching a bit before stumbling to touch noses with the medicine cat.

He had a lot to learn, the clan's health was also entrusted into his paws alongside Fireflyglow's, and he felt his heart poud in his tiny chest, from excitement to being able to stick close to Fireflyglow's side, something he had thought would just be a wishful dream, never to come true to... it being here and the now, healing alongside Fireflyglow and treating those who had been harmed in battle... sure there was much more but, Fawnpaw had an important role to play now. "I won't let you down Fireflyglow" he said softly, gaze shimmering as he look into the blind gaze of his newly named mentor, he felt honored to work alongside him.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 6 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦Cloudypaw was buzzing waiting for this meeting. He was going to be a warrior! It was basically a miracle that he passed his test but he did it! And Doeblaze had been so happy about it. It was reassuring, to say the least. The tense energy is hardly even picked up by the young tom. He wasn't exactly "tuned in" to the drama and gossip around him. He mostly just went about his duties and made himself laugh and he was happy with that.

Then came the moment he'd groomed especially for. He wasn't usually overly careful with his pelt, just did the minimum to be clean, really. Today he'd gone and made sure he was sleek. Orangestar's gaze met his briefly, and the butterflies in his stomach did a flip. It's really happening... he thought. "I do,"

And suddenly, he was no longer Cloudypaw, rather Cloudywhisker, and his heart was beating so hard it felt like it'd fly right out of him. He officially made it. He looked between his fellow graduates with a bright grin across his face. The rest of the meeting went quickly, he acknowledged the things he needed to, and then it was over. At least he wasn't doing his vigil alone, right?
° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.
  • Love
Reactions: mercibun
𓆩✦𓆪 — Blazingheart sits beside his shadow, of course, knowing that today's a big day and he can't help but steal a few glances at her. Orangestar made an announcement about no longer stealing from Thunderclan as they had two unclaimed hunting spots that they could go to instead and Sorrelsong's made a lead warrior, the red tabby doesn't even bother blinking at the news more focused on how Magnolia feels in this very moment. Is she as excited as he is? He wants to ask her but bites down on his tongue deciding to remain attentive to what Orangestar says next, Doeblaze's kittens along with her two apprentices, his ears twitch in the slightest hearing them agree to the warrior code and recieve their names. Candorflight, Liongaze, Cloudywhisker, and Bloodbird. They're fitting names for the new warriors and he spares his voice to chant their names but he continues to be distracted more focused on the blue toned molly that sits beside him.

Soon enough, the name of his apprentice leaves the lips of the leader and he can feel his heart fluttering within his chest when he finally hears the name that's given to her "Magnoliashine." He remembers the night that the two of them sat together talking to one another of their past, how Blazingheart spoke about possible names for her, and just to hear one of them becoming her true warrior name. The others that are named alongside her are completely forgotten by him and neglected as he locks his eyes with her honeyed gaze. A toothy grin pulling at the sides of his mouth, he wants to prance around her but that itself would be embarrassing wouldn't it? His shoulder brushes against hers and he leans forward to push his nose gently to her cheek before speaking in a murmur for her ears alone "It fits you."

The moment that its time to cheer the names of all those announced this meeting, Blazingheart's voice seems to grow the loudest as he cheers for his now former apprentice while still flashing a wide grin at her.


  • ooc
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ CLIMBING
  • qCOxhoF.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby feline with green eyes
    blazingheart's a sharp tongued warrior that can oftentimes come off as insensitive or uncaring even if it isn't necessarily his intent upon first meeting. she tends to come off awkward during small conversations so she will dismiss herself if she finds the situation tense. she's rather prickly due to several events in her life and seen tense for the most part but she's trying to improve, all of her opinions are IC only.
    17 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    asexual biromantic; currently interested in magnolia
    child of coyotecrest and howlfire
    sibling to wolfpaw and hawkspine
    currently mentoring ... n/a
    hard to befriend due to how standoffish she comes off as ; oftentimes quick to anger ; very reckless
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Once the cheers for Sangriaflight die down, the meeting continues after a moment or two. There is a small silence that follows but it becomes drawn and awkward, and Howlfire does not miss the brief flash of annoyance on Orangestar's face. With a jolt, she realises the leader was likely expecting a call for Sorrelsong as well, but it seems many of the clan seem unsure of what to think of that promotion still.

Moving on, Orangestar calls out four more names and Howlfire finds herself sitting up a little straighter. Lionpaw and Candorpaw were becoming warriors; her younger siblings were so grown up now, wasn't it only yesterday they were kits scampering around? Along with Cloudypaw and Bloody Mary, they receive their new names becoming Liongaze, Candorflight, Cloudywhisker, and Bloodbird. "Liongaze! Candorflight! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird!" She cheers loudly, her voice full of emotion. She wonders if Blazestar is watching tonight, his heart filling with pride at the kits he had never gotten to meet.

As the four of them settle into the crowd, basking in their new names, three more names are called - Magnolia, Edmund, and Marspaw. Two daylighters and Blazingheart's shadow. Howlfire cannot claim to know any of them well but know about them at least to discern they were good cats. Certainly, Blazingheart was fond of Magnolia, so they couldn't have been a bad cat in her eyes. As before, Orangestar grants them new names, and they become Magnoliashine, Edmundsong, and Marshound. "Magnoliashine! Edmundsong! Marshound!" Howlfire cheers, welcoming the newly minted warriors. With the warrior ceremonies over, two soon-to-be apprentices are called forward Seal and Fawnkit. Seal becomes Sealpaw and is given over to Hawkspine's care. If her son would look in her direction, Howlfire would nod proudly, pleased for the pairing. Fawnpaw's mentor comes as a surprise, as it is revealed he would be training with Fireflyglow. Howlfire had not expected her brother to take an apprentice at this meeting, so the appointment comes as a shock to her, but she is pleased for him. Since Dawnglare's passing, he had seemed lonely in that den of his. He would have needed an apprentice eventually, to ensure that if anything happened to him SkyClan would be prepared, and she is certain Fawnpaw will be a good fit for him, as they had a good temperament. "Sealpaw! Fawnpaw!" Howlfire yells, cheering one last time for the new apprentices.

Stars, it was awful; Twitchbolt had thought his own promotion had been awkward, met with ill-hidden bafflement. It was cruel, probably, to then thank the Stars that it hadn't been this bad; his face twitched with subtle wincing, and he could not really find a voice to cheer alone among the crowd. Even still, he would attempt to find Sorrelsong's face among the crowd; give her a short nod. No matter how illogical this seemed, there had to be a reason for it...

Sangriaflame was called forward- soon renamed Sangriaflight. Again, Twitchbolt felt his body spark with confusion; she'd hardly spent a moon with that name, and she was being re-dubbed, now? It was none of his business, really- and he tried to wipe the look off his face to give her the cheer she deserved, as a passionate and loyal warrior of SkyClan. "Sangriaflight! Sangriaflight!"

His paws prickled with anticipation tenfold for the next batch, though- it would be difficult to miss, and likely more difficult to be left wondering why. Though he had seen Pollenfur to graduation, he had never trained an apprentice fully; Doompaw, who he remembered often with a keen sting, had left oh-so-close to the deadline. Candorpaw brought him no such dejection. Blazestar and Doeblaze's son, shining bright in the sallow winter sun. From afar, watching the gleam in his green gaze, Twitchbolt hoped the surge of his pride would be felt.

Liongaze, too, stepped into legacy's light- Twitchbolt hoped it didn't weight too heavily on him. Cloudywhisker, long beneath Doeblaze's care- Bloodbird, not long shadowing her, but just as... remarkable, certainly a character among their daylighters. But it was Candorflight who he focused on, most of all- named for his bravery and undoubted enthusiasm. He belonged among the pines, with a name like that- roots wound deep around Twitchbolt's heart. There was no apprentice more worthy of carrying it. "Candorflight! Liongaze! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird!"

A second batch, then- it was a relief to have their ranks so bolstered, and he was glad Florabreeze's daughter had found a place amongst them. "Magnoliashine! Marshound! Edmundsong!"

At the dismissal of Orangestar's word, though, it was Candorflight he found- the blur of his paws toward his apprentice were so hurried it was a wonder he didn't tip forward and take a ridiculous tumble in front of the entire Clan. "It- it suits you, that name. Carry it proudly."

\ seeking out @CANDORPAW afterwards :)
penned by pin ✧

This was it, then. God, he was bricking it. Edmund had kept themself very small in the lead up to the meeting, trying not to catch anyone's eye, really... they'd done everything they were supposed to this morning, sparking luck in his favour to assure that today would go well. Despite his anticipation, that which greatly worried his posture, there was a gleam in a gaze of blue-and-amber that betrayed the slightest gleam of happiness. 'Cause, of course he was... oh, it felt like he really was doing good at last, with these new skills, and his shadower had finally deemed him ready to do it unsupervised- wasn't that nice?

His heart lit with the kindness of it all, truly. To be let into this place, this hearth- to be allowed to help. To do something good, it was all he'd ever really wanted. And they would keep striving for the best thing they could do, for as long as they held this name. Which would hopefully, hopefully, be forever. Everything was chanted out, as it was s'posed to be before.... before it all became real. Not stashed in the darkness of dreams, but here in the daylight.

It was his friend's name he picked out, above all- Bloody Mary, Orangestar called her, the name she'd surely settled on for today. This warrior name, though- this was a permanent thing, wasn't it? It seemed a shame to stop their little ritual every day, of him asking ... although, maybe he'd know the name in her soul before everyone else did, and would look after it until they walked off every night. Bloodbird, it was... er, suitable. Blood, yes- they remembered the taste of it. It reminded him of her, of Bloodbird, all sudden and spitting in his face.

"Candorflight! Liongaze! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird!" His cheer was a little quieter, a little wobblier than the rest, but no less genuine. And then...

They managed to keep their gait graceful, put-together despite it all. Mismatched eyes curved with his smile, honoured for kindness, for persistence. Yeah, they felt like it fit ... felt the soft skipping of their heart, something that lurched and leapt in his throat, thankful. Edmundsong. He'd hum a little song in the back of his throat to remember it, fond, on the way home tonight. Song of his heart, a heart he didn't know could love two places at once, and yet...

The cheer of their companions not long followed from a maw softly grinning. Was this his place, then? Home, the earthy roots of pentacles?
penned by pin ❤
That morning had been different from all the others that Seal usually woke up to. He always woke up with a joyful gleam, but today, it was as though he was radiating. It was finally HIS TIME to be an apprentice of SkyClan! Sure, he would only be there during the days to help out, but the duty of a daylight apprentice was very serious, and Seal was ready to live up to his duty full-heartedly. The poor boy was unaware of the true dangers of clan life, the danger he put his life in by swearing loyalty to the clan, even at the cost of his life. But those words that Florabreeze had rumbled to him had dissipated long ago, and the fear that should be driving him was instead the fuzzy warm feeling of pride.

Having dragged Toast along with him (he wouldn't have let them missed this for the world, and he knew Toast felt the same way), he bounded into camp with the mink by his side, bouncing up and down with a wide, seal-like smile. Purring, he bumped against Toast playfully and bounded over to where Orangestar had called for the meeting. "Come oonnn, Toast! It's startinggg!" The boy refused to miss anything; this was his first meeting, his first real introduction to the clan – and he needed to make a good first impression to his new clanmates. The word 'clanmates' felt so foreign still on his tongue as he mouthed it to himself, but he kept purring at the thought that it was becoming easier to use these clan words.

Sitting next to his brother (though he wasn't exactly 'sitting,' he couldn't keep himself from not moving), he bumped against the other's shoulder and jerked his head over in the direction of the Highbranch with a whisper. "You remember Orangestar, right? She's the one who let us into the clan," he breathed out the words in awe, his eyes seemingly making their own stars as the light reflected into them. "She's gonna give me my name, and then you -!" Seal had squealed out the last part a little too loud and got a few sharp stares, in which he would apologize softly and look back up at the leader in silence before whispering as quietly as possible to Toast. "- at the next meeting...!"

Choosing to look now for Florabreeze, he scanned the crowd with an anxious twitch in his tail, his stomach caught in his throat. The lead warrior's company would be a help, though Toast's pelt pressed up against him did help a little with his nerves. The topics that Orangestar was discussing fell on deaf ears, as the small boy's understanding of the inner workings of the clans was abysmal at best – though due to youthful ignorance. He wished he could whisper a question to the molly to better understand what Orangestar was droning on about, but he just chose to look down and examine his paws.

Someone he had never heard of was promoted (he assumed) to what Florabreeze had introduced herself as, and the boy purred excitedly for the molly despite having never met her. He may not know the upsetting turmoil that was bubbling between clanmates at the announcement, but how could he not be happy for someone who was improving?

Names were exciting. Sangriaflame was renamed to Sangriaflight, and he found himself shocked by the yells of everyone around him. Jumping and bumping his head into Toast's shoulder, he hissed out an apology as he rubbed his head and cheered her name along with the others. "Sangriaflight! Sangriaflight!" Then Candorflight (they could have the same last part to their name?), Liongaze, Cloudywhisker, Bloodbird. He cheered their names, "Candorflight! Liongaze! Cloudywhisker! Bloodbird!" and then the next names, "Magnoliashine! Marshound! Edmundsong!"

Then, his name was spoken by the leader of SkyClan herself, and he felt his fur prickle in awe and excitement as she lay her eyes on him. She saw him, the potential he held to be a real SkyClannie... or was it SkyClanner? Shaking out of his daze, he jumped to his paws with his tail straight up and a joyous grin plastered on his face towards Toast. "Wish me luck, T!" He was aware of Fawnkit going up with him, and he flashed the same smile to the boy as they now stood next to each other to receive their names. How exciting!

"Seal, from now until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Sealpaw. Hawkspine will be your mentor." "Sealpaw..." He breathed his new name effortlessly, turning back around to look at Toast and Florabreeze with great pride. He had done it! He was a REAL SkyClanner! He scanned the crowd for Hawkspine, who showed up to stand directly in front of him. Hesitant to look his new mentor in the eye from sudden nerves, he let out a soft squeal when Fawnkit was made Fawnpaw, and assigned to Fireflyglow. Once again, he didn't know much, but he had heard a lot so far in his small time here about what the tom's role was in the clan. It seemed to be a great honor.

Turning back his gaze to his mentor, he swallowed at looked Hawkspine in the eyes with a lopsided grin. He remembered how at the last meeting, apprentices had to touch noses with their mentors, and the now Sealpaw let out an "oh!" and touched noses with the pale tabby. Dipping his head, he looked back up with a smile so wide it was surprising that it hadn't tore. "Hi, Mr. Hawkspine! Thanks for mentoring me! I'm so excited to be your app-ren-tice!" He chirped, loving the way "apprentice" was formed in his maw. Wow, he really was a real daylight apprentice!
  • ooc: speaking to @toast + @HAWKSPINE + @Fawnpaw~, looking for @Florabreeze <3 (sorry about the length ;-;)
  • 93388937_9Aqani7CzaIwSn1.png
    ✶ sealpaw. daylight apprentice of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    𓆝ㅤafab male, he/him | pansexual
    𓆟ㅤ8 moons old | ages every 00/01/00
    𓆞ㅤmentored by hawkspine | 01.01.2025
    𓆝ㅤsh blue smoke/blue tabby chimera
    𓆟ㅤnpc xx npc | close with toastpaw
    𓆝ㅤwritten by emily, ic opinions | tags
  • Love
Reactions: Florabreeze
It's time.

He feels anticipation thrumming in his bones, coursing throughout his veins and in his paws all the way into his ears. Dark, ginger-splashed limbs carry the apprentice toward the meeting area, azure gaze flicking toward Candorpaw for a moment as he gauges an expression from his brother. Was he just as nervous as he was? They both really hadn't anything to be worried about—they had passed their assessments—but still a pit of nervousness wells within Lionpaw's gut. The idea of the whole of SkyClan ( and StarClan above ) regarding them, judging them, and welcoming them as new warriors... It was a lot to take in, especially for a cat as soft-spoken and reserved as Lionpaw.

Lionpaw had grown a lot, though. Physically, yes—they outgrew Doeblaze in short time and sported a lean yet muscular frame, long since abandoning their kitten fluff. Mentally, however, Lionpaw had changed. Their quiet manner still remained a core aspect of their persona, but Crowsight had instilled a backbone within them. He had claws and teeth that he knew how to use should a situation ever arise; never again would he let himself feel so vulnerable and helpless. The image of wriggling like a pinned mouse under Skyclaw's ivory daggers, staring back into a cruel and malicious gaze and feeling like he was going to get his throat torn out often cycled in Lionpaw's head.

They blinks their baby blue gaze, a breath exhaling from their splotched maw. He was ready.

SkyClan's troubles with ThunderClan was an entirely separate issue for Lionpaw, one that he had internally mulled over and fretted about in recent days. He was to be a warrior, one who would raise his claws for his clan against his neighbors. Against... They wave away the thought of vibrant green eyes to spare themselves heartache. Not now.

A new lead warrior joins Orangestar's council — Sorrelsong. Many cats raise their brows at this decision, including Lionpaw. Sorrelsong seemed nice enough as a clanmate, but there had been gossip about her lately. Cherryblossom had smacked her for making accusations against the leader. Had Orangestar not thought this through or was she trying to accomplish something else...?

No time is wasted as Orangestar jumps right into ceremonies. Sangriaflame is now named Sangriaflight; for what reason, they do not know, but the decision is personal. She—as well as Figfeather—has been through hell and back lately. Lionpaw's heart pangs with a solemn sadness, thinking of Fantastream and Coffeesong and the memories that he shared with the latter as a kit. Hollypaw had always been closer with Sangriaflight and Coffeesong, but they still felt deeply shaken by such a terrible loss. Sangriaflight was a good name, one that would honor her kin too. "Sangriaflight!" Lionpaw offers supportively, albeit more quieter than other cheers.

Then, it is his turn to be called forth. With bated breath the apprentice obeys, chocolate legs moving in turn before he plants himself still, looking up at Orangestar. Briefly, fleetingly, Lionpaw longed for his own father to be facing him instead. Blazestar had named Howlfire but, unfortunately, he could not be here to bestow his own choice of name upon his younger litter. What name would he have given him and Candorpaw?

Liongaze. Oh, that's... That's him. He can't even explain why at the moment, but it feels right. The chocolate torbie point beams as Orangestar praises him for his courage and determination. This... was all he had ever wanted. His efforts had paid off in full, with the whole clan seeing him not as the cowardly youth he used to be but as a competent and fierce young warrior. Liongaze hopes that Doeblaze is proud. They hope Blazestar is, too.

Candorpaw is now Candorflight, and Cloudypaw also receives his warrior name: Cloudywhisker. Bloody Mary, a rather unsettling new clanmate who had joined SkyClan as a Daylight Warrior, now has a slightly more pleasant name. Liongaze grins cheesily, uncontrollably, at the realization that their lives are beginning anew with these new titles. His heart beats quickly, heat radiating from his cheeks as SkyClan chants his name and that of the other new warriors.

The chocolate torbie point rejoined the crowd, still descending from the rush of excitement as he digested the next pawful of warrior name ceremonies. "Marshound! Edmundsong! Magnoliashine!" Liongaze mews with a smile, perhaps the most elated he's been in a long while. A new apprentice, Sealpaw, is assigned to his kin to mentor. Before they knew it, they would be receiving their own apprentice.

Surprisingly, Fawnkit is apprenticed to none other than his older brother. Fireflyglow had never had a trainee before; it was easy to forget that he was expected to train a new set of paws and ensure that future generations would have a competent medicine cat. Fawnpaw would be in good hands under Fireflyglow, Liongaze thinks, before proceeding with the last of the day's chants, "Sealpaw! Fawnpaw!"

  • ooc: text
  • 92534100_6f2PPGqaBU8hqlw.png
    ✶ liongaze. warrior of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤafab trans male, he/they | pansexual, crushing on squirrelsong
    ㅤ13 moons old | ages every 9th
    ㅤwarrior | mentored by crowsight | mentoring n/a
    ㅤlh chocolate torbie point ragdoll-mix with blue eyes, scar across face
    blazestar† x doeblaze | littermate to candor??? & holly???
    ㅤwritten by beatles, ic opinions | tags
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
andorpaw has been ready for this day since kithood.

Of course... readiness could imply a great many things. Had young Candorkit, his eyes still a storming blue, tail little more than a pale, spine strand, been capable of slaying great beasts? Certainly not! No winged thing's cry would have startled him, sure... but that would not be bravery that set him apart from the rest. Merely a lack of eyes and ears... Bravery is made not from the end result: steel-plated and strong— but from what one risks in doing so, of course.

And truly, he stands before his Leader today with the same potential he held then. What lifted him high had been keen cultivation, sunlight in the stars both above and below; goading by gentle paws, pale-mitted, and otherwise... But what he was bound for has always roiled in his blood.

Yes, he still had further heights to climb... he was certain. The point of tallpine awaited him still, despite the climber he's become. Though he's been nothing but dutiful in honing the claws Twitchbolt has given him, only a proper battle would wear them down, and only a proper battle would reveal what cracks would then need to be filled. A hero's journey did not end with warriorhood. The heights his father had reached had been far, far beyond.

But not once, has he faltered. Not once has he considered a future where upon this dawn, he would claim to be anything but worthy. Since he could form his first thought, since he could say his first word, that mantra has played in his head: I do, I do, I do.

He stands shoulder to shoulder with his kin. Potential teems, overwhelming in them both. It's in the thickness of their coats, in the points of their faces. In their tabby stripes and vibrant eyes, reflecting mother's green and father's blue. His brother spares him a glance, and Candorpaw returns it with quirking lips, a winning smile. This posture of his is kept perfectly straight. It would remain as such, no matter what preceded them.

A new addition to Orangestar's council, then! Candorpaw perks. " Sorrel.... song? " It was not atypical for his voice to rise above others. In fact, he prides himself on it, but it isn't often that he is so well and truly... alone. Not at clan meetings, anyhow. The call is paltry, even for his standards, the silence thick enough to quell even him before his cheer even reaches completion. Candorpaw searches for an answer in his brother's gaze. In the end, he finds none.

Surely Sangriaflight...? Yes! The cheers come, somewhat stuttered, but Candorpaw is willing to make up for the lot of them. " Sangriaflight! " Not one, but two names for a dear friend. Candorpaw does not quite understand, but cheers regardless.

Not a moment too soon, does their time come. Candorpaw readjusts himself a new. he does not know what his brother is feeling... only knows that they did not beam the way he did, even when they ought to. In the heartbeat before their step forward, Candorpaw flicks his tail against Lionpaw's flank, hoping that he would find comfort, reassurance, comradery— whatever he so needed, in the gesture.

And oh, he has the honor. The both of them do. Little more than a word. Emotion wells suddenly into his voice. " I do. "

Candorflight, the name goads a honeyed purr from him— brings back the kitten-fluff and milk scent of his youth. He had worn it proudly then, and nothing would make that any different today. His brother grins giddily at his side.. Candorflight deems it a good look for him, indeed. " Magnoliashine! Marshound! Edmundsong! Sealpaw! " And— oh! Candorflight gapes, pleasantly surprised. " Fawnpaw! " Yes, all was as it should be... SkyClan's ranks continue to swell. He's certain that Blazestar is pleased, where he watches.

Like that, the meeting is dismissed. Candorflight makes no move just yet. His pelt is abuzz. A well-practiced grin has stretched far beyond its usual bounds, leaving his eyes tight upon his face. Twitchbolt finds him like this, paws planted and fur aglow. his blink is slow, kind. A chin lifted to the sun cranes down to see his mentor. His former mentor. " I will, " it's a promise. And why would he do anything but? " Certainly, I will. " He can only hope that someday, Fluffypaw will have a name to carry high with her as well.

Last edited:
It's like an ocean in her ears, the thrum of her own blood. Being patient was no fun, but its done her some good for once. She's behaved, minded herself, yeah... Kept her nose busy with preyblood and fawn flanks. She's been lookin' forward to prize day for a full moon now, maybe more... Made promises to both herself n' others of just what she would do when she got there. It's fully in reach now. She can spot the wish bone lodged in their Star's chest, and Bloody Mary's a real saint, not lunging forward to seize it. A good dog bides her time, though. Yeah, soon enough she'd be her Star, too...

She's grinning bigger than big, nearly shatters her eyes, she thinks, trying to make room for all the teeth. She was listening, honest. Wasn't her fault she could hardly hear. There's roaring, roaring, roaring... her.

On this day, a wolf cries Bloodbird, and howl back she did, parting dog jaws and letting brown blood spill proper, no longer hidden past her teeth. Bloodbird's like the rest of them now, with their funny, two-folded names. And like them too, she whoops and hollers, lets joy erupt in hound cackles and eyes primed by miosis. She knows she smiles differently than the others do— not chained to the same somethings... purpose, er... destiny. She likes the mouthfeel, though. It's warm and gooey enough to slip past the cracks of her misaligned mouth, lending spit to anyone in desperate need of a soaking. She likes to further encircle herself in the sheepskin, too. She'd like to peel back their own fake coats; figure out what it was that made their grins so different. Or maybe the faux-leathers of Bloodbird just like to bite and tear. She can't really say!

She'd like to cheer for the others too... Really would— Though, no that's a lie. Truth is, what you called any maggot didn't matter; they could only writhe around for so long... She was no different, just happened to have a maggots-greed too. Bloodbird's made for this, the thing's pretty sure. N' thinking so was about the same as saying she was made for nothin'. But she has no qualms with that... No, she's just peachy.