no angst just some fun | piles of nettles




Pushing and shoving, shifting against the ground. She's been working on this for a little bit now after going on a solo patrol. There is too much doom and gloom. She wants something fun to do and despite her severe expression and sharp gaze the woman enjoys some time off. Most times she is thinking about the colony, or rather, clan first and so she has been shifting pine nettles into big various piles everywhere outside of camp. Her eyes glimmer with a showing of playfulness as she looks at her latest pile and then she moves back before crouching. Her tail sways, whipping back and forth before the feline races forward. Paws thud against ground before she makes a sharp turn around a pile.

A tree becomes her launching point as she jumps and rebounds off the trunk of a tree. "Woo!" She hits the pile of nettles and disappears in them. They to spiralling into the air, quickly falling and she chuckles softly to herself, she also hopes the apprentices and kits come to join her.
"Seven outta' ten!" he loudly declares, smilin' lopsided as he watches Bonejaw do somethin' but brood for once. Her forms'a bit sloppy, weight shifted in all the wrong places, terrible posture, far too quiet, but he gives her some bonus points for enjoyin' herself, approximately seven 'f em! Spry as he was, he could easily beat her score, but he refrains, jus' to keep his spirits up. Better to call to the little ones, who surely could only be worse. "Whatsa' good tree-hop without a good war-cry? Should see who has the best one!" he declares, looking expectantly at any Shadowclanners milling nearby.

I've no time for confession
Bonejaw having fun? What kind of weird fake Shadowclan did he wake up in this morning? Though his paw is all healed up by now, Wolverinefang would much rather go sleeping in the pine straw than toying with it. Good thing too, his thick form would probably make a tidal wave of straw. It's like a super nest and he fully intends to make the most of it once everyone else has finished- unless it's too mess of course. Then that's just more work. "Why don't you go for it too, old timer? I'll carry out if you sprain something." It'd be hilarious for him, considering the elder looks like sticks with a fur casing in his opinion and Bone a close second with her weed stem legs. Maybe everyone just seems tiny when you're a beefy, oversized skunk cat. He tries to prod Barkbreath, smiling from spiky ear to ear on a low chuckle, then turns his attention back to Bonejaw's lump in the natural hay. Wolve's face feels a bit red under his lengthy pelt, having seen her all smiley, so he's glad he can't see her now.
✦ ★ ✦
Fogpaw's ear lilts to the sound of Barkbreath's call and so the apprentice silently pads over to see what the noise is about. That's when he catches sight of Bonejaw leaping into a sizeable pile of brown stringy leaves and he'd laugh if he could, his lips mimicking such an expression but it's devoid of noise. His forced quiet seems to have leaked into his general demeanor but the truth is that he is still a kid at heart. Seeing his mom relaxed for once seem a big relaxed in her actions, he feels encouraged to do something that he might feel childish for usually. Fogpaw scales a falling log off to the side and tightropes up a still unbroken elevated limb to use as a diving board. He springs up, falling into the leaves and hopefully not landing on his mom in the process as the nettles swallow him up too. Afraid someone might squish him, he swims out with haste and a lot of the leaves come for a ride in his fur.