camp just the same | intro


Oct 4, 2023

This thing, this thing beneath his paws is squishy. It's malleable and he has been pressing on it for a while now. Just behind the nursery where he looks out towards the water and he can see small tiny fish swimming all around. But with no skills to be able to catch them he just watches them. Odd eyes staring them down without any emotion attached to them. The thing beneath his paws is also slimy and for a wonder his innocent mind wonders at what it might taste like. Probably bad. Slimy things never seem to taste nice or look appealing for that matter. "......." Lifting a paw he looks at the slug then, eyes searching over the worm like creature. A beat passes and then it moves. Wiggles very slowly but it moves and it is alive. Alive. He understands alive, understands death too. Death is lingering around Riverclan a lot. All the coughing seems to do it. It's bad. He knows that from the queens in the nursery. The coughing is bad and he shouldn't get near it. But it makes him sad. A small frown pulls at his muzzle as he watches the slug slowly start to leave from his grasp. No point holding on to it and yet he gets anxious of it leaving. So he clutches it back towards him.

"Don't...don't go in there. You'll catch the...the cough too." His voice is slow to come forth from vocal chords before he looks away and to the nursery again. He doesn't want his brother to catch the cough either. He doesn't. But he can't keep him always beside him. He wishes that he could though. He really does. His paws press against the slug again as he breaths in tiredly trying his best to understand the situation. The river is home. He doesn't want to leave it but it's making them sick. Sick is bad. So why don't they go? Eyes of chocolate and murky waters squeeze shut as he shakes his head. Maybe he needs a nap. Those are always good.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw had been walking about camp and the sound of someone's voice behind the nursery, she stops in her track before deciding to see who it was remembering when her fathers had brought them to the swallow pools to dip their paws in. Her bicolored gaze landing onto the small form of Bristlekit who seemed to be holding onto a slug and was telling it not to go somewhere so it wouldn't catch the sickness that hung in the air, her ear flicks in amusement and thinks its endearing that the little tomcat didn't want the slimey insect to get sick but she doubts its possible. "I don't think it'll catch the cough," Beepaw finally offers with a slow nod to the slug that Bristlekit was holding onto so tightly and tilted her head to the side, she smiles at the kitten. The small insect reminding her of the worms Iciclefang had put in a pool for her and her littermates to fish out, it makes her wonder if the warrior is doing well on the journey.

"Soon... It'll all be over. Once the journey cats return home with the herb, it'll be fine. We just need to have faith in Starclan," The kingsblood adds on with a curt nod of her head and sits down curling her bottlebrush tail around her mismatched paws, she knew that they would return soon enough to them and hopefully help drive off these pesky rogues that kept stealing from them as well. It seemed like Starclan simply continued giving them more and more hurdles to leap over, a test and Beepaw would try her best to adapt.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus

"Why did StarClan let so many cats get the cough?" The young voice suddenly pipes up. Nettlekit had heard his brother's voice behind the nursury, had silently padded out and around, seeking Bristlekit out. Now, the scent was stronger, the vocals were louder, and he could tell that Beepaw was present, too. Having heard the tail-end of the short conversation, Nettlekit simply stares at them with sightless, frost-green eyes, listening expectantly. The way he understood it, StarClan offered blessings in many forms. Nine lives. Omens and dreams. They were the ones that had sent so many out on the journey to find some sort of cure... so that must mean that StarClan had started the plague in the first place.

"Is it because of WindClan?" Nettlekit adds curiously. He has heard a great many stories about their vicious neighbors. A curse, sent to punish the warring group, but it effects the entire forest as well. A message, perhaps. Tracking his brother by scent, Nettlekit quietly pads his way to Bristlekit's side, taking a seat close enough for their fur to brush. "Maybe if we chase WindClan out of the forest, StarClan will stop sending curses." Nettlekit considers aloud.

  • ooc : — ​

  • download20230902223302.png

    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to bristlekit

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ lynx mink with low white & green eyes

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted


"If Windclan was the source to every problem I'm sure all of the clans would have turned against them already. I do wish that was the case however." Petalnose informed with a grumble, shifting her gaze upon the slug moving along it's journey, "It's quite lucky, I don't think those things get sick." It was unfortunate- to be a creature to fall ill from an unseen threat. She never had found herself being envious of an insect. Petalnose also found herself not answering Nettlekit's first question, drifting into her own thoughts. It was the same question she would ask among many questions that could spark hostility with Starclan. She knew she would challenge them, especially with her new found forming opinion of the ghostly clan of cats.

It was upsetting to see the youth confused and hurt over the situation. It was an awful time to raise their generation. The lead warrior knew if she was bearing kits she'd be more worried than she would be in the first place. It was a time of loss and a time of mourn. Her head gently cocked to the side towards Bristlekit, watching his distressed expression. An odd kit he seemed but she noted the protective nature he possesed, "Beekit is correct. I'm sure it'll pass just like the seasons do." It was the only sort of comfort she could bring, however, she didn't have any answers or knowledge except for knowing that just about anything will come and go. Such was life.

Aspenhaze spots their mate conversing with some of their younger clanmates, and goes over to her side. Seems they’re discussing Yellowcough, and one of the kits thinking that StarClan can genuinely direct how the future will go. They might not know exactly how things work with those in the sky, but they highly doubt they can do that much. Their lives would be much easier if so…at least they hope. “We would all be much better off without WindClan, but as loathed as I am to say it, they were important for our foundation. And, maybe one day they’ll learn to revolt against their terrible leader, hmm?” They could be something great if they just finished off Sootstar. Not all in their ranks had to agree with her, surely? Just keeping their head down until she’s kaput.

“I believe that this will come to pass, as well. I know it’s hard to imagine when it’s been so prevalent for most of your life so far, but we will make it through this.” Aspenhaze has more faith than Petalnose does, but they would be a fool to not admit that there’s no certainty. Even so, they made it out alive, and so did a good amount of cats. They still mourn for those who lost the fight, but at least there is still a winning chance. Life goes on no matter what, after all. “Let’s all hope that StarClan continues to guide those in the mountains, as well as those who are sick. They might not be able to heal them, but rest assured they’re keeping an eye on them.”

Up until now, Dipperpaw had been merely listening. She pretends to be asleep nearby, head rested on her paws and eyes only slightly open. She watches the camp through blurry vision. Most interesting is the conversation happening nearby. At first, she does not understand who or what Bristlekit is talking to, but then Beepaw interjects and her words made it more clear. Whatever it was was not a cat otherwise why would her fellow apprentice refer to them in such a flippant manner? The conversation is boring to her, the journey cats would either return or they wouldn't. There was no use in getting your hopes up over such a thing.

Nettlekit asks if it is because of WindClan and oh how Dipperpaw wishes it could be that easy. They had not wronged her personally but they have caused a great deal of trouble for her clan and she has to admit things would be so much easier if they simply were no longer around. If only they could pin all of their problems on the moor-dwellers. They could be rid of them for good. But Petalnose is right. It was not so simple.

It is Aspenhaze's words that finally stir her. She looks up "You can see the future?" she asks, her tone flat as it always was. Why say something with so much certainty if they could not? Dipperpaw would never understand.

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

“I wish I could see the future, but alas. I know I could end up being wrong…but why would StarClan send off healthy cats if it were hopeless? And StarClan is, of course, real. I saw the formation with my own two eyes, right before we became the RiverClan that you know now.” That’s a day that Aspenhaze could never forget, even if they wanted to. Not that they’re doubting that Dipperpaw has faith in them. It just wouldn’t make any logical sense for them to send warriors they could use here unless it were a suicide mission. And even then, they surely can’t be that cruel when RiverClan has not personally wronged them. “StarClan can see the future, and they gave us guidance for a reason, so I will keep my wits about me. You should, too.”

“I’m more worried about the rogues, anyhow. They must think that we can handle this on our own, but even I’m starting to doubt that…”
They haven’t been lucid to see all the destruction they’ve left in their wake, but they can feel the effects. Prey continues to run dry, and even the coolness of the river isn’t safe from those fiends. If Aspenhaze weren’t still trying to keep it slow while they make their return to their duties, they’d go out there and massacre as many as they could themself. “As long as we don’t have to rely on WindClan or ThunderClan,” they hiss, “I’m sure if push comes to shove, we can rely on the other two to help us.” At least they hope so. SkyClan especially owes them, and Blazestar can be a total pushover…when it doesn’t come to his kits, that is.

Beepaw assures him that the slug will not get the cough and with that he appears the relax a little. Just a bit. He is glad that his small friend will not be able to get the cough. Simply cause he doesn't want them to die. Though he is unsure of the passing of the cough. To him it has been around for much too long and he feels like it should be gone by now. Maybe even lessening but it seems to be getting worse and worse and worse. It makes him tired. Still his gaze slowly blinks as his brother comes up and start to talk about Starclan and Windclan. Neither of which he knows too well save for what he hears from the older cats. Windclan isn't nice and neither is Thunderclan. Starclan is supposed to be nice though. "I want...I think..." His words pause as he tries to formulate his words. Frustration pulling at the corners of his muzzle before he almost looks exasperated.

Then he curls his paw against the slug as he works through everyone's thoughts and feelings. "I believe Beepaw. I's going to be..good. Things will be..." Fine. Yeah, things will be fine but it still makes him anxious. A frown pulls at his muzzle for a moment as he tries his best to think. Define how he feels beyond just a couple of lackadaisical words. "The rogues.....the rogues are trouble. Mhm. We should...worry a lot about..about them. Too. Hopefully....our cats come home...soon."

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior