  • CROWSIGHT; formerly crowkit, crowpaw
    meaning: crow ( krō ) n. / a large bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice. | named for the color of his pelt and loud cries
    sight given by orangestar to reflect his traits such as diligence, order, and perception
    opinion on name: absolutely loves it and thinks it's super cool. wishes he could've hugged orangestar as thanks
    nickname: crowie (drowsypaw), darling (oddgleam), i'amour de ma vie (oddgleam)
    gender: amab cisgender male ; goes by he/him pronouns, they/them is okay
    orientation: unlabeled
    rank: warrior of skyclan / former skyclan apprentice
    affiliation: born and raised in skyclan ; kittypet descent ; wants to spar with other warriors as equals now
    age created on 06.10.2023 at 3 moons / ages realistically every what date on each month / 14 moons

    last updated: 08.12.2024 penned by velou
    finally a warrior, he's a far cry from the puffball kitten others once knew. due to his maine coon genes he is bigger than the average cat, easily towering over a majority of his clanmates. due to silversmoke's training his frame has become bulky. wild and ever unkempt his fluffy thick fur is. the fur around his neck bears an uncanny resemblance to a lion's mane. A small scar across the left side of his lip, exposing a sliver of glimmering pearly whites is the only blemish to his sharp features. two crow feathers are lined on the left side of his neck at all times. Hooded hazel eyes gaze unblinking towards friend and foe alike, seeking information.
    ↳ 1/2 maine coon, carrying cinnamon and albino

    demeanor: his face always appears neutral when at rest, there is no hint of emotion. it may be unnerving to others since it is difficult to discern what he truly feels at any given moment, and it does crowsight no favors that he fails to blink often. as for the way he carries himself, everything is precise. no additional steps are taken to get somewhere if he can help it. unnervingly robotic he is in the eyes of others.

    MANNERISMS: keeps and maintains prolonged eye contact with those he is speaking with or those he is intrigued by. if he blinks in long and slow intervals, then he is content. it may appear eerie to others, but he is quite happy with whomever he is speaking with. if he suddenly blinks in rapid intervals he is dumbfounded about what was said or done. when whiskers twitch, crowsight is annoyed. if his whiskers and a nose twitches then the apprentice is enraged.

    accessories: crow feathers (gifted by cherryblossom)
    AESTHETICS: text text text PINTEREST.
    ( + ) imaginative, perceptive, driven, clever, tidy
    ( / ) frank, quiet, sarcastic, gloomy, guarded
    ( - ) greedy, unforgiving, deceitful, boorish, moody

    long description here, when i get to it sweats

  • strength ●●●●●●●●○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●○○○○
    hunting ●●●●○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○
    ── OPEN TO FRIENDSHIPS & POTENTIAL CRUSHES (one-sided, unrequited)

    • moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust ; once trust is earned he oozes devotion
    + skilled in climbing, fighting, tracking
    - poor in swimming, hunting, social situations
    may powerplay minor harm ; peaceful/healing powerplay allowed
    — speech in #000 ; thoughts ; attacks or in underline

    will start/end fights ; won't flee ; might show mercy (depends on the circumstances)
    smells like caramel frappe, nutmeg, and pine needles
    sounds: monotone, sarcastic when he feels comfortable with another || hajime hinata (danganronpa)

    scars/injuries: a small scar on his left lip

    — raised by bobbie and silversmoke
    — sibling to drowsynose, lupinesong, candorkit, hollykit, lionkit
    — mentoring none
    — mentored by silversmoke
    — Mate to none | Parent to none

    close friends with: fireflypaw
    notable friends: fireflypaw, owlheart, oddgleam
    likes: silversmoke, orangestar, twitchbolt, drowsynose, dawnglare, otterbite
    dislikes: slate, bobbie, candorkit, snakehiss
    notable enemies: lupinesong
    despises: duke, lupinesong, hollykit, lionkit
  • CROW FEATHERS two crow feathers he received from cherryblossom during their apprenticeship ; lined on the left side of his neck
  • ► MY TIME - bo en
    I'D RATHER SLEEP - kero kero bonito
    HEY KIDS - molina
    GOODBYE TO A WORLD - porter robinson
    LOVER IS A DAY - cuco
    HOMAGE - mild high club
    THE FAMILY JEWELS - marina and the diamonds
    AAAAAAAAA - hatsune miku
    KIMI WA DEKINAI KO - kikuo
    I LOVE YOU SO - the walters
    CRADLES - sub urban
    PALE MACHINE - bo en
    EVERY DAY - bo en
    LITTLE DARK AGE - mgmt
    GHOST - lovewave
    EXIT - koda
    I WAIT FOR YOU - alex g
    CRUMB - locket
    JPN - amend
    PURE IMAGINATION - maroon 5
    HYSTERIA - machine girl
  • faceclaims: sunny [ omori ], rwanda [ from the red fog ], yoru [ gokurakugai ], murai yakumo [ blue period ], araya myojin [ act-age ], miya chinen [ sk8 the infinity ], nico di angelo [ percy jackson ], luca balsa [ identity v ], ivan [ alien stage ], hajime hinata [ danganronpa ]

    triva: horrendous at hunting any prey that isn't avian. crow love and appreciation of birds is unmatched as he spends his free time bird watching and picking up each birds habits and preferences. he collects anything shiny along with feathers. though, maybe he should consider whether or not to keep collecting more as his nest is littered with feathers and trinkets alike. throwing anything out? that is a tall order for crow, not wanting to part ways with even a pitiful feather that begs to be put out of its misery. ever the greedy tom he loathes sharing, but when it comes to his partners it's more manageable.
    → crowsight believes in starclan's existence considering he's seen blazestar die and return to life numerous times growing up.
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  • will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here.
  • — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
  • — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
  • N/A
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

  • BOBBIE /
    I don't hate you. I hate that I still love you after everything you've done. Lupinepaw says I don't. I never loved you, that's what she said. I wish that were true, it would've everything so much easier. Sometimes I wish you would just say you hated me mom. That you wished I was never born. Maybe if you told me that I would've stopped waiting for you a long time ago. Hoping and wishing you'd come up to me and say I love you. I'm happy you were born. I wonder if I asked you, would you say it? Even if it was a lie? After all, you always loved Lupine and Drowsy more. And even if I was your only kit, you'd still pick him over me in the end wouldn't you? Please, just tell me. What's wrong with me? Do I remind you too much of dad? Is that why you never look at me? You stopped being there for me. I hate you for it. All I wanted was you. ALL I HAD WAS YOU! I'M! I'm... I'm so tired mom. Please... just tell me you never cared, so I can stop hoping for something that'll never come true. We both know I don't matter much. It should be easy! It's as simple as picking ticks. Once you've picked it, you'll feel so relieved. We'll both feel so much better. And what better time than now? After all, you have three new kits to look after now! A fresh new start. It's the perfect time to get rid of what you don't need. It's not like you'll miss it. I'm willing to bet you'll forget it ever existed in a moon!
    DUKE /
    You're still a mystery to me. The only things I know are from mom, and even then she doesn't tell me everything. We never met, but I know you're a terrible tom. You left mom when she needed you. I wish I could see you, so I can finally know if I look like you. Would you laugh if you saw me? After all, isn't it amusing to see your son turn out just as ugly as you? What lies would you tell me? If I'm selfish then so are you. Maybe even more than me. I wish I could kill you for everything you've done. But... Maybe you do know what's wrong with me. If I'm just like you, then maybe you know what's wrong with us. Will I finally get an answer to everything?
    Sometimes I think you're the only who actually cares about me. Well, I know Fireflypaw and Silversmoke does. But, I mean out of the four of us. You, me, Lupine, and Mom. Growing up, you never left me behind. You always listened and talked to me. And even when you were asleep, I never felt alone. I'd leave you gifts and you would come thank me. Mom and Lupine don't thank me. Would it make you sad to know you're the only one whose actually hugged me? Mom and Lupine haven't hugged me in moons. I'm starting to forget when was the last time they did. Something happened to you. I'm going to figure out who hurt you and make them pay for it. No one hurts my brother and gets away with it. Did you know? I was going to cry when you hugged me tight. You... Thought I died. I don't know why, but it made me so happy. Now I know if I did die, you'll cry for me. You'll miss me. More than mom and Lupine ever will. I'm happy we're brothers. And... If anything happened and I did wind up dead, I'll be watching over you. You'll never be alone.
    There are times where I want to choke you and see you squirm helplessly under me. Then, I think about the past when I wanted to show you that I'm just as good as you. Growing up you always perfect. A shining star out of the three of us. Drowsy agreed too. We talked about you and how we wished we were just as gifted. I'm weird and terrible with talking to others. I knew I could never catch up, so I thought maybe if I became stronger I could prove that I'm your equal. Life isn't that simple though. Not only did you become popular, don't think I don't see you surrounded by the other apprentices and hear them say good things about you, but you took away my first friend. You didn't even care. Couldn't you just let me have one thing? You already have so much, why'd you have to take it? Then, you have the gall to look at me in my face and say everything is my fault. My fault that I don't have what I want. When isn't it? Tell me, when is it never Crowpaw's fault. It's always me. Don't you think I get I'm a mistake? At least I can admit that, but you? Nothing is ever your fault. Whenever you cry there's always someone coming to comfort you. How is that fair? No one gives me a hug or tells me it's okay when I make a mistake! I'm sick of it. I'm going to beat you just watch. I'll be strong enough that you won't take away anymore from me. And the next time you come crying to me for help, you're not getting any.
    I'm supposed to be your big brother, but I don't like you. The more I look at you and the others. the more I wish I could throw you off the tallest tree and hope you get hurt. That makes me a bad cat, doesn't it? You haven't done anything wrong to me yet. To be honest I'm not happy you were born. I'm still furious mom didn't even bother to tell us she was going to mates with your father. Anyway, I don't want to near you at all. The only thing I can promise is making sure you don't do something stupid and die. Don't expect anything else from me.
    I have no interest in being close to you either. I'd prefer it if you just called me Crowpaw and nothing else. I refuse to answer to big brother. Like Candorkit and Lionkit, I'll make sure you don't die. Mom would be sad if her precious babies got hurt after all. You look a little more like mom that I don't know if that makes it worse for you or better. Oh well, it's not like I'll stick around long enough to figure out how I feel. Enjoy mom while you can.
    I refuse to look at you the most. You're too much like Blazestar that I don't even want to begin to think about him. It's too disturbing too look at you and be enraged when all I can see is your dad's ghost watching me with disappointment. Maybe that makes it worse? Knowing that he's there judging me, but I shouldn't feel like it's wrong to want nothing to do with you. After all, your father hurt Fireflypaw. Our parents, hurt us. They didn't care to ask what we would feel. So... I shouldn't be punished for not being happy about any of you being born.
    We aren't related by blood, but sometimes I wish I was. You told me you'd make an awful father and that you didn't know how when I asked you to be mine. I still don't know why you said yes. I'm happy you did though. We both have terrible dads. Actually, that's wrong! I have a great dad. He can be stubborn and gruff and mean and drive me insane sometimes, but he's also awkward. Kind, apologizes when he does something wrong, supportive, pushes me when he knows I can be so much better, drags me to get help when I'm too stubborn, tells me the truth, and has always been there for me. Even at my worst. I'm not the greatest cat out there I know. I'm moody, stubborn, selfish, and say things that hurt others. But you never gave up on me. I hope I can make it up to you someday. I'll be a warrior soon and it won't be the same between us. That scares me. I don't want you to forget about me dad. But I'm excited too. When I'm a warrior I'll get to do more things and you won't have to protect me as much! When I'm a warrior I can protect you too! I want to make you proud not only to have an apprentice like me, but a son too. I know you see me that way. You're not good at hiding it. No matter what happens you'll always be my dad. Nothing will ever change that. I hope I can be a little but cooler than you someday, so get ready! I'll be asking for so many spars you'll be sick of it! Oh and... I love you dad, thank you for everything.
    SLATE /
    I used to hate you more when I was younger and that was because you became Cherrypaw's mentor. She wanted Figfeather to be her mentor, but Blazestar thought you'd would be better for her. Maybe I'd loathe you now if she and I were still friends. Don't get me wrong I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. If I had to pick between you or throwing myself in the river I'd take the river any day. Honestly, I think you're a jerk. A lot of the times what you say is so stupid I don't get how you're a lead warrior sometimes. I'm just glad that Orangestar didn't make you deputy. Although if there's something good about you it's how flustered you get when she's around. That's a nice look on you. Not so high and mighty now, huh? I don't care much about you. I mean sure I have to listen to you and not get on your bad side, but I don't respect you. If I was forced to say what I respect when it comes to you, it's how silly you can be. Not sorry, dad's the best fighter in Skyclan not you. It wouldn't be fair of his son to say another tom is better than him, right? I'm sure you'd understand.
    Growing up I always admired and liked you. We're sort of the same and it felt like we were both underdogs? Oddpaw taught me that word. Anyway, I wished you were my mentor when I was a kit. It didn't happen of course, but you were my target. The fact that Orangestar made you deputy made me happy because it meant even those who are called weird can be deputies. We don't talk much. Sometimes I wish we could talk more, but I don't know what to talk about. I'll be a warrior soon, so I'm hoping we'll get some chances to hangout! You've really inspired me growing up and even though my path is different now, I just want you to know how much your presence reassures me. I respect you lots and if you ever need me to do something, I'll do it!
    Cherry's pretty mom! Sorry, I had to get that out one more time. I dunno. It's kind of weird. Not you! You're not weird. I mean it's weird how things change and still stay the same. You're not really my mom and I know that, but you were there. I remember when Bobbie went out for a break you took care of me like your own. Maybe it was just part of the job of being a queen, but you didn't have to be nice to me. You could've just made sure I didn't die or something. I know I was one of the worst kits. Throwing tantrums, crying myself to sleep, or screeching until my voice became hoarse. I've always thought you were cool and nice. Growing up, I haven't spoken to you much. It's even harder now that you're leader, but I'm not upset. Even though I'm not your kit, I was shocked to hear you talk about me. NOTHING BAD THOUGH! Just saying how I've improved and how time changes things. It probably didn't mean much to you, but it makes me happy to know you're still looking after me in a way. Although... Not gonna lie I'm a bit scared of how you feel about now. Now that I'm dating Owlheart. I hope you're not mad at me and if you are then I hope not too mad. I promise one thing Orangestar. I'll do my best for Owlheart and try not to hurt her. And if you want to test me then I accept. I'll prove myself worthy of her.
    What happened to us? We used to be best friends. Did I do something wrong? I know I do a lot of things wrong, but you usually tell me. You haven't told me anything. I'm angry at you. When I was sick you didn't visit me. You talked to Lupinepaw a lot. I was there too y'know? And then you left. Is that where it all went wrong? When you left? And then when you came back, I couldn't see my best friend anymore. When we did talk, it was like you didn't want to even look at me. You were always running off. I'm starting to wonder if we were really friends. I don't remember a time where you actually listened to my problems. I was always following you. You were everything to me. And then... It meant nothing. Do you even remember me? The fun times we had? The way we used to laugh together? Or were you faking it all along? I can't tell anymore and maybe I really am stupid. I want to believe that I meant something. That at one point in your life you liked me. Cared about me. I still have the feathers you gave me. I still wear them. When you started to talk to me less I still wore them. After you left I still wore them. And when you came back I still wore them. Even though we aren't friends anymore, I still wear them. You don't react to them. I guess I was forgotten? I'm hoping you'll give me an answer someday, so I can finally stop holding on for something that's over. I'm frustrated, sad, and honestly I... I'm grateful for everything you taught me. Cherry, you were my first friend. I miss you.
    I'm one of her partners. She's beautiful. If I could I would ditch patrols and other duties just to hold her forever. I'd love that. I love her. I see the way she holds our sun so gently and all I want to do is watch until the moon rises. I'm not jealous. Why would I be when I know that my heart belongs to them? They both love me and I love them, seeing Oddpaw burry his little nose in her fur does something to me. I don't know what it is. Just watching them makes me excited? I want to jump on them for some reason? I dunno know, it's weird. I... I want to jump on them. Hold both of them down, not enough to hurt them. Stars, that's the last thing I want. I don't want to accidentally hurt her or him. Surprise them and kiss them both forever. When... When Owlheart speaks I could listen to her all day and night. Her voice is like listening to the river, it lulls you to sleep and makes you feel safe. I always want to be with her. Protect her, help her when she asks, and finally get better at hunting so I can bring her favorite meal. We aren't sleeping in the same nest for a moon. It's so fucking difficult not to grab her when our nests are so close. I want her. I want her so much. The selfish part of me wants to run away with her and take Oddpaw with us. That way we can all be together the way we want to. We don't have to work all the time. We could spend all day kissing and cuddling. I'm a light sleeper so I'll stay up watching both of them and fighting off anything that tries to hurt us. I know it's wrong and I wouldn't actually do that to her or him. Owlheart. I think that's a fitting name. You're so unsure of yourself and shy, you think you're weak. I don't think so. I think you're kind and the one of the strongest cats I know. More than me, I hope you'd realize that someday. Owlheart, is a wonderful name. I know your mom probably meant you're compassionate and kind, which is okay. There is nothing wrong with that. I think it's fitting because you have mine and Oddpaw's too. Never forget that.
    ODDPAW /
    Maybe I should call him mouse with how cute their squeaks are. I still can't believe they bit me. Got 'em back though! Watch this turn into a biting war, not that I mind. I love them. I love Oddpaw and I'm one of his partners. Sometimes I can't believe it. It feels like only a few sunrises ago when I was asked to be friends. I couldn't say no, not with a smile like that and how honest he is. I knew right and there I liked him. Not the way I do now, but I promised myself even back then I would look out for them. We'll be best friends till the end. It's different now though. I'm happy he gave me, no us, both Owlheart and I a chance. Oddpaw trusted us. My sun, always making us laugh and look forward to another day. Even in the toughest times, our sun shares their light. That's not entirely why I love you. It could never be just that. You're more than a cat who makes us laugh and smile. Oddpaw you don't need to shine every day and I hope you know that. I'll be here when you have a horrible day where you can't even get out of bed. Owlheart will be there too. My sun, she loves you so much. You should've seen her after the meeting. When we both were making our own nests she kept thinking of you. We both did. We both love you after all. We'll be there if you let us. I'm not as good as comfort as her, but I'll try my best for you. Both of you. I meant it when I said I'll do anything for you. Maybe all I can do is protect you, but I want to be better. I can see it sometimes. When I see Owlheart showering you with her love. Sometimes you look desperate. Like we're both going to leave you. I won't leave you and Owlheart won't either. We miss you. We miss being together and sleeping in the same nest. Even though we're warriors now that doesn't mean we'll forget all about you. Owlheart and I promised my sun. We promised we'd wait for you. No matter how painful it gets, it'll be worth it. All I want is to hold you in my arms again. To kiss you till you forget your own name. Finally, making you so speechless you can't turn Owlheart or I to mush with your words. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you all alone. When we're together again, we won't let you go ever again.
  • CHARACTER NAME / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3
  • CHARACTER NAME / hearts
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[box=60%][justify][color=#BABABA][font=franklin Gothic Book]text here

[img]https://i.imgur.com/EpC61GT.png[/img][tabs][slide=‧₊˚✩彡][/slide][slide=nothing compares to the fever dream]— crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 14 moons
— polyamorous / mates with [abbr=penned by calzone]oddgleam[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by juice]owlheart[/abbr]
— long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
— may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
— [URL=https://tabbytales.net/threads/just-to-be-a-kid-again-crowpaw.6879/][color=#000]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots
— penned by velou[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
[slide=ABOUT][size=12px][quote][b][color=#000]CROWSIGHT[/color][/b]; formerly [s]crowkit, crowpaw[/s]
[b][color=#808AA7]meaning:[/color][/b] [i]crow ( krō ) n. / a large bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice.[/i] | named for the color of his pelt and loud cries
— [i]sight[/i] given by orangestar to reflect his traits such as diligence, order, and perception
[b][color=#808AA7]opinion on name:[/color][/b] absolutely loves it and thinks it's super cool. wishes he could've hugged orangestar as thanks
[b][color=#808AA7]nickname:[/color][/b] crowie (drowsypaw), darling (oddgleam), [abbr=the love of my life]i'amour de ma vie[/abbr] (oddgleam)[/quote]
— [b][color=#808AA7]gender:[/color][/b] amab cisgender male ; goes by he/him pronouns, they/them is okay
— [b][color=#808AA7]orientation:[/color][/b] unlabeled
— [b][color=#808AA7]rank:[/color][/b] warrior of skyclan / former skyclan apprentice
— [b][color=#808AA7]affiliation:[/color][/b] born and raised in skyclan ; kittypet descent ; wants to spar with other warriors as equals now
— [b][color=#808AA7]age[/color][/b] created on 06.10.2023 at 3 moons / ages realistically every what date on each month / 14 moons
[b]last updated:[/b] [color=#808AA7][b]08.12.2024[/b][/color] penned by velou[/size][/slide]
[slide=VISUAL][fleft][bimg width=200px]https://i.imgur.com/TQZEbvN.png[/bimg][/fleft][b][color=#000]LONG HAIRED BLACK SMOKE WITH HAZEL EYES ND POLYDACTYLY[/color][/b]
finally a warrior, he's a far cry from the puffball kitten others once knew. due to his maine coon genes he is bigger than the average cat, easily towering over a majority of his clanmates. due to silversmoke's training his frame has become bulky. wild and ever unkempt his fluffy thick fur is. the fur around his neck bears an uncanny resemblance to a lion's mane. A small scar across the left side of his lip, exposing a sliver of glimmering pearly whites is the only blemish to his sharp features. two crow feathers are lined on the left side of his neck at all times. Hooded hazel eyes gaze unblinking towards friend and foe alike, seeking information.
↳ 1/2 maine coon, carrying cinnamon and albino

[b][color=#808AA7]demeanor:[/color][/b] his face always appears neutral when at rest, there is no hint of emotion. it may be unnerving to others since it is difficult to discern what he truly feels at any given moment, and it does crowsight no favors that he fails to blink often. as for the way he carries himself, everything is precise. no additional steps are taken to get somewhere if he can help it. unnervingly robotic he is in the eyes of others.

[b][outline=black][color=#808AA7][size=12px]MANNERISMS:[/size][/color][/outline][/b] keeps and maintains prolonged eye contact with those he is speaking with or those he is intrigued by. if he blinks in long and slow intervals, then he is content. it may appear eerie to others, but he is quite happy with whomever he is speaking with. if he suddenly blinks in rapid intervals he is dumbfounded about what was said or done. when whiskers twitch, crowsight is annoyed. if his whiskers and a nose twitches then the apprentice is enraged.

✦ [size=12px][i]accessories: crow feathers (gifted by cherryblossom)[/i]
 [color=#808AA7][outline=black][b]AESTHETICS:[/b][/outline][/color][outline=black][b][/b][/outline][b][/b] [color=white][outline=black][i]text text text[/i][/outline][/color][outline=black][i][/i][/outline] [url=link][color=black]PINTEREST.[/color][/url][color=#B47B84][/color] [/size][/slide]
( [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CreepyChild][color=#000]CREEPY CHILD[/color][/url] ) / [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IAmAMonster][color=#000]I AM A MONSTER[/color][/url] / [url=https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsNotEvil][color=#000]DARK IS NOT EVIL[/color][/url]
[quote][size=12px][b][color=black]( + )[/color][/b][color=#ac7d88][/color] imaginative, perceptive, driven, clever, tidy
[b][color=black]( / )[/color][/b][color=#ac7d88][/color] frank, quiet, sarcastic, gloomy, guarded
[b][color=black]( - )[/color][/b][color=#ac7d88][/color] greedy, unforgiving, deceitful, boorish, moody[/size][/quote][size=12px]
long description here, when i get to it sweats [/size]
[slide=INTERACTIONS][fleft][size=12px]strength ●●●●●●●●○○
stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
agility ●●●●●●○○○○
hunting ●●●●○○○○○○
swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
climbing ●●●●●●●○○○
grace ●●●●●●●●○○[/size][/fleft][size=12px] [B]UNSURE ; UNLABELED ; POLYAMOUROUS
⤷ MATED WITH [color=#ac7d88][abbr='penned by calzone']ODDGLEAM[/abbr][/color] and [color=#E8C698][abbr='penned by juice']OWLHEART[/abbr][/color]
── OPEN TO FRIENDSHIPS & POTENTIAL CRUSHES (one-sided, unrequited)[/B]
• moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust ; once trust is earned he oozes devotion
[color=#FFF0F0][glow=#bcc8dd]+ skilled in climbing, fighting, tracking[/glow][/color][glow=#bcc8dd][/glow]
[color=#7C93C3][glow=#bcc8dd]- poor in swimming, hunting, social situations[/glow][/color][glow=#bcc8dd][/glow]
may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] ; peaceful/healing powerplay allowed
— speech in [b][color=#000]#000[/color][/b] ;  [i][color=#000]thoughts[/color][/i] ; attacks or in [u]underline[/u]
— [b]will[/b] start/end fights ; [b]won't[/b] flee ; [b]might[/b] show mercy (depends on the circumstances)
— [b]smells like[/b] caramel frappe, nutmeg, and pine needles
— [b]sounds:[/b] monotone, sarcastic when he feels comfortable with another  || [b][URL=https://youtu.be/wAbh1QA0u58][color=#000]hajime hinata (danganronpa)[/color][/URL][/b]
✦ [i]scars/injuries: a small scar on his left lip[/i][/size][/slide]

[slide=RELATIONSHIPS] [center][size=9][abbr=penned by dejavu][color=#000][b]BOBBIE[/b][/color][/abbr][b][/b] xx [abbr=npc][b][color=black]DUKE[/color][/b][/abbr][/size][/center]
— raised by bobbie and silversmoke
— sibling to [abbr=penned by scar]drowsynose[/abbr], [abbr=penned by eezy]lupinesong[/abbr], [abbr=penned by pin]candorkit[/abbr], [abbr=penned by saturnid]hollykit[/abbr], [abbr=penned by beatles]lionkit[/abbr]
— mentoring none
— mentored by [abbr=penned by punk]silversmoke[/abbr]
— Mate to none |  Parent to none
[B]close friends with:[/B] fireflypaw
[B]notable friends: [/B] fireflypaw, owlheart, oddgleam
[B]likes: [/B] silversmoke, orangestar, twitchbolt, drowsynose, dawnglare, otterbite
[B]dislikes: [/B] slate, bobbie, candorkit, snakehiss
[B]notable[/B] [B]enemies: [/B] lupinesong
[B]despises:[/B] duke, lupinesong, hollykit, lionkit
[slide=INVENTORY][b][color=#000]CROW FEATHERS[/color][/b] two crow feathers he received from cherryblossom during their apprenticeship ; lined on the left side of his neck
[slide=PLAYLIST][columns=2][b][color=#000]► MY TIME[/color][/b] - bo en
[B]I'D RATHER SLEEP[/b] - kero kero bonito
[B]HEY KIDS[/b] - molina
[B]GOODBYE TO A WORLD[/b] - porter robinson
[B]LOVER IS A DAY[/B] - cuco
[B]HOMAGE[/B] - mild high club
[B]THE FAMILY JEWELS[/B] - marina and the diamonds
[B]AAAAAAAAA[/B] - hatsune miku
[B]I LOVE YOU SO[/B] - the walters
[B]CRADLES[/B] - sub urban
[B]PALE MACHINE[/B] - bo en
[B]EVERY DAY[/B] - bo en
[B]GHOST[/B] - lovewave
[B]EXIT[/B] - koda
[B]I WAIT FOR YOU[/B] - alex g
[B]CRUMB[/B] - locket
[B]JPN[/B] - amend
[B]PURE IMAGINATION[/B] - maroon 5
[B]HYSTERIA[/B] - machine girl
[B]WASTED SUMMERS[/B] - juju[/columns][/slide]

[slide=EXTRAS][b][color=#000]faceclaims:[/color][/b] sunny [ omori ], rwanda [ from the red fog ], yoru [ gokurakugai ], murai yakumo [ blue period ], araya myojin [ act-age ], miya chinen [ sk8 the infinity ], nico di angelo [ percy jackson ], luca balsa [ identity v ], ivan [ alien stage ], hajime hinata [ danganronpa ]

[b][color=#808AA7]triva:[/color][/b] horrendous at hunting any prey that isn't avian. crow love and appreciation of birds is unmatched as he spends his free time bird watching and picking up each birds habits and preferences. he collects anything shiny along with feathers. though, maybe he should consider whether or not to keep collecting more as his nest is littered with feathers and trinkets alike. throwing anything out? that is a tall order for crow, not wanting to part ways with even a pitiful feather that begs to be put out of its misery. ever the greedy tom he loathes sharing, but when it comes to his partners it's more manageable.
→ crowsight believes in starclan's existence considering he's seen blazestar die and return to life numerous times growing up. [/slide][/tabs][/JUSTIFY][/td][/tr][/table][/color][/box]
[box=67%][center][color=#000][b][size=6]TIMELINE AND DEVELOPMENT TRACKER[/size][/b][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][tabs][slide=‧₊˚✩彡]will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here.
[slide=kit][url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[/slide][slide=apprentice][url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[box=71%][center][color=#000][b][size=6]CROWSIGHT'S RELATIONSHIP TRACKER[/size][/b][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][columns=3][abbr='Haven't met']♡[/abbr] Haven't properly met yet
[color=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/color] Loathes
[color=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/color] Fearful of
[color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color] Dislikes
[color=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/color] Suspicious of
[color=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/color] Rivalry
[color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color] Jealous of
[color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color] Distrustful of
[color=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/color] Annoyed by
[color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color] Weirded out by
[color=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/color] Confused / Unsure of
[color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color] Complicated Feelings
[color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color] Wishes to know better
[color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color] Shy towards
[color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color] Respects
[color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color] Comfortable with
[color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color] Likes
[color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color] Finds Entertaining
[color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Friends with
[color=#BC660E][abbr='Close friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Close friends with
[color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color] Safe around
[color=#BC2F0E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/color] Like family
[color=#AE1915][abbr='Family']♡[/abbr][/color] Family
[color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color] Protective of
[color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color] Admires
[color=#D13A86][abbr='Platonic Love']♡[/abbr][/color] Platonic Love
[color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color] Puppy-crush
[color=#D54AE3][abbr='Crushing on']♡[/abbr][/color] Crushing on
[color=#c24ae3][abbr='Head over heels']♡[/abbr][/color] Head-over-heels for
[color=#994ce0][abbr='Romantic love']♡[/abbr][/color] Romantic Love[/columns]
[tabs][slide=family][color=white][b]BOBBIE /[/b][/color] [color=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I don't hate you. I hate that I still love you after everything you've done. Lupinepaw says I don't. I never loved you, that's what she said. I wish that were true, it would've everything so much easier. Sometimes I wish you would just say you hated me mom. That you wished I was never born. Maybe if you told me that I would've stopped waiting for you a long time ago. Hoping and wishing you'd come up to me and say I love you. I'm happy you were born. I wonder if I asked you, would you say it? Even if it was a lie? After all, you always loved Lupine and Drowsy more. And even if I was your only kit, you'd still pick him over me in the end wouldn't you? Please, just tell me. What's wrong with me? Do I remind you too much of dad? Is that why you never look at me? You stopped being there for me. I hate you for it. All I wanted was you. ALL I HAD WAS YOU! I'M! I'm... I'm so tired mom. Please... just tell me you never cared, so I can stop hoping for something that'll never come true. We both know I don't matter much. It should be easy! It's as simple as picking ticks. Once you've picked it, you'll feel so relieved. We'll both feel so much better. And what better time than now? After all, you have three new kits to look after now! A fresh new start. It's the perfect time to get rid of what you don't need. It's not like you'll miss it. I'm willing to bet you'll forget it ever existed in a moon![/quote]
[color=white][b]DUKE /[/b][/color] [color=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]You're still a mystery to me. The only things I know are from mom, and even then she doesn't tell me everything. We never met, but I know you're a terrible tom. You left mom when she needed you. I wish I could see you, so I can finally know if I look like you. Would you laugh if you saw me? After all, isn't it amusing to see your son turn out just as ugly as you? What lies would you tell me? If I'm selfish then so are you. Maybe even more than me. I wish I could kill you for everything you've done. But... Maybe you do know what's wrong with me. If I'm just like you, then maybe you know what's wrong with us. Will I finally get an answer to everything?[/quote]
[color=white][b]DROWSYNOSE /[/b][/color] [color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]Sometimes I think you're the only who actually cares about me. Well, I know Fireflypaw and Silversmoke does. But, I mean out of the four of us. You, me, Lupine, and Mom. Growing up, you never left me behind. You always listened and talked to me. And even when you were asleep, I never felt alone. I'd leave you gifts and you would come thank me. Mom and Lupine don't thank me. Would it make you sad to know you're the only one whose actually hugged me? Mom and Lupine haven't hugged me in moons. I'm starting to forget when was the last time they did. Something happened to you. I'm going to figure out who hurt you and make them pay for it. No one hurts my brother and gets away with it. Did you know? I was going to cry when you hugged me tight. You... Thought I died. I don't know why, but it made me so happy. Now I know if I did die, you'll cry for me. You'll miss me. More than mom and Lupine ever will. I'm happy we're brothers. And... If anything happened and I did wind up dead, I'll be watching over you. You'll never be alone.[/quote]
[color=white][b]LUPINESONG /[/b][/color] [color=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]There are times where I want to choke you and see you squirm helplessly under me. Then, I think about the past when I wanted to show you that I'm just as good as you. Growing up you always perfect. A shining star out of the three of us. Drowsy agreed too. We talked about you and how we wished we were just as gifted. I'm weird and terrible with talking to others. I knew I could never catch up, so I thought maybe if I became stronger I could prove that I'm your equal. Life isn't that simple though. Not only did you become popular, don't think I don't see you surrounded by the other apprentices and hear them say good things about you, but you took away my first friend. You didn't even care. Couldn't you just let me have one thing? You already have so much, why'd you have to take it? Then, you have the gall to look at me in my face and say everything is my fault. My fault that I don't have what I want. When isn't it? Tell me, when is it never Crowpaw's fault. It's always me. Don't you think I get I'm a mistake? At least I can admit that, but you? Nothing is ever your fault. Whenever you cry there's always someone coming to comfort you. How is that fair? No one gives me a hug or tells me it's okay when I make a mistake! I'm sick of it. I'm going to beat you just watch. I'll be strong enough that you won't take away anymore from me. And the next time you come crying to me for help, you're not getting any.[/quote]
[color=white][b]CANDORKIT /[/b][/color] [color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I'm supposed to be your big brother, but I don't like you. The more I look at you and the others. the more I wish I could throw you off the tallest tree and hope you get hurt. That makes me a bad cat, doesn't it? You haven't done anything wrong to me yet. To be honest I'm not happy you were born. I'm still furious mom didn't even bother to tell us she was going to mates with your father. Anyway, I don't want to near you at all. The only thing I can promise is making sure you don't do something stupid and die. Don't expect anything else from me.[/quote]
[color=white][b]HOLLYKIT /[/b][/color] [color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I have no interest in being close to you either. I'd prefer it if you just called me Crowpaw and nothing else. I refuse to answer to big brother. Like Candorkit and Lionkit, I'll make sure you don't die. Mom would be sad if her precious babies got hurt after all. You look a little more like mom that I don't know if that makes it worse for you or better. Oh well, it's not like I'll stick around long enough to figure out how I feel. Enjoy mom while you can.[/quote]
[color=white][b]LIONKIT /[/b][/color] [color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I refuse to look at you the most. You're too much like Blazestar that I don't even want to begin to think about him. It's too disturbing too look at you and be enraged when all I can see is your dad's ghost watching me with disappointment. Maybe that makes it worse? Knowing that he's there judging me, but I shouldn't feel like it's wrong to want nothing to do with you. After all, your father hurt Fireflypaw. Our parents, hurt us. They didn't care to ask what we would feel. So... I shouldn't be punished for not being happy about any of you being born.[/quote]
[slide=clanmates][color=white][b]SILVERSMOKE /[/b][/color] [color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#AE1915][abbr='Family']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#B32548][color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]We aren't related by blood, but sometimes I wish I was. You told me you'd make an awful father and that you didn't know how when I asked you to be mine. I still don't know why you said yes. I'm happy you did though. We both have terrible dads. Actually, that's wrong! I have a great dad. He can be stubborn and gruff and mean and drive me insane sometimes, but he's also awkward. Kind, apologizes when he does something wrong, supportive, pushes me when he knows I can be so much better, drags me to get help when I'm too stubborn, tells me the truth, and has always been there for me. Even at my worst. I'm not the greatest cat out there I know. I'm moody, stubborn, selfish, and say things that hurt others. But you never gave up on me. I hope I can make it up to you someday. I'll be a warrior soon and it won't be the same between us. That scares me. I don't want you to forget about me dad. But I'm excited too. When I'm a warrior I'll get to do more things and you won't have to protect me as much! When I'm a warrior I can protect you too! I want to make you proud not only to have an apprentice like me, but a son too. I know you see me that way. You're not good at hiding it. No matter what happens you'll always be my dad. Nothing will ever change that. I hope I can be a little but cooler than you someday, so get ready! I'll be asking for so many spars you'll be sick of it! Oh and... I love you dad, thank you for everything.[/quote]
[color=white][b]SLATE /[/b][/color] [color=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I used to hate you more when I was younger and that was because you became Cherrypaw's mentor. She wanted Figfeather to be her mentor, but Blazestar thought you'd would be better for her. Maybe I'd loathe you now if she and I were still friends. Don't get me wrong I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. If I had to pick between you or throwing myself in the river I'd take the river any day. Honestly, I think you're a jerk. A lot of the times what you say is so stupid I don't get how you're a lead warrior sometimes. I'm just glad that Orangestar didn't make you deputy. Although if there's something good about you it's how flustered you get when she's around. That's a nice look on you. Not so high and mighty now, huh? I don't care much about you. I mean sure I have to listen to you and not get on your bad side, but I don't respect you. If I was forced to say what I respect when it comes to you, it's how silly you can be. Not sorry, dad's the best fighter in Skyclan not you. It wouldn't be fair of his son to say another tom is better than him, right? I'm sure you'd understand.[/quote]
[color=white][b]TWITCHBOLT /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]Growing up I always admired and liked you. We're sort of the same and it felt like we were both underdogs? Oddpaw taught me that word. Anyway, I wished you were my mentor when I was a kit. It didn't happen of course, but you were my target. The fact that Orangestar made you deputy made me happy because it meant even those who are called weird can be deputies. We don't talk much. Sometimes I wish we could talk more, but I don't know what to talk about. I'll be a warrior soon, so I'm hoping we'll get some chances to hangout! You've really inspired me growing up and even though my path is different now, I just want you to know how much your presence reassures me. I respect you lots and if you ever need me to do something, I'll do it![/quote]
[color=white][b]ORANGESTAR /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC2F0E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]Cherry's pretty mom! Sorry, I had to get that out one more time. I dunno. It's kind of weird. Not you! You're not weird. I mean it's weird how things change and still stay the same. You're not really my mom and I know that, but you were there. I remember when Bobbie went out for a break you took care of me like your own. Maybe it was just part of the job of being a queen, but you didn't have to be nice to me. You could've just made sure I didn't die or something. I know I was one of the worst kits. Throwing tantrums, crying myself to sleep, or screeching until my voice became hoarse. I've always thought you were cool and nice. Growing up, I haven't spoken to you much. It's even harder now that you're leader, but I'm not upset. Even though I'm not your kit, I was shocked to hear you talk about me. NOTHING BAD THOUGH! Just saying how I've improved and how time changes things. It probably didn't mean much to you, but it makes me happy to know you're still looking after me in a way. Although... Not gonna lie I'm a bit scared of how you feel about now. Now that I'm dating Owlheart. I hope you're not mad at me and if you are then I hope not too mad. I promise one thing Orangestar. I'll do my best for Owlheart and try not to hurt her. And if you want to test me then I accept. I'll prove myself worthy of her.[/quote]
[color=white][b]CHERRYBLOSSOM /[/b][/color] [color=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]What happened to us? We used to be best friends. Did I do something wrong? I know I do a lot of things wrong, but you usually tell me. You haven't told me anything. I'm angry at you. When I was sick you didn't visit me. You talked to Lupinepaw a lot. I was there too y'know? And then you left. Is that where it all went wrong? When you left? And then when you came back, I couldn't see my best friend anymore. When we did talk, it was like you didn't want to even look at me. You were always running off. I'm starting to wonder if we were really friends. I don't remember a time where you actually listened to my problems. I was always following you. You were everything to me. And then... It meant nothing. Do you even remember me? The fun times we had? The way we used to laugh together? Or were you faking it all along? I can't tell anymore and maybe I really am stupid. I want to believe that I meant something. That at one point in your life you liked me. Cared about me. I still have the feathers you gave me. I still wear them. When you started to talk to me less I still wore them. After you left I still wore them. And when you came back I still wore them. Even though we aren't friends anymore, I still wear them. You don't react to them. I guess I was forgotten? I'm hoping you'll give me an answer someday, so I can finally stop holding on for something that's over. I'm frustrated, sad, and honestly I... I'm grateful for everything you taught me. Cherry, you were my first friend. I miss you.[/quote]
[color=white][b]OWLHEART /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]I'm one of her partners. She's beautiful. If I could I would ditch patrols and other duties just to hold her forever. I'd love that. I love her. I see the way she holds our sun so gently and all I want to do is watch until the moon rises. I'm not jealous. Why would I be when I know that my heart belongs to them? They both love me and I love them, seeing Oddpaw burry his little nose in her fur does something to me. I don't know what it is. Just watching them makes me excited? I want to jump on them for some reason? I dunno know, it's weird. I... I want to jump on them. Hold both of them down, not enough to hurt them. Stars, that's the last thing I want. I don't want to accidentally hurt her or him. Surprise them and kiss them both forever. When... When Owlheart speaks I could listen to her all day and night. Her voice is like listening to the river, it lulls you to sleep and makes you feel safe. I always want to be with her. Protect her, help her when she asks, and finally get better at hunting so I can bring her favorite meal. We aren't sleeping in the same nest for a moon. It's so fucking difficult not to grab her when our nests are so close. I want her. I want her so much. The selfish part of me wants to run away with her and take Oddpaw with us. That way we can all be together the way we want to. We don't have to work all the time. We could spend all day kissing and cuddling. I'm a light sleeper so I'll stay up watching both of them and fighting off anything that tries to hurt us. I know it's wrong and I wouldn't actually do that to her or him. Owlheart. I think that's a fitting name. You're so unsure of yourself and shy, you think you're weak. I don't think so. I think you're kind and the one of the strongest cats I know. More than me, I hope you'd realize that someday. Owlheart, is a wonderful name. I know your mom probably meant you're compassionate and kind, which is okay. There is nothing wrong with that. I think it's fitting because you have mine and Oddpaw's too. Never forget that.[/quote]
[color=white][b]ODDPAW /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]Maybe I should call him mouse with how cute their squeaks are. I still can't believe they bit me. Got 'em back though! Watch this turn into a biting war, not that I mind. I love them. I love Oddpaw and I'm one of his partners. Sometimes I can't believe it. It feels like only a few sunrises ago when I was asked to be friends. I couldn't say no, not with a smile like that and how honest he is. I knew right and there I liked him. Not the way I do now, but I promised myself even back then I would look out for them. We'll be best friends till the end. It's different now though. I'm happy he gave me, no us, both Owlheart and I a chance. Oddpaw trusted us. My sun, always making us laugh and look forward to another day. Even in the toughest times, our sun shares their light. That's not entirely why I love you. It could never be just that. You're more than a cat who makes us laugh and smile. Oddpaw you don't need to shine every day and I hope you know that. I'll be here when you have a horrible day where you can't even get out of bed. Owlheart will be there too. My sun, she loves you so much. You should've seen her after the meeting. When we both were making our own nests she kept thinking of you. We both did. We both love you after all. We'll be there if you let us. I'm not as good as comfort as her, but I'll try my best for you. Both of you. I meant it when I said I'll do anything for you. Maybe all I can do is protect you, but I want to be better. I can see it sometimes. When I see Owlheart showering you with her love. Sometimes you look desperate. Like we're both going to leave you. I won't leave you and Owlheart won't either. We miss you. We miss being together and sleeping in the same nest. Even though we're warriors now that doesn't mean we'll forget all about you. Owlheart and I promised my sun. We promised we'd wait for you. No matter how painful it gets, it'll be worth it. All I want is to hold you in my arms again. To kiss you till you forget your own name. Finally, making you so speechless you can't turn Owlheart or I to mush with your words. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you all alone. When we're together again, we won't let you go ever again.[/quote]
[/slide][slide=other clans][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[slide=loner/rogues][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[box=67%][center][font=times new roman][size=21px][color=#000][glow=#808AA7][b][s][color=transparent]—————[/color][/s]『[ABBR="The day I lay naked in the dirt, if i cross the Jordan River alone"]벌거벗고 흙속에 눕는 그날 홀로 요단강을 건너가면[/ABBR]』[/b][/glow][/color][/size][/font]
[color=#000][font=arial][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][size=12px][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/just-to-be-a-kid-again-%E2%80%A7%E2%82%8A%CB%9A%E2%9C%A9%E5%BD%A1-crowpaw.6879/][color=#8f9bb0]biography[/color][/url] | [i][b]from then on, will I not need to cry? the eternal time has waited for me[/b][/i][/color][/center][/box]
[box="margin:auto; width: 40%; text-align: justify;line-height: 140%; color:#BABABA; margin-top:-10px;"][fleft][bimg width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/6B1KO1s.gif[/bimg][/fleft]
[font=times new roman][size=20px][color=#000][glow=#808AA7][b]CROWSIGHT[/b][/glow][/color][outline=#000] [ [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/just-to-be-a-kid-again-%E2%80%A7%E2%82%8A%CB%9A%E2%9C%A9%E5%BD%A1-crowpaw.6879/][color=#BABABA]STORAGE[/color][/url] ][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=17px][color=#8f9bb0]DOING WHAT YOU DO, ALWAYS[/outline][/color][/size][/font][/box]
[box=67%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=general ✧][size=20px][b][color=#000][s]CROWKIT[/s] [outline=gray]CROWPAW ;[/outline][/color][/size] wishes he was as beautiful as the bird he was named after[/b]
[quote]crowpaw is a skyclan apprentice who carries kittypet blood within his veins. he is more than aware the scorn those have towards him because of his blood. he wishes to become strong, no longer burdening those he loves with his faults. with silversmoke's guidance he hopes to become the greatest warrior of his time. in the meantime, he is ever the strange apprentice whose words and thoughts can be as sharp as an adder's fangs.[/quote]
↳ named for the color of his dark pelt.
— male; he/they pronouns; undecided sexuality
— apprentice of skyclan, wishes riverclan could sleepover again; kittypet descent
— created 06.10.2023 at 3 moons / ages realistically on the 15th each month / 10 moons
[fright][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/aRjB2q1.png[/img] [img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/TwFM5Tx.png[/img][/fright]↳ penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/velou.116/][color=#000][b]velou[/b][/color][/url]; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b] (if u have them!!)

[tab=appearance ✧][fleft][quote][bimg width=200px]https://i.imgur.com/TQZEbvN.png[/bimg][/quote][/fleft][b]A LONG HAIRED BLACK SMOKE TOM WITH HAZEL EYES[/b]
as time has passed he's looking less like a puffball compared to when he first entered this world. despite looking less like a pom pom, his long fur is wild and unkempt. with the loss of baby fat his features have become sharper. some of the main coon traits he inherited are a distinctive long and triangular shaped face, and the tufts at the tips of his ears. due to his father's blood (maine coon) he has gone through quite of a bit of a growth spurt. crowpaw looks older than those around his age due to his size. under silversmoke's somewhat intense training, he's built quite a bit of muscle. it is apparent that when he's a warrior he will be bulky. the young tom also has additional toes (polydactyl). recently he has a gained a small scar across the left side of his lip, exposing a small gimmer of pearly whites. with his habit of collecting feather's he decorates his fur with them. he typically wears a two crow feathers lined on the left side of his neck.[/tab]

crowpaw may cause some worry as he is not the most talkative or expressive. the reality is that crowpaw is quite shy, he finds it difficult to join groups easily. in most cases he has to be taken care of or led around by someone, which leads him to have complicated feelings towards. he is aware that he is a kit and requires help, but he feels guilty of receiving it. this warps into him thinking that he doesn't provide for his family or friends, so he struggles with finding his own balance in terms of asking and receiving help and his own worth. it is important to note that he is not difficult to befriend. despite his quiet and shy nature he is an excellent listener. it is because of his nature that cats are more likely to share their worries with him, which he will listen and give his own thoughts on sometimes. most of the time he will remain quiet and allow cats to get it all out. by extension he is an excellent secret keeper because he will not bring up what others have told him, nor is he interested in drama. crowpaw has a good memory which is a double edged sword. as a result of his good memory he will not easily forgive past hurts and will bottle them up. consider moments where there is disconnection between truth as strikes. the more a cat goes back on their word and doesn't follow up with their ideals he will lose all faith in them and call them out before completely cutting them out of his life. every strike he is not afraid to express his displeasure in the form of actions, words? that is the last straw. despite crowpaw appearing soft, he angers easily. if someone is talking too loud or someone chewing with their mouth open, he is already upset. if anything his day is ruined as far as he's concerned. overtime he will be better at managing his anger, but for now he will think a cat snoring is world ending.

[subquote=#000]keeps and maintains prolonged eye contact with those he is speaking with or those he is intrigued by. if he blinks in long and slow intervals, then he is content. it may appear eerie to others, but he is quite happy with whomever he is speaking with. if he suddenly blinks in rapid intervals he is dumbfounded about what was said or done. when whiskers twitch, crowpaw is annoyed. if his whiskers and a nose twitches then the apprentice is enraged.[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=relationships + interaction ✧][quote][b]SINGLE? ; UNDECIDED SEXUALITY; UNSURE[/b]
moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned he oozes devotion
[b]SOUNDS LIKE:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/f91QXN8JfgQ?t=65]ash (fantastic mr.fox)[/url]
[b]SMELLS LIKE:[/b] [s]fern and bramble.[/s] pine needles, sycamore, and the river air.
speech is [color=#000]#000[/color][/quote]
[b][color=#000][abbr=played by dejavu]BOBBIE[/abbr] xx [abbr=NPC]DUKE[/abbr][/color][/b] brother to [abbr=played by scar]drowsypaw[/abbr], [abbr=played by eezy]lupinepaw[/abbr], and [abbr=played nazali]plaguepaw[/abbr] | mentored by [abbr=played by punk]silversmoke[/abbr]
Mate to none | Parent to none | [url=https://familyecho.com/?p=START&c=dcaluolb1i3pzyg5&f=618095922418743362]family tree[/url]
[b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] brookpaw, otterpaw, fireflypaw
[b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] bobbie, lupinepaw, littlepaw[/tab]

[tab=playlist ✧][columns=2][b][color=#000]► MY TIME[/color][/b] - bo en
[B]I'D RATHER SLEEP[/b] - kero kero bonito
[B]HEY KIDS[/b] - molina
[B]GOODBYE TO A WORLD[/b] - porter robinson
[B]LOVER IS A DAY[/B] - cuco
[B]HOMAGE[/B] - mild high club
[B]THE FAMILY JEWELS[/B] - marina and the diamonds
[B]AAAAAAAAA[/B] - hatsune miku
[B]I LOVE YOU SO[/B] - the walters
[B]CRADLES[/B] - sub urban
[B]PALE MACHINE[/B] - bo en
[B]EVERY DAY[/B] - bo en
[B]GHOST[/B] - lovewave
[B]EXIT[/B] - koda
[B]I WAIT FOR YOU[/B] - alex g
[B]CRUMB[/B] - locket
[B]JPN[/B] - amend
[B]PURE IMAGINATION[/B] - maroon 5
[B]HYSTERIA[/B] - machine girl
[B]WASTED SUMMERS[/B] - juju[/columns]

[tab=skills ✧][columns=2][box=100%][quote]●●●○○○○○○○ [color=#000][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]mediocre[/i]. his mentor avoids teaching him how to hunt, so crowpaw teaches himself or by watching others.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●○○○○○ [color=#000][b]CLIMBING[/b][/color]: [i]average[/i]. climbing is not difficult for him and it only seems like he is getting better.[/quote][/box]

[box=100%][quote]●●●●●○○○○○ [color=#000][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]average[/i]. able to find prey, not an expert. is better at tracking birds than rodents.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●○○○○ [color=#000][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]above average[/i]. requires a little help when it comes to finishing fights against more experienced enemies.[/quote][/box][/columns]

[tab=extra]i'll come back and edit this later
[box=60%][justify][color=#BABABA][font=Cambria]text here

[img]https://i.imgur.com/EpC61GT.png[/img][tabs][slide=‧₊˚✩彡][/slide][slide=nothing compares to the fever dream]— crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
— undecided / polyamorous / padding after [abbr=penned by calzone]oddpaw[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by juice]owlheart[/abbr]
— long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
— may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
— [URL=https://tabbytales.net/threads/just-to-be-a-kid-again-crowpaw.6879/][color=#000]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots
— penned by velou[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
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