just wanna be like you | ghost & nut


sit down, stand up, pass out.
Dec 11, 2022
After her little chat with Nut, shes felt lighter than ever. She had met a fellow soldier who knew the gore and his way around the battlefield and it was nice not having to shoulder that alone. Moth wasn't sure how long she could keep things up without shattering beneath her personal sins, the weight of those who had met her claws. She swallows hard as she returns from her hunt empty-handed, a hiss of frustration tumbling from her jaws.

The frigid dawn air cut through her pelt the whole time, biting winds from the night before, god dammit! She wants to return back to her nest, grumbling to herself before she spots Nut, her best friend within the clan, and Ghost, Nut’s friend. She prances over to them with a smirk, swishing her tail. "Oi, boys! You free this morning? We can head out and I can teach you two to hunt rabbits real windclan style!"

// rabbit hunting squad COMMENCE!!! @GHOSTSTRIKE @Nutsprout
❖ It was like the cold was getting more frozen day by day. There was a wind chill now and snow whisked past with the breeze, and Nutsprout found himself shaking slightly in the cold. There was a sickness going around the camp and with this cold, it was no surprise. There wasn't enough herbs, not enough prey, and not enough space for all of them.

Those promises Sootstar had made looked to not be upholding enough, and he wondered if some of the rogues had figured that out yet.

Still, he was thankful for the home and spot in the group, but there had been talk of never going hungry and an easier leaf-bare. This leaf-bare seemed to be taking quite a turn and very quickly. Nutsprout gave a small shake of his head to dislodge the thoughts and looked up to the cat beside him; Ghoststrike. The grey tabby had not been looking good lately and he wondered if the other had food poisoning or something else. Could he have gotten sick? No, that was unlikely; the Coalition made sure each solider could withstand even the most crueling illness.​

Before the lilac tabby could ask Ghoststrike about how he was feeling, maybe even suggest seeing Dandelionwish, when a friendly face trotted over. Nutsprout found himself perking up slightly at the sight of Mothmeadow and sat up a bit straighter, giving a small smile at her smirk and raised a brow.

Real Windclan style? What? Were they going to grow wings like some of these cats seem to have; many Windclanners were fast. They had the long legs for it and small stature, while Nutsprout was more so broad and short. Ghoststrike was also large and broad so he wasn't as fast as those with slimmer builds. Though the lilac tabby couldn't just say no to Mothmeadow and he gave a little chuckle, "I didn't know you could fly, Moth," He mused to her with a twitch of a curled ear. ​


Life had not been kind to Ghost. It had not been kind to any of the Soldiers within the Coalition. Mass produced in a program to create expendable fighters for the main group, most of them didn't live to see their first year, let alone get the chance to experience a full life. Torn apart by dogs or rival groups, it was a cruel, painful fate that awaited most of them. Sometimes though, Ghost wondered if it was better that way.

He'd been born under a different name, the eighteenth kit born in that very first wave of child soldiers. And aside from Nineteen -a tomkit from the litter after his that eventually went on to serve as his squadmate- he'd outlived every single one of the cats from those first five litters. And every few months another wave of new soldiers was born and then trained, sorted into squads and thrown on the frontline to chase out stray dogs or ambush rival groups. And he watched them die to.

In the beginning it used to hurt. Every time he lost a friend it was like a knew knife lodged itself into his chest. Everytime he was given a new soldier to work with or was placed in a new squad, a piece of him died when they did. And so he'd learned to stop making friends. To stop caring altogether.

And thus, Ghost was born.

The day the Coalition betrayed him and his group, slaughtering his squad in a double-cross that only farther proved how little the higher ups thought of the soldiers, he'd made sure to let Eighteen die there too. No more weakness. No more pain. None of the things that were attatched to who he used to be.

Because the things you cared about were the things that hurt the most.

"Oi, boys! You free this morning? We can head out and I can teach you two to hunt rabbits real windclan style!"


He wasn't surprised at how close her and Nut had gotten since the Rogues first joined, both of them seeming to share a similar spark. Ghost couldn't say he shared it with them. He'd learned to stop shining ages ago, more at home in pitch black and shadows. He was wary of her in the same way that he was wary of Puff, concerned of the effect she'd have on his fellow soldier. He'd already lost Nineteen to the softness of another cat, and for some reason the idea of losing Nut to another left some part of him agitated.

That being said, he didn't dislike Mothmeadow.

"I didn't know you could fly, Moth,"

Ghost made his way over alongside the lilac tom, stoic and silent as the two exchanged words.

He'd only hunted rabbits a few times with Nathanos back when they'd both joined, the two of them working as a team to capture the long-eared bastards since both toms were ridiculously large. And that by no means meant that Ghost was slow, because he wasn't. His legs were long which made for large strides, and his reflexes were shockingly fast, but none of that changed the fact that he was a heavy cat, not build to excel and turn on a dime like most of the Windclanners were. Nut, while much shorter, was a stocky cat with muscle mass that probably didn't help him out all that much either, but since the scottish idiot didn't seem like he was about to turn down her offer, Ghost figured he'd might as well go to keep an eye on things too.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with learning some new tactics, even if he could only ever apply them in theory.

"It's in her name, ain't it? Moths fly." he replied to Nuts comment before letting dark amber eyes land on Mothmeadow. "I used to hunt rabbits with Nathanos when we first joined, but the bloody things are too quick for me to catch on my own. Don't suppose you got any tips for that outside of 'get faster', do ya?"

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes
