It was hard for Cloudypaw to find anywhere she was entirely comfortable anymore. The camp was doubtless the safest place to be, but it was so busy with the bustle of daily life that it was hard to feel at peace there. Even at night, she went to bed in a den with so many unfamiliar faces, and with all the new apprentices now it was even more crowded. Outside the camp, there were less cats about at least. It felt so dangerous to be out there on her own though. She kept imagining a badger jumping out of every bush.

At the moment, the place she liked the best was the great sycamore. It felt nice to curl herself up in its roots and rest for a while. There weren't many cats around and if anything attacked her, she could try and climb the tree. Even if she wasn't sure she could succeed.

That's where she stole off to this morning, just a bit after sunrise. She was doing it more and more often recently, with how crowded the apprentice den was. She made her way out of camp amidst the flurry of activity, and headed straight for the great sycamore. It was exactly as she had left it. A sigh of contentment left her as she curled up under it.​
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Morningpaw is newly-apprenticed, but she is thoroughly versed in ThunderClan's territory even before her obligatory territory tour. She's traveled the oak forest, in tow behind Little Wolf, so many times by now that she's comfortable among the fallen piles of leaves, the rustles and strange noises that emit from the undergrowth, the smell of the leafmold and faint but warm prey scents. She can find her way to the SkyClan border by heart.

Despite all of that, Morningpaw does not ever leave camp by herself. Wolfwind is busy this morning, had told her to prepare for an afternoon training session, but she spots silver-blue through the gorse and treeshadows and decides on a whim to follow.

Cloudypaw seems to have a destination in mind; Morningpaw tracks her with curiosity burning blue in her eyes. She goes to the Great Sycamore, curling up comfortably at the twisting roots. The tortoiseshell point blinks. "I-, I'm sorry to have followed you, but..." She flicks her ear. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Do you mind if I ask... what are you doing out here, by yourself?"

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