pafp K-I-S-S-I-N-G — teasing


Jun 20, 2023

☼—— emberkit is relaxing just outside the nursery (he is so close to being allowed out for real that he can nearly taste it), watching as cats move about the camp in little groups. one day, a day that feel so, so far away, he will be among them. he knows that technically he's going to be an apprentice in only a couple moons, but it feels really far away. he squints, trying to imagine himself as one of those cats, carrying prey and chatting as they weave between the banks of thick grass in camp—or perhaps one of the apprentices sharing a vole and talking training. his overlarge tail twitches in excitement as he thinks about it; surely apprenticeship will be much less boring than kithood! he's so bored right now.

he spots one pair of cats in particular—he squints, trying to remember their names—one with a flaming red pelt he admires from his little seat and the other with fur of a more muted blue tone. it's flamewhisker and flycatcher, he remembers with a start; the deputy and, if emberkit remembers correctly, his mate. the golden tom giggles at the thought, the notions of mates and love far from his childish mind. he notices a familiar pelt nearby, whisper-yelling, "tigerkit! ti-tigerkit!" once he's caught the other kit's attention, he jabs one white-tipped paw at the pair, proclaiming, "look! it's flamewhisker and flycatcher. th-they're in looooove."

  • ooc: please wait for @tigerkit. to post!
    tagging @Flamewhisker and @Flycatcher as our victims >:)
  • hGDbrni.png
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Last edited:
  • Haha
Reactions: Flamestar
there was something the child didn't understand and that was love. well, full adult love, she understood well what it means to love her mom, but like, not the other thing. momma said love was something hard to describe, and that tigerkit will know when and if she falls in love with someone. Her gut and butterflies.

but the only person now that tigerkit loved was herself, and her momma. otherwise she cared deeply for the others. that's how her momma explained emotions and feelings.

the orange and chocolate kittens has her hind in the air, and her face and nose to the ground as she followed behind a beetle that was crawling across the dusty ground, bare of grass that made it easier to follow such a thing.

Her paw lifted, and slammed down to make a gross crunching noise that tigerkit instantly regretted. "Eewwww," she mumbled.

Her ear rotated though, as quickly her attention caught on and her head turned to hear emberkit barely say that Flamewhisker and flycatcher were in love.

A giggle escaped the young girl, quickly ridding of the distance between them. "Do you know that one song? ohhh you gotta know it!" she said as quietly as possible and with a small squeal.

matter of fact, it wasn't actually that quiet.

Little Wolf had held no shortage of love in her life. Since birth she had had the love of her parents, and then the love of her siblings as they had each been born. She had known the love of her own children, and the love shared between friends like Sunfreckle and Flamewhisker. She had even known the love of a mate, though that time had been fleeting and all too short. Still, she does not think herself an expert on the matter. Far from it. When she watches her friends in camp snuggle up against each other she feels a brief pang of loss, and even further underneath that jealousy. Her and Blazestar had never gotten to share such simple moments. Their meetings had been too short, held under the moonlight and always ending when dawn broke the sky and they each had to go back to their separate lives. It is not a feeling she is proud of, this envy, so she buries it deep, ignores it in favor of happiness for the two cats she cares about so much.

Her ears flick as she hears the kits talking and she doesn't look directly at them but her whiskers twitch in amusement at the familiar lamenting and teasing that came when the younger members of the clan saw such displays of affection. Her own kits had acted similarly whenever they had seen her and their father together. 'ewww' was a phrase she had heard commonly. She looks over at Flamewhisker, who lays nearby with her mate and whispers conspiratorially "It would seem you two have a couple of little admirers"
Tansy had been up since earlier in the morning, tearing apart her moss nest to remake it fresh. It'd been a while since it had been remade and there were a couple other stale nests as well in the nursery- why not knock out two birds with one stone? She does not expect to stumble across Sunfreckle's child and little Tigerkit, the latter one being the one that Tansy's gaze lingered on the longest. She did not want the girl to get herself in to trouble, especially not under her watch, so the mossball drops to the ground. She sits, sweeping her tail around her paws and drawing the mossball between her front paws.

The kits are talking about Flamewhisker and Flycatcher, ewww, says Tigerkit and she stifles a laugh. Little Wolf whispers something to them, something that Tansy can barely hear from where she seated herself. Her eyes follow to meet the entwined pair. The deputy and the lead warrior are a perfect example of being in love and theres a flash of burning hot jealousy that dissolves in to something that brings a distant memory to the front of her mind. Brown fur brushing against hers, the prettiest set of yellow-green eyes staring back, paws shuffling on a branch and quiet giggles shared between them. She remembers tipping her head up to stare, she remembers it so vividly, the butterflies had exploded in to flight in her stomach at the meeting of gazes. Am I in love, too? She does not have a good track record, but as she looks at the two lovebirds, something in her mind tells her it'll be alright; love is gentle, love will come. If they were to look her way, she would offer the pair a kind smile.

Don't bother them too much, now, she wants to speak but the words die on the tip of her tongue. She just watches through a gentle gaze, ignoring the burning sensation that heats up her cheeks. Kits will be kits, after all, and they need to figure things out on their own sometimes.

☼—— tigerkit seems a bit grossed out by flamewhisker and flycatcher (or maybe the beetle she'd crushed), but emberkit thinks it's cute. they're in love, after all! the love that's in all the coolest stories, where the noble lionclan warrior rescues his leopardclan love, or two whole clans fight over the prettiest she-cat or tom, and all that. emberkit doesn't really know exactly what being in love entails, but ..... it sounds funny! tigerkit comes over to see, squealing about that 'one song'—emberkit squints before he remembers what he'd once heard some apprentices singing. hopefully he's right, so he looks really smart, he thinks as he proclaims, "yeah! y-yeah!"

their two observers do little to dissuade happy little emberkit from his work, though he returns tansyshine's smile with a wide cheery grin (he likes tansyshine!). emberkit points at the deputy and lead warrior again, taking in a huuuuge breath before he proclaims in a warbling, poorly pitched song, "flycatcher and flamewhisker sitting in a tr-tree, K-I-S-S-I-N ..... G!" he slips up a little and he feels his ears warm, but he bounces on his paws cheerily still.

  • ooc: ——
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

As emberkit inhaled, tigerkit would as well, awfully trying to synchronize with the other kitten singing the song. the tortie would laugh harder than before, almost rolling over in joy.

she liked Flamewhisker, and hopefully she wouldn't take the teasing song awfully. A grin cast her way towards the other female.

then she paused, her face riddled in confusion. "hey- hey emberkit, what even is K-I-S-S-I-N-G?" she asked, a paw reaching to her head to try and thing. whatever the word was, it was spelled out, and she definitely didn't know what it spelled.

It's not uncommon to find Flycatcher and Flamewhisker close together, either sharing tongues, a meal, or simply chatting. The two always seemed to stick close together from as soon as they had met - it was probably part of the reason why they would often get teased for having a crush on one another before they were ready to admit their feelings. They had been lounging together when Flycatcher hears the loud yells from Tigerkit and Emberkit, though he doesn't immediately realise it is about himself and Flamewhisker until Little Wolf leans over to whisper to them. "Admirers, eh?" Flycatcher says, chuckling as he turns to look at the giggling kits. "Almost looks like they're teasing us don't you think, Flamewhisker?"
The greenleaf sun beat down on her pelt, bringing light to what she was named after. Her side slowly rose and fell, slumber slowly overtaking her. It wasn't often that sleep welcomed her, so when it came, she embraced it. She could feel herself starting to drift off. A nap would be nice...her day had been very busy up until now. Flycatcher was close beside her, she could feel the rise and fall of his own side. Up until just recently, they had been grooming each other's pelts, sharing news about how their apprentice's training had been going. Sleep had almost claimed her, when a couple of giggles stirred her. Her ears perked up, but she wasn't aware they were projected towards her and her mate until Little Wolf leaned over and informed them of their 'admirers'.

The fiery Molly lifted her head, turning her gaze towards Sunfreckle's kit and Tigerkit. The pair were singing, a song that she was sure had been pointed in their direction before. Flamewhisker slowly shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment. A warm smile formed on her maw, and she turned to look back at her mate. "We just can't catch a break can we?" she said, her voice laced with a purr. They had been teased for liking eachother before they were mates, and now they were being teased after being mates.

  • Love
Reactions: tigerwing

Since he’d gotten out of the medicine den, Shinepaw had made a concerted effort to stick closer to his mentor. The boy didn’t really know what he could do to help if the older cat happened to hurt himself again, but just being near Flycatcher made him more comfortable.

Since the shaft of sunlight held his mentor in such high esteem, it was no surprise that the immature apprentice didn’t appreciate Emberkit and Tigerkit’s teasings. Sky-blue eyes sparked with annoyance as an all-too-long pelt padded towards the duo. It wasn’t rage, as it was unknown if Shinepaw even had the capacity to get angry at anyone (except himself), but the boy did want the childish taunts to cease. That said, he didn’t quite know why.

Even a cat as empty-headed as Shinepaw could see that the two’s words were hardly insults, but the way they said it, the boy felt he had to retort. “Hey! Flycatcher is so not in love! He’s way too cool for that. He’s got important deputy stuff to do, y’know! So there!” The boy punctuated his utter and complete verbal takedown with facts and logic by sticking out his tongue at the two, only then seeing his mentor and Flamewhisker snuggling nearby. “Oh” he started, a bit stunned. “Uhh…never mind”

In his defense, Shinepaw was quite painfully disinterested in all matters love-related since he’d been a kit, so the news that his mentor had a mate seemed to have skipped over his head like a stone across water. Looking at them now, the apprentice still couldn’t see the appeal of it all. “Weird…” he mumbled under his breath.

Eh, maybe when he was older.​

☼—— tigerkit joins him in his good-heartedly teasing song, both of their warbling voices combining into a terrible chorus of "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" until he collapses in laughter alongside the tortie kit he has now decided is his best friend for sure! emberkit flops on the ground, giggling to himself as he watches the pair of mates until they send him off into another gale of laughter. he's sitting up, still suppressing a last few giggles, when tigerkit asks him a really good question—what is K-I-S-S-I-N-G. the golden tom pauses, catching his lip between tiny milk fangs as he thinks before mewing, "i du-dunno. i didn't even think of th-that, tigerkit. you're real s-smart!"

the two turn to look at him and tigerkit, and though emberkit tries to be respectful and not laugh, he can't help it—he bursts out in giggles again, blue eyes bright with kittish mirth. it's interrupted by shinepaw's arrival, the other gold-pelted tom padded over, retorting that flycatcher was way too cool for love. emberkit glances, confused, between the protesting apprentice and where flycatcher and flamewhisker are cozied up together. fortunately for both shinepaw and the confused emberkit, the apprentice seems to catch himself with a stunned mew. also fortunately for him, emberkit's attention has already been drawn elsewhere as he chirps, "look, sh-shinepaw! our pelts are practically the same color!"

  • ooc: ——
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 2 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Two of the nursery residents are hoping about, singing about k-i-s-s-i-n-g, their little giggles lilting like birdsong around camp. Mousepaw looks up from her bit of vole, blinking at the recipients. Flycatcher and Flamewhisker are lazing about, their tails winding and pelts brushing with familiar affection. Like Little Wolf, something lances through the pale tortoiseshell—though it isn’t quite the same level or type of envy. She has never looked at another cat the way Flamewhisker looks at Flycatcher—and she is sure no cat has looked at her that way. Perhaps they aren’t as pretty; their pelt is dull hues of gray and cream flecked across a messy blanket of white, not a ginger that burns like a sunset.

But maybe that doesn’t matter. There are plenty of ugly cats with mates. She knows this as well as she knows anything.

A creeping anxiety whispers, What if it’s not your looks that keeps everyone away?

Irritation lances through her like teeth, and she takes it out on the young, unfortunate Shinepaw. “You know they have kits together, right?” They snap.

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Her parents had always been together, had always been in love. Stormpaw held both of them in high esteem and watched her paws carefully as the daughter of the deputy and lead warrior. In her eyes, there was nobody more perfect than the two of them, and they alone were her gauge for whatever romantic prospects Stormpaw might have.

So when the chanting and chittering of kits rose with her mother and father as the subject, Stormpaw listened with paws tucked in close under her white chest. It felt strange, she felt a rush of embarrassment for her own parents and looked desperately in their direction for them to correct these silly kits. No such discipline occurred. All the adults were chuckling. Stormpaw bristled with indignation that she was not sure where came from. It was different from Shinepaw's frustration, since the fellow apprentice's mousebrained exclamation made the proud little daughter of Flycatcher even more offended.

Before she could open her mouth, Mousepaw had beat her to it. While the two were not extremely close, she felt a burst of satisfaction and finally felt seen. "You can be in love and still be an important figure for the Clan, Shinepaw." The tricolor apprentice's fur ruffled. "I'm finding Owlear." Despite any sort of "win" that could be scrounged from her pettiness, she felt ugly and sick to her stomach.

"Uh, you don't have to be in love to have kits, bee-brain!" Chickadeepaw rolls her eyes dramatically at Mousepaw and her stupid statement. "My mama had kits all by herself and so did Little Wolf!" She thinks of Skypaw, her quiet friend that had seemingly sprung out of nowhere from Little Wolf alongside their sibling. She and her brothers were all about Skypaw's age, both litters borne of absent (perhaps non-existent?) fathers. Chickadeepaw had never seen her mother cuddled up to a tom like Flamewhisker cuddled up to Flycatcher. Clearly, that was what love was so clearly, her mother had never been in it ever.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jay