Jun 26, 2024
It had been hard to transition into apprenticehood without her friends. She hated being a moon or two older than the rest of them, since it meant that she had to spend those extra moons alone. And with how turbulent things had been for Graypaw in the weeks before his own ceremony, she hated even more that she couldn't be there as close as before to support him. She rested a bit easier knowing that he at least had his brother there, looking out for him. Eaglepaw had been steadfast and reliable for as long as Cloudpaw had known him; always there when you needed him. She missed that about him! Now they were all finally back together again, and her trademark smile admittedly came a little bit easier these days.

She'd been meaning to get the both of them some kind of presents to celebrate their apprentice names, but she'd allowed her training to get in the way until now. Not anymore! Today, she had spent the early hours of the morning with her paws stuck in the clear waters of the river, searching... Searching for just the right thing. It took a while, and she was probably being pickier than she needed to, but this was important! And her persistence paid off, because she came away with the most beautiful little shell. It was a warm brown with streaks of black striping it, and it reminded her of Eaglepaw. It was perfect.

Excitement sped her paws as she bounded back into camp, minty gaze shimmering with anticipation as she spotted him across the clearing. Her timing seemed to be impeccable as well because he was just leaving the apprentice den. "Eaglepaw!" she called cheerfully, flashing him a beaming smile as she skipped over to meet him. "Hi," she exhaled warmly, tail swaying behind her. "I hope i'm not keeping you, but I wanted to give you something if that's okay?" Cloudpaw carefully uncurled her paw, where the shell had remained tucked firmly in between her claws. She held it out to him, lifting her gaze to meet his. "I should've given you this last moon, but I wanted to do something to say congrats on becoming an apprentice! I thought you could decorate your new nest with it." Would she be just a little bit heartbroken if he didn't want to keep it? Absolutely, but he would never know.

  • [ @eaglepaw. <333 ]
  • riVh4nL.png
  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 9 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and elegant.
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He had missed Cloudpaw- sorely, at that, even if he was loathe to admit it. Eaglepaw had every intention of keeping her close to his circle, and being seperated by dens meant he could only visit. 'Visit' wasn't really a word in his vocabulary, though. He was dutiful in every sense of the word, finding enjoyment in serving Riverclan and learning all extents of his talents, rather then spending them socializing in what downtime he could be afforded. (Even as a kit, he was off doing important 'training'.)

Eaglepaw had just barely been aware that Cloudpaw was at the rivers edge as he finally exited the den after a new round of moss, green eyes blinking at the figure that was bounding towards him, Eaglepaw's name called. The sun bouncing off of her, akin to that of moonlit light, and he could all but blink at her briefly before his social instincts kicked in and a small smile found his face. She was somecat he could relax around, even if there was work to be done. Even now, he was mentally tallying that of what patrol was going out at sunhigh, what prey still needed to be caught...

Hi. A breath left him. "Hey." He returned, voice warm, ears perked forward in genuine interest. "I have time, of course." Eaglepaw chuffed lightly in response. He wonders in the back of his mind what was going on just as she revealed the present. Eyes skipped over the stone- thoughtful. Thoughtful. She had become every measure of the word in the time they were separated, and his eyes blinked ever so gently. Brown mottled-black, twisting with stripes that overlaid something he had seen hundreds of times in the water's edge.

His vision lifted, scanning Cloudpaw briefly. "Cloudpaw.. thank you." He says, his tone as warm as before. "I will put it in my nest. That's a wonderful idea." Voice genuine, he leans down to take the stone and place it between his paws. Vision lifts back towards her, smile spreading. "Though, I feel bad now. I'm going to have to find one in return." He offers- Eaglepaw says this as a measure of.. not repayment but fairness. A gift for a gift.
  • "speech"
  • EAGLEPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, six moons.
    LH black tabby with intense, greenleaf-green eyes. a bit taller then average, with a powerful frame and graceful movements, carries himself with pride. normally seen with a slight smile or a serious face. someone you can rely on.
    mentored by npc / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / littermate to graypaw, and streamkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.