private KALEIDOSCOPE (leader's den)


As soon as she had heard the good news, Howlingstar became thrilled. Sun shone through the clouds in her grieving mind. There is a light, a hope for a blooming future within her clan despite the loss she felt. She'd assured Berryheart that yes, his decision had been a good one, and she'd perform the appropriate ceremony as soon as possible so that Lichenpaw could begin his training. But first, there is an important thing that must be done: Lichenpaw's current mentor needs to be made aware. It wouldn't be fair to have Blizzard Fang find out at the same time as everyone else. She isn't sure if his response will be positive or negative; will he be proud to say he partially trained the future medicine cat, or will he be discouraged that his new apprentice is being taken away so soon and his training had been wasted? No matter what his reaction is, she has a solution in mind.

She invited the three cats into her den at sunhigh. When Blizzard Fang arrives, Berryheart, Howlingstar, and Lichenpaw are already there, sitting around in a circle. The tabby turns to meet the senior warrior's gaze and smiles, greeting him with a polite nod and a warm, "Good day, my friend. Thank you for meeting us on such short notice."



The invitation into Howlingstar’s den had caught Blizzard Fang off-guard, especially so when he met Berryheart and Lichenpaw there as well. His brows raised in surprise, but he grunted a polite greeting to them all before turning to face his tabby leader.

”Of course, Howlingstar.” It was hardly a problem, StarClan knows he had been contemplating a nap in the green-leaf sun. ”Is something wrong…?” He glances wearily at Lichenpaw, ”…is he hurt?” A frown hangs on his face, why else would Berryheart be present with them?
————— ❁ —————
There is a jitteriness to Lichenpaw as he sits beside the leader and the medicine cat — two of the Clan's most respected — feeling more than a little bit out of place. The reality of Berryheart's decision is only just beginning to set in. They're going to be training under him. It's almost unfathomable. But in Lichenpaw's nervous eagerness over the medicine cat's offer, he neglected to think of his current mentor.

Lichenpaw is still somewhat wary about Blizzard Fang, still not quite sure about their standing with him. Will he be upset about losing them as his apprentice? They don't know, but the worry for it has them avoiding his eyes, bouncing a little bit in place — partly for nervousness, partly for the lingering excitement.

Is something wrong? asks Blizzard Fang. Is he hurt? Lichenpaw responds with a shake of their head, a nervous chuckle. "No, no, don't worry, I'm — I'm fine, it's —" he catches himself, glances to the other two hesitantly. He's not sure if he's supposed to be the one to say this or not? He's still an apprentice, medicine cat or not, and he doesn't want to get reprimanded for disrespecting them again. That doesn't seem like a good start to his new position.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png

Berryheart had been aware that, in the search for a worthy and interested student, he might end up with a pari of poaching paws. He had a great deal of respect for Fangs, a feeling he hoped was mutual- and he had faith his mother might think of a compromise, in case he took the news of Berryheart's offer and Freckles' subsequent acceptance badly. No sign of these whirring thoughts showed themselves on his face, however- he stood as silent and still as an ice-sculpture as the conversation commenced, all until it felt adequate to give his own opinion.

Freckles assured their mentor that they were alright, and Berryheart moved his head in a slow nod, silently backing up the words of the younger tortoiseshell tom. He cut himself off, however- cast his gaze to Berryheart and Big Mama, and Berryheart slowly blinked lopsided green eyes before turning his gaze upon fangs.

"I offered him the opportunity to learn to heal." A simple claim, and a bespeckled tail motioned toward the apprentice sat beside him. Direct, as always, Berryheart did not waste a single word. "It was accepted." His voice was warm, scarcely but tangibly warm. Upon his face there had settled the crooked curve of a tiny smile. He hoped Fangs would understand, would be proud.
Howlingstar looks from Blizzard Fang to the apprentice at her son's side, blinking at him as he stumbles over his words. He looks to herself and Berryheart and she, too, casts a calm glance towards the medicine cat. He deserves the honor to tell Lichenpaw's mentor what the young tom's bright future holds as a future healer of the clan. When the news is revealed, she nods her head and returns her attention to the senior warrior.

"He's been selected for a great honor, Blizzard Fang. Today, he will be reassigned as Berryheart's apprentice, and at the next half-moon he will go to the Moonstone to be accepted by StarClan. But you're a good mentor and a trusted warrior, and you deserve to pass on your knowledge and skills to an apprentice of your own. Sandpaw is ready to leave the medicine den, Berryheart tells me, and I will be assigning her to you today. She'll need patience, after all she's been through." Ears pricking, she awaits his response and hopes he isn't too dejected.
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Blizzard Fang grows concerned over the stumbling of his apprentice’s words, if they were not hurt, what was it? He follows Lichenpaw’s gaze to Berryheart’s and gives the medicine cat an expectant look, a heavy stone forms in his stomach, when the news is revealed it only weighs heavier.

I offered him the opportunity to learn how to heal. It was accepted.

The striped Tom is confused on how to feel… This was an honor, yes- but he had high hopes for Lichenpaw. He’s spent afternoons brainstorming lessons and teachings, daydreaming of being the cat who sees them to getting their warrior name. He had found a passion for mentoring, now his days would go back to routine, Flycatcher’s patrols and no apprentice tailing behind him.

Blizzard Fang is silent aside from a nod. He’s unable to formulate a better response before Howlingstar speaks. His ears notably prick at the mention of Sandpaw, in an instant he is appeased with the qualms he had on this decision. ”I am honored by your faith in me.” He dips his head appreciatively to Howlingstar. ”I am grateful for the short time I shared with you Lichenpaw. I will use what I’ve learned as a mentor and train Sandpaw into the best warrior she can be.” He is genuine about this and shoots the soon-to-be medicine cat apprentice a smile.