Her earlier attempt at reconciliation had been thwarted, though it was by celebration so she could hardly be upset. Still, she wants to get this feeling out of her chest, this gnawing guilt that urges her paws forward when she can see from the maw of the medicine cats den that the lead warrior is alone. She quickly makes her way over, ignoring the gnawing thoughts and worries and insecurities that whisper that he would not forgive her, that they would sit for moons with this awkward tension between them like herself and Smogmaw now were. She could not afford to loose anymore friends, she simply couldn't. "Mind if I-if I join you. I could help get your back" she offers, single eye gleaming with hope that he will say yes and if he did she would settle down next to him and rasp her tongue over his soft white fur, allowing silence to stretch between them for a few long seconds.

"Frostbite.." she begins during a pause in her groomings "You're - you're a really good friend you know that.. r-right?" what if he didn't forgive her? She is not certain she could handle it. "I'm sorry - sorry for what I said in Chilledstar's den the other day. I know- I know you didn't mean it like that and there's- there's no excuse for the way I treated you. Please... can you find it in that big heart of yours to-to forgive me?" she had been foolish, had almost pushed away cats that actually mattered to her and it would be her own damn fault if they could not let it go. Still, she keeps her gaze trained on that snowy-white pelt as she waits anxiously for the answer.

// @Frostbite : Sharing tongues is a tradition as old as time itself. It's an act of comfort and camaraderie, a sign of trust and respect. Oftentimes, gossip & rumours about clanmates and sometimes even secrets are shared over a grooming session.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
His fur was unruly sometimes and while he had always risen to the challenge of taming it, sometimes he wished he had shorter fur. It was pain enough to keep white fur clean in this marsh, though he guesses it was his fault since he settled here purposefully. He's not looking forward to when he starts shedding his winter coat. Actually, he's not sure anyone is. His fur is going to be everywhere and there's nothing he or anyone can do about it.

He's so focused he almost doesn't hear Starlingheart coming. An ear flicks in her direction as she joins him. "I don't mind." He says. Guilt struck him hard ever since the council meeting where she had snapped at him for his less than sensitive words. He didn't mean them the way she took them, and he had no idea how to apologize. He's never made Starlingheart mad before.

But to his surprise, it's her apologizing to him. He looks at her softly as she apologizes.

"Of course I forgive you. You had every right to be upset, I should have chosen my words better." He said. "You've been through a lot recently, and your anger was justified. I was worried you wouldn't forgive me." He adds with a small smile.​