KAZE // windy, hiding in nest

It was miserable weather indeed, but it seemed even cats like Sunnyday were worthy of small mercies. His makeshift den out in the forest away from camp was sheltered from the harsh wind's forceful blast, though he could still hear it billowing away and making an awful racket. The tom made the decision to forgo hunting in favour of remaining comfortably tucked away in his nest of moss and feathers, though he frowned as he watched the flowers outside his den get blown away. All that effort to add a little life to his home was now gone. Once the winds died down he would be sure to replace them.

With his head perched upon his folded forepaws he peered out at the forest as branches clattered down to the ground. A shudder rippled through him as he imagined the horrible scenario of one landing on a clanmate. "I really hope no one is out in this." Surely the patrols would have been called off by now, no sane cat would be out in such conditions. It wasn't like the clan was going to starve to death from a single day of no hunting patrols. ​