KEEP CALM // adjusting


Sep 24, 2022
) Life went on. Totoro had to accept that, especially as he watched the residents of SkyClan soldier on with their duties, living their lives as they always did. It was comforting, in its own way, but Totoro still felt the sting of grief weighing down upon him. It would take time to find his paws again and he hoped it would come soon.

The tom exhaled loudly as he heaved himself up and left the warriors den so he could join the hustle and bustle, despite the ache caused by his bruises. Maybe getting stuck in with duties would help to clear his mind. It was better than sitting alone and moping. "Anyone going on patrol or something? Any kits that need watching? Cleaning?" Something, he just wanted something to do.
Golden fur glimmered in the sun as dark eyes trained on the warrior. He had heard what happened to Totoro's owner and for a moment - for several moments - the ginger king had felt for the cat. He understood, at least, what that was like. It had been... a while... since he had lost his own human family but it still stung, it still hurt, and - if he wasn't careful about keeping a lid on his emotions and memories - he missed them.

He approaches with a grimace - the closest thing to an empathetic smile he can muster - and shakes his golden mane, a bit uncomfortable and out of his depth. Comfort is not his strong suit. "Ahem. Why don't we - uh -" He hesitates, trying to come up with something that won't remind the younger cat about his recent trauma too much. "- well... the kits need.... feathers. Yes. Keeps them occupied. Care to join me, I need another good climber. Or spotter."
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While she hardly knows Totoro, Bearpaw does know that he's only recently become a full warrior of Skyclan, and not of his own volition. She doesn't exactly understand the idea of choosing to live with twolegs, but frankly it's no more strange than any of the other customs around here, and it's not really her place to judge, anyways. Whenever she had seen him around lately, he had seemed almost a bit lost, and she certainly understands that feeling, even if she hasn't just lost a home like he has. Bearpaw feels particularly lost today, since her mentor hadn't given her any tasks to do or mentioned anything about doing any sort of training, and so when she hears Totoro ask if there's anything to be done her ears prick up. Sure, it's nice to have some downtime, but it doesn't exactly feel like downtown when she knows there's still things to be done.

Another cat that she doesn't know well approaches, suggesting that they gather some feathers for the kits, and Bearpaw stares at her paws for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to ask about joining them. Does gathering feathers need more than two cats? She's never really done something like that before, having only gotten feathers from the ground on rare occasions. And it's not like she's the best climber out there, either; sure, she has some experience, but it's probably not on par with that of the rest of the Skyclanners. Then again, it's not like she's going to feel any more accomplished lurking awkwardly around camp, and if it really is only a two-cat job then at least she'll know for the future. "Could I join too? Only if you need someone else, of course," she asks, padding closer to the two warriors. Maybe she'll get a chance to learn more about climbing, even if it's just to observe someone else doing the actual work.
✦ ★ ✦
) Totoro perked up his ears as he shifted his attention towards Crimsonbite when the other approached and offered up a job. The fat tom wasn't an idiot, he knew that this task was muddled together rubbish, but he'd take it with pleasure. Besides, it was going to bring joy to the kits in the clan so that was a big bonus. "Count me in! I'll be a better spotter than climber, I haven't exactly got the body for vertical ascents, if you catch my drift." The laugh he gave was strained, as if he was scraping the bottom of a barrel for joyous emotions. Maybe finding his former spark was going to be harder than first thought.

"The more the merrier!" The rotund tom would chime as he looked towards Bearpaw. Surely between the three of them they could get a whole heap of feathers, and perhaps he could keep his mind occupied and away from darker thoughts.
"Sure," was the response to the large apprentice's offer. One of the newbies, his brain offers him, her name is... Berry? Bear? Bear sounds about right. He looks the both of them up and down, his mind offering him possible breeds they could be descended from - unnecessary knowledge, really, but it come forth unbidden alongside possible scores. Points added for tipped ears, points added for prominent coloration, points off for unclear striping. Siberians, though he was unsure of how pure either of lineages were. They had the look of climbers, or at least, the musculature of potential ones.

"Spotters are always important. But you -" He swung his great head towards Bearpaw. "- can you climb, or are you willing to learn?"
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As the two of them assent to her tagging along, Bearpaw perks up slightly, mostly in relief that they hadn't turned her away. She offers what she hopes is a polite smile and dip of her head, remaining in place until either of them show any inclination to head out. Will they go far, she wonders, or stick closer to camp? They're looking for bird nests, she assumes, since those are up in trees and seem likely to have feathers, and if she were a bird she wouldn't live too close to a bunch of cats. Especially not if these cats are such good climbers; it seems to be a common activity around here, something that everyone learns eventually. Bearpaw's thoughts of birds and trees are interrupted as Crimsonbite suddenly turns back to her, addressing her climbing abilities.

"Well, I've done some climbing, but I'm probably not as good at it as you are," she admits somewhat sheepishly. Suddenly, she feels a bit silly for volunteering, even if she could still help as a spotter. Not that she really knows what that entails, either - spotting the nests from the ground? Certainly important, though she doesn't see why the climbers couldn't just do that on their own, unless they were going to be in the tree already. Well, hopefully if she tags along as a spotter instead of a climber she'll figure it out as they go. "I'm definitely open to learning how to climb better, though - I can follow your lead," she adds. If he wants Bearpaw to climb, then she'll do her best to climb along, and if he wants her to spot with Totoro, then she'll spot...well, she'll spot something, she supposes.
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