pafp Keep it on the low | Snooping


Settling in Skyclan’s territory is a confusing, exhausting affair. Snakeblink can’t seem to get his bearings. He keeps getting lost among the trees, his paws taking him towards the distant burbling of the water, and the cats are strange, their names often incomprehensible, some smelling so strongly of twolegs it makes his fur bristle instinctively when the overpowering scent of pine isn’t distracting him entirely. He does not know them, does not know what drives them and what secrets they hide, and that — more than anything — leaves him flat-pawed and uneasy.

He cannot do much about his sense of directions; he even hopes that they will not be here long enough for him to find his marks in the dappled shadows of Skyclan’s territory. But learning his way around Skyclanners— that he can do.

Crouched in the shadows of the brambles surrounding the foreign camp, Snakeblink’s eyes follow the comings and goings of Skyclan cats with an intensity that, set in his sly face, would easily pass as calculation. He lingers especially on those wearing kittypet collars, daylight warriors, trying to determine how different they ask from full-time warriors. Two clanmates walk past his hiding place, deep in conversation, and he slinks after them, careful to keep out of sight as he tries to catch their words. What do Skyclanners talk about? What worries are looming over the clan? Hunger, he thinks, but if there is any other threat, this might help him figure it out.

Perhaps eavesdropping on the cats so kindly welcoming them within their camp could be seen as rude… but as long as he doesn't get caught, it shouldn't be a problem.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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Trust had never been the issue with RiverClan's tenure in SkyClan. Star-kissed and vouched for by Blazestar, he had little reason to believe that their neighbours wouldn't try and weather the storm as best as they could, but things were not as straightforward as Silversmoke would like. Cracks in his vision of their ally had already begun to show, faint little marks that did not ruin the appreciation he had for the group, reminders all the same that he needed to stop making idols out of flawed creatures. Outdated morality and undisciplined children aside, some of the group were weird, really weird, weird enough for the spotted tabby to wonder if they had been touched by the same disease that plagued their medics. It had been those whose scents were slightly off the Lead Warrior had kept the greatest eye on, but, at that particular moment, a slightly more familiar face had garnered the male's attention. He had never spoken to Snakeblink, at gatherings they were but two birds passing in the great sky, but he knew the RiverClanner had been loyal long enough to not draw attention to himself. Should have been loyal enough. With the other prowling the shadows like he was trying to kill his clanmates, Silversmoke knew it needed investigating.

Gait strong but eyes lingering on the distant horizon, the Lead Warrior pressed forward, tail lashing to the rhythm of his hind paws. A sharp nod was offered to his clanmates as they passed; a moment of mutual dislike was shared between the one who proudly wore their collar and himself before Silversmoke quickly scooched in behind them. SkyClan's shield was bowed but never broken, be the threat a dog or some RiverClanner skulking about for reasons beyond his understanding. Silence took the Lead Warrior for a while, his glare finding where he'd last seen Snakeblink, then to where the RiverClanner actually was after some panicked searching, his head tipping forwards in warning: 'I see you. top what you're doing, or I'll make sure they see you too'. Claws dug into the earth below, flexing and curling and fidgeting and imagining what would happen if RiverClan's lead had been a rogue instead. A chilling thought, one that didn't bear repeating while he lacked the strength to fully prevent the reality. "What in StarClan's name makes you think you have the time to do..." He paused, ears flicking as if hoping they would catch the right words if they were frantic enough. "Whatever it is you're doing."

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Snakeblink has been doing… whatever it is he’s doing for a long, long time: his instincts are honed to the task, and a well-known shiver crawls up his back to warn him of Silversmoke’s presence a moment before he actually hears the other tom. Unfortunately, the warning comes too late: the intimidating Skyclan lead warrior is already on him before he can turn, let alone appear to be doing something less suspicious.

”Ah, Silversmoke—” Frozen in an awkward crouch, Snakeblink glances down nervously to the curved claws kneading the ground, their wicked points gouging the earth. ”I can explain. Possibly.”

He keeps his voice a low hiss: the other warrior’s silent glare, chilling as it is, has him hoping he can get out of this without causing a scene.

”I am only… finding my marks. You must know how confusing it is to be relegated to another clan’s territory, yes?” He backs up one step, two, putting a safer distance between them. Not that he thinks that Silversmoke would attack him outright… probably not. ”I meant no harm, of course.” A slight chuckle. ”I mean, could you imagine me spying on your clanmates after you welcomed us in? What a silly idea.”

A voice echoes in his mind, weirdly reminiscent of Cindershade’s: you are absolutely making this worse. He glances around, trying to catch the eyes of a helpful bystander — even though he picked this secluded spot specifically so he wouldn’t be noticed.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo
( ) The eye he caught instead was less than friendly.

The sound of Silversmoke's voice had drawn Houndheart over, and she padded over to offer support to her fellow Skyclanner. "What a silly idea." Houndheart echoed Snakeblink's words humorlessly. Blazestar trusted the Riverclanners, and she trusted him, or so she kept reminding herself. For her part, sharing a camp with another clan made her uneasy. Riverclan had been dedicated allies, sure, but desperation could make cats do terrible things. Such as eavesdrop on those who had so graciously offered them sanctuary. Skyclan's leader was wise, but if he had one weakness in her eyes it was his bleeding heart.

Abruptly she perked up and shot him a sharp grin that showed her teeth. She looked as if a squirrel caught under her paw had just told her a particularly funny joke. "You're name was Snake-something wasn't it?" Houndheart asked wryly. "A bit too fitting, I think. Your parents must have had the foresight of the stars." A snort left her, and she glanced at Silversmoke to see if he shared her amusement. She hadn't a damn clue whether this Riverclanner was guilty or not, but he sure looked it. If untrustworthy had a face, then it would be his.

Needless to say, she had no intention of making a move to help him. He had made his bed and she was going to take great joy in watching him lie in it. She had half a mind to call the rest of the clan over to see too, but she'd defer to Silversmoke's judgement for now at least.